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Winery? Nothing — Page 66

Mu Qiye shrugged and said, “Although the head is not good, but the courage and the fierce heart are all good. Be careful, Feishazi, maybe you will be overtaken next time-!”

Kobayashi Gentian nodded.

That red-haired hedgehog does have merit.

“I won’t, I won’t lose to him!” Shinto Feishako said firmly.

In fact, I was also a little unconfident in my heart. Judging from the judges’ reactions, the two should not have noticed much. Although they were not good at bento cooking, it also explained a lot of problems.After all, it has been less than a month since the other party came to Yuanyue!

“Well, no!” Erina Nakiri insisted on supporting the little secretary and decided to make up for the little secretary.

“Don’t be too confident.”

Mu Qiye yawned, smiled and warned: “Although I don’t know what happened, the origin of that kid is definitely not as simple as that of a chef from a small restaurant. A chef from a small restaurant can get the same amount of money from you. points? Stop dreaming.”

“Even if he comes from a small restaurant, he is definitely not an ordinary person who teaches him how to cook! There are geniuses in the world, but geniuses also need basic skills. Maybe he is not as good as you in terms of cooking methods and knowledge, but the basic skills and convenience will definitely not be weak, and may even be better than You are strong.”

“I don’t know how to cook, but I do know a little bit about other aspects. Cooking is more purely technical? Practice makes perfect. Those who rely on skills alone are at best an excellent cook.”

“I don’t know what he learned, but at least in terms of mentality, he is much stronger than you, or even Erina. If you underestimate him, you will suffer a loss~”

“How can he want to compare with Lord Erina!” Hishako Nito directly retorted.

But neither she nor Erina were actually thoughtful.

Especially Erina, at least she admitted that she was not fortunate enough to be shameless, and she still smiled in the face of accusations from so many people.When the freshman spoke, he directly stated that he would trample everyone under his feet, and even looked down on Togetsu Academy.

As for who Mu Qiye said to teach Xingping Chuangzhen, she doesn’t know, but she may know what that person is to teach Xingping Chuangzhen…

“Not bad, man, I’m a little bit interested in you!” Xiaolin Longdan patted Mu Qiye on the shoulder, without concealing his appreciation.

“Similarly, however, I am more interested in you…”

Erina Nakiri and Hishako Shinto looked at the two strangely, what is this for?

Suddenly, Mu Qiye’s cell phone rang, he took out his cell phone with a smile and looked: “Little girl!”

Oh, finally a call!

“Whose phone number?”

Seeing Mu Qiye’s smile was a bit strange, Xiao Lin Rentan was curious, but he didn’t stick his head over to peek.

The two are not familiar with each other, so it is a little rude to do so now.


Mu Qiye shook his phone with a smile, and then said, “Suddenly I have something to do, so I’ll leave first.”

“Cut, it’s like who cares!”

Nakiri Erina clasped her arms fiercely, held her head up, and looked disdainful.

Xiaolin Gentian rolled his eyes and said with interest, “Is it a beautiful woman? Can I go?”

Xinto Feishazi smiled awkwardly: “Then, brother, goodbye.”

“Let’s talk about it when you’re familiar with it.”

Mu Qiye directly rejected Xiaolin Rentan’s request to go, and then left with the three of them.

“So mysterious? It doesn’t seem like an ordinary person, or something!”

A smile appeared on Kobayashi Rentan’s face.

According to Mu Qiye’s style, if an ordinary person, even a lover, opens her mouth, more than [*]% will take her there.After all, Mu Qiye and Suzuki Lingzi have an ambiguous relationship, and they dare to mess with flowers everywhere, and the lace news is constant. At first glance, they don’t care about those whose lovers are exposed to others.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Don’t talk about business matters, why is she the second seat of Yuanyue now, even if it’s not about the catering, she also represents Yuanyue under certain circumstances, and going to Mu Qiye will only benefit Mu Qiye.

Excluding these two cases the results are obvious.


