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Winery? Nothing — Page 374

“Mu Qiye, you will die if you help me carry the suitcase!” Suzuki Yuanzi said angrily.Mu Qiye, this guy is so strong, but he wants to let her, this little girl carry the suitcase, really…

“Yuanzi…” Fei Xiaolan wanted to ease the atmosphere.

Mu Qiye didn’t care at all, looked at Yuanzi with a smile and said, “Who told you to bring so many salutes? Besides, Kazuya, didn’t Hattori bring it up by himself? Even Hongye.”


Hattori Heiji and Toyama and Ye didn’t know what to say: Could it be the same?

They didn’t bring much of their own things. The box of Ooka Hongye… good guy, it’s like it didn’t contain anything. The one from Sonoko, but the one with Xiaolan and Sonoko, is dead heavy!

“I’m sorry, Yuanzi~” Fei Xiaolan smiled embarrassedly.In fact, she also wanted to carry the box by herself, or help Yuanzi carry it, but Yuanzi said that she just couldn’t move around because of her injury, so she was doing this kind of hard work, so…

“It’s alright, Xiaolan, what a big deal!” Seeing Xiaolan’s expression, Suzuki Sonoko immediately stood up straight, with an indifferent expression on her face.

In fact, Xiaolan didn’t have much at all, most of it belonged to her.

Originally, she didn’t want to bring many salutes, but she thought that Mu Qiye had pigeons on them halfway before, so she wanted to teach Mu Qiye a lesson. Anyway, Mu Qiye is also very strong, but who would have thought…

Mu Qiye has no manners at all, and doesn’t help them at all, so…

she’s totally cold

(For flowers, for evaluation, for reward, for support, for evaluation, for monthly pass, thank you for your support!!!).

Chapter 566: Conan is also here!

The B&B is on the top of the mountain, the rooms are relatively expensive, and there is a cable car that is easy to get off the bus, so there are not many people living in this hotel. Except for the rooms of Akiko Kinoshita and Yoko Asanuma, they are basically empty.

Glancing at Room 204 with the door closed, Mu Qiye just smiled.

“That’s it.”

201 and No. 203 next door were empty, so he nodded and decided: he and Hongye have a room, and Xiaolan and Yuanzi have a room.

Looking at No. 204 with the door closed, Hattori Heiji’s eyes lit up: If Akiko Kinoshita and Yoko Asanuma are really here, then more than [-]% – this is the room!

“Boss, I want this room, number 205!” Before Hattori Heiji could finish speaking, he heard a click, the door opened, and a boy in a bandage walked out.

“Work… Conan!!”

Seeing the boy, Hattori Heiji suddenly widened his eyes: Isn’t Kudo in Tokyo? ! !


Conan was also taken aback when he saw Xiaolan.


Hearing this title, Suzuki Sonoko frowned, turned to look at Conan, and showed a bit of displeasure: “It’s you again, stinky brat, what are you doing here? It’s really unfortunate to meet you again!”

If they hadn’t met Kogoro Mouri that day, they might not have gone to Didan High School long ago, nor would they have met that man with glasses who stabbed and killed his girlfriend, let alone that Mi Haisha!

Thinking of this, she was very upset!

“Yuanzi, don’t say that~” Concubine Xiaolan said in a low voice, pulling Yuanzi’s shoulder.With so many people here, it’s always a little rude.

But I can’t help but feel a little sad when I think of the forgotten father and the star Yucheng Liuli together.


Conan wanted to walk in a few steps and talk to Xiaolan, but when he saw Mu Qiye, he couldn’t help showing a bit of fear on his face.

Oops, if this guy targets him, he probably won’t be able to get out of bed for at least three days!


Mu Qiye shrugged helplessly, and sighed when he saw his feet that were about to be lifted. Then, he asked the boss for the key, looked at Hongye and said, “Let’s go, let’s go inside.”

“Yeah.” Ooka Hongye nodded lightly, and the two entered the room together.After the boss gave the other people the keys, he also left immediately: they can’t be provoked.

“Hey, Xiaolan, let’s go in too!”

He grimaced at Mu Qiye’s back, and stared at the bandaged kid unhappily. Yuanzi pulled the suitcase and called Xiaolan to go in to 202.

“Sister Xiaolan!” Conan couldn’t help shouting, hearing Conan’s cry, Fei Xiaolan looked back, but in the end she didn’t stop, and soon entered the room with Yuanzi, and the door closed with a snap.


Like a tunnel with the door closed, Conan’s field of vision seemed to gradually darken in an instant.He stretched out Er Kang’s hand, but in the end he didn’t step forward.

“Hey, kid, why are you here?”

Walking to Conan’s side, Hattori Heiji bent down and put his arms around Conan’s shoulders, questioning in confusion.

Conan came back to his senses, thinking of important things, he suddenly came back to his senses, and threw it to Hattori Heiji with a dead fish eye and said: “What do you think? I haven’t investigated it for so long, and it’s too embarrassing to shut down the suit department. , I can only go out!”

“Stinky brat!” Hearing this, Hattori Heiji’s brows suddenly jumped, his fists didn’t feel clenched, and he didn’t use any strength to wrap his arms around Conan’s neck.


Seeing that Heiji was so close to this bandaged kid, Yuan Shan and Ye, who knew that she was here because of the case, couldn’t help showing a bit of anger.

