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Winery? Nothing — Page 38

“Yumi, how are you feeling?”

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Mu Qiye looked at Yumi Miyamoto, who was listless beside him. With his right hand, he skillfully removed the magazine from the empty gun and reloaded it.

“What do you say?”

Miyamoto Yumi rolled her eyes and said unhappily: “If you have the ability, you can play ten rings, what’s so great about playing it!”

Mu Qiye was very easy to get along with, and he was not as easily angry and violent as he thought.

It’s just too bad character and too much care.

In addition, the two have similar personalities, and it can be said that they have become good friends.

“Would you like to come?”

After Mu Qi loaded the magazine, he flicked his thumb and the pistol kept spinning around his index finger inside the trigger guard.

If you look closely, you can actually see that Mu Qiye’s fingers don’t touch the guard ring most of the time, as if the pistol is spinning automatically. Of course, Yumi is not in the mood to take a closer look, not even the target!

“Come on, let’s play by yourself!”

Obviously a playboy, who would have thought that learning a gun would be so good?

It’s only two days now, not only can every shot hit the target, but sometimes there will be several shots within the eighth ring.

Although there is an element of luck, it has only been two days, do you still want to live? ! !

Moreover, Mu Qiye kept provoking and teasing her…

I also asked her how long she had learned to do it?How is her posture?ask her……

Anyway, she is speechless, she can’t speak if she can’t speak.

Ignoring the handle turned in front of her, she looked enviously towards Mikazu Sato, her best friend who was teaching Suzuki Ryoko seriously.

Obviously they came together, why is the difference so big?

How nice they are, how serious they are, and now they are still learning to pose!

And me?

Miyamoto Yumi’s tears flowed into her heart, hugging her legs, and she missed the days of duty.

At least you can drive smartly and open a few tickets~

“Life is lonely as snow!”

A smile appeared on the corner of Mu Qiye’s mouth, he took the pistol and aimed at the target again, his expression was a little more serious.

Concentrate, in the field of vision, the target gradually becomes larger and clearer, and it seems that you can see the trajectory of the bullet!

“Second ring, fifth ring, eighth ring, third ring, sixth ring, fifth ring…”

Acquired the relevant knowledge and some experience of gunfighting. With the increase in the use of magic, the spiritual power and magic power unconsciously cooperate more, and almost every shot falls on the target accurately.

It makes sense, but there is still a long way to go before the formation of instinct.

Maybe you can try to exchange for a magic pistol, or learn alchemy, and transform it yourself, um, there are potions, planting, divination… It seems that there is still a lot to learn.

“Ahhh, I’m coming too!!!”

The sound of da da da made Miyamoto Yumi a little irritable and a little itchy.Then he stood up unconvinced, strode to the shooting position next to him, picked up the pistol, took a good posture, and aimed to shoot!

“Bang, bang, bang…”

She used to like coming to the practice range to shoot, and she liked the sound even more.

But Mu Qiye kept changing his posture and didn’t listen to her teaching at all.She can play whatever she wants and still hit the target, she really doesn’t know what to say.

What my colleague and sister said was because she was beautiful, Mu Qiye only called her here. Now the possibility is increased by 70, and she is still called to be a vase!

The speed is a lot faster, but the accuracy…

Mu Qiye pretended to cover the shading light with his hand, and looked at the target: “Hey, one shot is outside the fifth ring, can’t you, that’s all? That’s it? And the elites of the traffic department? How much do you despise the criminal police? Ah, in a week at most, I can surpass you!”

“You… Mu Qiye, say it again, I will tear your mouth apart!”

Miyamoto Yumi glared at the guy who was talking sarcastic words next to her, and she was angry. If you weren’t angry with me, could I have been out of the fifth ring?

“It’s hard to be a human being if you don’t let people tell you about the dishes!”

Mu Qiye sighed, put down the pistol, and slapped Yumi’s butt with his right hand, causing a wave.

“Hey, Mu Qiye!” Come again…

Miyamoto Yumi screamed, covering her buttocks, her face darkened, and before she got angry, she heard Mu Qiye stretched his voice and said, “Calm down, both traffic police and criminal police are dangerous occupations, you can’t do it all the time. Calm down, don’t say that there will be problems with law enforcement, and maybe your life will be lost. Miyamoto Yumi, if you can’t do this, don’t harm others and yourself, and resign as soon as possible!”

What Mu Qiye said was right, whether it was law enforcement or danger, she agreed with it, and she was also reflecting and correcting, but how many times have you said it!

“Go on, I won’t resign to be your female bodyguard, you should die!” Miyamoto Yumi raised her head, immediately exposed Mu Qiye’s intentions, and turned her head with disgust.

