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Winery? Nothing — Page 88

Toda Takako is still a little bit puzzled, how can brother and sister…

“We are not siblings!”

Matsuzaki Haru raised his head and shouted loudly, that angry, jealous expression startled Toda Takako, and he took a step back subconsciously.

Then I saw that Matsuzaki Chun looked at Matsuzaki Masahiko with affection and attachment: “My brother Masahiko and I are re-establishing a family, and we have no blood relationship at all. When I first arrived at Matsuzaki’s house, I still remember my brother’s gentleness. of……”

“Okay, okay~”

He is not Conan, Ma Lilan, he is not in the mood to hear how Matsuzaki Haru fell in love with Matsuzaki Masahiko’s past,

Afterwards, he waved his hand and walked to Toda Miwako’s side, his index finger lifted her chin, and said with a smile, “So, what do you do when you framed me before?”

Waterma knows that this guy is not in the mood to reason, just for women!

Xiaolin Gendan slapped his forehead and found that Mu Qiye was still the same Mu Qiye.

Kasuga Ye Qiong was also stunned for a while, then he snorted unhappily and turned his head to the side.

Toda Takako’s face turned red, and he couldn’t help thinking of what happened in the sea before…


Seeing this scene, Matsuzaki Masahiko hurriedly wanted to step forward, but was pulled by Matsuzaki Haru: “Brother Yayan, she and Mu Qiye have long been…”

“What early?”

Mu Qiye put down his fingers and looked at Matsuzaki Haru with a smile.

Matsuzaki Haru’s face turned pale, holding Matsuzaki Masahiko with one hand, clutching the satchel at his waist with the other, and quickly shook his head: “No, nothing…”

“Cause comes out of your mouth, so be careful in the future.”

Mu Qiye gave her a warning look, and then his eyes fell on her satchel again. He raised his eyes and smiled and said, “Some things are ready to be packed. If they are opened, they will not be so easy to close.”

Is there something in there?It seemed that she had been clutching the satchel uncomfortably.

Kobayashi Rentan looked at Matsuzaki Haru’s shoulder bag and touched his chin with interest.

Of course, it wasn’t just her, there was something to be said for Mu Qiye’s obvious actions, and even Concubine Miles in the distance focused on the satchel.

“Xiaochun, what’s inside you?”

Itoyo frowned, impatiently planning to get started.

Toda Takako has always been the team flower of their team. He is patient with Takako, but it does not mean that Matsuzaki Haru has this treatment.

Matsuzaki Haru hurriedly avoided, but did not let go of Matsuzaki Masahiko’s hand: “No, it’s nothing, it’s my personal belonging…”

“So vigilant about personal belongings? Would you like to let Gui and Zi take a look?”

Seeing Haru Matsuzaki dodging, Itoyo was even more suspicious.

Matsuzaki Haru is the kind of boyish character, even if the bag is packed with personal belongings, it will never be hidden from people at this time!

Your special code is really a clever little ghost!

Mu Qiye couldn’t help but glanced at I Toyo, she was like harming Toda Takako, you still let Toda Takako look at her?

(Thanks to 183, 783, 983, 09 for the monthly pass, thank you for the monthly pass of the son, Shi Wushuang~, thank you Bai Xiaoyu for the monthly pass, thank you for your support, thank you!!)

Chapter 124: Licking two dogs

Toda Takako looked at Matsuzaki Masahiko, then looked at Matsuzaki Haru, Mu Qiye, and finally sighed: “Enough is enough, personal items are personal items.”

“Yayan, it’s because I don’t trust you enough, or I don’t love you as much as I imagined, otherwise I won’t let Xiaochun cooperate with me to test you. Anyway, Xiaochun, I hope your forgiveness is because I didn’t take care of you before. Let’s just let it pass today, and I hope we will still be friends after today.”

A broken smile appeared on Toda Takako’s face.

Matsuzaki Masahiko and Matsuzaki Haru were both cheered up, but it really just happened, are they still friends afterward?Takako Toda doesn’t even know it!

“Okay, it’s over, let’s go!”

Mu Qi didn’t care about their intentions at all at night, and without stopping for a while, he walked towards the front without stopping.

Kasuga Ye Qiong stared at Matsuzaki Haru unhappy.

It’s just you who sent people to Qiye, I remember it!

Of course, remembering it doesn’t help much, the two basically have no chance to meet.

Then Da Da speeded up a few steps and followed Mu Qiye.

Kobayashi Rentan stopped in his tracks with interest, looked at Matsuzaki Haru’s shoulder bag, laughed a few times, and left.

But, her purpose has also been achieved!

“Kawako, don’t leave me, I don’t care~” Matsuzaki Masahiko eagerly stretched out Erkan’s hand, calling Toda Takako’s name, trying to keep her.

He doesn’t care if Toda Takako is a greedy person, if he wants to test him, or if he is even related to Mu Qiye, all he wants is to marry Toda Takako and live together!

