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Winery? Nothing — Page 360

“Qingqian, Mr. Mu!”

Next to the brand-new Mercedes-Benz, Utada in a kimono was a little excited, or looking forward to it, and looked at Mu Qiye curiously.

In less than ten minutes alone, he killed more than 1000 members of the Yamaguchi group. Could it be that Mu Qiye is a master of kendo?It is impossible to be a great master, a twenty-four-year-old swordsman master… Now it seems that he is also the young master of the Shuiyue School!


Mu Qiye responded with a smile, then glanced at her curiously and asked, “What is your weapon?”

To be cautious, he did not let Xiao Ai investigate. If these people with special weapons were noticed by the boss, it would be troublesome.

Looking at Mu Qiye, Utada thought about it without concern, then said with a smile: “Changxin Palace Lantern, what about Mr. Mu’s strength? Grandmaster, Grandmaster?”

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Even if the physique is extraordinary, killing so many people in less than ten minutes is definitely not a first-class level.

“Changxin Palace Lantern? Changxin Palace Lantern of Changxin Palace?”

After being surprised, Mu Qiye touched his chin. He didn’t expect that it was Hua Guo. After thinking about it, he said, “According to your calculations, I shouldn’t have reached the master yet, but the situation is a bit special.”

The master of this world refers to a warrior who finds his own style of swordsmanship or belief. As for him, he is actually relying on super spiritual power to achieve extreme analysis and speculation.

Although the strength should exceed most of the grandmasters, in fact, it can only be regarded as a pseudo-grandmaster.

“Not a master?”

Although he was curious about what was special in his heart, Utada didn’t care and didn’t ask. He nodded to show that he knew, and said with admiration, “I didn’t expect Mr. Mu to know about the Changxin Palace. That’s right, it’s the Changxin Palace lantern of Changxin Palace.”

…… 0

“Qingqian, Mr. Mu, please~”


“Hey, let’s go, Feishazi!”

Looking at Mu Qiye and Qingqian Xiyang who got into the car, Erina snorted angrily: Shirou, old goblin!Then he pulled Feishazi, turned his head, and walked inside.

“Ah, oh, Erina, slow down…”

Sakaki Ryoko and Tiansuohui hurriedly followed.

“This girl~”

Looking at Erina and Hiishako, Nakiri Senzaemon smiled and shook his head, somewhat relieved: Very good, at least it’s much better than before, and her personality is also cheerful.

Of course, Erina and Feishako have a good relationship too.

“Go on, if you see Feishako in the future, it will be the same as seeing Erina!” Turning to look at the maid at home, Nakiri Senzaemon ordered with a serious expression.

Mu Qiye may just say something casually, but he can’t just listen.After all, Feishazi was Mu Qiye’s recognized sister, and she was her only relative.

Mu Qiye now has a relationship with the Suzuki family, Qingqian Xiyang, and the mysterious force behind the scenes, Koizumi Hongzi, whose heart is completely incomparable to before.

Even if he has to be a little cautious, at least he must give enough respect and attitude!

“Yes, commander-in-chief!” The maid quickly bowed her head and replied.

Nakiri Senzaemon then nodded, turned and walked inside.

(Please ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for reward, ask for support, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly ticket, thank you for your support!!!) Fan.

Chapter 563: Akai Marie, L comes to Tokyo

Task Force Building Office.

James Black looked at Hattori Hizang and said directly: “According to reasoning, all countries believe that the first Kira, at least the mass murderer Kira, should be in your Sun Country, so we decided to send [-] FBI agents to cooperate with you. The country dispatches this heart palsy case!”

Although Magnesium is much better than Sun Country.

Most of the citizens hold guns. In the past, there were frequent small conflicts, but a relative balance of force can be achieved. There are not many conflicts, and there is a backlog of contradictions. Except for some special cases, the number of black snake groups has increased. In fact, there are police and fbi. Maintained, and the country is also under control.

However, everyone knows that it is not good for all countries to let this matter develop.

“Thank you for your support. Our Sun Country will do our best to handle the case and investigate the truth as soon as possible!” Hattori Hiraizō stood up straight and nodded solemnly.

“One Fifty Zero” As for my heart, I am somewhat uncertain.

Kira is obviously not a fool. Now the killing methods and methods are becoming more and more repeated and diverse. In addition, there is a death note, and there may be a death god behind the scenes.

Who can guarantee that the case will be absolutely solved?Not to mention a quick solution!

However, the attitude should still be correct.


James nodded heavily. In addition to expressing his approval of Hattori’s Heizang dialect, he also expressed his understanding of Hattori’s situation.

It’s no wonder that this kind of case can be solved so easily, otherwise, their country would not have sent 300 FBI agents directly!

“We FBI still know about the capabilities of the Hattori Police Supervisor. This time the murderer is in your country, and the matter is handed over to the Hattori Police Supervisor. If you need anything, you can always ask our FBI to respond.”

The ability of the Sun Country police is not very good, but the detectives are still good, and they have the advantage of the home field, and it is easy to conduct investigations. In addition, he has cooperated with Hattori Heizang before, and he can be relieved to hand it over to Hattori Heizang.

After all, Hattori Hizang never dared to take their FBI’s life to the top of the gun and take risks!

