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Winery? Nothing — Page 37

“By the way, let’s see if Mu Qiye has left? If you leave, quickly bring up the piece of paper that Mu Qiye put in the mailbox, no matter what, it is a message or message left, and it may be useful to hand it in. .”

The gentle man thought of what happened just now and said quickly

“Ah, oh, yes, why didn’t I think of it, I looked, left, left, I’ll go!”

The inch-headed man looked through the window and found that there was no one below him, and Mu Qiye’s car had disappeared. He quickly put on his clothes, put on his hood and ran downstairs.


After leaving Kudo’s villa, Mu Qiye drove directly to the Tiaozi Bureau.

“What? Apply for a gun license?!!”

R This gun is strictly controlled.

To get a gun license, you need to take exams, training, and various psychological tests… After a lot of money, the guns are inspected every year, and the gun license is renewed every three years.

Therefore, most people basically do not have the funds and experience to apply for a gun license.

However, it is also possible to legally carry a gun.

Some rich people and most chaebols also choose to handle it, and it is very common.

After the female police officer was shocked, she immediately notified the report.

Then he took Mu Qiye to the police officer’s office. The person who received him was familiar with him, the Sanda police officer he had seen before.

“Mr. Mu, please sit down and have something to drink?”

Sanda Gongze got up and welcomed Mu Qiye in, then walked to the cabinet with a smile and asked.

“Whatever, just plain water, I don’t like tea very much.”

“Haha, okay~”


Outside the office.

An ordinary-looking middle-aged note glanced at the office, then turned and left.

On the way, Tiaozi greeted his colleagues in an easy-going manner, then entered the bathroom and closed the door in a compartment.

When I went to the toilet, I looked left and right, but didn’t notice any sound. I took out my phone and quickly edited and sent a text message. I then removed the phone cover, removed the phone card, and threw it directly into the toilet.


In a speeding black Porsche.

Gin was smoking a slender cigarette, checking the text messages on his phone.

After Akai Shuichi, the fake wine, escaped from the organization.To be cautious, the organization is in the M country, and most of the members and bases of the R book have been transferred, but after all, fake wine is the core killer who has won the title, and he knows many secrets of the organization.

Therefore, the organization still suffered a certain blow, especially R Ben. Because of the relatively strict management, he was the most severely injured. He had to come back to preside over the overall situation. Akai Shuichi also got the title of Silver Bullet.

“Heh, not only did we discover the surveillance personnel, but we also applied for a gun license.”

Even if Gin is smiling, it gives people a shuddering feeling.

“What’s the matter, big brother?” Vodka was an exception.

In the organization he trusts and admires the most is this big brother, that momentum, attitude, it is simply too cool!

“Information on Mu Qiye.”

After the encounter that day, he instructed his subordinates to pay attention to Mu Qiye’s actions and report it at any time, so as to avoid lack of information when needed.

Gin glanced at the vodka, didn’t hide it, and briefly said it again.

“Found it? This group of trash can’t even do this kind of work well, big brother, why don’t I go and clean them up?”

Vodka was outraged.

Surveillance work can be discovered by others, and living is a waste!

“Don’t underestimate Mu Qiye. His strength may be stronger than you think. The most important thing is his identity. If he can’t move, it’s best not to move.”

Gin took a breath and exhaled a ring of smoke.

Although this little brother is a little less capable, he is always loyal and has been following him since joining the organization. He is a trustworthy person.

Most importantly, he believes, vodka is not fake wine!

This is important!

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards…).

Chapter 56: Rational, Ruthless People

In the case of assassination, R is a chaebol, and basically has zero tolerance.

If someone can kill someone today, who can guarantee that they won’t kill me tomorrow?

There are many associations in this country, and they cannot use assassination against chaebols. Even large groups use the power of associations, which has almost become an unspoken rule in this country, and so are these organizations.

More importantly, when these chaebols are in chaos, the government is not far from crazy.

Without long-range, large-scale weapons, R basically relies on the economy, and the chaebols are anxious, what else can they rely on?

This is also the reason why large chaebols can influence the escort.

Assassinating a chaebol is basically equivalent to challenging the r-benzf forces.

Although Mu Qiye is still some distance away from the large chaebols, but with the relationship between the Suzuki family and the Nakiri family, as well as the current momentum and popularity of Mu Qiye, there is basically no difference between provoking Mu Qiye and provoking a large chaebol.

