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Winery? Nothing — Page 79

Mu Qiye sighed inwardly.

In addition to mental and energy enhancing perception, intuition itself is also one aspect.It’s just that with the start of gregariousness and domestication, this intuitive koi begins to gradually weaken and even disappear.

The perception of crisis in exchange is like this.

Turning to look at Qiong standing beside him at a loss, Mu Qiye couldn’t help but smile: “No way? Come and hold my hand.”

Kasuga Ye Qiong snorted arrogantly, and passed his hand to Mu Qiye obediently.

“Follow me, slowly feel the flow of water, put your hands in the water, and after you get used to it, you can move around in the water…”

The two walked to a depth of more than one meter, where the sea water overflowed their waists, and walked sideways holding hands.

Learning to swim is generally in stagnant water.

However, the waves are not too big, and it’s okay.


In the distance, looking at the figure walking so quietly in the sea, Mao Lilan, who was swimming in the sea, suddenly felt that the two of them were really suitable, one strong, one weak, one patient, one dependent on others, and one normal-looking…

Inexplicably, she thought of Shinichi, and showed a lost expression.

Xinyi would never accompany him so patiently, and now she doesn’t know where he went, only the occasional phone call can make her feel a little relieved and comforted…

“Baga, this guy…”

Conan, who was floating in the sea wearing a swimming ring, looked at Mu Qiye enviously.

This kind of pure and lovely school girl can be met, and it has fallen into the hands of Mu Qiye!How old are you, you have graduated from college, you should be killed!

“Fortunately, I still have Xiaolan, and Xiaolan is also good, but her personality is a little worse~”

Conan looked at Xiaolan’s back, slapped his little hands, and slid over there with a smile on the swimming ring.


Time flies.

It was four o’clock, and the water temperature gradually dropped.

Qiong’s learning is not bad, he can already hold his hand and simply swim for a while.

However, his physique is still too weak, and he has cheated Qiong to be able to learn this way. He temporarily strengthens his physique, strengthens his perception, and hints spiritually. He is the most tired…

“Okay, let’s go, let’s have a big meal next!”

He patted Qiao Mao, who was under the dome, and Mu Qiye pulled her up with one hand.

“Well, what to eat?”

Haruhi Ye Qiong didn’t hold Mu Qiye’s hand again, and asked curiously as he naughtyly poked the sea water with both hands.

“Go, Gentian!”

Mu Qiye shouted towards Xiaolin Longdan not far away.

“Oh, good~”

Xiaolin Gentian replied lazily and swam towards Mu Qiye.

She didn’t feel anything about Mu Qiye leaving her like that.

She has always been that kind of lonely temperament. Most of the time, she is either with strangers or by herself. It is not bad to have a good acquaintance. Besides, it is indeed a good leisure time to soak in the sea at this time.

After the three got together, they walked towards the hotel.

Xiaolin Rentan asked with a smile, “What will you eat later?”

“It consumes too much and mainly eats meat.”

Mu Qiye stretched and said, “The question is where to eat and how to eat?”

Then he looked at Xiaolin Gentian and asked, “How about you adjust the ingredients and I’ll buy a calf, pig or lamb and roast it?”

“It’s a little troublesome~”

Xiaolin Gentian frowned, then pouted his lips and retorted: “Isn’t eating 883 at night not tired? Let’s eat it at noon tomorrow, and we’ll eat hot pot later. It has both meat and vegetables, and it’s simple, just adjust the seasoning. “

As he said that, he also looked at the dome of eyes.

She and Mu Qiye don’t talk about the night, they don’t even have to eat all day, but looking at Qiong like this…

Hey?No, this face…

“See what I’m doing?” Qiong was in a good mood.

The tone was not as hostile as before, only a touch of curiosity.

“You, don’t you feel tired?”

Xiaolin Rentan didn’t care about this, he walked to Qiong’s side curiously and looked around.

“Huh? It seems… no.”

Qiong looked at himself and felt that his body felt surprisingly good.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Mu Qiye smiled, but he didn’t expect Xiaolin Gentian to discover this.

However, it’s not a big deal. In this situation, some of the special abilities can be exposed. Besides, when the mood is good, the nerves will naturally ignore fatigue to a certain extent.


Qiong didn’t care that much and continued to walk forward.

Kobayashi Gentian didn’t believe so much, but he just felt that something was wrong.

(Thank you very much for the monthly pass and continuous support of the summit.)

Chapter 112: Toda Takako, who was delivered to the door

Separate in front of the hotel.

Mu Qiye drove to a supermarket not far away and bought vegetables such as beef, mutton, and bean sprouts. By the way, he also bought an electric hot pot and dishes.

When they got back to the room, the two girls had already taken a shower.

Xiaolin Gentian mixed the sauce, Qiong was a life idiot, and set the dishes, while Mu Qiye took the opportunity to take a shower.


After dinner, the sun has set.

“Let’s go~”

Xiaolin Gentian glanced at the dome with deep meaning, yawned, and walked out of the room staggeringly.

Mu Qiye hummed, sitting on the sofa blowing the sea breeze.

He likes the feeling of the wind blowing over his body, and also likes the wind, freedom, unrestrainedness and unrestrainedness.

Suddenly, the pajamas slipped off.

Qiong Bu inch walked in repeatedly, and the scene in front of him seemed to become bright.

“Seven Nights~”

Qiong let out a soft cry and took the initiative to do it on Mu Qiye’s lap.

Mu Qiye hugged her, put one hand on her lap, reached out and brushed her cheek with the other, and said with a smile, “Have you made up your mind?”

Qiong blushed and snorted, and took the initiative to lean up.


The next day was sunny and breezy.

Holding the dome and leaning on the beach chair, Mu Qiye was refreshed, while Xiaolin Rentan yawned with two dark circles under his eyes.

“Gentian, did you steal chicken last night? Is your spirit so bad?”

Mu Qiye drank a juice and asked comfortably.

“Go away, I don’t want to talk to you!”

Xiaolin Gendan didn’t care that Mu Qiye compared her to a weasel, and turned his head to the side, scolding himself in his heart, he’s a bitch!

Obviously the room is not well soundproofed, so just open a new room, (omit……)

Therefore, she fell into insomnia, and after she finally lost her voice, she was still insomnia.

Perverted, so cheap!

Xiaolin Gendan scolded Mu Qiye in his heart and scolded himself.

Raising Qiong’s chin and kissing it, Mu Qiye smiled and said, “How is it, do you still want to continue?”

Qiong reached out and wiped his eyes, snorted listlessly, burrowed his head into Mu Qiye’s arms a few times, found a comfortable position, and continued to sleep.

Didn’t wait for Mu Qiye to speak.

Two young girls in their twenties came towards this side.

One was wearing a rose-red split swimsuit, with a slender body and a good figure, with jet-black hair draped behind his back, looking a little older, or more mature.

The other is more ordinary, wearing an orange jacket that doesn’t look like he’s coming for a swim.

“Hello sir, the sun is so big, can we stay here for a while~”? “

The girl with short hair asked.

Mu Qiye raised his eyebrows and looked left and right. Indeed, they were in a relatively remote place with few umbrellas.

“Of course, whatever.”

As soon as Mu Qiye finished speaking, he remembered that these two people were characters in the plot.

What’s it called… I don’t remember it, it seems that the short-haired person wants to murder this beautiful beauty with a sea snake.

“Thank you!”

After the two women thanked, they stood under the umbrellas.

“You’re welcome, there are still some cold drinks, ice cream, and snacks on the carpet in the small refrigerator.”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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