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Winery? Nothing — Page 4


Suzuki Lingzi didn’t expect Mu Qiye to say so much. Of course, this small talk brought the two people closer to each other.

Her communication range is not wide, it can be said to be very narrow, and now Mu Qiye is more than an ordinary friend.

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards…).

Chapter 7: My cub will finally ask for money!

The two went to the counter to book a room together.

Mu Qiye asked for some snack juice by the way, and gave some to Suzuki Lingzi to go upstairs.

“By the way, it’s best to discuss it with your parents. It would be best if you can get a few people you can trust. In terms of personnel, we are relatively short, so you can recommend it.”

In front of the door, Mu Qiye said with a smile.

“Okay, I’ll try my best.”

Suzuki Lingzi was a little embarrassed, but she still agreed without scheming.

It can also be said that Suzuki Lingzi didn’t think so much at all, just didn’t want to trouble the family.

Mu Qiye didn’t explain, he said good night with a smile and entered the room.

Whether the Suzuki family will install their own people, and whether they will have intentions for the company to be established in the future, even if it is true, regardless of Suzuki Lingzi’s ideas, it is actually nothing to want to seize control of the company.

All he wants is the assets that can be exchanged in name and belong to him, as well as a certain status.Satisfying these things is easy to say. If he has other thoughts, he and she don’t mind making the world chaotic earlier, and there are a few more people’s names on the book of death.

Sleepless nights, the morning sun shines through the window into the room.

Suzuki Lingzi hadn’t washed up yet, so she took her cell phone and made a call.

“Lingzi, what’s the matter? Calling so early?”

At the other end, Tomoko Suzuki is having breakfast with Sonoko Suzuki at the dining table.

“Mom, my sister is calling? I told my sister that I will!”

On the other hand, Suzuki Sonoko stood up without an image and was about to answer Suzuki Tomoko’s call.

“Anyway, will you go to school later? What time is it?”

Tomoko Suzuki angrily reached out and patted off the outstretched paw, and said, “Lingzi, if you have something to say.”

“What’s the big deal!” Suzuki Sonoko yelled into the phone through Tomoko Suzuki with an unhappy flat mouth: “Sister, I’m going to school, remember to go home next week, we’re going shopping, I I met a few very handsome and handsome guys!”

“Shut up, you think your sister is you!”

Suzuki Tomoko laughed and scolded, and hurriedly told Sonoko to get out of the way, her head also had some headaches, this daughter is okay with everything else, but this guy is obsessed with handsome… handsome guy can be eaten?Which powerful, powerful, influential, handsome guy?Not one out of a thousand I know.

“Well, Mom, you told Sonoko that I’ll be home next week.”

Suzuki Lingzi looked at the sunlight outside the window, her face was surprisingly soft, and there was a smile in her eyes.At home, Sonoko’s younger sister can make her feel really relaxed.

“Okay, I’ll talk to her.”

The two mothers and daughters chatted for a while.

Most of them were talking about Tomoko Suzuki, asking about Lingzi University.

Although I also know the general situation of Ling Zi at school and know that nothing major will happen, but I do hear my daughter say that, there is still a kind of warmth.

“By the way, is there anything wrong with calling so early?” Tomoko Suzuki returned to the topic.

Suzuki Ryoko was silent for a while.

There was still a voice on the other end of the phone: “Mom, can you give me some money?”

“Money?” Tomoko Suzuki was slightly taken aback.

Ling Zi is a very obedient and frugal person. The New Year’s money during the New Year’s Festival is basically stuffed by them. In other cases, they have never asked for money at all?

“Did something happen? Lingzi? Are you okay? How much? Where are you?”

Tomoko Suzuki felt nervous, and subconsciously thought that an accident had occurred, and the problem was not small.

The housekeeper who was over fifty years old also quickly made a phone call.

Even if the so-called friend invests in drama, publishing, publicity… it costs a lot, and most of the money spent on holiday stuff is pushed away, and I also buy them a lot of things, plus daily expenses, how can Lingzi have hundreds of millions of days? Yuan’s bank deposits, hundreds of millions of yen can’t be solved, it is definitely a big deal.

“No, no, Mom, don’t think about it, I’m fine.”

Suzuki Lingzi said quickly, was silent for a while, then gritted his teeth: “I want to do business with a friend of mine, and I need some money. It’s best for my mother to give me a few people. I don’t have much experience.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay~”

Suzuki Tomoko’s tense body also loosened, signaling the housekeeper not to be nervous.People are fine, everything else is trivial, and then he was stunned again: “Doing business? Friends?”

“If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter. My money is about the same now.”

Suzuki Lingzi didn’t want to talk too much about Mu Qiye with Suzuki Tomoko. After all, although Mu Qiye didn’t care, it was also for the name of the Suzuki family behind her, but she didn’t want to rely too much on the family.

“No, no, how can you, how much is needed? Is 100 billion yen enough? What… um, forget it, I’ll give you 5 billion!”

