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Winery? Nothing — Page 82

Mu Qiye shook his head helplessly, looking like two young men who had been kicked dozens of times and even greeted several times on the crotch, said: “You guys too, get up and fight together, it’s somewhat interesting~”

“Ah? Boss, don’t, I have the strength, I can fight…”

The middle-aged man widened his eyes and regretted showing mercy.

If it’s okay to talk about it after this incident, use the dignity of the boss to fool around with the experience and say that this is what every younger brother has to experience.But let them take action before they are fooled, it is absolutely finished…

Even if the middle-aged man kicked desperately, his crotch was severely injured. Soon a young man got up and kicked the middle-aged man to the ground. The other young man also stood up. The two young men confronted each other. The middle-aged man beat him frantically.

“Let you old guy drag us into the water, let you bastard beat us, let you bastard kick our dick…”

The two young people were also crazy, and they were crazy output to the middle-aged man.

The corner of Mu Qiye’s mouth curved, and he looked at it with a smile.

Qiong frowned and somewhat repelled this scene, but after seeing Mu Qiye, he continued watching.

At this moment, Conan, the kid with glasses, finally ran over… This kid…

Xiaolin Gentian frowned.

Looking at Mu Qiye, he breathed a sigh of relief, this guy is definitely not simple, and he should have noticed it.It’s not a big problem, but after thinking about it, I also pressed the pause button,

“Stop, stop beating, Mu Qiye, you are committing a crime!”

Conan ran over angrily, putting his hands on his knees, revealing the serious child’s face.

saved? ! !

A light flashed in the eyes of the two young men, and they stopped their movements in unison.

The middle-aged man took the opportunity to get up, kicked the two down with a hoarse grin, and then shouted at Conan: “Idiot, what does it have to do with Mr. Mu for making us fight!”

Will this big guy ever go back to crime?Ridiculous, if you don’t have a lot of reliance on being able to do this in public?Admit it is the best choice this time!

“Wait… Mu Qiye!!!”

The middle-aged man thought of the name mentioned by the child, and looked at the smiling man sitting on the ground in shock: “You, no, you are Mu Qiye, Mr. Mu?!!”

“Is there a difference?”

Mu Qiye stretched and leaned on the ground 0 ……

Qiong turned to look at Conan and frowned, then thought about it and walked towards Conan.

The middle-aged man and the two young men who fell to the ground hurriedly shook their heads: “No, no…”

Regardless of Mu Qiye’s status as a chaebol, or Mu Qiye itself, it is an existence that cannot be provoked.

“That’s fine, then I’ll leave it to you~”

Mu Qiye just turned his head to the side, and the three of them immediately understood, and their eyes fell on the kid with glasses at the same time!

Conan frowned.

He solemnly looked at Qiong, who was approaching. Before he could say anything about education, Qiong raised his leg to face Conan’s lower body, and suddenly it was a kick!


Conan’s face was distorted, and he suddenly clamped and pushed twice, covering one hand and pointing at the dome with the other: “You, you…”

“You are not allowed to speak ill of Qiye!” Qiong Quan stared at Conan in dismay.


“They’re all ruthless people~” Xiaolin Rentan sighed and looked at Qiong.

I have to admit that 4.8, even if she is a sick girl, the charm of this sick girl is more than that of too many people…


Looking at the three people who walked past Mu Qiye and walked towards Conan, Xiaolin Rentan’s face showed a little solemnity.If these three people have bad brains…

The three of them paused slightly beside Qiong.

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth, but still stared at Conan: “Boy, what did you just say? It’s awesome!”

According to Mu Qiye’s identity, there will be opportunities for revenge in the future, and even… may even earn money that can’t be spent in several lifetimes!

“Yeah, boy, it’s so awesome!”

The two young men followed suit, grinning at Conan.

Chapter 116: Concubine Mile’s Hesitation

“Mu, Mu Qiye, let me tell you, it’s illegal for you to do this, and so do you…”

Conan looked at the approaching three people in panic.

