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Winery? Nothing — Page 366

As expected of a police officer, his marksmanship is really good!

Unexpectedly, a group of people ran over, and Fujisawa Taro did not resist at all, so he restrained Fujisawa Taro, but before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, they saw that Fujisawa Taro was twitching like a sieve. stand up!

“Fujisawa Police Department, Fujisawa Police Department!” Everyone around was shocked, and they didn’t feel relieved to grab Fujisawa Taro’s hand, and some people quickly started to call the doctor!

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

However, it was too late. Before five seconds, Taro Fujisawa was in the eyes of everyone, watching Taro Fujisawa’s body stiffen, stop twitching, and finally his body softened and closed his eyes!

“Heart, heart palsy!”

I don’t know who said it.

This kind of death method they are familiar with can no longer be familiar, it is the death method that they investigated this case!

Although I had long anticipated that something might happen to them, I couldn’t help but feel frightened and frightened when I watched people die in front of my eyes!


Simply, simply… incredible!

Could it be that Kira is really a god? !

At this moment, Kira’s terrifying image fell into the hearts of most of them. It was terrifying and irresistible. The never-before-seen powerlessness and decadence in their hearts filled their hearts!

Perhaps, like the Fujisawa Police Department, they will die soon!

“Damn, Kira, the murderer, I must catch you!” Yagami Soichiro, who was kneeling in front of Fujisawa Taro, slammed his fist on the floor, gritted his teeth, and vowed firmly!

However, such people are obviously a minority, and there is not much positive impact.

“Damn, Kira, the murderer, I must catch you!” Yagami Soichiro, who was kneeling in front of Fujisawa Taro, slammed his fist on the floor, gritted his teeth, and vowed firmly!

However, such people are obviously a minority, and there is not much positive impact.

Death Note Rules!

Any method of death can be effective as long as the cause of death is within the capabilities of the deceased.Otherwise, it will be forced to become cardiac palsy!

His face returned to calm, and Hattori Heizang glanced at Soichiro Yagami and the surrounding police officers. He didn’t speak, and turned around and walked towards the office.

As long as this case continues, this kind of thing will happen one after another, and not just once or twice…

(Please ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for reward, ask for support, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly ticket, thank you for your support!!!) Fan.

Chapter 573: Winery: Use Kira!

Any method of dealing with it will not help much. If you pour in too much poisonous chicken soup, as long as you can’t solve this problem, it will only become the last straw that breaks the camel’s back in the constant disappointment and despair!

Only those with a firm will can go to the end, and only those who are truly useful.Of course, power also counts.However, this time it is also a harvest, proving that more than [-]% of the first Kira is in Tokyo!

As for the one related to the entertainment industry, it is enough to give it to Heiji, Conan, or L. The important thing is to find the first Kira, otherwise, the others will not have much influence.

And… amulet… Mu Qiye…


“Thank you for your patronage!”

Under “One Six Three” in the building, an uncle wearing a chef’s uniform, missing a front tooth, and a blindfold on his left eye gave the sushi takeaway to the police officer. After bowing to thank him, he walked out of the building.

It’s finally up and running!

Kane Wakida got on the takeout car, set fire to the fire, and rushed towards the part-time job shop: No matter who Kira is, a chaotic country is a plus and minus for their winery.

As for punishing sin, at any time, punishment is just a sin exposed.No

If there is sin exposed, it is not sin.

The fish that hide is always more than the fish that catches.

The human heart does not die, and the sins do not stop!

As long as the organization is well-hidden, it won’t do them any harm, and they can even profit from it and get more benefits!

Just stop the car.

He took out the old antique mobile phone, and after thinking about it, he called Jin Jiu.


Outside the abandoned factory.

Gin took a strong cigarette and looked at the blue sky, feeling at ease: This is the normal world!

In that broken place in Tokyo, those who were hit by Mu Qiye were speechless.

Just then, the phone rang.


Jin Jiu frowned slightly, took out his phone and looked at it, his expression suddenly became serious: “Rum!”

Rum, the No. [-] figure in the organization, is similar to the leader of the organization, and has always been elusive.

The rumors within the organization are even more varied.

Some said he was a “strong man”, some said he was “a man like a woman”, some said he was “an old man”, and some even said that those were all his stand-ins.

But the description of one feature is clear-one of his eyeballs is fake and seems to be bald…

The news of Rum in his mind was skipped, and Gin answered the phone.

“How are you over there?”

Wakida Ken bought a bottle of drink and greeted the people around him with a smile, his voice very clear.

Outside, male voice!

Listening to the noisy voice in the microphone, Gin’s expression did not change, he glanced at the vodka that had already come out of the factory behind him, and said, “Not bad, in addition to the external forces, there are five or six special trainings with good quality. , maybe get a title and become a key member of the organization.”