“No, the treatment is favorable, how about 30 yen a month? It’s an acquaintance, how about 50?” Mu Qiye hurriedly tempted.The little policewoman is good looking, with good marksmanship, and there is no bodyguard anyway, so it would be best to abduct one.

“No, not even 100 million, I’ll be a traffic policeman, go find someone else!”

“Cut, if it wasn’t for your good looks, I wouldn’t want you, your character is too bad!”

“Mu Qiye!”


(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards…).

Chapter 58: Good girlfriends, eat dog food together!

After some trouble, Mu Qiye came to Suzuki Lingzi’s side.

Learning a gun is also a form of training.

When he decided to take the gun license test, he called Suzuki Lingzi and asked her to come with him, which was considered to improve the strength of self-protection.Of course, there is also an advantage, that is, as long as the marksmanship is almost passing, the two can get the license.

“Officer Sato, do you mind if I come?” Mu Qiye asked with a smile.

Sato Miwako frowned at Mu Qiye: “Ling Zi’s physique is weak, your shooting methods are not suitable for her.”

Practice pistol recoil is not small.

In order to maintain the accuracy of shooting, women generally use the peer-to-peer triangle teacup style. Mu Qiye’s one-handed gun basically does not have a fixed posture. Every time there is a different shooting method, it is not suitable for women. It is suitable, and Suzuki Ryoko’s physique is weaker than that of ordinary women.

“Don’t you know if you try it?”

Mu Qiye smiled and blinked at Suzuki Lingzi, Suzuki Lingzi blushed: “That, Officer Sato, thank you for your hard work.”

“…Well, I’m standing by, be careful.”

Sato Miwako had to give up and give way.

The superiors explained it, and the police officer Hie Mumu even went up.

As long as Suzuki Ryoko’s safety is guaranteed, she will do whatever she wants in other aspects.

Sato Miwako stood aside, intending to pay attention and remind him at any time.

Then, he was stuffed with dog food!

In the same one-handed shooting posture, the two stood sideways. Mu Qiye stood behind Suzuki Lingzi, holding her waist with one hand and Suzuki Lingzi’s hand with the other, and the two were tightly pressed together.

Real hands-on teaching!

“Look at the target, can you see clearly?”

Mu Qiye tilted his head and determined the difference between Suzuki Lingzi’s sight and his own.


Suzuki Lingzi felt a little hot on his face, his body stiffened, and the whole person was a little overwhelmed.

“Don’t be nervous, relax, and take a step back.”

Mu Qiye smiled and took a step back while holding Suzuki Lingzi: “Can you see clearly now?”

“I can barely see clearly, but it’s okay.”

Suzuki Lingzi tilted his head, squinting his eyes to finally see the target clearly.

“That’s good, don’t squint and look carefully, it’s fine under normal circumstances, the target should be bigger than when you look carefully,”

“Well, the edge is a bit empty, I can’t see it clearly, I need…”

Suzuki Ryoko squinted again subconsciously, although it wasn’t that big.

“Idiot, don’t squint, didn’t I tell you? Just look at it like this, what’s wrong with the emptiness? The target is round, and the emptiness is not partly emptiness, but all around it. With the above line, the target cannot be determined yet. center?”

Mu Qiye gently patted Suzuki Lingzi’s lower abdomen and reminded with a smile.

“Uh, yes.”

Suzuki Ryoko shook her head slightly, made herself awake, looked at the target and nodded.

“That’s good, relax your body, it’s too stiff, don’t be nervous, just shoot a gun and draw a target, can I still eat you?”

“Uh, no, don’t you say this, okay? I didn’t know much about it.”

“It’s okay, just shoot a gun, shoot a target, and don’t shoot you…”


Although it was stuffed with dog food, Sato Miwako drank a bottle of mineral water and watched dutifully.

Soon, another one rushed over in a sour way.

“Miwako, are you full?”

Sato Mikako glanced at her gloating girlfriend, and asked angrily, “What do you think? Also, what are you doing here? Are you hungry?”

“Hee hee, I don’t think you are pitiful alone, come to accompany you!”

Miyamoto Yumi smiled and put her hand on her best friend’s shoulder.

Sato Miwako laughed dryly: “Hehe, no, you little pervert will go back and shoot your pistol!”

“Why, what are you doing? Good sisters are going to be together, and they have dog food to eat together!” Miyamoto Yumi didn’t mind the embarrassment of her intention to be exposed, and continued to stay deadly.Although I like to do handjobs, it is boring to do handjobs alone, and there is no one to accompany you!

“Yumi, you’ve changed!” Sato Miwako said seriously.

“Being beautiful?!!”

Miyamoto Yumi touched her cheek with one hand and asked happily.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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