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Winery? Nothing — Page 373

“Mr. Mu? Classmate Yuanzi, classmate Xiaolan.”

Yuan Shan and Ye Wei looked a little confused, but they still looked at Mu Qiye tentatively and called out, and then they called it casually.

In fact, most of Didan High School’s standard title is Senior Mu, which sounds friendly, but she was transferred to the school later, and in front of Mu Qiye, she was too embarrassed to call it out.

“Forget it, I’ll buy it then. Let’s name it, it’s not too old.” Mu Qiye smiled casually: Anyway, maybe it will be changed in the future.

He Ye looks just like that, but she’s also a heroine to some extent, and Heiji Hattori’s girlfriend… This is a bad taste, a collection addiction~

He shook his head and threw them away, then looked at Hattori Heiji and said, “Let’s go.”

As he said that, he hugged Hongye and walked forward, Xiaolan and Yuanzi hurriedly followed.

“He Ye hasn’t bought a plane ticket yet!”

Later, Hattori Heiji couldn’t help reminding.

This is not a train, and a passport is needed to get on the plane, so he can’t buy a plane ticket for He Ye.

“No, Narita and Haneda Airport are his.”

Looking at Hattori Heiji, Ooka Momiji lightly added.


Even Concubine Xiaolan and Yuanzi were stunned on the spot.

The whole… Narita, Haneda Airport are all his?

In fact, the original behind-the-scenes bosses of the airport were Mitsubishi and Mitsui chaebols, not just the airport. These two chaebols were deeply rooted and well-capitalized, and many basic industries in the Sun Country actually belonged to them.

Of course, compared to the third type in Kimchi country, it is a little worse.After all, the history, territory, number of people, and complexity of the Sun Kingdom are not comparable to the Kimchi Kingdom.

Anyway, many basic industries in Tokyo these days have also been directly or indirectly requested or bought from the two of them.

Kanto is his sphere of influence. It was said before that the airport is not easy to start with, but other industries and commercial activities, as well as most things in the Kanto region, there are always ways to do it, so the two companies also took the initiative to send come up.

Not only Tokyo’s aviation, buses, trains… Some basic industries were also divided up by him, the Suzuki family, and the Nakiri family. Of course, it was mainly him and the Suzuki family.

The old man Nakiri was a little more conservative, feeling that the power and strength of the Nakiri family was already big enough, and he didn’t want to be too conspicuous. The Nakiri family was also engaged in the catering industry.

Therefore, what the Nakiri family wants is some hotels, public facilities, infrastructure industries and other companies and enterprises that have little influence. He and the Suzuki family are the ones who gain the most, and he is the biggest.

Even if the foundation is not stable, he is now worthy of the name and squeezed into the ranks of the top chaebols, and he has surpassed the Sumitomo chaebols and reached the fifth place!

Of course, these are also what Xiao Ai told her.

The specific plan is Xiao Ai, or it can be said that it is hosted by the Suzuki family and Suzuki Tomoko.

It wasn’t a big deal, so I didn’t tell it in advance, but Xiao Ai gave a brief report and explanation before coming to the airport.



Looking at the first-class cabin, which is similar to that of a small coffee shop, Hattori Heiji was sitting on the leather seat, and he couldn’t help but sigh: This treatment~

So corrupt!

“It’s not me who is great.”

Seeing Hattori Heiji’s thoughts, Mu Qiye couldn’t help but shake his head with a smile, and sighed a little: It’s never the rich who are powerful. In other words, there are enough resources in the world.

However, the social system, class, and some people who want to curry favor with the rich have begun to make the current rules and treatment, so the status of money has gradually become more important…

Aren’t these messes made by those who want to curry favor with the rich and make money from the rich?


Hattori Heiji looked at Mu Qiye suspiciously, not understanding what those words meant.Concubine Xiaolan, He Ye, and even Dagang Hongye didn’t know, and Mu Qiye didn’t explain it.

“Mr. Mu, what would you like to drink?”

The pretty female flight attendant walked over gracefully and asked.

“’ ‖ Orange juice~”


Inside the apartment.

Al leaned on the sofa, flipping through the recent news from the police, frowning: “Something’s wrong, why is Mu Qiye not responding? Did I miss something?”

Everything is as expected, Kira is still killing people, and it has caused a lot of controversy on the Internet. Of course, because of the incompetence of the sun country before, most of the people still stand on Kira’s side… Quoting…

Because of the matter between Nia and Melo, although he no longer hopes that Mu Qiye will continue to be involved, the reaction of both the police and Mu Qiye has exceeded his expectations, which is simply unreasonable!

Absolutely what happened.

Mi Haisha has entered the artist company under the name of Mu Qiye, and it is a bit unreasonable for Guan Mingzhengda to receive the blessing of Mu Qiye: this seems to be to say, at least tell him that Mi Haisha exchanged the death note for the protection of Mu Qiye!

But it can also be proved that the person related to the entertainment industry who obtained the Death Note is Mi Haisha!

