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Winery? Nothing — Page 43


They had a deep memory of that scene.Of course, the one who impressed the most was the ugly auntie!

They just sneaked to the paradise to play, and they were very curious to see the ugly old lady falling one after another from a distance, so they asked a few words of concern when she fell next time, and wanted to send her to the hospital.

…….. …… 0

Then, for some reason, she was beaten up by a very fat and ugly auntie for a while… Now I sometimes see her even in nightmares!

Tengfeng Yukiko shook her head helplessly, she was sorry for what happened back then, but there were too many accidents.

With these little ghosts hiding in the back compartment, it is naturally difficult to elaborate, so I can only vaguely say: “Expression.”

Mu Qiye is the kind of person with a restrained expression.

In general, when disguised, nothing can be seen from the expression alone.But once there is no external cause, or it is not a big deal.The change in his expression must have explained something.


Conan was stunned for a while, with a weird look on his face: When did Mom understand micro-expressions?

For some reason, he always felt something was wrong in his heart, but he couldn’t say anything.

Although Mu Qiye had never solved any cases, he believed that Mu Qiye’s reasoning ability was not weak for everything that happened in Mu Qiye’s villa a few days ago.

However, whether there is such a strong insight in this aspect of the case, the reasoning ability is not known.

Conan shook his head and refocused his attention on the case.

Daggers, chairs, room temperature… I always feel that the killing method is not that simple.


(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support…) For a long time.

Chapter 65: This is the entertainment industry!

Thin, petite and weak type, fierce can also be, pure breath.

For an actor, it is very good to be clean and protect oneself.

Even if it does kill someone, it doesn’t matter.

After all, according to the original plot, it’s not the victim, it’s the reason.

“Mr. Mu~”

Yoko Okino bowed politely.

The fatty agent next to him handed out his business card with both hands, and bowed, “My lord, Eiichi Yamagishi, is Yoko’s agent, please give me more advice.”

According to Mu Qiye’s current identity, status, fame, financial resources… even if it is not implicated, there is no harm in being respectful.


Mu Qiye took it with a smile, looked directly at Yoko Okino, pointed his finger at the window and said, “You don’t mind talking about it, right?” “Eight-five-zero”

“Ah? Mr. Mu…” Yamagishi Eiichi was startled and tangled.

Yoko Okino is positioned as a jade star.

Although I know that Mu Qiye can’t do it in public, even if it is a chat, if it spreads out, according to Mu Qiye’s reputation, it may have an impact on the image of Okino Yoko’s beautiful girl!

Of course, this is only the worst case.

If Yoko Okino was supported by Mu Qiye, it would be nothing without the position of a jade girl star.

After all, whether it is r book or the entertainment industry, capital is king.

As long as you are willing to spend money and guide him, according to Mu Qiye’s methods, the influence in this area will definitely be greatly weakened.Coupled with endorsements, advertisements, movies… These actual profits are definitely big profits for Yoko Okino.

But, Mu Qiye will pay the price to cultivate Yoko?

What I’m afraid of is that Mu Qiye is only interested in Yoko Okino’s body, and it doesn’t matter if he is finished, and the possibility is not low!

“Damn it, Yoko!”

On the side, Mouri Kogoro, who had noticed Mu Qiye for a long time, was about to explode when he heard this, and he was about to run over with his sleeves rolled up, trying to teach this guy who dared to pay attention to Yoko!

“Dad, the case!”

Mao Lilan’s face darkened, and he pulled Maori Kogoro.

Maori Kogoro is like a dog caught on a rope when he sees a bone. He desperately wants to eat the bone, but he is held tightly!

Mao Lilan’s face darkened even more.

If it weren’t for the large number of people here, she would definitely let this unreliable father know what it means to defend a female idol in front of her daughter and let her family dream of breaking together!

“Hehe, uncle of waste wood, still want to chase big stars? Go dream!”

Conan glanced at Mouri Kogoro disdainfully, and then his face became serious again, rubbing his chin and thinking about the case: “The temperature, the dagger, the water stain, the fallen chair… Could it be related to the method of murder? However, why… …”

The three little kids hid behind the sofa, showing their heads one after another, looking at Conan who was thinking seriously.

“Wow, Conan’s thinking is so handsome!”

Loli Ayumi’s eyes shone with sparkling brilliance.

“Yes, Conan looks good… No, that’s it, it’s definitely pretending, learning from Uncle Mouri!”

Seeing Ayumi’s expression on his face, Mazi immediately woke up and immediately turned his mouth.

“Really? However, Conan really…”

Seeing that Ayumi still didn’t believe it, Mazi’s face was Guangyan, and she hurriedly gave Fatty Yuan a wink.

Although the two are competitors, but there are outsiders involved, and they are still strong opponents, then they can only agree to the outside world!


Fatty Yuan was too slow to react, but he was still very sensitive in this regard: “Yes, Conan must be pretending!”

Good guy, was stabbed by a freshman!

Conan is such a scammer!

I must teach him a lesson tomorrow, let him know who is the boss, and what is the boss’s woman not to touch!

The two fooled Ayumi together. Although Ayumi was still a little unconvinced, she also had doubts.

At the same time, one fat and one thin nodded in unison.

Let’s educate Conan together tomorrow!


The two walked to the window.

“Let’s have dinner together later.”

Mu Qiye said directly that there was basically no chance for Yoko Okino to choose.

“Ah? This… Mr. Mu…”

Yoko Okino’s voice raised a few points, then lowered again, showing a tangled expression 0…….

Although he didn’t answer, as long as he wasn’t stupid, he knew that Yoko Okino didn’t want to go.

At the same time, this voice also attracted the attention of many people.


Maori Kogoro, who had just been appeased, wanted to come forward as a hero to save the beauty, but was then held back by Maurilan.

Smart people!

Mu Qiye’s face didn’t change much, but his smile became bigger: “You will agree, won’t you?”

Will indeed agree.

Mu Qiye has already said it, what can she do?


Unsurprisingly, the related business of Hemu Qiye Company was absolutely yellow.What about companies that have business with Mu Qiye?

Mu Qiye also has an ambiguous relationship with the Suzuki Group and the Nakiri Group.

What about related companies?

Rejection is almost equivalent to being abandoned by most of the collaborators.

“Okay, Mr. Mu.”

Yoko Okino smiled reluctantly and nodded in agreement.

And Mu Qiye had already walked towards Tomoko Ikezawa. He didn’t say where to eat, and he didn’t even wait for Yoko Okino to agree.

This is to be expected, the place to eat is naturally the bed!

“The reluctant face, let me speak… Interesting. He is indeed a person in the entertainment industry!”

No matter what Yoko Okino thinks, what happens next.

These 4.8 conversations spread out, and it was good for Okino Yoko.

Nothing happened, Okino Yoko continued to maintain her status as a jade girl star, and she could have a relationship with him, borrow his fame justifiably, and use the title of escape star under Mu Qiye…

It happened, it can be said to be a last resort.Let others pity her, perhaps the reputation will not be reduced, but will be improved.

Of course, threats and lawsuits are also possible.

But most of them are the stupidest methods. I believe that Yoko Okino is not that idiot, and wants to gain benefits through these methods.

However, even if it is nothing.

Before she thinks about it, she will not think about it, or it will be buried in the ground, or it will be good to be a puppet.

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support…).

Chapter 66: The so-called truth

Mu Mu Shisan touched his chin and looked at Tomoko Ikezawa suspiciously.

“That is to say, you are here just to find out about Yoko’s scandal, right?”

Mu Shisan couldn’t believe that she could still see it.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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