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Winery? Nothing — Page 52

Mu Qiye asked directly.

Rather than waiting for the gin to come to the door, it is better to find the gin directly.


The middle-aged man’s words were blocked in his throat, his eyes widened, he never thought that Mu Qiye would take the initiative to ask the boss to call.

“never mind.”

Mu Qiye rubbed his brows.

The other party is a little minion, it is impossible to contact, gin, rum or the final boss!

“Where’s Shiho, where’s Shiho?!!

At this time, Miyano Akemi also rushed over and asked anxiously.

Her eyes were red and she should have cried.

But what’s the use of crying?

Stupid is stupid. Tears are also useful to some soft-hearted people. Most of the time, they are the talk and medals of the hostile powerhouse!


Mu Qiye sneered and sneered: “You look good, but your head is not good. Although I don’t know what you are for, but I want to come here, more than [*]% of the reason is because of you.”

“I agree to her request, and I don’t care about the reason. However, the condition is that you’d better be obedient and be honest. Otherwise, your life or death has nothing to do with me. It’s not easy to have someone willing to do this for you, so it’s best Don’t seek death, even for her!”


Miyano Akemi didn’t know what to say, tears kept streaming down her face.

My heart hurts, it really hurts!

Mu Qiye snorted disdainfully and looked at the middle-aged man: “You can report it to your boss and find someone who can call me when you can, or you can give me a phone number and I will call.”

“It’s better for you to leave a phone number.” The middle-aged man said quickly.

Rather than giving Mu Qiye’s number, it is better for Mu Qiye to leave the phone number and let him call the organization, so that the organization can take the initiative, and it is not easy to be monitored, and Mu Qiye can determine his whereabouts based on the phone number.

“it is good.”

Mu Qiye simply gave the number to the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man hurriedly wrote it down.

“Shiho Miyano won’t come out for a while, so just wait here.”

Mu Qiye walked ahead as he spoke.

The middle-aged man looked at the bathroom, nodded and sat down.

Before coming, he came to investigate.

This is on the third floor, and all the small windows in the bathroom are equipped with anti-theft windows. If you want to go out, only this door can be seen from here.

He chose this location partly because of concealment and partly because of this, and he agreed to choose this place.

Sitting in the original position opposite Shiho Miyano.

“Mr. Mu, the medium-rare steak you ordered, the vegetable salad you often eat, and a special cup of purple sky.”

“Your customized dishes are also ready, please let us know before you leave, we will pack it for you~”

There’s an upside to fine dining.

Just as long as you don’t leave, it’s not made to order.

Then as long as you are not around, your cooking will not be available.Your food will be given to other people first, and when you come out, I will cook it for you, or the nearest time.

The same is true for packaged dishes. In addition to customized ones, others will basically give you the latest time.Custom recipes will also help you preserve them in the best possible way.

“Thank you!”

The cooking is obviously not from the hands of Kikuchienko, nor does he have the heart to cook.Well, it should be said that the cooking of Kokuchiyuanguo is very crisp. It is a simple combination of technology, taste, ingredients, etc., and he does not understand the heart of cooking at all.

But with a fixed formula, being able to cook in the store also means that the other party has at least the skills of a three-star restaurant and a chef.Together, it is definitely an excellent dish.

Miyano Akimi walked back, but the desperate face of her dead father was really unappetizing.

Mu Qiye ignored it directly.

Miyano Akemi sat on the opposite side, where Shiho Miyano sat before, still weeping secretly…


After simply eating half of it, Mu Qiye got up directly.

“Let’s go.” Mu Qiye frowned.

If possible, I really don’t want to get along with this kind of woman who has no special ability, has a bad head, and wants to be an angel.

“Okay, you can wait~”

Miyano Akemi raised her head, revealing a face that would make people feel pity as long as she saw it.

“Idiot, do you think she wants to see you?”

Mu Qiye’s attitude was just indifference and sarcasm: “Don’t talk if you don’t have any brains, let alone make decisions. If you don’t want to leave, just stay here, what have you to do with me!”

