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Winery? Nothing — Page 47

After playing a few times, I was busy teaching Suzuki Ryoko.

It snowed and reflected this trivial matter. After a few shots, I got used to it. The biggest meaning of staying here is Suzuki Ryoko and Miyamoto Yumi.

Of course, it doesn’t make much sense either.

However, the impact on Suzuki Lingzi is still not small.

Originally, there was little time to study, and Xue was distracted. If she hadn’t tried to aim at the virtual target from a long distance, it would have been even worse.

“Don’t worry, ignore the snow as much as possible, aim at the target, shoot directly!”



Although it is still inaccurate, the level is between the sixth ring and the eighth ring, but finally it will not miss the target.

Not bad!

Looking at Lingzi Suzuki from a distance, Mu Qiye sat on a chair, squatting lazily on the seeds.

In this way, even if you leave, it won’t be a big problem.

“Hey, aren’t you cold? Still eating melon seeds?”

Miyamoto Yumi thought for a while, but came over and grabbed a handful.

The snow is not cold, the melting snow is cold.

But this is outside, eating melon seeds, is that too much?


Miyamoto Yumi took out the melon seed skin and threw it into the plastic bag on the table: “Yes, salty, no cream?”


Mu Qiye rolled his eyes, looking at the basically shameless Miyamoto Yumi and didn’t care: “If you like it or not, if you don’t eat it, get out, that’s all!”

“Cut, what’s the big deal, someone invited Ben, but Ben didn’t eat it!”

Miyamoto Yumi raised her head in disdain and took out another one from her hand.



The two nibbled melon seeds leisurely, and Miyamoto Yumi gave a lot to her best friend Sato Mikazu.

Seeing Ryoko Suzuki practicing guns, Miwako Sato shrugged and didn’t accept it.

Miyamoto Yumi nodded in understanding.

When she came back, she asked, “By the way, you don’t like Miwako? No, you are not interested in Miwako? Uh, it’s not…”

She didn’t know what to say, but it meant that Mu Qiye’s attitude towards his best friend was not right.

It’s too polite, and it’s also police officer Sato who has been called until now.

“Haven’t you heard of Yu Yang Xian Yin?”

Mu Qiye raised his eyes and Shi Shiran said, “Most of the beautiful police officers like Sato are arrogant and arrogant. The easiest way is to find a normal person, such as you, to make a comparison, pursue you first, and then let him Jealousy, and then when she can’t stand the questioning, she will be ruthless and take it all at once!”

Miyamoto Yumi: “…Mu Qiye!”

Knowing that what Mu Qiye said was not true, she was simply angry with her.But when she heard Mu Qiye say that she was average-looking, just adding a head, it still made her a little unhappy, and she had a fight with him for a while.

Of course, neither of them cared.

“When did you leave? Your marksmanship should be about the same, right?”

Miyamoto Yumei’s mouth was flat, and her heart was still a little stuck.

“Not tomorrow.”

“So fast?”

Mu Qiye’s answer still shocked Miyamoto Yumi, thinking that this week is going to pass!

“To be honest, how is your marksmanship?” Miyamoto Yumi looked at Mu Qiye seriously.

Mu Qiye is not a person who strives for perfection and wants to be the best.

But looking for something, there is absolutely a certain degree of certainty.

“Why tell you, or…”

Mu Qiye narrowed his eyes and raised his hand to lift the little policewoman’s chin.


Miyamoto Yumi immediately avoided, but a faint pink appeared on the face she avoided, feeling a little hot.

Mu Qiye shrugged and didn’t care: “By the way, Lingzi will ask you after I leave~”

“What? Isn’t Lingzi in charge of Miwako?”

Miyamoto Yumi frowned.

She didn’t want to shoot her best friend’s job.

“Miwako is not suitable.”

Mu Qiye stretched and found a reason for Yumi to accept: “Miwako is a criminal policeman and is very busy, you don’t know about the police officer Mumu? Now even a child can sneak into the crime scene and speak. Give four back, be awesome!”

“Pfft, it’s also 0…”

Thinking of the rumors from the Criminal Department, Miyamoto Yumi couldn’t help but want to laugh: “Okay, I’ll tell Miwako and leave it to me!”

Under the police officer Mumu, Miwako is also an elite, and has handled a lot of cases.

“By the way, with Yoko Okino last night?”

Mentioning this, Miyamoto Yumi’s eyes lit up, and she couldn’t help but gossip.

“Think for yourself, or ~ you can use your own fingers~”


Miyamoto Yumi looked puzzled, what does this have to do with fingers?

Then his face turned red, and he scolded, “Bastard, you only use your fingers, I…”

“Oh, I see, you use eggplant, er, it’s bigger, it should be cucumber, but remember to remove the thorns, or it will hurt, or it may become inflamed. It’s better to peel off the skin, it’s crispy, but be careful, don’t stop…”

“Mu Qiye!!!”


Well, this is indeed a problem, not a small one.

Mu Qiye rubbed his waist.

Fortunately, my physique is good, and I have learned to heal, otherwise it will really hurt 4.8 for a while!

Miyamoto Yumi angrily went to Sato Miwako’s side, Sato Miwako glanced at Mu Qiye, a little helpless and a little complaining.

For Miyamoto Yumi, there is a bit of hatred for it.

The identities of the two are so different, who are the women that Mu Qiye contacts?Which one is the difference between parents?Isn’t Mu Qiye still as handsome as ever?

Whether it’s life style or attitude towards women… Mu Qiye is not a good choice.

She said that, Miyamoto Yumi also knew.

But Yumi Miyamoto said that it’s just a buddy, just like to play together, it’s interesting.

But are there really buddies between men and women?

Knowing that there is no result, but desperately leaning on it, Mu Qiye is poisonous!

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support…).

Chapter 71: Lingzi who took the initiative to invite

However, one size after another, Miyamoto Yumi still said Mu Qiye’s plan.

Sato Miwako didn’t want to agree.

It’s a good thing that Mu Qiye left,

But let Yumi and Suzuki Ryoko be together, according to the relationship between Suzuki Ryoko and Mu Qiye, who knows what will happen to Yumi?

But when Yumi Miyamoto mentioned the Criminal Department, Officer Meguro and Miwako Sato had a black line.

It is good to say that Kudo Shinichi participated in the case before.

The family’s father is the world-renowned mystery novelist Kudo Yusaku. He has a good relationship with Tiaozi and has also participated in many domestic cases.International reputation is not small.

His son was involved, and nothing.

Maori Kogoro is also doable.

Although the reasoning ability is not very good, there is always a background of Tiaozi.

Mu Qiye can say a few words, after all, they haven’t solved the case, and no one can say anything about their reputation and family property.

But Conan, what the hell is a teacher?

Conan found evidence about the case more than once, and the case turned out to be a middle school teacher deduced the truth in the end!

On the spot, she almost exploded.

Are the other slivers eating dry rice?

Officer Mumu was also called by the police to the office for approval at 09:[*], and all the papers involved in the case wrote a review!

If even children and teachers can solve the case, then scientists, teachers, doctors… can’t solve the case with all kinds of messes, then the note can’t solve the case?

“All right!”

Sato Miwako decided to make a decision, and looked at Suzuki Ryoko as usual.

“It’s been hard work for you these three days, Officer Sato, Lingzi has learned a lot.”

Suzuki Ryoko nodded with a smile, apparently agreeing with Yumi’s suggestion.

Sato Miwako waved his hand and said, “Don’t say that, I just taught you something you can teach, and the rest depend on Mu Qiye.”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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