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Winery? Nothing — Page 73

Looking at Gui Yanye surrounded by girls, the four girls came together.

“Otome, me, we won’t be beaten, will we?”

The cute girl with dark red hair, Koizumi Natsumi, looked at the tall, single ponytail Kato Otome with some horror.

She, Obuchi Minami, Mori Raimi, and Kato Otome are the four who bullied Gui Yanye the most. If Mu Qiye really wanted to vent his anger on Gui Yanye, the four of them would most likely be beaten!

“You are free, I dare not, goodbye!”

When Sen came with a headband and wiped his forehead, he quickly shook his head and ran away.

Just kidding, she was just a little jealous that Gui Yanye had better grades than her, so she decided to join them.Gui Yanye is withdrawn and has few friends, so she is easy to bully, and it’s cool to be bullied, and she can vent her anger, but who knew she knew Mu Qiye!

A fool would provoke Mu Qiye who even beat his stepmother for this kind of thing!

“Rishi!” Obuchi Minami with long black hair looked at Otome and Natsumi, and then ran with Mori Raishi.

She is similar to Sen Laishi, both feel that Gui Yanye is fine in everything.Entering the school at the same time, and losing to her in the election for class committee members, the one who decided to bully Gui Yanye together with Mori Raimi is not the same person as Kato Otome and Koizumi Natsumi, who have developed limbs.


Watching the departure of the two, Koizumi Natsumi panicked and looked at Kato Otome.Kato Otome thought they were bullying the leader of Gui Yanye’s quartet, but at this time, Kato Otome looked at an ordinary-looking, slightly thin boy not far away with a complicated look.

“‘ ‖ Sincere~”

The cheerful Saiyuanji world came over, not knowing how to comfort him.

“Yan Ye~”

Ito Makoto murmured in his mouth.


“Like Conan, there are some special auras!”

Recalling the breath he felt at Sakano Academy, Mu Qiye couldn’t help but smile: That kid should be Makoto Ito, right?Interesting, do the protagonists have a special aura?Killing it should have a unique and interesting harvest!

But where to go next?

I just met Huan Ben Xiajiang yesterday, so don’t be so anxious.Lingzi, the weekend is only a few days away.Okino Yoko, you don’t necessarily have time, Ikezawa Tomoko can just wait for her to take the initiative… Concubine Mile…

Thinking that I haven’t seen you for so many days, it’s just her!


The car stopped at Feifa Law Firm.

He closed the door smartly and walked in: It’s been a long time!

“Welcome… Mu, Mr. Mu!!”

Another familiar beginning.

Seeing the panic-stricken Li Shanlu, Mu Qiye couldn’t help laughing, playing with his taste: “It seems that the time is too short (money is good), Xiaolu is so unfamiliar.”

“Heh, heh, Mr. Mu is joking, please come in~”

Li Shanlu laughed a few times and hurried over, but subconsciously stayed away from Mu Qiye.

“Don’t worry.”

Mu Qiye knocked on Li Shanlu’s head and said, “I’m here to find Miles today, so it’s a business!”

It’s the right thing to do!

Thinking of the sound from Teacher Mile’s room when Mu Qiye came last time, Li Shanlu blushed, but also replied, “Mr. Mile is upstairs, please…”

“What’s the matter please?” Mu Qiye took a step closer.

Li Shanlu hurriedly stepped back, blushing, and bowed his head and said, “No, it’s nothing~”

“Forget it, I won’t let you take it this time, I’ll talk about it next night~”

night? ! ! !

Listening to the accented words, Li Shanlu shivered, and the scene at the corner of the corridor appeared in his mind: “…”

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support…) Uncle.

Chapter 104: Xiaolan, do you want to come with me!

This energy is too good, right?And let no one work!

Downstairs, listening to the slight creaking and crashing sound from the roof again, Li Shanlu scratched his hair irritably.

“Work hard, concentrate, chestnut green, you can do it!”

Kuri Shanlu clenched his fists and studied those self-motivated corporate culture videos to cheer himself up!

Unfortunately, attention is always inexplicably shifted to it.

Thinking, how could the two of them do this?

