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Winery? Nothing — Page 356


Edogawa Villa.

“Oh? Mi Haisha, are you sure?”

On the balcony, Mu Qiye took a sip of juice, and after blocking the sound, he said to Xiao Ai in surprise, “Is it investigated so quickly?”

“More than ninety percent.”

In the smart space, Xiao Ai glanced at the bear on the computer table, then looked at the information on Mi Haisha on the computer and said, “I have already investigated, the director, actor, and some entrepreneurs who died unexpectedly recently, three All seventeen are more or less related to Mi Haisha.”

“There is also a special energy around Mi Haisha. To be cautious, I didn’t get too close. According to the energy response, it can be determined that there is a death energy around Mi Haisha, which should be the god of death!”

As he said that, he waved the investigation data in the form of electrical signals and threw it to Carl.

In fact, if you really want to investigate, it’s not that difficult. Some directors, actors, and even fans died inexplicably. As long as there is enough data, it’s easy to target industries such as actors.

In addition, she has become active recently, and she has no background… Waiting for it to speculate, Mi Haisha is still coming to Tokyo to prepare for a concert. It would be strange for her not to investigate. Of course, it is also an accident.

If Mi Haisha didn’t come to Tokyo for a concert, she wouldn’t investigate Mi Haisha specially.After all, even if it is determined that the actor is from the Sun Kingdom, there are so many stars in the Sun Kingdom that it is not so easy to investigate.

Artificial intelligence is not infinite energy. She has been paying too much attention recently, and Mu Qiye doesn’t care that much. Death God and Death Note don’t affect them that much, and they don’t spend too much energy, but who would think, Mi Haisha is just like that. come up…

“This woman… finally knows how to hide.”

Simply glanced at the information passed by Xiao Ai, Mu Qiye twitched the corner of his mouth, Ye Shenyue knew how to find information on the Internet, this woman even started with the people around her…

Fortunately, few died of cardiac palsy, which is fortunate.

“By the way, I collected some laser rays from the knowledge base, and some information on advanced weapons, do you need it?” Xiao Ai thought about it, and then told Carl.

The biotechnology and computer technology in this world can be considered, but in terms of the development of weapons, except for nuclear weapons, it is a little too weak. According to the inventory of the program, she has also researched a lot of good science and technology in this world. thing.

“‘ ‘Advanced weapons? Is this still in the knowledge base?”

Mu Qiye raised his eyebrows, but didn’t ask any further, then shook his head and said, “Forget it, keep it. Weapons, especially hot weapons, can be used or not.”

Perhaps because of learning magic, he actually doesn’t have much affection for modern weapons and technology, except for entertainment.


Xiao Ai nodded and didn’t care.

Mu Qiye’s strength is really useless, she just said it, and she also doesn’t have much affection for weapons, but Mu Qiye has been involved in too many forces recently, and it is inevitable that she thinks too much.

“By the way, what is Zhibao (De Li’s) doing recently?” Mu Qiye asked suddenly.

It seems that I haven’t seen Shiho in the Shengxian Gorge Courtyard recently.

“… Longevity medicine, biological improvement.”

Looking at Mu Qiye, Xiao Ai’s voice was a little complicated.Through the information she investigated, she found that her appearance was somewhat similar to that of Shiho Miyano when she was a child… Hook…

“This woman…”

He didn’t notice Xiao Ai’s reaction. Hearing this, Mu Qiye had a headache. Is this thing necessary to study?Will I be all right?

Before he could say more, he heard footsteps approaching.

“Has Xizi?”

Mu Qiye yawned, put some empty cups on the table, and stretched comfortably on the reclining chair.

(For flowers, for evaluation, for reward, for support, for evaluation, for monthly pass, thank you for your support!!!).

Chapter 556: Angry, so what?

Looking at Mu Qiye, Yuxizi hesitated for a moment before coming over: “Death God, is the Death Note true?”

In fact, if it’s true or not, she doesn’t care that much, she only cares about the result.

“There is one I made in the drawer of the study, maybe it has some effect, take it.” Looking up at Yuxizi, Mu Qiye just smiled.

Even if Conan was really useless to him and Yukiko came here specially, he would not help him.

Of course, there are conditions. If Conan is courting death, he will not hesitate.

“…Well, thank you.”

A hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, and Yukiko couldn’t help showing a grateful expression on her face.Conan treats Mu Qiye so much, and Mu Qiye also… This thank you is not for her, but for Conan.

“No, it’s human nature.” Mu Qiye smiled and shook his head.

He hasn’t been domineering enough to prevent Youxizi from having a mother-son relationship, and then reminded: “However, you should also know that if he really troubles me, don’t blame me.”

In the future, we will always be the enemy completely, and we have to make it clear.


Hearing this, Yukiko had a smile on her face, nodded lightly and said, “After 150, how he chooses is his business. He is already old and should be responsible for his actions.”

Not counting the beginning, a long time ago, she also knew that Mu Qiye was not a pure good person, not the kind of bad person in the eyes of most people, and some things violated the law and were not accepted by others, especially Xinyi. in this way.

However, she believed that Mu Qiye would not harm her, she was really good to her, and maybe she still liked her a little bit, even if she had a lot of body, but she believed that there would definitely be.

For her, that was enough.

After saying that, he turned and left.

