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Winery? Nothing — Page 355

A satisfied smile appeared on Baima Tan’s face, and then he stood up straight and reached out his hand to make a gentleman’s invitation: Since we have cooperated, naturally we can’t talk about it casually. We can also exchange some ideas and information.  … ….

After all, he is the elite of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, and some cases also happened in Tokyo. According to Sato Miwako’s ability, there are some valuable ideas that are worth learning from.

“Uh, don’t be so polite, I’m very casual… No, I just don’t need to be like this, just be casual.”

Seeing Hakuba exploring the elegant gentleman’s appearance, Sato Mikazu patted his head uncomfortably, and waved his hand with an embarrassed smile, suddenly feeling a sense of regret.

“Sato is informal, okay, please, I’m used to it in Eagle Country.” Thinking of Sato Miwako’s origin and personality, Hakuba touched the tip of his nose and put away those etiquette.Added an explanation.

“Okay, please.”

Mikazu Sato calmed down, but she was just not used to it, and it wasn’t that difficult to deal with it by disguising occasionally. Besides, he was the child of the police chief of Hakuba, an international student, so this habit was normal.

After all, not everyone is Mu Qiye…

Hey, why do you miss him again?


Watching the two leave, Yamato Gansuke also left.

Hattori Heiji was obviously in a group with Mouri Kogoro and the others, and they trusted each other. Even if he joins, it doesn’t make much sense. It’s better to be alone, or you can find Yui too…

After the two left.

Hattori Heiji looked at Conan and asked a little tangled: “Hey, kid, you really don’t believe it?”

“4.9 You won’t believe it, will you?”

Hattori Heiji glanced blankly, and when he saw Heiji’s appearance, Conan couldn’t help showing a surprised expression.

“Haha, how is that possible? How can I believe such a thing?!!” Hattori Heiji immediately blushed and raised his head to retort: ​​Being laughed at by a kid is too embarrassing…

“Haha, Hattori…”

After some noise, the three returned to the room.

Conan said earnestly: “Hattobe, it seems that I am one step ahead. At the meeting just now, I thought of a very important clue.”

“What? Did you think of a clue? What clue? Little devil!!” After Kogoro Mauri was surprised, he suddenly became excited. He was still dazed just now and didn’t think about anything.

“Haha, is that so? I thought of one too!” Hattori Heiji didn’t give in, with a confident expression on his face!

(For flowers, for evaluation, for reward, for support, for evaluation, for monthly pass, thank you for your support!!!).

Chapter 554: Sister gave it to you!

Villa in Edogawa District.

“Look, Seven Nights, Kira!”

Mu Qiye sat on the sofa with Gui Xin in his arms. Gui Xin held the new tablet and let him look at the website about Kira, his eyes shining brightly.

It’s so cool to be able to die of a heart attack in public!

“Should it be a rumor? If it’s true, ZF should have come out to explain it.” Beside him, he glanced at his sister Gui Xin, and Gui Yanye was somewhat unhappy.

Of course, only a little bit.

After all, she was her own sister, and Mu Qiye was also very kind to her.

Besides, the woman around Mu Qiye is not the only one with her younger sister. For her, thinking about the younger sister is more beneficial, but… it’s just a little bit unhappy, obviously she was earlier…

“Kira? Who knows!”

Youxizi who went downstairs complained and glanced at Mu Qiye: It’s too cruel, you should have a relationship with Xiaolan while Xiaolan loses her memory 09. Afterwards, you told her the truth, really…


She doesn’t go out too often, she browses dramas online, reads magazines, news… She already knew about Kira.After all, who wouldn’t be interested in something so fantastic and weird?

However, it’s just a look. This kind of strange thing is impossible to think about, but what if?She also believed in some miracles, unknown existences.

As for zf…

Even if it’s true, it’s too late for them to hide this kind of thing, it’s weird to say it!

“Sister Yukiko, I want to eat grapes!”

Turning to look at Yuxizi, Gui Xin said sweetly.

Youxizi rolled his eyes and said, “Go wash it yourself!”

This little girl and her obedient sister Gui Yanye are two extremes. They are ghosts and ghosts. Of course, they are also very compatible. At least they are very happy to get along with Guixi.


Gui Xin grimaced at Youxizi, didn’t care, jumped off Mu Qiye with a grin, and the little butt girl Mu Qiye became agitated.

“I’ll leave it to you, my elder sister, I’ll go wash the grapes!” She pushed her elder sister Gui Yanye down on Mu Qiye, winked at Gui Yanye, and then turned and left with a smile.

“Gui Xin!”

Feeling the strangeness of Mu Qiye, a faint pink appeared on Gui Yanye’s face, and he couldn’t help but subconsciously called Sheng Guixin’s name.

“Wash a little more, by the way, squeeze some juice together.”

Raising his hand to hold Gui Yanye who was about to get up, Mu Qiye smiled and told her to lie down, then looked up at Gui Xin and said, at the same time, he skillfully unbuttoned Yan Ye’s shirt and entered…

“Oh, I see!”

Gui Xin waved his hand to indicate that he heard it. Gui Yanye’s face was flushed, and he lowered his head and closed his eyes.Yukiko, who came over, rolled her eyes and her cheeks were slightly hot: Shirou…

“It’s true, it’s been confirmed.” Mu Qiye smiled and moved his body to find a comfortable position.It’s not too secretive news, and it’s okay to tell them.

