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Winery? Nothing — Page 53

Hearing this, Jin Jiu became even more solemn.

If Mu Qiye said that they usually don’t shoot, or shoot and kill, or something like that, he would definitely doubt it.However, admitting so frankly that he has a bad relationship with most of them, then he is a little uncertain.

Of course, there are a few good argots in the meaning of this sentence, and he is not so easy to believe.

This time, before Jin Jiu took the initiative to speak, Mu Qiye said: “Tell me, what do you want? Don’t exaggerate, I hope Miyano Shiho, and this person beside me, perhaps called Hirota Masami, are alive. “

“…Haha~” Qin Jiu was stunned for a while, then suddenly laughed.

The laugh is a little arrogant, more because of anger.He had never seen anyone who dared to talk to him like that!

Mu Qiye also smiled: “It seems that your organization is not bad. People like you are very confident in your organization. Dare to face me and still be so confident, community organization?”

“You are a foreigner, and there should be no foreigners in the three major domestic associations. Foreign gangs? It’s unlikely, this is Tokyo, and foreign gangs are not so arrogant. It should be a terrorist organization or something, it seems to have caused trouble. Woolen cloth!”

Jin Jiu’s laughter stopped abruptly, and there was a rare expression of anger on his face, because Mu Qiye had guessed so many things from his laughter, and analyzed the details of the organization!


A cold light flashed in his long and narrow eyes, and Vodka felt a chill running through his spine.

Killing intent!

Even though he was familiar with his brother’s murderous aura, Vodka was still a little flustered.

Let the eldest brother lose his temper like this, Mu Qiye is dead!

“I didn’t expect Mr. Mu to be able to guess so much. However, has Mr. Mu ever heard a sentence, that if you know too much, the faster you die.”

In Jin Jiu’s heart, Mu Qiye only has two options now.

First, die, second, join the organization!

“No need to know.”

Mu Qiye’s voice was still soothing with laziness, but the faint confidence could be clearly felt between the lines, which made Jin Jiu even more angry and more vigilant!

Since they guessed that they are terrorist organizations, why is Mu Qiye so confident?What is his trump card?

Mu Qiye yawned and said with a smile: “” ‘There are people who can kill me, yes, I have seen quite a few. Unfortunately, they dare not. Your organization may also be able to kill me, but you can try, the consequences are What? Of course, I’ll talk about it if you can kill it, after all, life is so exciting, and I want to enjoy it for a few more years!”

If you ignore Mu Qiye’s identity, there are naturally many people who can kill him.After all, this is a technological society, and even he may not be able to say that he will definitely be alive if a group of gunfire is fired.

No, what are the consequences? …is there really anything to rely on?

And…why do you say years?

Gin has more doubts in his heart.

According to Mu Qiye’s method, let alone a few years, it is more than ten years, and it is estimated that there will be nothing for a few decades.Just how many years?Is there any special reason…?

Qin (Qian Li’s) Jiu sneered and said, “Mr. Mu thinks I will believe it?”


Mu Qiye laughed and smiled happily: “I don’t believe it either, but it’s true. Well, why not just play a small game, how about Masami Hirota by my side?”

“Oh? What game?” Gin’s expression was even more solemn and relaxed.

Hirota Masami looked at Mu Qiye curiously.

Somehow, she hadn’t thought that Mu Qiye would be bad for her now.

Mu Qiye smiled and replied, “I don’t like Hirota Yamei’s character, and some memories or you don’t like it either, how about clearing her?”


Gin and Hirota Masami spoke at the same time.

(Thanks to the 588vip points of Fuyu and Sunny for the reward, monthly ticket, thank you for your support!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support…).

Chapter 78 : You’re just a plaything that Miyano Shi recommended!

“You mean to make her lose her memory?”

Qin Jiu said this, but his expression was not at all relaxed. If Mu Qiye could say it, it meant that it would not be a simple trauma, using drugs, or acupuncture to cause memory loss.

“I…” Hirota Masami looked at Mu Qiye pleadingly.

However, Mu Qiye ignored it and said, “You can also think of it this way. You can always find someone to examine her tomorrow to find out what her memory loss is. Traditional Chinese medicine, Western medicine, physical examination, whatever you want.”

“Understood… Forget it, I promised Miyano Shiho that I would try my best to save her life. Although there’s a bit of a hole in her head, after today, it won’t be sure. The rest are up to you.”

“…” Gin was silent for a long time.

It’s not because Mu Qiye can make Hirota Yami lose her memory, but because Mu Qiye said it.Since so many methods have been mentioned, it is very likely that the methods used by Mu Qiye cannot be found out at all.

And it’s probably caused by the problem in the imagination, and it may not be temporary, or it may not be cured at all… It’s nothing that Mu Qiye can make Hirota Masami amnesia.

But what about the others?Besides amnesia, is there any other means for 867?Such as changing a person’s memory, like an enhanced version of hypnosis, or controlling a person…

“Really? Interesting game!”