Miyano Akimi looked at a loss: “Shibao… don’t want to see me?”

She didn’t believe Mu Qiye’s words, but at this time Mu Qiye had already stood up and walked forward. 850

Miyano Akemi looked at the door coming out of the bathroom with nostalgia, expecting her sister to come out, even if she saw it for the last time, but from beginning to end, there was no…


Miyano Akimi couldn’t figure out why.

But he had to get up and follow Mu Qiye.

This is what her sister wanted and she did, and it was also what her sister bought with her innocence. You can’t let your sister’s hard work go to waste!

When the middle-aged man passed by, the man stood up and stretched out his hand, whispering, “Mr. Mu, this is our boss’s phone number, you can call.”

Mu Qiye just smiled, reached out and shook it with him, took the note: “Okay, at most five minutes. By the way, call Zhibao and say we’re leaving.”

The middle-aged man glanced at Miyano Akemi, nodded and said, “Got it, Mr. Mu.”


Mu Qiye walked towards the counter, took the customized dishes, then smiled again, and said to the female cashier with a strange face: “Tell Yuanguo, I will come tomorrow.”

“Ah?!!!” The female clerk blinked in confusion.

The scandal with Yoko Okino was raging outside, and she was indescribable with a beautiful woman in the bathroom. She took away a beautiful pear flower with rain, and finally did not forget to ask my shop manager?


Sea King Mu Qiye is so terrifying!

(Thanks to the 588vip points of Fuyu and Sunny for the reward, monthly ticket, thank you for your support!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support…).

Chapter 77: Games, how about clearing Hirota Masami?

Downstairs car park.

Mu Qiye opened the door and got in the car.

Miyano Akimi trotted to the other side and sat in the co-pilot.

“Take it.”

Handing the packaged food to Miyano Akemi, Mu Qiye took out the note and entered the phone number according to the number on it.


Miyano Akemi was about to speak while holding the cooking box, but Mu Qiye turned her head and glared at her: “If you are stupid, don’t talk, let alone make any comments!”


Perhaps compared to Mu Qiye, or even to her younger sister, she was indeed stupid enough.I wanted to save my sister, but in the end, my sister lost her innocence, but she couldn’t help but remind: “Don’t call, maybe…”

“Maybe what?”

Mu Qiye was full of ridicule. After losing the number, he directly called out: “You are an idiot with an adventure that may be successful in one ten thousandth. Don’t compare your vision with my strength, there are very few people who make me afraid. indivual!”

One in ten thousand?me?

Miyano Akemi shook her head with a miserable smile: She knew that even if she traded with the organization, there was only a [*], or even a [*] in [*] chance that her sister would escape from that organization, but what can she do?The probability is at least better than no probability, at least she tried her best…

Just as the Maharaja said, that organization is a dark hell. As long as you touch it, you will be bound by the countless tentacles stretched out from hell, and then dragged into the abyss, and you will never see any glory again!

Before Miyano Akemi could speak, the phone was already connected.

“Mu Qiye, long time no see.”

On the Porsche bound for Tokyo, the corners of Gin’s mouth became more and more narrow.


Mu Qiye frowned, there was a hint of surprise in his voice, and then he smiled: “I didn’t expect it to be you!”

Mu Qiye started the car, turned and left the parking lot.

“Have they met?”

Miyano Akemi looked at Mu Qiye in shock.

“Hehe, I didn’t expect you to remember me, should I say honored~”? “

Hearing Miyano Akemi’s voice, Gin was in a good mood, and rarely made a joke.

Mu Qiye chuckled lightly, and didn’t even look at Akemi Miyano: “No need, you are one of the few people I have met with good strength, but your little brother is far behind.”


Gin frowned. Did he see him in the source of his skills? Or is it the bodyguard of the Suzuki family and the Nakiri family?

“is it?”

Jin Jiu smiled coldly, lit a cigarette, and took a sip: “I would like to see it.”

“Then you will be disappointed.”

Mu Qiye smiled slightly, and there was no disappointment in his words: “Most of them are not familiar with me, and they are not my people.”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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