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Winery? Nothing — Page 7

“Don’t worry, Xiaolan, it’s just some fake stuff. It’s not as exaggerated as tens of millions, but at most hundreds of thousands.”

Kudo Shinichi comforted him on the side, but it caused a burst of ridicule from the people around him.

“Young man, you cow, do you think it’s your cabbage as an antique? What does the original price mean? What does it mean in Rende Pawnshop? One hundred thousand?”

“That’s right, hundreds of thousands? You can’t even buy one, so why are there more than a dozen boxes and hundreds of thousands?”


“Xinyi~” Mao Lilan panicked even more when he heard the words of the people around him.

The detective agency has no business, she is still a student, and she still owes hundreds of thousands of yen to the uncle in the coffee shop downstairs. Who would have thought that she would be kicked out of tens of millions with one kick, how could she have the money to pay tens of millions!

“Xiao Lan, calm down.” Kudo Shinichi was also a little uncertain about the righteous words said by the people around him.

After all, his goal is to be a great detective like Sherlock Holmes, who has no interest in such things as antiques.

At the same time, lawyer Nakamura has come over.

In a succinct manner, he stated that he would use seven counts of harming other people’s property, public places, slandering other people’s reputation, having a significant impact on the other party, and affecting other people’s income.

Of course, the other parts are trivial matters. The important thing is that Kudo Shinichi said that Mu Qiye said in public that Mu Qiye was a murderer, which caused double damage to his reputation and interests, and that Mao Lilan damaged other people’s property.

As for the price of antiques mentioned by Kudo Shinichi, it actually makes sense.

The most important thing is pure antiques. In some foreign countries, compensation is still based on the original price.Counterfeit goods are not worth much, at most several times the buyer’s compensation is enough.

But the definition of Mu Qiye shop is not pure antiques, but decorations, or luxury goods. After all, Mu Qiye only sells antiques verbally. In fact, the implementation is basically the rules of luxury purchases, otherwise there will be no nine Back to this statement.

Therefore, it is difficult to say the specific value. Eighty-nine percent of the court will compare the price based on the income of related items in the store before Mu Qiye.It can also be said to be a loophole in the law, but it is absolutely necessary.

If Mu Qiye really thought about it, multiplying the purchase price by a dozen times is not a big deal. If there is a genuine product, the value is difficult to say.Mu Qiye expected that Kudo Shinichi might come when a murder case occurred. For this bag, Mu Qiye alone spent nearly 200 million yen, and Suzuki Lingzi also spent [*] to [*]. Therefore, Mao Lilan is very miserable. , Maori, miserable…

“Get out of the way, get out of the way, the police handle the case!”

The siren sounded, and Mu Mu Shisan quickly rushed over with a group of notes, but was stunned when he saw this scene: “Brother Kudo, Xiao Lan, what’s wrong?”

“Oh? It turned out to be Officer Mumu from the Police Department’s Search Section [*]. The officer also believes that Mr. Mu is the murderer of this murder? Detective Kudo was also sent by you?”

Attorney Nakamura narrowed his eyes and silently dug two holes for Mu Mu Shisan.

“Uh… no…”

Mu Mu Shisan didn’t know why the other party asked that, but he nodded subconsciously to admit it.

After all, Mu Qiye is the older brother of Ichiro Shinto.Mu Qiye was expelled from Xinhu’s house and had a serious suspicion of killing Xinhu Ichiro, and he also thought that these three words made him ignore the three words that Nakamura said was the murderer.

As for Kudo Shinichi?

of course!If he finds the murderer in his own name again, will the Tiaozi Bureau still be mixed up?Does he want to lose face?

“Officer Mumu, don’t answer, just suspect, ask!”

Kudo Shinichi next to him reminded cautiously.

He now knows that he has fallen into the pit, but he doesn’t want Mu Shisan to fall into the pit again.

Lawyers… Damn, it’s really getting in the way, the detective’s natural enemy!



When the note came, Mu Qiye could only go to the Metropolitan Police Department with Lingzi Suzuki. After all, it was the duty of every citizen to cooperate with the note.

After Kudo Shinichi explained that after the passage, Mu Mu Shisan also had a lot of trouble and almost fell into the pit!

All the people are full of resentment, they just want to catch the murderer, what?Afterwards, he mustered up his energy and wanted to interrogate what happened, but Mu Qiye really didn’t hold back, and most of the questions were thrown directly to Lawyer Nakamura.

Arguing with a lawyer?Hehe, if there is actual evidence caught by the loophole, it is possible to overturn the case, not to mention that they have no substantial evidence, and they are facing the signature lawyer of the largest law firm in Tokyo!

As for the issue of beating people, it’s very simple, and I’m not angry for a while!

That’s right, it’s uncomfortable to be insulted, people are too young, they can’t help but take action.

Although everyone present could see that Mu Qiye is not the kind of person who does things with loyalty, but people just say that, can’t they get angry?You ruin my reputation in public and don’t allow me to get angry and hit people?Are you too harsh?The law does not have such strict regulations!

Moreover, Nakamura also took care of Mu Qiye’s hard work for more than ten years, and finally the luck broke out in the past three months, and the reputation of business development was completely destroyed by Kudo Shinichi. Hundreds of millions of yen, absolutely impossible!

Kudo Shinichi, basic, pawn!

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards…).

Chapter 13: I was also instructed!

