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Winery? Nothing — Page 371

I just thought that I could keep staring at Mu Qiye by Mi Haisha’s side, but I didn’t expect that in the end, Mi Haisha was asked to hand over the Death Note…

“Remember your promise, otherwise, I won’t let you go!” Rem glanced at Mu Qiye, and after speaking, he walked towards Mi Haisha.

Looking at Rem’s huge white skeleton shelf, Koizumi Koizumi’s eyes flashed a hint of astonishment: “Death cares about human beings?”

The god of death exists to take away the lifespan of human beings, and now he cares about human beings? …It’s almost unbelievable that a lion cares about whether its food has human rights or not!

Rem’s footsteps paused slightly, but she didn’t speak. Looking at Mi Haisha who was watching TV alone, she felt a little soft in her heart: Do you care?Maybe, at least, she didn’t want Mi Haisha to fall into the hands of others!

“If you have thoughts, you will naturally care.”

Thinking of Rem’s death for Mi Haisha, Mu Qiye couldn’t help but sigh: Maybe it’s because of lack of money and various temptations, but in fact, the god of death, to some extent, is more interested in emotion than too many people.

Perhaps, the relationship between Rem and Mi Haisha is similar to that of some people who love pets, but at least, their relationship is indeed more sincere than an equal relationship!

As for most people?

Emotions are a luxury, and there is not enough support. In this world where materialistic desires are overwhelming, and even a good life cannot be achieved, do you still want most people to have emotions and know how to give sincerity?


Looking at Mu Qiye in surprise, Koizumi Hongzi thought about it, yes, who said that the god of death can’t care about human beings?There are always exceptions if there are ideas. Otherwise, there will be no such thing as gods falling in love with people in various legends…

Although not necessarily true.


“Abandon Death Note? Good!”

Running over to hold Mu Qiye’s arm, Mi Haisha looked at Mu Qiye intimately and said, “As long as you say it, I will listen, and if you give up, just give up!”

Saying that, she simply took out her death notebook and handed it to Mu Qiye.

“…” Really silly and sweet!

Mu Qiye shook his head with a wry smile and explained: “Reminder, I’m not Kira, this is an exception, but I know who Kira is, and I can take her life at any time!”

“What?!!” Mi Haisha’s head was red and white: Mu Qiye is not Kira? ! !But before she had time to think about it, Mu Qiye took the Death Notebook in her hand.

Mi Haisha’s body suddenly stiffened, and as Mi Haisha’s words about giving up the Death Notebook took effect, things about the Death Note were quickly sealed from her mind…

“Go to sleep first!”

A sleep spell went down, Mi Haisha fell into a deep sleep, Mu Qiye waved casually, Mi Haisha’s body floated up, and slowly landed on the sofa beside him.

He really didn’t like Mi Haisha’s somewhat entangled and brainless character.

It’s a bit aesthetic!

Looking at Mi Haisha, Koizumi Hongko breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Mu Qiye and asked, “What next? Send the Death Note to Hattori Hizang?”

She still didn’t understand what Mu Qiye was thinking!

“Yes, let’s go together!”

Mu Qiye raised his hand, a peaceful magic circle rose beside him, Koizumi Hongzi shrugged, and walked in a little unhappy, Rem glanced at Mi Haisha on the sofa, and whispered in his heart: Take care!

(For flowers, for evaluation, for reward, for support, for evaluation, for monthly pass, thank you for your support!!!).

Chapter 581: Ye Shenyue gets the information, Mu Qiye’s request

Inside the Internet cafe of a third-rate Internet cafe.

Yagami downloaded an attached file of the email, which is exactly what Fujisawa Taro knew, all the information and details about the people involved in this case, as well as the insider experience, among which Hattori Heizang is impressively listed!

“Oh, what’s the time of manipulation!” Beside him, Ryuk poked the huge head over and looked at it, with a surprised expression on his face, whether it was real or fake, and said with a sly smile.

Ye Shenyue didn’t care, and after leaving with a hat covering her face, she said on the way back: “As long as I use this distance to control the time, as long as someone knows, I can know everything I want to know!”

