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Winery? Nothing — Page 5

Mu Qiye naturally agreed.

When they got downstairs, the two had breakfast together.

Hearing that Suzuki Lingzi was going to invest 15 billion yen into the stock, Mu Qiye stopped immediately. People are more dead than people. about……

“Forget it, let’s talk about it later.”

Mu Qiye shook his head helplessly, Suzuki Lingzi invested 15 billion yen in shares, and he still held shares in Shenma?The company is directly owned by others.

However, it’s not a bad thing. The people next to him who heard this sentence immediately looked at each other, presumably soon, the cooperation between him and Suzuki Ryoko will spread, and the added value is self-evident.

Although Lingzi Suzuki was puzzled, he didn’t ask any further questions.

After dinner, they suddenly heard news.

“Have you heard? Ichiro Shinto was killed in Shibuya, and found in a garbage dump this morning!”

“Ichiro Shinto? The second child of Xinhu’s family? Really? How did he die? Well, it’s a pity, this little guy is still pretty good, the hotel and logistics are all good, much better than the prodigal in my family.”

“I don’t know, but it seems that I was stabbed dozens of times. The police haven’t confirmed the real culprit~”


Although the Shinichi family is an affiliated family of the Nakiri family, its assets are also tens of billions of yen, and with Mu Qiye, the most recent topical figure, Shinto Yilang’s reputation is also good and clear.

However, seeing Mu Qiye and Suzuki Lingzi coming over, they still didn’t feel like they closed their mouths, they smiled and nodded and said hello, as if they hadn’t said anything.

“No, um… won’t you go take a look?”

Mu Qiye just frowned, and then his expression calmed down. Suzuki Lingzi, who saw this situation, couldn’t help but ask tentatively. .

Chapter 9: Joke, just call me?

“Go? What to do?”

Mu Qiye smiled softly, but there was a sarcasm on his face that Suzuki Lingzi could see: “A hypocritical expression of condolences? Leave a few drops of crocodile tears? … I am not Jesus, nor the Virgin Mary. How did I come here all these years? What? It would be nice if you didn’t kill him!”

Suzuki Lingzi was speechless, then nodded lightly to show understanding.

Then he was shocked again: “Don’t say that, others will misunderstand!”

“If you don’t say it, others won’t think so?”

Suzuki Lingzi was speechless.I’m afraid it’s not just other people, but in Tiaozi’s eyes, Mu Qiye is also the main object of suspicion.

“Let’s go, how about going for a walk with me? Let’s relax~

“It’s… good.”

Looking at Mu Qiye’s self-concealed smile, Suzuki Lingzi forgot about going to school and agreed.

Mu Qiye drove and took Suzuki Ryoko to the nearest antique market in Chiyoda.

I have never seen the antique market in the last world. The antique market environment here is not bad. The ice and snow melted, the trees began to sprout new branches, and the scene was full of renewal and vitality.

Although it is not yet nine o’clock, the weather sometimes falls below zero.But the hawkers outside had already placed their goods long ago, and the shops had opened their doors, and many customers squatted in front of the stalls and started bargaining.

It’s all about money, for life.

They don’t know that most of them are fakes, and the possibility of picking up leaks is very small?It’s just that there is little hope, just like every businessman wants to be bald and Gates.

“Hey, we also brought new friends, do you want to come and see?”

“Mr. Mu, a batch of good goods just arrived, the paper-cut plum blossom porcelain bowls from the Tokugawa era, do you want to palm palms and eyes?”

“In the early Ming Dynasty, Longquan Kiln’s six-edged flower-and-bird-patterned plum vase cost only [*] yuan. Is Mr. Mu interested?”


The top-grade antiques in r books are basically porcelain, especially outside, there are very few selling calligraphy, paintings and works of art.But you can also find a lot of folk sculptures, woodware, clocks and watches.

At this time, there are still a lot of good products. Unlike the 21st world, the world tends to be stable. The opportunities and loopholes have basically been traveled by the previous generations, and they are almost filled. If you want to have big opportunities, you can only wait for hundreds of years. , or look forward to the next round of dishwashing.

Lingzi Suzuki doesn’t understand this, and is also a cautious person who is basically watching curiously.

“If you like it, you can buy it. As long as the price is not high and you like it, just buy it as a decoration. Of course, remember not to buy too much, don’t think about borrowing this thing to make a lot of money, and don’t listen to them.”

Mu Qiye held a copper pot, smiled and asked Lingzi Suzuki to pick a few as well, concentrated, and the relevant evaluation of the copper pot also appeared in his mind.

Scrap copper pot, first grade elementary, 2 value points.