“Then what to do, boss?”

Vodka also heard the potential meaning of gin, and those few people just let it go.

“No need to do anything.”

Jin Jiu turned his head and looked out the window: “Mu Qiye just discovered them, it’s impossible to know that our organization is behind the scenes. At Kudo’s house, change a few people to re-examine.”

“That brat Kudo Shinichi always makes me feel a little uneasy. If he dies, according to his reputation, there should be no news that there will be no news, and our people have not received the news of his exact death.”

“Brother, aren’t all the people in the experiment dead?” Vodka asked with some doubts.

“Yes, they are all dead, but what if?”

Gin shook his head gently: “I believe my intuition, that kid might not die. Don’t forget, aptx4869 is an unfinished drug, and he was fed the latest experimental drug. There are other reasons why he didn’t die. Maybe, no matter what, be careful.”

“Got it, big brother!”

“By the way, let them try not to attack Tengfeng Youxizi, not only Mu Qiye, but she is also that woman’s friend.”

The mention of the woman made Vodka shudder.

The Witch with a Thousand Faces, Belmod!

It’s not how powerful that woman is, it’s just that Yi Rong is too powerful.

You never know who she is and when she will appear by your side, and according to rumors, she seems to be the boss’s woman.

“Of course, if necessary, just do it!”

“Uh, that Mu Qiye?” Vodka was stunned.

The Thousand-faced Witch is the organizer. Even if she kills her friend, at most it will kill the murderer to vent her anger.What about Mu Qiye’s threat?

“No need to think about it.”

The corners of Jin Jiu’s mouth twitched slightly: “Whether it’s the information he left us or the application for a gun license, he’s actually showing his attitude. Without a gun license, it’s not difficult to get a gun according to his methods.”

“As long as Kudo Yukiko doesn’t have a relationship with Mu Qiye, killing her Mu Qiye won’t do anything, and even said that even if there is a relationship, there may be no problem with killing her.”

“Brother, this…” Vodka couldn’t understand the logic of this.

“A rational and ruthless person is the most important person himself. Of course, when there is no choice, don’t attack the people around him. If an accident happens, it may be an uncontrollable accident…”


Gin’s thinking is part of the reason.

The other part is that the level of the magician is too low and the magic is too weak, so I want to temporarily make up for it with a gun.

Before mid-level magicians, pistols were still very useful.

Fast and penetrating.

If the bullet is not too small, even if it is enchanted, the real damage range is also limited, otherwise it will actually have a good effect even on magicians above the intermediate level.

And this is the intermediate magician in the balance introduction.

In the introduction of the balance, it is a magician like him, that is, the magician magician.

As long as you reach the level of an intermediate magician, not only magic power can flow through any corner of the body, but also any part of the body can be demonized, so that as long as there is magic power, the soul is not fatally damaged, and the body can be automatically restored without any magic. Effect.

For other types of magicians, as long as the conditions are met and there are defects, there is no need to say more about the effect.

First-class world gunfighting skills, 7 worth points!

The basic value of martial arts based on pure technology and skills is not too high.

All kinds of local scientific and technological knowledge, humanistic knowledge, let alone artificial intelligence, the highest value is only 70.However, since he has not appeared yet, and he has no background or experience, his appearance will inevitably lead to suspicion, so he has not purchased it for the time being.

Light Magic: Healing, Refraction, 13000 Value Points!

I originally wanted to learn from the magic book, but now it seems that I should learn it earlier, anyway, it is not lacking in value.

I went to Jinhui Investment Company, a pawn shop.

There is also the 8 million yen that was called before. Even if more than 33 value points were spent, there are now 7680 value points!

It is a pity that the potential of the company in all aspects is basically exhausted. In a short period of time, it is estimated that there will not be such a crazy opportunity.

Oh, and the compensation for demolition and relocation in the future, the loan should be worth more than 20 points!

During this period of time, there was too much money, and in the name of expansion, I bought a few pieces of land and a few shops on the railway line.Although some are not on that route, the [*] billion demolition funds should not be a problem!

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards…).

Chapter 57: Shooting Range, Yumi Miyamoto

Three days later, Tiaozi’s shooting range.

“Bang bang bang…”

Mu Qiye leaned on his side, took his arm as the center, pinched his waist with one hand, held a gun with one hand, and aimed at the target and fired one after another.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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