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Winery? Nothing — Page 370

Al was right, Mu Qiye involved too much.Although the power is huge and the background is extremely mysterious, unless you want to abandon everything and hide it completely, in the face of so many forces, you can only be cautious in words and deeds!

“But, Al…” Huami looked at Al worriedly.Is Mu Qiye calculating so easily?Not to mention that they may still be monitored by Mu Qiye now!

“no need to worry.”

Looking up at Huami, Ai Er smiled and said: “The most important thing for countries in the world now is to find Kira, and I am one of their important reliances. Even if Mu Qiye knew about it, he would not do it. Of course, after this incident Not necessarily.”

“However, it’s nothing. I have an intuition. Even if I don’t die in this case, I will die soon after this case.”

“El…” Huami took a few steps forward worriedly, wanting to comfort him, and then he was stopped by El raising his hand: “Huami, you know my body, when did I die? It’s not a big difference, the important thing is to solve this case and you.”

Let Mu Qiye get involved in this kind of case, it’s as simple as calculating Mu Qiye’s beating?It’s just that I can’t get rid of him now, just revenge…

“After I die, you can take them to Mu Qiye. Once you come, you can save it. Come, Mu Qiye is good to his own people and will not do anything to you.”

As long as he doesn’t take the extreme path, Mu Qiye will definitely be one of the most reliable forces in the future. As for killing… Who in the world doesn’t kill?

As long as it’s not an unprovoked killing, it’s enough to think that you are in control of everything!

The Black Beast Party, the Yamaguchi-gumi, including the winery… are just a social situation that exists. As long as it is not for pure selfish desires and pure killing, he is too lazy to care…

“…Understood.” Looking at Al’s firm expression, Huami had to sigh and agree.Although he didn’t know all of Al’s considerations, he also believed that what Al said would do them no harm.

“By the way, this information was thrown away by Mu Qiye’s people, do you want to give it to Hattori Heiji…” Shaking his head and putting it aside, Huami took the information of Mi Haisha and asked.

“no need.”

Al’s expression was flat, and he said confidently: “Mu Qiye’s people just lost the file, it’s not that I don’t know, do you think Mu Qiye really won’t be interested in the Death Notebook? No matter what the reason is, this kind of thing is in his own hands. It’s the best in hand, isn’t it?”

So, it’s a dead end from start to finish!

Even if Mu Qiye made it clear that he did not want to participate, at that time, Mu Qiye could only join in appropriately, and even cooperate with him, after all, he was the one who gave the death notebook to Mu Qiye!


But, is it really a dead end?

Before Huami could react from the shock, the phone rang. After connecting to the phone and listening to the content, he was shocked: “What? Melo, Nia is in Tokyo?!!”

(For flowers, for evaluation, for reward, for support, for evaluation, for monthly pass, thank you for your support!!!).

Chapter 580: The purpose of Nia and Melo!

Inside a luxurious western restaurant.

A flash of surprise flashed in Mu Qiye’s eyes, and then he looked at a girl with long golden hair and a boy with short silver hair and said, “Let’s call you Nia, Mello, you want to do something for me?”

As expected of a genius, really proactive!

“It’s just a choice without a choice.”

Nia, who was wearing a white shirt and white trousers, slumped her shoulders and rolled her hair with her hands: “L’s actions are against your wishes, even if you don’t come now, we probably won’t come here by the way, or It won’t come at all.”

This kind of use of Mu Qiye is still a case about the Death Note. If you take it seriously, it is much more serious than killing several of Mu Qiye’s lovers.After all, Kira may not take action against Mu Qiye, but if Mu Qiye gets involved, those women who don’t have too much influence will not necessarily be.

“I’m interested, I don’t want you to take action against L. The value I bring to you will definitely exceed the loss that L brings to you!” Merlo, who was wearing a leather coat, looked at Mu Qiye with confidence!

Unlike Nia, she doesn’t care about the means. In fact, she appreciates Mu Qiye who either doesn’t make a move or makes a lore.

It’s just, this time it’s a bit of a last resort.

In order to solve this case, L calculated too much. She knew that L didn’t care about his life and death, and even arranged a way back for them, but they couldn’t ignore L, so the two aspects of Ying Kingdom and Magnesium Country could only give up.

As long as he can keep L, it’s okay to be loyal to Mu Qiye.It’s always better than joining the Italian Black Stakeholders against L’s wishes, and maybe even more exciting.


Looking at Mello with a frown, Nia shook her head, and also looked at Mu Qiye to show her attitude: “I have some talent in business and data, and I’m not weak in other aspects. Either way is fine, at most half a month, I can prove my worth~”!”

If it is not unexpected, Melo wants to join Mu Qiye’s underground, or a potential organization.

“Looking at Mr. Mu’s recruitment of bodyguards, the scale of the security guards should not be satisfied with just the strength on the surface, right? I can help with information and data, and I can also support the secret forces.” Melo said without giving up.

In terms of planning and calculation, she is still somewhat confident.

“You think I need it?”

Mu Qiye raised his eyebrows. Wisdom and strategy are important, but they also need a certain foundation, background, and relative strength.Otherwise, these two geniuses will not be found.

Then, he said: “The address, the contact person is given to you, let’s go.”

Nia, Mello is still a little capable.

Even if it is a stable stage now, there is no need for too many strategies and countermeasures, and it is good to push forward in an upright manner. This is also the right way, but it is a good thing to have two more talents, at least it is a good thing in terms of reputation.

Besides, the matter of Death Note is incomprehensible in the eyes of ordinary people, let alone know who Kira is, what if you don’t know?Pure strength is everything, Kira is a fart!


Nia, Mello was also slightly stunned: So simply?