“Yes, just see for yourself, I’ll give you a discount!”

The middle-aged merchant in the back knew Mu Qiye’s character, but he didn’t care about it with a smile, and let Suzuki Lingzi choose whatever he wanted.

In this antique street, Mu Qiye has a very good reputation.

Everyone knows that more than [*]% to [*]% of their own things are fake. Mu Qiye bought them simply, and the asking price was basically just one bite regardless of their bids.

I don’t say anything if I buy a fake, and when I come back, I still buy it as soon as I like it. Even if such a simple customer doesn’t like it, there will be few dislikes.

“Uh, okay~” Suzuki Lingzi thought for a while, then squatted down.After all, even if it is fake or old, some things look really good, and they can be used as decorations in the room, but the decorations are just a bit expensive, so just buy a few.

Of course, Suzuki Lingzi will also ask Mu Qiye, as for Mu Qiye?He knows all the nine orifices through ten orifices, and he is not interested in buying relevant knowledge or golden eyes and other messy abilities.

He studied business, and suddenly he is proficient in antiques. Personally, he would suspect that there are many ways to make money. This method is enough to play occasionally. Too much is stupid!

It can only be said that relying on the edge of the eye, some suggestions are made based on the balance evaluation, but it is basically the same as not saying anything.

The phone vibrated suddenly, Mu Qiye took out his phone and looked at it, and hung up the phone with an unfamiliar number.

Soon after, another phone call.


Unsurprisingly, Tokyo Toko’s landline was here to inquire about Ichiro Shinto.

As usual, turn it off.

Will he answer the call?funny!

As for the new home?

That is to say, the little secretary knows the mobile phone number he is using now, and the others should not know.

“What? Is there something wrong?”

With so many calls, Suzuki Lingzi was naturally a little skeptical.

“It’s nothing, it’s just an unfamiliar phone call.”

Although Suzuki Lingzi didn’t believe it, she still didn’t speak.

The two continued to chat and go shopping.

Stand-in doll: One-star high, worth 78 value points!

In a storefront, Mu Qiye picked up an anciently decorated kimono doll

Substitute doll?

A doll for a stand-in? … the kind that avoids death?Shouldn’t it?

Koizumi Hongzi made it?

Mu Qiye looked at it carefully, then shook his head gently.

At first glance, the thread is old, and there are still some open threads. The woman Koizumi Hongzi should not be interested in doing such old things.

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards…).

Chapter 10: Just a Slap

“Oh? Mr. Mu is interested in this?”

The shop owner came over with a smile, and Suzuki Lingzi also looked over.

“Alright, how do you sell this? Who sold it?”

Mu Qiye asked with a smile.

Since it’s not Koizumi Hongko’s, it doesn’t matter.

Although he doesn’t know how to use it, in magic, it is not difficult to study the effect.

“I remember it was sold by an old man. In addition, there is a jar and a dagger. It looks like something from a certain period of time. I took it. Mr. Mu, do you want to take a look?”

elder?Ninety percent are not.

Mu Qiye didn’t believe his words, but if Koizumi Hongzi came to sell it, he would never think of using the old man as an excuse.

“Okay, let’s go have a look.”


In a remote alley next to the highway, more than a dozen police cars were blocked at the intersection, and the alert had been raised.

“It’s not through yet?”

“Officer Mumu, it’s turned off~”

In the alley, Mu Mu Shisan clenched his fists when he heard his subordinate’s report full of black lines.

It’s so irritating!

It’s okay if the case can’t be solved, now even a kid dares not answer the phone call, I /*6/*-¥%~)…

“What are you looking at? Keep typing, call up his information, and let the Ministry of Communications pay attention to his license plate…”

“Yes, Officer Mumu!”

More than a dozen tiaozi stood upright and responded loudly, sonorously and forcefully, but it was of no use.

“Officer Mumu, Officer Mumu, found it, found it…”

A young man hurried over.

“Fujii, what did you find? Tell me now!”

Megumi Shisan seemed to have caught a life-saving straw and ran over quickly, asking Fujii, who was in charge of investigating the surrounding cameras.

“I found the suspect, Officer Mu Mu!”

The young Tiaozi stopped and took a long breath before saying: “The surveillance of the Ito Department Store still works. We found a few suspects through surveillance. They had blood on their bodies, hurried footsteps, and by the way, they still had tattoos on their bodies. , It has been determined that it is the little gangsters around, and [*]% should be their hands!”

“Okay, ask about the specific situation immediately, and then let Tiaozi conduct a search and arrest!”

“Yes, officer!”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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