No matter how complicated the following is, as long as you find the main line, you can find everything by following the clues. This is the group, which is the drawback of the organization.No matter how savvy the people below are and how many people there are, there will always be someone who knows their movements, and as long as this person is found, he will know everything!

The so-called people who investigate Kira will also be eradicated!

A gleam of light flashed in Ye Shenyue’s eyes, confident and firm!

Including that so-called L! ~

“What’s next? Shall all of them be SHA?” Luke asked without curiosity~.

He really wanted to know, what step Ye Shenyue could achieve with Death Note!

Ye Shenyue’s eyes calmed down and said, “I hope they won’t be at that time, until they are cleaned and most evils are stopped, they will still be useful, if they are not a roadblock in a peaceful and beautiful world, I don’t want to get rid of them either. They, after all, some of them, even if they were guilty, weren’t to the point where they had to get rid of it.”

What he wants is a peaceful and beautiful world without crime. Murder is only a necessary process, not a result. If it is not necessary, he does not want to kill… Of course, innocent, or relatively innocent people.

Hope they get to know each other and disband!


A cold light flashed in Ye Shenyue’s eyes!


Looking at the anger that flashed in Ye Shenyue’s eyes, Lucy smiled slightly. In his eyes of death, Ye Shenyue’s aura of death obtained when he used the Death Note, at this time, he was even more violent!


Task Force Headquarters Building!

The police chief Bai Ma, who got the news, hurriedly pushed the door and entered, looking at Mu Qiye and Koizumi Koizumi sitting on the sofa, one drinking coffee, one holding bottles and juices, and a smile suddenly appeared on their faces: “Mr. Mu, Koizumi Awaited!”

Bring a Death Note… Bai Mazheng doesn’t know what to say anymore.

“It’s nothing, I’m free when I’m idle.”

Mu Qiye looked up at Bai Ma Zheng, smiled and got up and shook hands with Bai Ma Zheng, Koizumi Hongzi glanced at Bai Ma Zheng, and there was nothing left, just sitting there drinking coffee.

Bai Mazheng didn’t care, but smiled and nodded to Koizumi Koizumi to say hello.

This big man has never been the kind of person who doesn’t care who the other party is. Even in front of the Prime Minister, His Excellency the Emperor, he looks like this. What is he like a police chief?

“Lord White Horse Police Chief!”

Hattori Heizang hurriedly walked in front of Hakuba Masaru holding the Death Note: These two are big bosses, and he is not afraid of Hakuba Masaru, but he should have an attitude.

“Brother Hattori doesn’t have to be like this…” Hakuba said with a smile.

Although the incident this time has nothing to do with Hattori Hizang, the headquarters building just died today, but he still knows the progress and harvest of this case. If it were him, he believed that he would not be able to do it. .

Everyone knows that this case is a chore, so even if the pressure from above is not small and there are many words that are not conducive to Hattori Heizang, he has been helping Hattori Heizang to press.

One is that Hattori Hizang has done well, and the other is that Hattori Hizang has really been replaced. Who is watching?It will be him soon!

Hattori Hizura is also grateful.

He knew all of this, but the above had already decided, and he could only do it. It would be nice if the white horse was helping him withstood some of the pressure.

“By the way, this is…” Looking at the black notebook in the hands of Hattori Hirazo with the Death Note written in English on the cover, Hakuba couldn’t help showing a little excitement and fear on his face.

This should be regarded as the legendary death of the thing, right?

“That’s right.” Hattori Hizang will hand it over to Hakuba after he confirms it. After thinking of Hattori Hizang’s words, Hakuba immediately stopped his outstretched hand, shook his head and said, “Don’t worry.”

Afterwards, Bai Mazheng turned around, stood up straight, and bowed [-] degrees to Mu Qiye and Koizumi Hongzi: “I’m so grateful to both of you for this matter, the entire Sun Nation government is grateful, and then… “

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Then there is a promise, special treatment, etc.Personally and professionally, it is similar to saving the emperor in ancient times. Of course, most of them are just listening, and what he cares about the most is the same.

Shengxian Gorge Villa, Edogawa Private Villa, and Totsuki Resort Villas are within a radius of one kilometer, with sufficient autonomy and property rights certificates!