Concubine Mile, who came over, glanced at Yukiko and came over and asked, “For Kudo Shinichi?”

Yuxizi is not the kind of person who doesn’t care about other people, so Yuxizi can avoid others to come to Mu Qiye at dinner, and only Kudo Shinichi can relate to the death and Death Note that Gui Yanye said.

“That’s right, how about you? Xiaolan?”

Mu Qiye stretched his body again, and then sat up.

“You said it!~”

Hearing this, Fei Mile couldn’t help but complained and glanced at Mu Qiye, just told the truth, and it continued to come a few times after that, really…

“Already persuaded, don’t touch Xiaolan in the past few days, let Xiaolan think about it.” Shaking her head with a headache, Fei Miles felt a little strange when she said this.

She is Xiaolan’s mother, dear mother!

However, compared to letting Xiaolan contact Mouri Kogoro again, Kudo Shinichi, the disaster star, is easier to accept.

Now this world is messed up!

Xiaolan is a traditional girl, not a woman.

Even if the memory is lost, the character in the bones is still not lost, just like even if Tachibana Mayo loses the memory, in fact, the reaching out and the style have not changed too much.

This is also expected.

Before thinking of Xiaolan, with a sad and helpless expression on her face, Mu Qiye had the urge to come again: What a bad taste!

Afterwards, he nodded in agreement and said, “Okay, think about it. I also have something to do these days.”

Having said that, he immediately stood up.

“Angry?” Seeing how Mu Qiye was about to leave, Fei Mile’s heart tightened and she was a little worried.

Turning to look at Fei Mi’s expression, Mu Qiye just smiled, walked over, reached out and raised her chin, kissed her, and said with a wicked smile, “What happens when you get angry?”

“(ajej) Don’t make trouble~”

Concubine Miles immediately relaxed, her face turned red, she reached out and gently pushed Mu Qiye away, turned her head to look left and right, only to relax when she saw that no one noticed.

It would be a shame if someone found out, how old is she?

“Hehe, let’s go, next time you’ll be with me with Xiaolan.” Touching Fei Mi’s smooth cheeks, Mu Qiye thought for a while and added, then disappeared and left.

Xiaolan and Concubine Miles…


Even if he saw it not just once, but also experienced it firsthand, seeing Mu Qiye disappear like this, Fei Mi couldn’t help but be shocked and couldn’t accept it.

Good science, modern society, how…

Hey, thinking of the current situation, she, Xiaolan and Mu Qiye couldn’t help but nod secretly, which is also a good thing for their mother and daughter.

Thinking of Mu Qiye’s words before he left, his face suddenly turned red, and he secretly spit: Shilang, bastard, so what…

After finally sorting out her mood, she regained her sensible appearance. She pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, turned and walked towards the restaurant.


After Concubine Miles said this, most people were mostly lost, especially Gui Manami, who was originally a long time… Finally, there are too many women in Mu Qiye, and now…

“Uh, that, I’ll go get the rice.” Feeling that she was overreacting, Gui Manami blushed, and hurriedly ran towards the kitchen.

How can this be?Gui Xin and Yan Ye are both here!

“what happened?”

Sitting on the side, Fei Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that she didn’t have to face it. While she was worried about being bullied by Mu Qiye, she was also a little disappointed.

Obviously only today…

“Uh, no.” After thinking of her mother Fei Mi’s question, Fei Xiaolan raised her head with a somewhat reluctant smile on her face.

Pretending to be deceived by Xiaolan, Fei Mile showed a rare soothing and gentle smile on her face, and said, “Okay, tonight I have your favorite pastries, which I specially bought from Yuanyue Academy. There are Italian-style tiramisu cooked by the chef of the Italian restaurant RistoranteF, baked salmon… I also want hen soup, you are injured, make up for it~”

(For flowers, for evaluation, for reward, for support, for evaluation, for monthly pass, thank you for your support!!!).

Chapter 557: Did you break up with other women?

Nakiri’s house.

Looking at Mu Qiye who came downstairs, Nakiri Xianzaemon was stunned for a moment: “Qiye? Why are you here?” Before, Mu Qiye had never been here at night, and … suddenly appeared from the upstairs again. come out~

Nakiri Senzaemon twitched at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly felt that the Nakiri family seemed to be dangerous all the time, and then he also smiled, stretched out his hand and invited: “Sit down, let’s eat together, Erina, Alice and the others did everything. The fish feast is almost over, and I also helped.”

Mu Qiye is his own person, and visiting at night, even if he comes suddenly, is also a good thing.It’s upstairs again… I guess it came from Koizumi, so there’s no way to set a teleportation point directly upstairs~?

Thinking of this, his brows couldn’t help but jump.

“Okay.” Mu Qiye smiled and nodded and went downstairs.

Looking at Leonora, who was already in the living room, Erina and Alice in the kitchen were also slightly taken aback. It’s rare, the two Nakiri family actually got together!

Of course, Qing Qian Xi Yang was also there.

Glancing at Mu Qiye, Nakiri Onora avoided Mu Qiye’s sight, pretending that nothing happened, and continued to read the newspaper. nodded,

“Mu Qiye!” Upon hearing the voice, Nakiri Alice, who ran out, ran directly over, and Mu Qiye, who went downstairs, stretched out her hand and gave her a big hug.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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