Hearing this, Hattori Heizang was also relieved, narrowed his eyes and said implicitly: “Don’t dare, don’t dare, just help each other, it’s all to solve this case, if you need anything, you can always ask me. Report to your superior immediately.”

After all, there are more than 300 people who can use it, and the ability of FBI agents is still very reliable.

“By the way, this time your person in charge is…”

Having said that, Hattori Heizang asked Judy Sterling, and the winery also belongs to the list of terrorist organizations, which means that the winery is probably expanding rapidly because of this incident.

The winery is a world-type terrorist organization, and it is also related to the elixir of life. If you think about it seriously, the importance of this matter is no less than the world-type death case caused by Death Note and Death Note this time, especially for the top!

“Not Judy.”

James shook his head: Judy’s ability is not weak, and she is rational enough, but she is also an old member of the winery case. If something happens to Judy, she will train and mobilize other people.

With so many people there, there was no need for Judy to be involved.

Before James could continue speaking, he heard the door of the office being knocked again, saying that Hattori Heizang could deal with it first, and then Hattori Heizang also let people in.

After the policeman came in, he glanced at James and Judy, and immediately rushed to Hattori Hirazura’s ear and reported it.After the report, Hattori Hizang asked the police officer to step back and said, “It’s from Yingguo MI6, and he’s here for the case.”

“Oh? Let’s come together then.” James smiled.

They are all world-renowned intelligence and action organizations, and they are considered to be old acquaintances. Anyway, they are all for this case, and there is nothing wrong with seeing each other.

Hattori Hizang also simply agreed, and I am afraid that the intelligence of other countries, members of special operations.

The least amount of countries, Ghana… These countries are indispensable.After letting people in, James and Hattori’s expression changed slightly.

There are three people who come, except one, the other two can be said to know each other.

A woman who looks to be in her thirties, with short curly blond hair, and a good figure with glasses, a woman who is wrapped in a windbreaker, with a top hat and glasses!

“Mari Akai, Ferry!”

James Black and Hattori Heizo both recognized the two.

“Mari Akai… Shuichi?”

Hearing Akai Marie’s name, Judy didn’t show a very surprised expression on her face, looking at the woman… This, is Shuichi’s mother?

After introducing each other.

A few people are officially acquainted. Except for the middle-aged man in his 6s who was the person in charge of the death paralysis case, neither Mari Akai nor Wattari were the people who were dispatched by MI[-] to take charge of this case.

Especially Akai Mari, she came purely because of the whereabouts of her son Akai Shuichi 0  …

“L would like to ask Mu Qiye, Mr. Mu for a little help.” Du said directly.

Du, L’s spokesperson, or stand-in, has been hidden from the case since L appeared. No one knows L’s true appearance and identity. Only through Du can you contact L.

When encountering a case of interest, L will also contact others through Duo.


After Hattori Hizang was surprised, he frowned and said directly: “Our country does not want Mr. Mu to participate in this case, and unless Mr. Mu takes the initiative, it will not participate in this case.”

If Mu Qiye could participate, he would have already opened his mouth, still waiting until now?

“The Hattori Police Surveillance can rest assured, it’s just a small business, and Mr. Mu doesn’t need to be involved in person.” Du opened his mouth to explain, and then repeated the request to Hattori Hiraizang.

“This one……”

Hattori Heizang frowned, thought for a while, and said, “I need to ask my superiors for instructions, and I need to contact Mr. Mu to ask about Mr. Mu’s attitude before I can give you an answer.”

This does not count as direct participation, but it does count as participation. If L knows about it, it is not without risk.Not to mention, Mu Qiye’s own status and position.

Listening to the voice coming from the earphone, Du nodded lightly and said, “L said, yes, no matter what, L will personally participate in this case, and L has also come to Tokyo and is under investigation.”

What? ! L to 4.9 Tokyo?

Hattori Hizang, Blake, and Marie Akai were all slightly shocked: That is to say, in this case of death paralysis, it is possible that Kira, who held the Death Note and killed the most people, was really in Tokyo? ! !

After the shock, several people gradually calmed down, especially Hattori Heizang.

Had it been earlier, he might have been surprised for a while.

But this afternoon, Hattori Heiji and Conan have also thought of this.

Through investigation, according to the time and place where the cardiac palsy case first appeared, it is almost certain that the other party confirmed the target through Tokyo TV News, or at least Kanto TV News, and then killed.

Moreover, according to the time of death of the prisoner, Kira was also excluded from occupation, and it was determined that Kira was at least a professional worker!

(For flowers, for evaluation, for reward, for support, for evaluation, for monthly pass, thank you for your support!!!).

Chapter 564: Mom, get up!

However, it seems that L is faster than them, and it is estimated that he has been in Tokyo for a while.

His face didn’t change, Hattori Heizang narrowed his eyes and said politely, “Okay, thank you L for your support.” No matter what, let’s solve this case first.


Watana nodded lightly, glanced at Mari Akai, and said to Hattori Hirazo: “Everyone is busy first, I’ll go down first.”

If Akai Marie wants to ask Hattori about Hizang, he doesn’t need to participate.

“Okay, Mr. Du, please speak at any time if you need to.” After Hattori Heizang finished speaking, he called the police to arrange a room for Du.

No matter if Du lives here or not, he always comes here often, and how can he show his attitude by arranging a room.

After he said goodbye and left.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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