“Huh? Really? What’s true?” Yuxizi, who was about to leave, was stunned for a moment, and confirmed again: Mu Qiye’s meaning is not to say that Kira is real…

Hearing this, Gui Yanye, whose breath was uncertain, could not help but open his eyes slightly and became curious.

Looking down at Yan Ye, Mu Qiye smiled and said: “Whether it’s Kira or remote control to kill people, it’s true, but Kira is not a god, he passed through a prop called the Death Note, and the Death Note is a Death Note…”

After that, Mu Qiye briefly told them the news that Koizumi Hongzi had leaked to ZF. Hearing Mu Qiye’s words, Gui Xin, who washed the grapes, also brought out the basin for washing the grapes, and he was very excited. listened.

Sure enough, there are gods in the world, and things are true!

With Xizi and Gui Yanye, it is somewhat unacceptable, especially Gui Yanye, who is obviously a world of technology, how could there be a god, something like the Death Note, she feels that the world view has collapsed!

“The Hongzi next door is still a witch, what are you afraid of? Don’t worry, it won’t affect you, just do what you need to do.”

After pinching Gui Yanye, Mu Qiye smiled and comforted.

Telling them is to literate them, some big chaebols know it, they don’t know it’s inappropriate, but it’s not for them to worry about this and that.

“Ah, um~” Gui Yanye cried out subconsciously, grabbing Mu Qiye’s hand with both hands through his shirt, after reacting, he immediately turned red, and immediately stopped thinking about it.

Just as long as it doesn’t affect them.

“Hongzi? Koizumi Hongzi is a witch? Flying, the kind that makes medicine?” Yukiko couldn’t believe it. Although Koizumi Hongzi’s appearance was not top-notch, her temperament and appearance were also excellent.

She couldn’t relate to the movie, in the legend, the old figure who was hunched over and hugged in a robe, chanting words around the crucible 150 times.

“Yes, but, Hongzi is more advanced than that witch, Hongzi.”

Mu Qiye smiled and shook his head. She is a witch who has obtained the inheritance of Lucifer, and she came from a high-level plane. It is estimated that even Western wizards are not comparable.


You Xizi was suddenly dumbfounded.

Don’t know what to say: this, is this a joke?

Cut, Mu Qiye is also!

Gui Xin added in her heart, but her face still didn’t change much.

Although Mu Qiye also said that Koizumi Hongzi is very powerful, and she also feels oppressive in front of Koizumi Hongzi, but she always feels that Mu Qiye is also very unusual, maybe even stronger than Koizumi Hongzi!

Moreover, this feeling is getting stronger and stronger!

It doesn’t matter, is it…

Thinking about it, she lowered her head and looked at her chest, thinking of the jade pendant that Mu Qiye gave them before and the strange round brand. Are these two things?

No wonder they told them to take it with them at any time, so it was!

Thinking of this, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, showing a happy expression.

(For flowers, for evaluation, for reward, for support, for evaluation, for monthly pass, thank you for your support!!!).

Chapter 555: Mi Haisha Comes to Tokyo

In a hotel room.

The girl with golden ponytails was lying on the bed holding a note: “So, the way to kill the god of death is to make the god of death fall in love with humans, and then save them!”

A two-meter-high bone frame with scarlet tentacles that tickles a certain anime, standing beside the bed with yellow vertical pupils like those of a wolf, looking at Mi Haisha deeply, but his tone is very soft: ” That’s right, the god of death is an existence that reduces the lifespan of human beings, and when he takes action for the existence of someone, he will disappear without a trace like Sha Shuo.”

Thinking of the one-eyed Geras who was barely a friend, he looked at Mi Haisha with a complicated expression.

Mi Haisha suddenly opened her eyes, looked at Rem and smiled: “Hey, what will happen to Rem? Will he fall in love with me?” This is an interesting and meaningful question.

“Give up, I won’t be killed by you.” Rem looked at Mi Haisha and said without hesitation.He just wanted to fulfill Geras’s wish to protect this human being, but he didn’t mean to die for Mi Haisha.

Besides, if she were to die, more than [*]% of the little girl Mi Haisha would be discovered or used, and the result would not be very good.

“Aha, it was discovered!” Mi Haisha smiled indifferently, knowing that Rem wouldn’t hurt her, and turned to look at the smallpox: “Kira doesn’t know if she knows about this, I’m really looking forward to it. The day we meet him!”

Mi Haisha’s eyes were full of love, and an obsessed expression appeared on his face.


Seeing this scene, Rem’s heart sank.

Although I don’t know what kind of character Kira is, he should be responsible for murders around the world, Mi Haisha and this kind of person…

“You shouldn’t come to Tokyo.”

Knowing that Mi Haisha wouldn’t listen, and some of his reasons, Rem couldn’t help but speak.Mi Haisha is just a poor girl.

“Well, I see, there are a lot of powerful people gathered in Tokyo, and the Death Note can’t be solved. I may also be targeted, I see, Rem~”~”

Rolling over on the bed, Mi Haisha was somewhat impatient.It’s not that I hate Rem, she also knows that Rem cares about her, for her own good, but Kira is probably in Tokyo, she has to come here!

Rem: “…”


Suddenly, his brows were wrinkled again, and he turned to the window: Still nothing, illusion?


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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