He has regretted running over when he saw this, at least he should notify Xiaolan, or call the police!

“is it?”

Mu Qiye sat up and glanced at Conan and the three of them. He didn’t even pretend to pretend that he didn’t see it: “What does it have to do with me? I don’t know them?”

“You, Mu Qiye, you actually…”

“Agreed, I didn’t see it either. I only know that the little brother offended the three of them.”

Conan turned his head and saw that he was about to suffer.

It was the blood-red long-haired girl who came with Mu Qiye.

But who is this woman?

Why does it seem familiar?

Before he could think about it, on the opposite side, Qiong looked at him hostilely and said, “Agree.”


Conan was speechless.

Mud horse, who are they!This special code is illegal, illegal!

“Go, dome~”

After stretching, Mu Qiye patted his buttocks and said to Qiong. 09

“it is good.”

Qiong glanced at Conan, turned and walked towards Mu Qiye.

“Wocao, Mu Qiye!”

Conan panicked and wanted to run towards Mu Qiye.

“Children, where are you going!”

The two young men stood in front of Conan with a ferocious expression. They were beaten so badly, and they wanted to find someone to vent their anger for a long time!

The face of the middle-aged man, who was not considered to be a shot, turned black.

After all, in this situation, it can be considered a turning point. The best way is to rely on time. When there are more people, it is not convenient to deal with them according to Mu Qiye.

As long as you escape this catastrophe, you can hide in a few days and use this to threaten Mu Qiye with money, but now…

There’s no way, the two younger brothers have already shot, if he looks at it like this, even if Mu Qiye doesn’t make a move now, it is estimated that he will be staring at him, and he has to go!

“Brothers, call me!”

“Wocao, Mu Qiye, you can’t do this. Mud Horse, you guys, you are breaking the law!”

“Hehe, my buddies didn’t know what the law was since I was a child!”


Hearing the voice behind, the corners of Mu Qiye’s mouth twitched slightly, but a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Don’t blame me for doing this!

“Seven Nights~”

Feeling that something was wrong with Mu Qiye, Qiong looked at him with concern.

Mu Qiye reached out and touched her cheek, comforting: “Don’t worry, it’s fine.”

“As for sprinkling dog food like this?”

Xiaolin Gentian came over and complained with a smile.

His eyes glanced back, indicating to him to pay attention to the very good-looking woman with glasses not far away.

Mu Qiye shook his head and said it was okay.

Qiong raised his head and glanced at her, thinking that Xiaolin Longdan was standing on Mu Qiye’s side and didn’t say anything provocative to Maimang.

Of course, the more important thing is the frailty…

Kobayashi Gentian didn’t care.

Mu Qiye’s reaction made him a little surprised, he didn’t care, so confident?

What she didn’t know was that this woman Mu Qiye didn’t know, and she still had the handle in Mu Qiye’s hands.

“It’s very troublesome~”

After walking in, Fei Mi’s face was complicated, and she couldn’t help reminding.

“Is it troublesome?”

Mu Qiye still smiled, looked at Concubine Miles, shook his head and said, “How can you be sure that I didn’t mean it? Let’s think about you, what do you want?”

“When the interruption is constant, you know that it is impossible, and you give hope to others. Is it really for the other party’s good? Think about it. If you want more, just hold the sand in your hand. The tighter you are, the easier it is to lose.”

After speaking, Mu Qiye turned and left, and Qiong and Xiaolin Longdan followed.

“What’s your relationship with her?” Qiong looked at Mu Qiye cautiously.

“A relationship between men and women!”

After pinching the little guy who was protecting the food, Mu Qiye put his arm around her and moved it up, grinning, “Would you like to go back to the room and try again? Let’s see if you can stick to it?”

Qiong’s face flushed red, his breathing was a little tight, and he snorted: “Just try it!”

“Ah, I see!”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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