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Winery? Nothing — Page 56

After reading each sentence, Jin Jiu’s eyes and mind all fell on the last sentence.

Your organization now has more than five or six titled inner ghosts.That is to say, there are at least five inner ghosts in the organization who have won the title!

Even if he wasn’t sure if it was true or not, Gin couldn’t help but soar in anger.

Those who have won the title in the organization are at least high-level people in the organization. Even if they are not at the level of Shuichi Akai, they are only one step away!

In other words, there are at least five ghosts in the organization who are close to Shuichi Akai!

Maybe not necessarily true…

Gin thought so, and looked forward to it.

He took a few puffs of cigarettes and gradually calmed down, but in his heart he felt that this might be true.

He also felt that there were other ghosts in the organization.

Put those thoughts aside and think about the words just now.

The style is a bit grand, but the strokes are slender, it should be written by a woman…

Mu Qiye?woman?

Jinjiu had a vague guess.

Then there are these three sentences. The three sentences just now should be disguised and meaningless.Only when you touch him will it be destroyed and revealed.

The first sentence: I’m not in the mood to care about your business.

It should be attitude.

The second sentence: Don’t provoke Mu Qiye.


The third sentence: Your organization now has more than five or six titled inner ghosts.



The other party should not want to provoke the organization, or…

Gin feels a bit of a headache, and more importantly, doesn’t know what to do.

The sudden burning of the last piece of paper should have been a warning.

Is it the effect of chemicals?What mechanism is set up?still……


Just then, the sound of footsteps came.

Soon, his subordinates walked in with Miyano Akemi.He was still wearing the same outfit from yesterday. In his profile, he had seen Miyano Akemi’s photo yesterday, but his eyes didn’t look bright.

“Hypnosis~”? “

When Gin was in country M, he met a master of hypnosis, and Miyano Akemi’s situation was very similar to that of hypnosis.

“Go down.”

Jin Jiu glanced at his subordinate and told him to back off.

After his subordinates left, he called Vodka in.

“Brother, what’s the matter?” Vodka asked excitedly.

The subordinate was here just now. He was still a little jealous. He couldn’t compare to him with vodka?

Now being called in by my big brother, I feel better.

I’m still my brother’s favorite cub!

Gin took a deep breath and put the cigarette butt into the ashtray: “Pack up important things and prepare to evacuate, you just need to know for yourself.”

“This… ok, I know big brother!”

Although Vodka didn’t know the reason, he nodded, believing this big brother, and hurriedly withdrew.


Jinjiu walked up to Miyano Akemi with a wicked, evil smile, wanting to vent all her emotions on her: “Although I don’t know if you heard it or not, what happened, but what happened next, You will be remembered!”

As soon as the words fell, Jinjiu grabbed Miyano Akemi’s shoulder with one hand, and used the most arrogant method to directly remove it, shoulders, wrists, arms, phalanges, legs…

Painful stimulation!

Although the perception of the outside world will become weaker for a person who falls into hypnosis, as long as the pain is strong enough, it is enough to wake the other party up!

However, nothing works!

Paper Xing!

Since Mu Qiye had reminded him long ago, he naturally had some expectations and made relevant preparations.

Stickers on the face, pouring water, suffocating the other party…



“Even if it is hypnosis, it surpasses those masters I know!”

Gin put the clip aside and pulled out the cigarette from his pocket.

Take one and light it.

If other methods were used, Miyano Akemi’s body would be destroyed. Thinking of Mu Qiye, Jin Jiu had no choice but to dispel the idea.

Recalling the numbers recorded on the paper, Gin tried to read: “13, 27, 58, 15, 16, 11.”

The last number falls.

Miyano Akemi was shocked, and blinked, her eyes glowing again.


When hypnotists hypnotize, they will set an opening and closing point for the other party, just like a lock and key, which can be locked to open the other party’s consciousness.

However, whether the other party is a hypnotist, or is it just for him to unlock Miyano Akemi’s consciousness, in fact, there are other stronger abilities…

“‘ ‘Who are you? Where is this place?”

Miyano Akemi looked around vigilantly, and asked Gin, the only person in the room!

It seems that only a part of it has been solved, and the basic common sense is still there.Is it impossible to completely empty it, or is it for convenience?She still couldn’t feel the pain.

Gin frowned.

The methods just now were mostly effective for a moment, but it was not to say that there was no harm in the slightest.If the pain is still felt, how can it fall to the ground in pain!


Jin Jiu smiled coldly, looked at Miyano Akemi and said, “This is the place where you miss your sister to study medicine. Don’t you want to see her? Miyano Akemi!”

The voice was cadenced, but unfortunately, it had no effect on Miyano Akemi.

“younger sister?”

Miyano Akemi had obvious dissatisfaction on her face: “Who the hell are you? My name is Hirota Masami, I’m Mr. Mu’s maid, and I don’t have a sister at all!”

“…No sister? Maid? Are you kidding me? Miyano Akemi!”

The cold and murderous pressure was directed towards Hirota Masami, Gin said so, but there was no trace of lying in Hirota Masami’s eyes!

Moreover, under her murderous intent, Hirota Masami just frowned, and then looked at (Qian Wangzhao) and said to him: “I don’t understand what you are talking about, but my name is Hirota Masami, you’d better Just let me go…”

“Go away, I want to see Gin!”

Just then, Miyano Shiho’s voice came from outside the room.

Jinjiu looked at Hirota Masami, but still didn’t act in any way, but looked out the door with some disgust, as if she didn’t like being disturbed by others to talk to the toilet.

“Let her in.”

Gin took a breath and sat back in the chair.

He has nothing to do for the time being. Next, he will only hand it over to Shirley and the researcher of the organization to see if he can analyze anything.

His heart was looking forward to it, but his intuition told him that there could be no results.

What’s more important is how to deal with Mu Qiye next.

If it is true, then the inner ghost is probably also true. There are at least five inner ghosts who have won the title…

(Thanks to the 588vip points of Fuyu and Sunny for the reward, monthly ticket, thank you for the monthly ticket of Starlight 399, thank you for the monthly ticket for the summit meeting, thank you for your support, thank you!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support…).

Chapter 83: The Wrath of Haozo Hashimoto

Port area villa, study on the third floor.

Mu Qiye held a mirror and lay on the sofa, basking in the sun.

Inside the mirror is exactly what Miyano Akemi saw.

Mirror magic.

Seeing everything happening around by linking certain creatures or things is one of the more used magics.However, if the link is a dead object, or there is no vision, then you need to assist in the formation of shadows, recording and other magic, in order to see what happened.

“Hehe, it seems to be solved!”

Seeing Shiho Miyano appear, Mu Qiye waved his hand and removed the mirror magic.

Miyano Shiho is Miyano Akimi’s younger sister, and it is impossible to allow Gin to attack Miyano Akimi again.Coupled with the previous threats and hints, Gin didn’t need to risk offending the fictional woman for such a trivial matter.

As for the ghost inside the winery?

If they didn’t provoke him, he didn’t want to move them so quickly.

But who would have thought that Shiho Miyano would force him to have a tangle with the black organization so quickly, and he could only use these people to divert the attention of the black organization.

Anyway, he is not a good person. He is likely to be an opponent in the future. It is better to use the knife from the winery to kill them. .

And it can also make the organizations behind those agents gradually exposed and busy…

Regardless of whether it has anything to do with him.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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