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Winery? Nothing — Page 83

Xiaolin Rentan from behind suddenly said as if thinking of something: “I remember who she is, the Queen of Law, Mi Mi, Mao Lilan’s mother, how come I’m so familiar!”

After being surprised, thinking of what Mu Qiye said just now, Xiaolin Longdan looked at Mu Qiye a little narrowly: “Okay, even my mother is involved, are you going to hook up with someone else’s daughter…”

“So, sorry for not being generous, I can let you cut in!”

“Cut, Aquaman~”


Behind him, Fei Mile was still standing in the same place.

She didn’t know if Mu Qiye did it on purpose, but she understood what Mu Qiye said.

Does it ever stop?

Thinking of Xiaolan, Maori Kogoro, and Concubine Miles fell silent.

Are they really in love?

She didn’t know, at least she didn’t know if she loved Kogoro Maori.

Yukiko and Yusaku Kudo are Yukiko’s admiration for Yusaku Kudo, and they took the initiative to show their love to Yusaku Kudo, and then they got together.

What about her?

Thinking of the lonely self at the time, Kogoro Mouri, who was kind to her secretly, but proudly didn’t say anything…

Most of them don’t want to lose to Yukiko!

900 At that time, Yukiko was always showing off her relationship with Kudo Yusaku, showing affection by her side, and then, taller than the short one, I chose the one that I thought was good and suitable.

Love, it seems never…

But can it really stop?

Fei Mile looked up at the sky that seemed to be cloudy without noticing, and the figures of Xiaolan and Maori kept passing by.

What Xiaolan wants is that she and Maori Kogoro get back together and have a complete home.

If it weren’t for Mu Qiye, she might be able to reunite with Xiaolan and Maori Kogoro because of Xiaolan and Mianzi, but now…it’s impossible.

She knew that it was wrong to give Xiao Lan such an impossible expectation, and it would also hurt Xiao Lan.But compared to making her completely desperate… She still doesn’t know how to choose, which way will hurt Xiao Lan the least…

Suddenly, Conan’s cry for help came,

“Auntie Fei, save me!”

“She is a well-known barrister in Tokyo, concubine Miles known as the undefeated queen in the legal world!”

“Hurry up and let me go, auntie concubine, save me quickly”

“Ah, Wo Slot, ah, kicked my underside again, hiss…”,


Hearing Conan’s cry for help and screams, Fei Mi frowned, but still couldn’t bear to see him being beaten by three men and walked forward.

Chapter 117: Concubine Miles: Let’s get a divorce.

“Don’t worry about them sue you, or call the police or something?”

After hearing Xiaolin Longdan’s words, Qiong held Mu Qiye’s arm tightly and looked at Mu Qiye nervously.

Mu Qiye’s expression was still indifferent, and he chuckled: “It doesn’t matter, it’s just a few gangsters, how valuable is their testimony? Don’t forget, they also beat that kid, even if I instructed, it was their hands. “

“If they call the police, they will be locked up for at least a period of time. What’s more important is that there is no evidence and witnesses, and most of the injuries were caused by themselves.”

“As for the traces of our actions, most of them were washed away when they were thrown into the sea. There were only three of us, Fei Mi, Conan and Toda Takako, three witnesses, a total of six people.”

“According to the identities of the two of us, even if they all testify against us, as long as there is no evidence that they were prevented from chatting up and flirting with us, and they want to take the opportunity to blackmail us after discovering our identities, there is no problem.”

Bring into the plot that Mu Qiye said.Kobayashi Rentan’s eyes lit up, the possibility of this reason is very high.After all, the two of them are not ordinary people, Mu Qiye is [-]% able to involve the Suzuki family, she can directly involve the Yuanyue Academy, and the video she just shot, absolutely!


At this time, Xiaolin Longdan couldn’t help but think of what Mu Qiye said before, as long as there is no evidence, a crime is equal to not guilty!

Qiong breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Mu Qiye with some adoration.

Mu Qiye’s smile was still the same, where did this go? He wasn’t going to end this matter like this!

“By the way, where do you go next? Still at the beach?” Kobayashi Rentan asked.

Mu Qiye looked at the time at [-]:[-] and said, “It’s almost noon, go back and take a shower and buy a whole sheep for barbecue.”



the nearest hospital.

Conan was sent to the infirmary by the doctor.

Because it was a beating incident, Conan was seriously injured, and he was kicked on his lower body.

“Yes, there are three people in total. When I arrived, they had already run away~”. “

“At that time, seeing that Conan was seriously injured, I didn’t go after him. I just looked at him from a distance and could only make a rough note. If you need me, I can cooperate. Of course, the best way is to directly ask Conan inside. ” Fei mile adjusted her glasses and said calmly.

It is quite satisfactory, very reasonable, and there is no loophole in the answer.

The reporters who came over nodded, and then asked: “What about Mr. Mao Li, Mu Qiye ordered the three to beat the Conan child, threatening them to beat each other, and there were two girls beside Mu Qiye. The girl with long white hair also mentioned Conan… um, did the lawyer see it?”