Already very good.

After so many years of the organization, he only knew more than a hundred members of the organization with titles.

It’s only been a few days, and there are five or six more main members to supplement, which is already a big gain.More importantly, they are innocent and basically impossible to be traitors!

“Oh? Is that so?” Rum’s face also showed a bit of surprise, and Jin Jiu’s eyes were not low. If Jin Jiu said that there are five or six possible titles, it is at least [-]% to [-]%.

Put the drink in the back basket, get on the outside car and start it again. While riding the car, he replied with the earphone: “That’s good, remember, be careful, pay attention to camouflage 0……”

“Right now, Kira’s shots are all around Tokyo, as well as criminals known from the Internet and TV, but it’s not ruled out that they will start from other places. If someone is caught, even if you don’t know your name, it’s not ruled out. He can let that person draw your appearance and stare at you…”


Thinking of the mysterious figure that appeared again, no… it should be said that it may be a mythical figure, Jin Jiu’s brows can’t help but jump: this world…

“Oh, I see.”

Thinking of Mu Qiye’s unconventional magician, his expression gradually calmed down.

Whether it was based on his feeling or the news of Mu Qiye from Belmod, he felt that Mu Qiye’s threat and strength seemed to be above the so-called Kira!

Moreover, Mu Qiye also has a way of resisting the god of death and killing people with the Death Note!


Rum nodded slightly.

Before Qin Jiu did things, he was a bit arrogant and unscrupulous, but now that he has grown a lot after Mu Qiye’s affairs, he is more assured of this.

“Let’s put aside the matter over there for the time being. Some important people who have a handle, take the opportunity to threaten and turn them into 4.9 people.”

Compared with those who are officials and rich, these action-oriented personnel do not need to be so anxious for the time being, and they may be targeted by Kira.Pull those people over first, and things will be simple.

“Kira?!” Gin’s pupils shrank suddenly, thinking of Rum’s meaning.

Those people’s legal history is not enough to convict them of too many crimes, and they will be sentenced to a few years or ten years in prison at most, but if it is disclosed to Kira through the Internet, it will be different!

death, or their only result!

(For flowers, for evaluation, for reward, for support, for evaluation, for monthly pass, thank you for your support!!!).

Chapter 574: The Fat Man Who Stabbed People in the Face!

“Leave it to me?” A hint of doubt flashed in Jin Jiu’s eyes.

He’s not from Rum’s side, and Bourbon is still around Tokyo. It stands to reason that this kind of thing should be handed over to Bourbon, right?

“It’s not just you, but also part of it is handed over to Bourbon. Of course, you are responsible for the important part, and it’s more reassuring to hand it over to you.” Rum smiled and replied easily.


Gin frowned: more assured?Could it be that… Rum suspects Bourbon too?

“It doesn’t matter who and who it is.”

Guessing the idea of ​​gin, Rum explained with some sigh: “The important thing is that it is useful, even the traitor, Tiaozi, Kira, have their use value, as long as you grasp a degree, even if they are not their own people, they exist. value!”

What happened to the traitor?What happened to the sliver?

Even if some people let them solve it, don’t they solve it as usual?Even if it is not resolved, it is not impossible to use other aspects, and even pass on some false information that is beneficial to them to eradicate their opponents…

All that matters is how to use it.

As for Bourbon, he didn’t find anything, but since the gin is suspicious, it is natural to use it first, and then confirm it!

“Oh, I see.”

Qin 09 Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: Don’t let me seize the opportunity, otherwise…

“By the way, is there any other news from Belmod?” Putting those aside, Rum couldn’t help asking.

Although Mu Qiye did not expressly cooperate with the organization, but since he could let Belmod be by his side, let the Yamaguchi-gumi and the three major chaebols in Kansai suffer, and leaked the news through Belmod, Mu Qiye obviously also has his purpose. .

In any case, this is a good thing for them now.

If you can get more news, intelligence, and even a Death Note through Mu Qiye…

“No.” Gin knew what Rum meant.

But the cooperation with Mu Qiye is that Mu Qiye takes the initiative. Even what Belmod told them was probably revealed by Mu Qiye. He didn’t think that Belmod was Mu Qiye’s opponent and could confuse Mu Qiye through beauty!

“Okay, tell Belmod, let her be careful, don’t seek merit but no fault, Mu Qiye, try to grasp it, at least…not to become an enemy.”

Rum shook his head sadly.

Mu Qiye is too strong, and one person can get into the Yamaguchi group. Even if the rumors are exaggerated, the three chaebols and the Yamaguchi group have indeed conceded defeat, and their strength should not be underestimated.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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