However, Mu Qiye has now obtained the Death Note, and he also knows that he also knows that Mi Haisha may have obtained the information of the Death Note. It is impossible that no news has come over, or that he has any contact with the police!

Think I’m going to hide it because of Nia and Melo?

No, it can’t be a reason, at least it’s not sufficient, Mu Qiye definitely relies on something else, or I’m missing something!

“Huami, is there any news that you didn’t tell me? Where did Mu Qiye go recently? It was known!” There must be something missing, Al looked up at Huami who came with the candy, and asked seriously road!

(For flowers, for evaluation, for reward, for support, for evaluation, for monthly pass, thank you for your support!!!).

Chapter 565: Sad Garden!

On the way up the mountain.

Yuan Shan and Ye sorted out some inappropriate clothes, Mu Qiye couldn’t help laughing when he saw it: “I told you a long time ago that you want to buy clothes, but you didn’t listen, it’s okay to wear Yuanzi’s, and Xiaolan’s! “


Yuan Shan and Ye smiled in an unsure way to answer: She didn’t know that she came to Hokkaido, besides, the clothes sold here are so expensive, Heiji and her didn’t bring that much money, and they had to ski and stay…

Huamu Qiye money?More… so what?

I thought Xiao Lan was about the same height as her, but…

“Huh? Why is it mine?”

Pulling the suitcase, Suzuki Sonoko asked curiously.

Mu Qiye glanced at her tablet with slight disdain, and spit out two words: “It’s all small!”

“They’re all small?…”

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned for a while, but did not respond for a while.Ooka Momiji’s face turned slightly red, and he secretly spit: Shirou!


Deeply aware of Yuan Shan and Ye Ye also shy: Why do you say that, I… Heiji is still there!

163 “…”

Hattori Heiji swept He Ye’s upper circumference, and scratched his head embarrassingly: It seems, it is indeed a little smaller.

Xiaolan is not very fierce, but compared to Yuanzi and Xiaolan, there is still a lot of scale.

“Mu Qiye!!!”

Sonoko’s annoyed roar echoed from the snow-capped mountains!


“Mu Qiye?!”

At the ski resort on the mountain, I was startled when I heard the name: Mu Qiye?Who is shouting?he came?

Akiko Kinoshita, who was wearing a ski suit, stopped, but her heart sank.

After Yoko Okino received the protection of Mu Qiye, it can be said that she made a big move in the entertainment industry and continued to expand.

It’s not just the Earth Ladies team that Yoko Okino belonged to before, the famous Mai Aoki, Minami Takayama, Aya Ueto… Now even the film, TV, and modeling industries have begun to get involved, and many stars have also joined Mu Qiye. Next, the studio in charge of Yoko Okino.

She was also invited, but thinking about the rumors about Mu Qiye gave her a headache.

“Yoko, Director Guozhong University called and wanted you to play the heroine of Flowers School. This is a good opportunity!” After hanging up the phone, wearing a ski suit, her stand-in Yoko Asanuma, came over and told happily Good news for Akiko Kinoshita!

This is a good opportunity. All kinds of big directors have recently announced that they are going to shoot TV series, variety shows, talent shows… and so on, just seize this opportunity…

“Fantastic campus?”

Akiko Kinoshita couldn’t help frowning when she heard the name: It was an idol drama at first, maybe it was the kind of Jiu Liu campus love, she never liked this kind of plot, and it was too fake.


“I’ll think about it.”

Akiko Kinoshita shook her head lightly, and without the thought of continuing to slide down to relax, she turned and walked towards the hotel.

“Mingzi, won’t you slip for a while?”

Yoko Asanuma couldn’t help turning her head to look at Akiko Kinoshita and asked.

“No, I want to rest for a while, you can slide yourself.” Kinoshita Akiko didn’t look back, and continued to walk towards the hotel.

She is not Yoko Okino, even if she doesn’t have any loans, her family conditions are not bad, even now she is a first-class actress with many fans in Sun Country.

But she is still an artist of the company. If she doesn’t accept the film contract, I’m afraid…

“Oh, then you slow down!”

Yoko Asanuma didn’t seem to know what Akiko Kinoshita was thinking, but after speaking, looking at Akiko Kinoshita’s back, the eyes under Yoko Asanuma’s goggles were full of unwillingness and a lot of disgust.

What’s the big deal, it’s not just good looks, good luck, as long as you take a few more film appointments, and then… a trace of killing intent flashed in her eyes, and she subconsciously touched the phone in her pocket!


Inside the Yuanbingwei B&B.

“Mu, Mu Qiye? No, Mu, Mr. Mu, okay!”

Genbei Kitamura, the sixty-year-old boss with square glasses, widened his eyes, and hurriedly bowed and saluted after reacting.

How did such a big man come to their small shop?

“Mu Qiye!!!”

At this moment, the door opened with a click, and saw Maurilan opening the door, Suzuki Sonoko was tired and panting and brought the suitcase in!


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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