Gin said this, in a dull voice with a hoarseness, which has never even been heard of vodka.But I can definitely feel that the atmosphere in the car is so depressing!

“Huh? Is it?”

Mu Qiye smiled playfully, and sighed a little: “Life is like a play, everyone looks at the world from their own circle, thinking that what they know is everything. Maybe no matter how powerful, in fact, it’s just sitting in the well and watching the sky!”

“…” Qin Jiu didn’t answer, Mu Qiye had already hung up the phone.

Gin remained silent.

Sitting well and watching the sky?

Compared with the organization, other people are just sitting there and watching the sky!

They have no idea how high the purpose of the organization is and what kind of world the organization wants to create!

Are the people in the organization also the frogs in a bigger well?


Does Mu Qiye really have other unimaginable means?several years?The restrictions of the characters behind Mu Qiye on Mu Qiye? …

Vodka looked at the gin and was curious, but did not dare to say a word.

The elder brother who should know will tell him, and what he should not know, the more dangerous it is to know too much.

On the highway, the car continued to rush.

He took Hirota Masami away in Chunguoting openly, and even if he had contact with the Black Organization after that, according to his identity, he could push four, five, and six without sufficient evidence.

As for confidentiality, people in an organization like Jinjiu are naturally aware of it, let alone those who are not sure of the threat.

It’s just that the woman Biwatega, Miyano Akimi, doesn’t know what she shouldn’t ask.

“Well, may I ask…”

“Shut up, no!”

Seeing Hirota Masami’s tentative expression, Mu Qiye knew what she was thinking.

Undoubtedly, he was exploring his cards to see if he really had the ability to save Miyano Shi!

“Can you save Zhibao? Please, Mr. Mu, as long as you save Zhibao, I will do whatever you want me to do in the future!”

Miyano Akemi still couldn’t help but said everything she wanted to say.It was just the pleading expression, the tears that kept flowing, and even her words were just a joke in his eyes!

Mu Qiye reached out and grabbed Miyano Akemi’s hair and dragged her over.

“Mu, Mr. Mu…”

Miyano Akemi groaned in pain, and had to follow Mu Qiye’s strength to lie on Mu Qiye’s lap.

Mu Qiye grabbed Miyano Akemi’s murderer and sneered: “You have no right to ask me to do something, a terrorist organization? Oh, or (ajei) has already met, I really want to meet you when I meet you. , I’ll hit you with a car if I get a chance!”

“Don’t say that you are more than this price, so is Miyano Shiho. Also, Miyano Shiho originally gave you to me as a plaything, don’t you agree? Go away, I’m too lazy to talk to a fool like you!”

As he said that, he let go of the big hand that was doing the trick, without any hesitation, grabbed Akemi Miyano’s hair and lifted her up again, and pushed her directly to the co-pilot’s side!

Miyano Akimi didn’t care about the pain.

The pupils have no focal length, and I don’t know what to say, and my tears can’t stop flowing!

What Mu Qiye said was not pleasant, but what he said was a matter of fact.

For the sake of their two sisters, let alone the terrifying black-clothed organization, even if they got involved, it would actually be Mu Qiye’s loss.

But what can she do?There was no way for her to rescue her sister with her strength.The only one in [*] chance was also destroyed by my sister just now, and…

“Shut up, it’s so annoying!”

Mu Qiye couldn’t help but scolded, it was bad enough for the black-clothed organization, and the one he brought back was actually an idiot angel who cried and cried all day long?so special…

“Hurry up and pack yourself up, it’s time to go to the place to live!” Mu Qiye reminded impatiently,

He is still busy thinking about how to deal with the next change, and he is not in the mood to take care of this woman’s emotions…

‘Well, good~’ Miyano Akimi replied sobbing.


Back at the villa, it was already half past six.

The ferret squeaked a few times, ran out and climbed onto his shoulder, rubbing his head lightly, the three kittens also brought the squirrel, and the bamboo rat ran over and surrounded him.

“Go, play while you go!”

Touching the ferret’s head and looking at the pet with its head raised, Mu Qiye was in a much better mood, with a slight smile on his face.

Well, anyway, the identity of the magician didn’t want to be hidden for long.

Now you can use space magic, because this incident is passively revealed that there are people behind, maybe it is a good thing.Besides, the strength is not slow to improve.

Koizumi Hongko is not so easy to meet in Kansai. What are you worried about?

“Young Master, I’m back~”

Kasugano Saki trotted out, saw Miyano Akemi stunned for a moment, and then nodded friendly to her to say hello.

“Well, what about the dome?”

Mu Qiye smiled and touched Zaoji’s cheek.

A faint pink appeared on Kasugano Saki’s face, he glanced at Akemi Miyano scruples, took a step back, and said in a low voice, “Qian is in the upstairs room, so he should be playing games or reading a book.”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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