After finishing speaking, both notes were somewhat disbelieving Conan’s words repeated by Mouri Kogoro.This is no ordinary bullshit!

Maorilan looked at Fei Mile nervously.

Fei Mile shook his head lightly and said, “I have seen two girls beside Mu Qiye, that girl with long white hair is very weak, and it is hard to believe that she would do this. Besides, I didn’t watch Mu Qiye at that time. And those two girls.”


Hearing this, Maori Xiaogoro on the side was shocked. Although he kept silent about this matter along the way, he seemed to not want to participate, or had something to hide, but he didn’t believe it. Facing frequent inquiries, the concubine kept silent on the matter. Miles would say that.

After all, even though it was unpleasant to see that boy Conan, he also believed that the boy would never lie about this kind of thing.

“Dad, Mom~”

Mao Lilan stood between the two and didn’t know what to say.

She didn’t want to believe that Mu Qiye would do such a thing, but she also didn’t believe that Conan would lie, and she didn’t want her father and mother to have disputes over this matter.

Maurilan thought so.

Concubine’s expression still did not change.

He just frowned and glanced at Mouri Kogoro, and said to the two police officers: “I only say what I saw, for sure, the rest has nothing to do with me,”


With a click, the door of the infirmary opened.

Conan walked out on crutches.

It’s just that the legs and arms are wrapped in bandages, and there is also a face, and half of the face is exposed with a blue nose and a swollen face.It looked very miserable, but there was still a serious and firm light in his eyes: “Aunt Miles, you lied, according to where you appeared, when Mu Qiye and the two women left, you can definitely see that Mu Qiye still has Those two women!”

With this party in hand, the two scribbles also looked at Fei Miles suspiciously.

Fei Mile looked at Conan coldly: “Are you sure you can be responsible for your words? Are you sure I must have seen Mu Qiye and which two women? Otherwise, even if you are a child, don’t blame me for slandering you. Also, I’m not familiar with you, don’t call me auntie, I don’t have an ungrateful nephew like you!”

Thinking of Fei Mile’s saving the little devil, the two scribbles also became suspicious.


At this time, Conan also didn’t know how to answer, because he was really not sure.

These words were only calculated according to the situation at the time, when Mu Qiye left, he was used to walking slowly.

If Mu Qiye and the others were running at that time, they walked a little faster, and their grasp of the time was not accurate, Fei Miles might not be able to see it.

When I said that just now, in addition to being angry, I also had the attitude of wanting to cheat Fei Miles.

But at this point, he didn’t dare to continue talking.

After all, he knew that Fei Mile was a woman, and he said that if he really dared to insist, then Fei Mile would really dare to sue him in court, and his identity could not stand investigation…

Conan’s reaction caused the two scorpions to nod again, feeling that Fei Mi was no longer suspected of lying in this matter.

However, Kogoro Mouri shook his head, puzzled, and looked at Concubine Miles with a dignified expression: “”I don’t know if you have seen this incident, Miles, but according to your skill, stay behind The three gangsters shouldn’t be a problem, not to mention the three gangsters were injured, that’s what you said.”

“Dad~” Maori Lan looked at Maori Kogoro in surprise.

I never thought that Maori Kogoro would stab her mother in the back at this time. Isn’t this aggravating her mother’s suspicion?

But even thinking about it like this (Nuo’s), he was anxious, but he looked at his mother, Concubine Miles, with some doubts.She knows her mother’s skills. If there are really a few gangsters, three or four are definitely not her mother’s opponents.

Mouri Kogoro’s words deepened the suspicion of Concubine Miles again, and the scribbles looked at Concubine Miles suspiciously again.

Of course not much.

After all, Fei Mile seems to be a beautiful woman. Even if she is good at it, there is not much chance of subduing the three gangsters. Even if the three gangsters are injured, they may be afraid. For her own consideration, she cautiously did not pursue them.

At this time, Conan also seemed to see the dawn and stared at Fei Mi.

Concubine Miles did sigh slightly and looked up at the white ceiling.

The scenes of getting along flashed through my mind, and finally turned into a smile, a little self-deprecating laugh.

She looked at Maori Kogoro, and at this moment, she had let go: “Let’s divorce Ming.”

Chapter 118: The benefits of life experience

Still the same place, under the umbrella.

After Mu Qiye and the three of them took a bath, they went to the supermarket to buy a bunch of things, and now they are grilling around the barbecue.

A few blue smoke rose up.

The grilled meat sizzled with oil on the grill, and the aroma of the meat permeated everywhere, making people appetizing and drooling.

The temperature at the seaside is okay, only [-] or [-] degrees, and there are sea breezes blowing from time to time, which is not too hot.

“Are we suitable here?” Xiaolin Rentan twitched the corner of his mouth.

Having made such a big incident just now, and still having a leisurely barbecue here, I always feel that it is too much and too bold.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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