Tomoko Suzuki knew what her daughter wanted.

Although I am curious as to who they are cooperating with and what kind of business they are cooperating with, but if I ask too much, my daughter’s character is absolutely unbearable.It doesn’t mean that she can’t stand her asking these things, she will feel impatient, but she will become more insecure and independent.

There was light in her eyes, her whole body trembled slightly, and she couldn’t help but say: My cub finally asks for money!

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards…).

Chapter 8: Ichiro Shinto was killed!

“No, not so much, a few hundred million, um, a billion is enough.”

Suzuki Ryoko said quickly.

“One billion?”

Suzuki Tomoko frowned, still a lot worse, but better than before, after thinking about it, he said: “Forget it, I’ll call you five billion first, if you need to call Mom directly, if anyone? You? Want, still?”

This is a bit of a talk. If Lingzi said it, she would just throw a few at random, and then maybe she will add a few messy people and enter the company without a real name.For the Suzuki family, all that can be solved with money are trivial matters, and the important thing is to cultivate outstanding successors or the next generation.

If the other party said it, even with the help of the Suzuki family’s heart, there is a certain intention to cooperate.

Suzuki Lingzi represents the Suzuki family. The other party is Lingzi’s first collaborator. No matter how you can’t pit the other party, even if you want to dig a hole for your daughter, you must discuss it with the other party in advance to avoid bad influence.

“My friend said it.”

“Oh, I see. I’ll let Kawaguchi make arrangements after the meeting. If you need anything, remember to call.”

Tomoko Suzuki had the idea of ​​training her daughter, but she was relieved to hear this.

“Got it, Mom.”


Ignoring her daughter’s rebuttal, Suzuki Tomoko simply called Suzuki Ryoko 50 billion yen and hung up.

She finally asked for money, and she didn’t want her daughter to go back again.Besides, Suzuki Ryoko represents the Suzuki family and is the daughter of the Suzuki family. If there is less money to use, I would think that I am not valued at home!

As for who is collaborating?Even if you don’t investigate, don’t ask, there are not many candidates.

There are only a few people my daughter knows.

Strangers, even if they are public figures, well-known entrepreneurs, and daughters who have been in magazines, it is impossible for her daughter to cooperate. She has tried it more than once.

The other party must be an acquaintance, or the same school, with a certain foundation of trust, and the age gap will not be too large, otherwise the daughter’s personality will not agree, and then…

In recent years, the University of Tokyo has only a few outstanding students who are still entrepreneurs.

“Mu Qiye?” The first name that came to Suzuki Tomoko’s mind.

It’s not that Mu Qiye’s achievements are high enough and his abilities are too strong.But Mu Qiye is too famous recently, and the relationship with the Nakiri family. They all know more or less in their circle. Of course, the style is not very good.Even worse than the current heirs of the new family.

Far from the palace.

After Mu Qiye washed up, he turned on his backup phone and found an unread text message.

“The submitted application documents have been stamped by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and we are waiting for the funds allocated by the Ministry of Finance to be in place… under the village.”

“Oh? Another good news!”

Mu Qiye smiled slightly, and answered text messages with a flip phone somewhat rusty.

For inexplicable extra five dollars, buying a bag of instant noodles can solve the problem, and buying electricity for five thousand more is nothing, but if it is more than [-], [-] million, if you want to use it upright, naturally you have to have one. Reasonable way, or money laundering!

“Are you sure it’s where I said?…Vodka.”

Soon, the phone vibrated.

“That’s right, I’ve read the information carefully. It’s the route you mentioned in the [-]-chome, Rice Flower Town. News will be released within a month at most, and open recruitment will be held… Murakami.”

According to the housing price of [-]-chome, the five stores are estimated to receive more than one billion yen in demolition funds.

Although it is still a little less, but in order not to attract attention, the source of the money is unclear, and there is no way…

Mu Qiye sighed, lowered his head and continued to reply to the text message.

“Understood, the location of the hotel, the address of the money will be sent to you later, the key is still in the original place, and it is cash… vodka as before.”

“Haha, be happy, continue to cooperate in the future… Murakami.”

“Ha ha.”

Man, ninety-nine percent are the same.

When you have power, you want to be rich, and when you have money, you want to have power.Of course, when you have power, you want to be more powerful, and when you have money, you want to be richer.

No way, this world defines that money and power can basically get everything.

Not for money, why?

Mu Qiye smiled and sent the address of the hotel.

Then he threw the phone into the fireplace.

Bang~ The phone burned, and a blue flame came out of the fireplace, and pungent black smoke came out, but it was quickly burned out by the flames.

The world is bright, but how many sins are buried after the light?

The phone rang again.

This time, it was a commonly used mobile phone, and it was called by Suzuki Lingzi.

Suzuki Ryoko asked him if he wanted to have breakfast together, and by the way, what happened yesterday.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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