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Winery? Nothing — Page 54

(Thanks to the 588vip points of Fuyu and Sunny for the reward, monthly ticket, thank you for the monthly ticket of Starlight 399, thank you for the monthly ticket for the summit meeting, thank you for your support, thank you!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support…).

Chapter 79: Shiho: I am a genius who is useful to the organization!


Mu Qiye looked at the door that was just closed upstairs, and walked inside with a smile: “Call Qiong down to eat, it will be bad if it’s cold. I’ll go to the study, don’t bother me if I don’t eat anything. She was called Hirota Masami, and she lived here after that, and arranged a room for her.”

“Understood, young master.”

A hint of doubt flashed in Kasugano Saki’s eyes~.

After dealing with the family’s funeral, she came here to follow Mu Qiye’s request and became his secretary, and also part-time housekeeper.

Of course, more than – two or three relationships happened naturally.

She also knew what Mu Qiye thought about Qiong.

Just as Mu Qiye said, her husband and son are dead, what can she do?

The sky is weak.

It can be said that until now, I have not attended school for a few years.

He was in the hospital as a child, and later at home.

Although after the age of eleven, her health gradually improved, her personality was too introverted and she didn’t like seeing outsiders, let alone going to school.

Daily ailments are also common.

What if Qiong fell ill when she was not at home?

Husband, Yu is dead…

Doom is dead again…

Mu Qiye said it well, staying here may not be the best choice, but it is definitely the best choice that can be considered now.

Mu Qiye was also very kind to them.

She doesn’t need to do too much, she just needs to clean up the room, make a few phone calls according to Mu Qiye’s request, and feed the little pet, and it’s basically done.

She can spend most of her time with Qiong and take care of her.

Qiong eats food from a star-rated restaurant. Every so often, a regular doctor will come to check her physical condition and formulate a body maintenance plan. Although the dress she wears is not as tall as custom, it is also a brand product of excellent quality… …

They don’t care so much about them. They are healthy and just need to live, but they have to admit that their current life is completely incomparable to before.

The only problem was Mu Qiye’s attitude towards them.

She is very simple. For the sake of Qiong, it doesn’t matter if she follows Mu Qiye as a lover or anything else.


What if you don’t want to?According to Qiong’s current state, what would the future be without Mu Qiye?

Maybe also a good choice.

she thought so.

Mu Qiye also asks Qiong to eat every day, but today…

She didn’t know whether to be worried or to be happy.

All thoughts turned into a sigh, Kasugano Saki looked at Miyano Akimi who had obviously cried and said with a smile: “Hirota, right, please come with me.”

“Thank you~”

Miyano Akemi forced a smile and bowed slightly.

Kasugano Sauki smiled and nodded in return, and then walked upstairs with Miyano Akemi.

“Young master is very kind to people and gets along well…”

Listening to Kasugano Saki saying good things to Mu Qiye, Miyano Akemi just shook her head with a wry smile.Knowing that the other party thought that she was bullied by Mu Qiye.

But how can she be bullied?

In the eyes of the other party, she is just a plaything, or a plaything that does not please the other party and disgusts him…


Miyano Shiho dragged his exhausted body back to the base, but his mood was surprisingly relaxed, at least sister, temporarily safe…

It’s just…Damn, bastard!

It feels like it has been dismantled, as if the body is about to fall apart, and there is still pain in the gods, Miyano Shiho has itchy teeth!

How durable is it for men?This is not scientific at all!

Not taking drugs, right?

Miyano Shiho thought maliciously, but it didn’t seem like it.

Mu Qiye’s state has always been very balanced, unlike the appearance of taking drugs, when the effect of the drug is fierce, then the skin is soft…

It seems that before leaving, they are all red…

Suddenly, Miyano Shiho had the urge to slice Mu Qiye and study it!

This is very unscientific!


The icy door opened, Miyano Shiho’s other thoughts suddenly disappeared, and his heart also cooled down at the same time.

The members of the organization wearing doctor’s clothes, cleaning clothes, and security clothes looked at Miyano Shiho one after another, with some weird eyes, some mocking, some indifferent, some disgusting…

But, surprisingly, they didn’t speak, and then they did what to do.

The middle-aged man who followed Miyano Shiho handed in the certificate.

The two security guards checked, then nodded and said, “You can go in.”

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Something is wrong!

Miyano Shiho frowned.

According to normal circumstances, even if Mu Qiye was concerned, at this time, Qin Jiu should have sent someone to arrest her.

Since he didn’t speak, Miyano Shiho didn’t say anything.

Through the hidden elevator, to the underground.

Still with that expression, no one spoke.

Then, they saw a man with a light machine gun walking towards them.

Is it still here?

Miyano Shiho sneered.

My sister is safe, how about gin and wine?

Even if she violated the rules in this matter, Jin Jiu calculated her first.

As long as she helps organize drug research, at least [-]% of her will survive!


Clinker, the other party just glanced at her and said to the middle-aged man beside him: “You, come with me.”

“Yes.” The middle-aged man nodded.

If this happens, you should report the situation.Besides, even if it doesn’t happen, make a record as usual.

“Where’s the gin?”

Seeing that the man with the gun was about to leave, Miyano Shiho couldn’t help but ask.

These people were brought by gin, and she didn’t know the details or names.

The man frowned, stopped and said, “Big brother is on the way back, you will take care of your business when you come back, go back and rest, be honest.”

After speaking, he took the middle-aged man to make a record.


Seeing the two leave, Miyano Shiho’s face became even more solemn and puzzled.

Something is wrong!

Isn’t that the style of gin?

what happened?Is there a special command on it?

Or did my newly researched a drug find some hidden effect?

With suspicion, Miyano Shiho returned to the laboratory.

In any case, the gin must not be allowed to take hold.

I am the person of the organization, the chief researcher of the organization Tokyo, the head of a drug research, and a genius who is useful to the organization!

(Thanks to the 588vip points of Fuyu and Sunny for the reward, monthly ticket, thank you for the monthly ticket of Starlight 399, thank you for the monthly ticket for the summit meeting, thank you for your support, thank you!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support…) For a long time.

Chapter 81: Maybe Ruthless, Gin Surprised

Push open the door.

The bedroom is still largely the same as before.

Nothing about Dome’s personal preference.

It’s just that the room is a little messy, with some clothes added, a gamepad in front of the TV, half a bag of snacks, and half of the garbage bags in the trash can.

The room was well lit, with sunlight streaming through the window onto the bed, which was also white.

Kasuga Ye Qiong was tucked into the quilt.

“What’s the matter, still don’t get up?”

(Omitted, checked…)


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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