To put it simply, these areas belong to him purely, just like the Yuanyue District. In fact, in these three areas, the power is even more than that of the Yuanyue District. After all, the Yuanyue Group does not have all the land in the Yuanyue District. Property rights and autonomy are also based on the laws of the Sun Country.

His autonomy is similar to that of Magnesium. As long as someone dares to break in after being warned, he can handle it himself.


In fact, this is not a harsh condition.

If you are in Magnesium, you don’t have to be so troublesome. If you give your notes to other countries, you will undoubtedly get more benefits in exchange.What’s more, he did this before, and there is a lot of land, but now it has become legal and has been recognized!

“Well, this thing doesn’t mean much to me. The most important thing is that it’s basically useless. It’s better to replace it with something useful.” After getting the desired result, Mu Qiye stood up and smiled, then looked at Koizumi Hong Zi said: “Let’s go, Hongzi, let’s go when things are done!”

Hearing this, Bai Ma shook his head with a wry smile: Write your name on the Death Note, and the Death Note that you can kill the other party by knowing your appearance is useless?It was Mu Qiye who said this!

If you think about it, almost no one knows about it outside, and everyone who knows it has sold more than 100 billion amulets. It is estimated that no one knows how much is stored!

Moreover, Mu Qiye’s behind-the-scenes forces, even if his personal strength, is now estimated to be a master.Such a young master will definitely be a great master in the future!

How many are there in the Sun Country?There are only dozens of them in the whole world, let alone Koizumi Hongzi, who still has such a big career.For others, Death Note is useless!

“it is good!”

Koizumi Hongzi put away the coffee pot and coffee cup, got up and lifted her finger lightly, and a red-red magic circle appeared around the two of them. Then, a burst of light flashed and the two disappeared without a trace.

(Please ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for reward, ask for support, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly ticket, thank you for your support!!!) Fan.

Chapter 562: Akiko Kinoshita

Seeing Mu Qiye and Koizumi Hongzi just leave, Hakuba Masa and Hattori Heiji still sighed: Besides, why did Mu Qiye just hand over the Death Note to the country?The purpose is to say that it is as simple as a few pieces of land ownership?

Now Mu Qiye’s assets are enough to buy some territory in a small country to be king…

His heart was heavy and even more incomprehensible, but Hakuba quickly put these aside, turned to look at Hattori Hizura, and landed on the Death Note in Hattori Hizura’s hands: “Does anyone else know? Just contact.”

Still the matter of Death Note is important, let’s not think about the other first,

“Well, they came directly to my office.” Hattori Heizang said solemnly: It can only be guaranteed that in the office, only he knows “One Six Three”. Before, he could not guarantee it.

“Okay, this is a top secret, don’t spread it out!” Hakuba didn’t think of this for a while, then he raised his hand and took out a corner of the Death Notebook that Hattori Hizang handed over.

“…” After a while of silence, the white horse was stunned for a moment. He didn’t feel like an electric shock, and he didn’t seem to feel death, darkness, or the breath before the storm: “That’s it???”

Hakuba is looking at Hattori Hizang suspiciously, is this really the Death Note?I haven’t wanted to try it yet. Test it to see if it’s the real Death Note. He looked up and was hid by Hattori Hei. The huge white skeleton shelf screamed in horror, and quickly took a step back, two steps, three steps. step!

“This this……”

“This is the god of death Rem I told you about.”

Hattori Hirazura took a few steps forward, and with some sympathy, he turned to look at the huge skeleton shelf and introduced it.

After all, it is a materialistic society. Even if he is not a pure materialist, he is still a god of death when he sees this kind of creature. Even when he first saw it, his legs were a little weak, and the corners of his mouth and eyelids jumped for a while. !

“I’m Rem.”

Glancing at Bai Ma Zheng lightly, Rem’s tone was calm and unwavering: he was just a human being, and a self-righteous human ruler.

This kind of person who makes others kneel and kneel to others has always been the object of ridicule of the god of death in the world of death. Therefore, whether it is the god of death or the death note, the choice is basically not ordinary people, but also people who have nothing to do with zz.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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