Matsuzaki Haru grabbed Matsuzaki Masahiko, but did not let him follow him and said stubbornly and stubbornly: “Brother Masaki, she doesn’t like you, I like your business!”

“Let go of me, Xiaochun, I like Takako!”


Just when the two were arguing, Itoyo seized the opportunity, grabbed Haru Matsuzaki’s shoulder bag, and opened the zipper: “I’ll see what it is!”

“Ah, no!”

Matsuzaki Haru screamed and hurriedly reached out to stop it, but he was not Itoyo’s opponent at all, and he forced him to unzip the bag.

“Ah, it’s a snake, it’s a snake inside…”

This time, it was Itoyo, a colorful sea snake fell from the bag, and spun through them quickly.

“Snake, it may be a poisonous snake, run away!”

Feiying hurriedly stood up to warn that Matsuzaki Masahiko, Matsuzaki Haru, and Itoyo hurriedly avoided, lest they be bitten by a snake.

Snake looks like this, who knows if it is poisonous or not! ~

“Brother Yayan, run away!”

Matsuzaki Haru knows that snakes are poisonous, and they are highly poisonous!

“Oh, it turned out to be a snake!”

In the distance, Kobayashi Rentan touched his chin and looked at Toda Takako with a smile: “It seems that you saved your life. If you went swimming, you might have been poisoned!”

“What? Xiaochun wants to poison me with a poisonous snake? It’s impossible, right?” Toda Guikazuko turned pale with fright.

Thinking about her previous agreement with Haru Matsuzaki, she pretended to be drowning to test whether Masahiko Matsuzaki would come to rescue her. Before, Haru Matsuzaki kept persuading her to go swimming, and… Moreover, this time it was a snake…

“At least they didn’t rob someone’s boyfriend.”

Xiaolin Gentian rolled his eyes, grabbed some dried meat and stuffed it into his mouth, then shook his head: Of course, there’s no such thing as grabbing or grabbing, and it’s okay to like to chase! “

“Xiao Lin Gentian!”

A not-so-sharp gaze stared at her, Kasuga Ye Qiong stared at Kobayashi Rentan, always feeling that this guy might compete with her for seven nights.

“Well, don’t worry so much, Xiao Qiong, have some dried meat, I made it myself!”

Kobayashi Rentan smiled and hugged Kasuga Ye Qiong, took out a piece of meat and stuffed it into Qiong’s mouth.

In addition to moderate food protection, Qiong is still good!

“Wow, I don’t want it!”

“Hee hee, what do you want, what do you want…”


The two didn’t say a word, when an exclamation came from the hotel.

“Toyo, what’s wrong with you, Toyo?!!”

Matsuzaki Masahiko panicked when he saw Itoyo who suddenly fell to the ground!

“Call the police!” Fei Mile trotted over and squatted down.

She looked at it briefly, and her eyes fell on the wound on the tiger’s mouth on I Toyo’s left hand. There were two small holes in total: “Tooth mark? Snake bite, poisoned, it is snake venom!”

“What? Snake venom!!!” Matsuzaki Haru took two steps back, his face pale!

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・


“The attack is so fast. In this time, a strong man of nearly [*] pounds can be poisoned. I’m afraid it will be fatal!”

Xiaolin Gentian touched his chin and shook his head with a dignified expression.

Unfortunately, he was too far away to see what kind of snake it was.Otherwise, she might be able to help. Of course, it’s only possible. She didn’t study much about sea snakes. If it was a jungle snake, it would be more likely.

“Fatal? Impossible?!!”

Toda Takako was really frightened this time.

This is to kill people, no, it is the rhythm of killing her!

She never thought that Matsuzaki Haru, who used to be like a best friend, would have such a savory Yimian.Now even if Matsuzaki Masahiko really loves her, she really loves Matsuzaki Masahiko, and she doesn’t dare to marry Matsuzaki Masahiko. With such a brother-in-law’s sister, she is using her life to marry into the Matsuzaki family!

……… 0 0

“Hey, you can try it with black tea. There is tannin in black tea. You can make it with black tea!” Xiaolin Gentian shouted at them.

Although she doesn’t understand sea snakes, she still knows a little bit about detoxification.

When adventuring in the forest, in case of poisoning, there is no relevant antidote, and simple treatment with tannin-rich herbs.

And there are more plants rich in tannins, which have good effects on antibacterial, antiparasitic, antiviral, antioxidative, anti-inflammatory… many injuries, and can be regarded as an alternative to antibiotics.

“What black tea?”

After driving the car to a stop, Mu Qiye glanced at the busy people in the hotel and nodded clearly.Unexpectedly, he was still injured. It must have been the tape that fixed the snake’s head during the dispute, and the snake fell out.

“There was a poisonous snake in that Matsuzaki Haru bag. Itoyo’s was bitten by a poisonous snake. Let them try it with black tea.”

Xiaolin Gentian said it briefly, and Mu Qiye nodded to show his understanding.

Immediately called the hospital.

Of course, there is a high probability that they have already fought, and he doesn’t care about Itoyo’s life or death, but it is always done in form.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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