What, why do you have to wait until I enter the room to talk about it!

“Ah, oh, got it Kazuha!”

Hearing Toyama and Ye’s angry voice, Hattori Heiji couldn’t help turning his head and smiling apologetically at He Ye, then looked at Conan and warned in a low voice: “Tell you, Akiko Kinoshita and Yoko Asanuma are mine, don’t rob them. my goal!”

With Mu Qiye, he finally found the locations of Akiko Kinoshita and Yoko Asanuma, so he wouldn’t give up these two suspects to this guy Kudo!

“Cut, then it’s up to who’s ability!” Conan retorted unhappily: After so many days to find out Akiko Kinoshita and Yoko Asanuma, still blame him for robbing things?

“Stinky brat!”

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came, and when I turned around, I saw a beautiful woman in her twenties wearing an orange-yellow down jacket walking up.

Akiko Kinoshita!

There was a ray of light in Conan and Hattori Heiji’s eyes: It’s her!


Looking at Conan Kimono Heiji who came over, Akiko Kinoshita frowned, especially Conan, who even had a bandage on his head.

Who are these two people?Why are there so many residents here?

“Kinoshita, right? I’m Hattori Heiji, your fan, I like your TV series Snow Maiden Love!” Hattori Heiji immediately walked over with a smile and introduced him.

Finally found it, Akiko Kinoshita is mine!


“Similarly, Kinoshita, I’m also your fan, I like your TV series very much!” Conan also immediately greeted him.

Humph, who is not sure!


Akiko Kinoshita frowned: When ordinary fans see their favorite stars, they either scream in surprise or are overjoyed, and they can’t help but call their full names…

But, two people…

Although it looks very happy, at least this one is called Hattori Heiji, but in words, it is not like what fans should be!

“Sorry, I’m a little tired, I have to go back to rest.” He shook his head slightly and refused, and Akiko Kinoshita put these aside and walked directly towards 205.

Whatever it is, just refuse it!


Conan and Hattori Heiji looked at each other in confusion: something is wrong, no matter how bad the character is, how can a star not be so cold when he sees fans greeting like this?

At least a few words should be said, a few subtle words!

“Humph!” Looking at Conan and Hattori Heiji in room 202, Yuan Shan and Ye snorted angrily, pulled the suitcase into Fan Gen, and then slammed the door shut: Heiji or something, I hate it the most !

“…” Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at each other, and then, Hattori Heiji immediately ran over and knocked on Heye’s door: “Heye, listen to my explanation…”

(Please ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for reward, ask for support, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly ticket, thank you for your support!!!) Fan.

Chapter 567: Hongye’s unwillingness, Nia’s actions!

The weather was not good in the afternoon, and it snowed before two o’clock.Fortunately, Mu Qiye didn’t hate it either. After returning the ski equipment, he went for a walk with Hongye.

The pure white snow fell slowly, always giving people an unimaginable tranquility.

Ooka Hongye didn’t like it that much, and frowned slightly when she saw the snowflakes floating on her body.

“If you don’t like it, go back.”

Mu Qiye smiled and wiped off the snowflakes from Hong Ye’s hair. He liked this kind of quietness, but he was not overbearing enough to make others like it.

“Wait a while.”

Dagang Hongye was startled for a moment, and then he looked at Mu Qiye and shook his head lightly: There was a touch of pink on his face, I didn’t expect him to have such a careful side.

It seems that at this moment, the surrounding environment also has a warm feeling, it seems that she doesn’t hate winter so much anymore.

In fact, she doesn’t like this kind of environment, let alone winter, but if Mu Qiye likes it, it’s enough. Even if she doesn’t like it, she will try to adapt to it and even like it.

“Well, it’s still very interesting to see snow.” Mu Qiye shrugged and didn’t stop it.The two of them walked forward slowly and aimlessly, leaving crooked footprints on the ground.

“By the way, my father and mother bought me a red leaf villa in Saitama.” Leaning on Mu Qiye’s shoulder, Ooka Hongye thought for a while, and then said.

Actually, this is somewhat inappropriate.

The Ooka family had just gotten rid of the crisis of the three major chaebols in Kansai and the Yamaguchi-gumi. At this time, they sent her directly to a villa in Saitama Prefecture, obviously implying that she wanted to go out independently.

Of course, the family’s meaning is obviously impossible to abandon Mu Qiye like this. A fool knows this is unwise. Mu Qiye can go to the Yamaguchi-gumi headquarters alone and make the three chaebols regress, not to mention an Oka family. ?

I just want her to compete with Suzuki Lingzi, and even Nakiri Alice from the Nakiri family, for the position of Mu Qiye’s real wife.

She also felt that she would not lose against Suzuki Ryoko, let alone Nakiri Alice, but… thinking about the previous situation of the Ooka family, she still felt a little hard to tell.

Just to Mu Qiye.

“Oh? What are your thoughts?” Mu Qiye asked with a smile.

Xiao Ai mentioned this to him.

In fact, things like status and marriage always felt a little bit ridiculous to him.After all, he never thought about getting married. As for status?

In his eyes, the status of most of his women can’t be checked too much, and there are basically all of them.He doesn’t really care about things like property.

Dignified Demon God Mage, this world may be his starting point, does he still care about the mess?If other women want to fight, then fight?


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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