Mr. Miles is Xiaolan’s mother, why is Mu Qiye so insistent…

“Oops, off topic again~”

Kuriyama Green had a bitter face, dragging his chin and sitting behind the counter without much energy.

“Miss Lishan, good afternoon!”

Seeing the young and excited girl entering the door, Li Shanlu stood up: “Maori, you can’t go up-go!”

“Ah? What’s wrong?”

Mao Lilan was stunned for a while, then looked up at the roof, wondering: “What happened upstairs? Why is there any noise?”

“No, nothing~”

Li Shanlu almost didn’t slap his face, why did he say this subconsciously?

It’s over!

“There is a sound, how can it be nothing? It should be my mother adjusting the furniture, and I went up to help!”

Mao Lilan nodded, thinking he guessed right, and walked upstairs with three steps and two steps full of energy.

“Xiao Lan… Do you want to drink water? Go up after you finish it!”

Li Shanlu quickly followed, and hurriedly wanted to make amends.

Mao Lilan turned around and left a bright smile: “No need, I’ll just go up and drink…”

“Go up… drink?”

Li Shanlu’s face was pale, and he almost fell to the ground in a slump.

Play, now the job is definitely gone!

“Mom!” Mao Lilan happily opened the door, and was stunned when he saw the people sitting on the office chairs in the room: “Senior Mu, why are you here?”


Mu Qiye picked up a stack of documents, put one hand on the desk to support his chin, and said helplessly, “I want to entrust Ms. Concubine to review most of the company’s important contracts, so I came here.”

“Mom is a lawyer, can she review company contracts?” In Mao Lilan’s mind, lawyers help people handle cases.

“What do you think?”

Mu Qiye rolled his eyes: “Reviewing contracts, financing leases, helping to improve the company’s system… Is it basically okay? The company is opening faster, and Nakamura has not disclosed anything for the time being, but it is still necessary to have one more person to review. of.”

Nakamura’s team is expanding well, but it’s still far from the speed of his company’s expansion. Now, a lot of business is entrusted to partners. If you add a concubine mile in, no one can say anything, and it can also increase security. .

“Hehe, that’s it~”

Mao Lilan was a little dizzy, then looked left and right, changed the subject, and asked, “Where’s mom? Why isn’t there?”

“Why do you think I’m here alone?”

Mu Qi leaned back on the seat in the middle of the night, the seat squeaked across the floor, pointed to the outside, but did not speak.

Mao Lilan immediately understood and went to the bathroom. That’s how the voice just came out!

Before Mao Lilan could think about anything else, Mu Qiye smiled and hooked his finger at her. Mao Lilan came over curiously: “Senior Mu, what’s the matter?”

Mu Qiye smiled ambiguously, and reached out to brush her cheek.

Mao Lilan was stunned for a moment, and quickly jumped away, a faint dividend appeared on his face, stared at Mu Qiye with wide eyes, and stumblingly said: “Mu, Senior Mu…”

“Xiao Lan is so beautiful, do you want to stay with me? Madam Concubine is not here, talk about it!”

Mu Qiye asked while lying on the table with a smile.

This woman is ruthless!

“No, no, I’ll go first…”

Mao Lilan’s face was even redder, and her head was in a mess. She didn’t want her mother to see this scene, so she turned around and ran out!



“gross profit?!!!”

Seeing Mao Lilan running downstairs blushing, Li Shanlu couldn’t believe his eyes.

This, this doesn’t seem like it’s like catching your mother and outsiders stealing the sun, right?Why do you seem to be molested and shy?

“Then, that, Lishan, don’t say I’ve been here just now, okay?”

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Mao Lilan ran to the door, stopped suddenly, turned to look at Li Shanlu pleadingly.

“Uh… ok~”

Kuriyama Green didn’t know why, but still agreed.

No way, the other party is not only the daughter of the teacher, but also the stepdaughter of the big boss, or a lover…

“Thank you, Kuriyama!”

Mao Lilan breathed a sigh of relief, turned and ran away immediately.

It’s better not to affect the business of my mother and seniors because of this incident.

However, how could the pastor say that?


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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