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Winery? Nothing — Page 57

As long as you get busy, you can finally divert some of their attention. It’s okay, it’s the best, if you have a relationship, you will lower your attention…

It’s good for him too.

The matter is temporarily resolved, concentrate on researching magic!

As for Miyano Akemi?

After a few days of research at most, it is estimated that it will come back.


Flagship Villa in Chuo District.

“What? Not here yet? Baga, bastard!”

Qi Benhao smashed another mobile phone in the room in a hurry!

How many days has this code been? ! !

Lao Tzu gave [*] billion yuan, so even if you have a big anger, you should stop it, right?

But the result? ! !

Thinking of Mu Qiye, Qi Ben Haozang became angry.

It was the first time he had been so helpless to someone who was not as powerful as him.

Sitting on the sofa and rubbing his brows, Haemoto Haozang finally let out a sigh of relief.

On the table next to it, there are all kinds of recent lace news, investment reports, and gossip news from Mu Qiye…

It can be said that this guy is more famous than celebrities, and he is busier than celebrities. He travels around, learns guns, and works part-time as a detective, so he doesn’t take his business to heart!

I don’t want to lose face?

“No, I still have to make a phone call!”

(ajei) Thinking of Xia Jiang’s changes during this period and his attitude towards Mu Qiye, Haozang Qiben sighed.He walked over to the landline and picked up the handset.

Although Xia Jiang still didn’t give up on Huan Benwu, but when he asked him, after he didn’t speak, he had already begun to suspect Huan Benwu, that is, Caicheng Wuyan.

And let that Maori Kogoro investigate him,

As long as the true identity of Caicheng Wuyan is investigated, Xia Jiang can find out the Caicheng Group logically, and then suspect Caicheng Wuyan to pursue her purpose…

However, although there will be doubts.

But according to the feelings of the two, Xia Jiang’s character, I am afraid that he will also accept Caicheng Wuyan, and even come to ask him to let Caicheng Wuyan go and let them be together.

Or let their relationship be separated!

Qi Ben Haozang shook his head gently, sighed, and dialed Mu Qiye’s mobile number!


“Who, it’s only been a few days, do you want people to be quiet!”

Mu Qiye scolded, put down the magic book, took out his mobile phone, and was stunned when he saw the number: “Wocao, Qiben Haozang…”

It seems that he promised him to help break up Xia Jiang and Huan Benwu…

Also got paid…

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Mu Qiye answered the phone: “What’s the matter with Mr. Qiben?”

Is there a problem?

Hearing that calm tone, Haozo Hamoto’s forehead twitched, and his breathing became rapid.

Fortunately, the health is not bad, if there is a heart disease, maybe he will go immediately, and Mu Qiye will find a way to save it.

“Mr. Mu, about Xia Jiang…”

Haozo Hamoto suppressed his anger and asked as calmly as possible.

Xia Jiang still has to rely on Mu Qiye, and if this guy gets angry again and returns the money, it is estimated that he will have to pay more!

“What is Mr. Hamoto worried about? Everything is planned. After all, waiting is also a strategy, isn’t it? If it doesn’t work, the money will be returned in full.”

He calmly picked up the juice next to him.

Mu Qiye shook it gently, the cold air rose, and he took a leisurely sip.


Anyway, it has been converted into value points, the funds are enough for the time being, and it is nothing to go back.

Also, think of a way to kill him sooner.

Although Qiben Haozang didn’t know what Mu Qiye was thinking, his attitude also raised his anger again.

As for that waiting is also a strategy, he believes.

But how many days have you waited?If you wait any longer, the day lily will be cold, and a fool will believe your lie!

“I’m going to sell a cattle ranch in Hyogo,” Haozang Hamoto said reluctantly.

“Oh? How old?”

Mu Qiye’s spirit was shaken, and he immediately became interested.

Even if you have money, it is difficult to buy pastures in R, let alone Tajima cattle from Hyogo Prefecture.

I don’t know, but it’s okay for horses and cattle, Kobe beef always knows, right?Kobe beef is selected from Tajima beef in Hyogo Prefecture!

“There are more than 1900 in total, more than 800 adults, and at least 300 have reached the level of Kobe beef!”

“300? Not bad.” Mu Qiye nodded lightly.

The annual output of Kobe beef is only about 3000 heads, and it is considered a large cattle farm if you can get at least one-tenth of the wagyu cattle.

not bad?

Hearing this, Haozo Hamoto almost died of anger.

It’s already the third largest cattle ranch in Hyogo Prefecture, what else do you want to do?Compete with the Mito family for the first place?

“How much?”

Mu Qiye raised his eyebrows.

“Market price!”

Qi Benhao said angrily.

“Okay, I will let someone contact you immediately, and I will do my best in Xia Jiang.”

Kobe beef 5a ingredients, proper high-end cattle, directly owns 300 heads, enough to impact the third ingredient supplier of Yuanyue.

After hanging up the phone.

Mu Qiye directly handed this matter to Taro Sakai, who also knew the importance of this matter and agreed to do it immediately.

“Forget it, let’s go!”

Mu Qiye yawned, his eyes gleaming.

It seems that the Qiben family’s plan is ahead of schedule…

(Thanks to the 588vip points of Fuyu and Sunny for the reward, monthly ticket, thank you for the monthly ticket of Starlight 399, thank you for the monthly ticket for the summit meeting, thank you for your support, thank you!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support…).

Chapter 84: Xia Jiang, have a meal!


Is it for the Qiben family, or Huanben Xiajiang, Qiben Haozang is very interested in Xia Jiang.

Qi Ben Haozang quickly sent Xia Jiang’s latest information.

In fact, there is not much useful information, it is about Xia Jiang’s recent whereabouts, and the matter of asking Maori Kogoro to help adjust the identity of Hun Benwu.

“Hey, Mouri Kogoro is lucky. As long as this order is completed, the commission fee will be at least 70 yen!”

Huo Ben Xia Jiang is also very persistent.

After Mu Qiye didn’t come for a few days, he went to the coffee shop again and waited for Huan Benwu.

If what Mu Qiye said was false, would Xiao Wu have no problem?

This is what she was looking forward to!

This day, Qiben Property just got off work.

Huan Ben Xiajiang came out of the coffee shop and waited for Huan Benwu far away.

Xiao Wu is a little shy, he is a gentle man, he doesn’t want to let people in the company because of her relationship – he treats him differently.

Seeing the thin, handsome man Xia Jiang at the entrance of the company, a gentle smile appeared on his face.

When Huan Benwu saw Xia Jiang, two blushes floated on his face.

He couldn’t help scratching his face with his right hand. Holding the file box in both hands, he hurried over and said apologetically, “Xia Jiang, I’m sorry, it’s been a long wait!”

“It’s nothing, I’m all waiting inside, I’ll be there after reading a book for a while.”

Huo Ben Xia Jiang had a bright smile on his face.


Huan Benwu was even more moved in his heart. He was so happy to have such a girlfriend.

Presumably my father and mother in the kingdom of heaven will let me put down my hatred and be with Xia Jiang when they see it!

As soon as he was moved, he couldn’t help itching his face, and groaned a few times.

“Xiao Wu, we…”

“Is it itchy? Shall I help you stop itching?”

A convertible Mercedes was parked on the side of the road.

Mu Qiye took off his glasses and gave Huan Benwu a bright smile!

“Mu, Mu Qiye!!!”

Huan Benwu took two steps back in fright.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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