Just then, the two’s cell phones rang at the same time!

Is it…

The two took out their mobile phones and took a look: Sure enough, it was the method and address of their respective contacts: such a terrifying hacker ability, whether it was knowing in advance that they were coming, or after the fact, it seemed that Mu Qiye had anticipated that they might make a decision. !


The two got up one after another.I didn’t know what to say, and then I said goodbye and left.

“It’s a little embarrassing~”

Walking out of the western restaurant, Melo touched the tip of her nose with a smile on her face: However, it was somewhat interesting.It is better to work for a wise man than a fool.

“We’re going to be separated. We can’t be in touch for a while at least. Be careful, don’t get involved in things that you can’t get involved in and die.”

Looking at the feet without socks, Nia’s head was tilted like a zombie, and then she shook her head with some dissatisfaction, and walked directly towards the front.

Take care, Melo!

Take care, Nia!

The two said to themselves.

The relationship between the two has always been bad, and their personalities have not been harmonious, but after all, they both came out of the same place, and I don’t want any accident to happen to the other party.


Inside Al’s apartment.

Huami looked at El in shock and asked, “You said they went to find Mu Qiye?!!”

“It’s just unexpected.”

El shook his head lightly, but his face showed more or less distress: “You don’t need to go to them. According to Nia and Melo’s abilities, if you get the news, I’m afraid they have already found Mu Qiye.”

“‘”Also, going to Mu Qiye’s side is also in line with their character. According to their ability, if they want to come to Mu Qiye, they will not treat them badly.”

“Forget it, inform the Duke of Wales, and the FBI’s chief of alarm, that Nia and Mello will not be there.”

“…Have you contacted them? Al!” Huami was shocked, and couldn’t help but look at Al: This is obviously a gesture of explaining the aftermath!

“Okay, Huami~”

Al scratched his head, shook his head with a smile, and said, “No need to say any more, it seems that Nia and Melo have also thought of this, and they are going to force me to live. Forget it, it seems that I can only give up the risk-taking method. . Really distressed!”

“What? Really? Al, are you telling the truth?!!!”

Although I didn’t understand what El said to force him to live, what does it have to do with Nia and Mello’s choice to follow Mu Qiye, but hearing that El is not taking risks, Huami can’t help confirming with excitement. !

El said helplessly: “There’s no way, even if I risked finding out the first Kira before, and even arrested the first Kira and brought him to death. I believe that with the abilities of Nia and Melo, he can do anything. Take my place and finish the Death Note case, but now…”

Nia and Mello chose Mu Qiye together. If he was diametrically opposed to Mu Qiye and investigated Kira regardless of his own danger, then he would have nothing to do.

Conan, Hattori Heiji, White Horse Detective…?He is still too young, and he is not familiar with these people. As for Hattori Hizang… Hehe, there is no problem with the ability, but what about the handling of Death Note?

Compared to Hattori Hizang, he would even choose to hand over all the Death Notes to Mu Qiye!

(For flowers, for evaluation, for reward, for support, for evaluation, for monthly pass, thank you for your support!!!).

Chapter 581: What if the Death Note was handed over to Hattori Hizang?

Edogawa Villa.

Koizumi Hongzi looked at Mu Qiye in surprise: “Give the Death Note to Hattori Hizang?!!”

She couldn’t believe that Mu Qiye would make such a decision.Mu Qiye wants the world to be quiet?Impossible, in this situation, with her by Mu Qiye’s side, Mu Qiye still has the advantage, right?

What’s the difference between giving the Death Note to Hattori and giving it to the government?What is the benefit to Mu Qiye?

“That’s right, I’ll leave it to Hattori Hizang!” Mu Qiye raised his mouth and took a sip of juice.How about handing it over to Hattori Hizang?If you hand it over to Hattori Hizang or the government, will the world settle down?

You must know that there are not only one country, but a killer such as the Death Note is only one copy. Even if it is given to Hattori Hizang, it will definitely settle down?


The emergence of any kind of weapons beyond conventional weapons does not represent a huge war not far away, especially Death Note!

Next up is…

“…Okay, go back to the past at most.” After staring at Mu Qiye for a while, to determine if Mu Qiye was joking, Koizumi Hongzi shrugged and had to accept the reality.

It can be said that the two death notes were found by Mu Qiye, so what is the point of handing over one?In fact, the impact is not big.


Behind, Rem looked at the two strangely, and then said with a smile: “You mean to give Mi Haisha’s death note to your country? Interesting!”

In front of the god of death, I want to give the death note that the god of death gave to the host to others!

Glancing at Rem, Mu Qiye explained: “Mi Haisha has been targeted by more than one person, and even a party, unless you want him to die, or fall into the hands of those people, otherwise, give the death note to others. is the only option.”

“…” Hearing this, Rem suddenly fell silent: Mu Qiye was telling the truth. When he was in Yokohama, he had already discovered that Mi Haisha was being targeted. After coming to Tokyo, there was undoubtedly more.

However, if Mi Haisha’s death note is given to others, then Mi Haisha…

“Don’t worry.”

Seeing that (ajej) showed Rem’s concern, Mu Qiye said with a smile: “There are still many people in Tokyo who are selling my face. In the future, Mi Haisha will be an artist under our company, and there will be a special person to protect Mi Haisha’s safety. …”


After looking at Mu Qiye for a few moments, Rem was silent for a while, and finally he had to nod his head, agreeing with the decision.

When Mi Haisha misidentified that Mu Qiye was Kira, she didn’t deny it immediately, which was actually for this reason.

Although there are various faults, Ke Mu Qiye is always one of the people who can keep Mi Haisha safe.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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