Of course, there is no way to talk about the matter of Maolilan here, and I have to sue!

Attorney Nakamura drew up the indictment document on the spot in the interrogation room and handed it over to the stunned Mao Lilan. Mao Lilan’s mother is Fei Mile, the Queen of Law, take this lawsuit against Fei Mi in the court, and she is famous, definitely famous!

As for Mu Qiye’s beating?

It’s not a big deal anyway, at best it’s an inappropriate behavior. Under Nakamura’s excuse, he doesn’t even need to close the detention center, and he can educate him for a maximum of two hours.

Mao Lilan, basic, pawn!

Twilight Thirteen, Tiaozi, Basic, Pawn!

This is the advantage of the rich. With a good lawyer, as long as there is a loophole in a major crime, you can get away with it, and a small crime is directly innocent… Of course, the reverse is also possible.

This is fair!

Refuse to answer the call of the sub-office?Things are too small to be written.

I just don’t know, don’t want to answer the phone, and the phone doesn’t prompt that there is a call from the sub-office?It is a call, there is no such rule, the other party must answer.

At this point, even if Suzuki Lingzi said that Mu Qiye checked the phone, it was useless.Besides, Suzuki Lingzi didn’t say anything.

“Officer Mumu, if there is no actual evidence, can my client leave? In other words, you will detain Mr. Mu for [*] hours!”

At the end of the day, Nakamura is a bit of a threat.

Although Kudo Shinichi’s main responsibility lies with Kudo Shinichi, everyone knows that Kudo Shinichi almost wears a pair of trousers with the Metropolitan Police Department, and is familiar with Megumi Thirteen, saying that Megumi Thirteen has nothing to do with the Metropolitan Police Department. Who believes in responsibility?

“This one……”

Mu Mu Shisan hesitated, he was still very clear about the consequences, and he couldn’t help but look at Kudo Shinichi inquiringly.

Kudo Shinichi’s face was full of unwillingness, and there was also Shinto Hiroha, but Shinto Hideki’s attitude also made her dare not speak.

After Mu Qiye’s mother died in an accident, he counterattacked and expelled Mu Qiye, the eldest son. In addition to the favor of Xinto Hideki, the two were considered true love, and the Ichinose family was not bad, naturally enough. clever.

Although the Xinhu family is an affiliated family of the Nakiri family, it is also a large family.

Her daughter, Hishako Shinto, has become a close minister of the new family, and naturally it is impossible to take over the new family. Her only son has died, and there are no other children in the Hideki family.In other words, in order to ensure the inheritance of the new household and the status of the new household, the expelled Mu Qiye has become the only choice for the new household!

“Confession, they confessed…”

Tiaozi’s voice brought dawn to Mu Shisan, other Tiaozi, Kudo Shinichi, and Shinto Bingye.But Mu Qiye just smiled, mockingly!

“Qianba, what did you confess?” Mu Mu Shisan got up and asked urgently.

If Mu Qiye was the murderer, then everything would be trivial.

Mu Qiye is a murderer!

“They said that they were instructed by Mu Qiye to kill!”

Chiba and Shen pointed at Mu Qiye and said.

Xinhu Bingye looked a little happy as if he had caught a life-saving straw, but when he saw Mu Qiye’s expression, he stifled it.

So calm.

“Mr. Mu, they reported that you instructed them to kill the victim Ichiro Shinto. What’s your explanation?”

Mu Mu Shisan looked at Mu Qiye seriously.

Kudo Shin’s face was solemn, but he couldn’t help shaking his head. I hope the reason is reasonable, but what about the evidence?

These words are useful for ordinary suspects, and may ask some useful clues, but not necessarily for Mu Qiye, not to mention that there is a lawyer by his side!

“Where’s the evidence? Who is the whistleblower? Officer Mumu, don’t talk nonsense, be careful I sue you for defamation!”

Nakamura saw Mu Qiye’s appearance, and before he finished speaking, Mu Qiye stretched out his hand to stop him.

“I admit it.” Mu Qiye smiled.


Mu Mu Shisan and most of the people were shocked, this special code is a reason to admit it?

“So, what’s next?”

Mu Qiye’s words made Nakamura and Shinto Hideki relieved!


Before Mu Mu Shisan could answer, Mu Qiye smiled and said, “I was also instructed by someone.”


Mu Mu Shisan, the other scorpions were stunned for a while, and suddenly a black line appeared.

“I was instructed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Metropolitan Police Department’s Criminal Investigation Division [*] Division Forced Criminal Investigation [*]-Department Police Division Megumi Thirteen and that novelist named Kudo Yusaku!”

Mu Qiye Shi Shiran said.


Mud Horse, Mu Mu Shisan and the Tiaozi are going crazy!

“Cough cough!”

Nakamura held back his smile and corrected in a low voice, “Mr. Mu, the first class is for forcible criminals and the third class is searched, and the third class is to investigate theft.”

“Oh, sorry, I don’t know.”

Mu Qiye apologized without any respect: “Anyway, it seems that no case has been solved, and the difference is not big.”


Mu Mu Shisan, a kind of blue veins throbbing on Tiaozi’s forehead, and suddenly felt a little itchy in his fist.

It’s true, but you can’t say that!

“Forget it, Officer Mumu, there is no conclusive evidence, let them go first.”

Kudo Shinichi interrupted.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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