Erina Nakiri and Hishako Nito obviously didn’t expect this.


Looking a little unclear, Erina Nakiri and Hishako Shinto, Rindo Kobayashi helplessly yawned, waved his hands and left.

“Let’s go, Erina, little secretary.”

It’s obviously a family, why is there such a big difference?


in a wood.

According to the positioning, Mu Qiye found Jinjiu, Hirota Yami.

Miyano Shiho also came.


Seeing Dao Mu Qiye, Hirota Yami ran over immediately.

“Oh? Not bad!”


Mu Qiye’s face showed a hint of surprise, and his fingers passed over Hirota Masami’s hair.

Now Hirota Masami is much better.

Innocent, sweet, like a pure white paper, that is, with gauze wrapped around his forehead, there are some fly in the ointment.

Masami Hirota blushed, lowered her head and said, “Where is it? I’m all injured, and they gave me various tests, just like a guinea pig. That Miyano Shiho also said it was my sister, but she She’s still very good to me, and I like her very much, so I recognized Jean as my sister…”

Miyano Shiho and Gin came over one after another.

Miyano Shiho was still dressed as a female researcher, and Gin was still dressed in black as always.

Miyano Shiho’s face was obviously complicated and tangled, while Gin was just more dignified than before.

“Well, I see~”

Seeing Mu Qiye smiling and hugging Hirota Masami, Miyano Shiho’s face darkened.

“Can we go talk for a while?”

Miyano Shiho almost said it through gritted teeth, Gin still stood indifferently.

“Wait here, I’ll go talk to your sister.”

“Okay, young master, I’ll be waiting here.”


Mu Qiye and Miyano Shiho walked away, Jinjiu lit a cigarette, took a sip, and did not stop him.

Walked more than twenty meters.

Miyano Shiho didn’t stop until he was sure that Gin couldn’t hear it.

“What’s the matter with my sister? You…”

Before Miyano Shiho could finish speaking, Mu Qiye pushed him up a tree.

“I haven’t seen you for a long time, come here for a dozen rounds!”

“Mu Qiye!!…Uh, hiss…”

(Thank you for the monthly pass for the summit, thank you for your support, thank you!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support…) For a long time.

Chapter 95: The way to confirm the traitor: murder!

far away.

A cigarette burned out, and Gin frowned: Why haven’t you come back?

He turned around and looked at it, his eyes focused on a big tree.

The trunk of the big tree can’t see whether it is shaking, but the branches and leaves above the trunk are shaking like crazy! ~

Mud horse!

The corner of Gin’s mouth twitched, and he turned his head away as if he saw something dirty.

He took out a cigarette in his pocket and lit another one.

“I want to slow down~”

Hirota Masami in front, without any other reaction, just waited here.

Sometimes, counting the leaves, sometimes walking with front heels next to back toes, as if not realizing how much time had passed.He was very suspicious, even if Miyano Akemi waited here for one night, one day, three days… Mu Qiye would not let her leave, she would wait like this!


The trunk finally stopped shaking.

Mu Qiye is one of the ten best young people “[*]”, he suppressed the urge to smoke a cigarette and moved his body.

“Bastard, Ba Ga~”

Miyano Shiho turned pale again, glared at Mu Qiye, then turned his head away, and only dared to curse in his heart.

“Me, what’s wrong with my sister?”

Miyano Shiho spoke again.

“Is it important?”

Mu Qiye smiled, hugged Zhibao to the back of another big tree, and did so to the ground.


The rare tenderness gave Miyano Shiho a strange warmth on his face.

She knew what Mu Qiye meant, but it was a good thing for her sister to have no memory. First, she could completely leave the organization in a certain situation, and secondly, she didn’t have to worry about her or Akai Shuichi.

“Can I restore my memory?” Miyano Shiho still couldn’t help asking.

Mu Qiye smiled and put his hand across her cheek: “Perhaps, everything will leave a trace, as long as you are strong enough, you can know everything!”

“…Everything? Who is she?”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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