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Winery? Nothing — Page 90

Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, delicious and delicious, grilled fish can do this, and the cooking skills are definitely on the stars!

After all, star cuisine, that is, will cooking, is that the more the chef participates, the more nutritious the ingredients, and the higher the cooking level will be.

A batch of mass-produced grilled fish can achieve this level, which is already perfect.

Even she can’t do it in a short time.

“why are you laughing?”

Kasuga Ye Qiong said angrily.

“Laugh at you!”

Xiaolin Gentian didn’t hide it either. He ate the grilled fish and said with a smile, “Don’t be angry. You should know who Qiye is. Do you think you can change him? Can’t you?”

“Your character is not bad, but it’s definitely not good. Mu Qiye is also a well-known person. He likes you very much. It can be said that he likes you a little more than you think.”

“But do you think you can surpass all other women? He can tolerate your petty temper now, and maybe he will in the future, but that doesn’t mean he won’t be disgusted. With disgust, there are so many women, you should know your result What. Of course it’s not the best and worst case.”

“Just barely a friend, just to remind you, don’t play a good hand to a pulp and make someone cheaper. Sometimes it’s better to let go. Like you said, you will always be together.”

“I know this is what you think, and it is probably also the reason. Qiye is so special to you, but if you get used to this special, the result will not be sure.”

Thinking of Qiong’s character, she still said it more euphemistically.

In fact, she felt a little awkward to say these words. Most of the time, like Mu Qiye, when she basically said serious words, she didn’t say a few words.

Moreover, knowing does not mean that they will speak, and the communication is basically smart people, as long as they say a word or two vaguely, the other party will know.

Just like Si, after cooking 900 recipes for a group of rich people abroad, she only said one thing to her when she left the restaurant, I don’t want to continue cooking for these people who don’t understand food, she just smiled and said, “Okay, I Support you, it’s a little boring!

It’s that simple, they agreed.

The first step is to overthrow the order of Togetsu Academy and establish a brand new Togetsu!

But Qiong is different, that sentence, for a lifetime, she likes and appreciates, that’s why she said this.

It’s disgusting!

Xiaolin Gentian shivered, but he also smiled, forget it, eat fish!

Xiaolin Gentian happily ate the fish, but Qiong on the opposite side fell silent.

She also knows what Xiaolin Longdan said, she also wants to let go, but she just doesn’t feel that she doesn’t want to let go, she doesn’t feel that she wants Xiang Mu Qiye to accompany her, and she will not be separated for a moment. Do you not want to be lonely and lost?

In the end love or not love, she is not sure.At least she really didn’t want to leave Mu Qiye’s side…

In a single room of the toilet, the toilet cover made a crashing sound one after another.

“Mu, Mr. Mu, lightly…”

Toda Takako kept begging for mercy, but only in exchange for a more ferocious attack.


(Thanks to 183, 783, 983, 09 for the monthly pass, thank you for the monthly pass of the son, Shi Wushuang~, thank you Bai Xiaoyu for the monthly pass, thank you for your support, thank you!!)

Chapter 127: Extrajudicial fanatics, shameless!

After half an hour.

Mu Qiye hugged Toda Gui and Zi back to the room, Qiong’s silence surprised him.

The inquirer gave Kobayashi Rentan a questioning wink, and Kobayashi Rentan just smiled and shrugged.

“What’s wrong? Not happy?”

He patted Gui Kazuko’s buttocks and motioned her to sit down.

Mu Qiye smiled and sat by Qiong’s side, skillfully wrapped his arms around her slender waist, and moved.

“Am I being too capricious?”

Kasuga Nozomi bit her lip, her unhealthy white skin looking a little pitiful.

“Uh…a little bit.”

Mu Qiye thought about it for a while, and glanced at Xiaolin Gentian helplessly.

What Qiong cares about is what she wants, but she doesn’t think about it.

Of course, there is no meaning to blame, these Qiong will know sooner or later, but he will use his actions to make Qiong give up.

“It’s okay, it’s just a little thing, it’s quite new.”

Mu Qiye hugged the dome and said without pause.Let her lean on his shoulder and say with a smile, “Don’t worry, I won’t let you leave me, don’t worry.”

“Well, I believe in you~” Haruhi Ye Qiong showed a smile on his face.

She held Mu Qiye’s arm tightly and squeezed on his arm, as if she wanted to get closer, get closer…

“Hey, you don’t have to abuse single dogs like this, right?”

Xiaolin Gentian rolled her eyes, and this scene made her eat another wave of dog food, a big wave.

“I told you to give you a place to jump in the queue, come on?”

Mu Qiye opened his other arm with a tolerant face, Xiaolin gentian cut his head and turned his head: “It’s still a long way!”

“Not far!”

Qiong’s grasping arm tightened a little, looking at Xiaolin Rentan, but Nunuzui didn’t open his mouth.


The conversation between the three made Toda Takako feel the deep estrangement between them, and Mu Qiye knew it but didn’t say it.

He is not that familiar with Toda Takako. The temporary definition is that he wants to come here a few more times. He doesn’t have so much time to take care of Toda Takako’s thoughts.


Back to the hotel at about four o’clock.

Concubine Mile and Maurilan, including Maori Kogoro and Mummy Conan are ready to leave.

The Spring Equinox holiday is over, and classes will resume as usual tomorrow.

Fortunately, Masahiko Matsuzaki was not there. It is estimated that he either went to see Haru Matsuzaki at the Tiaozi Bureau or went to the hospital to take care of Itoyo.Otherwise, we will have to watch a big play with your Kazuko.

Concubine Miles came over, and Mao Lilan followed closely, also looking anxious.

Mouri Kogoro and Mummy Conan looked over.

Maori Kogoro looked complicated, indeed complicated.Divorce is going on, and there is a high probability that the daughter who has been caring about will also be sentenced to Concubine Miles.

The Mummy Conan is also a bit complicated, and the two eyes that are exposed are more unwilling.

Mu Qiye clearly committed a crime, but he still committed a crime against him, so he couldn’t arrest Mu Qiye… Baga, this is the biggest insult to him, a famous high school detective!

“Lawyer Concubine, are you going to leave~”? “

Mu Qiye stopped, smiled and said something nonsense.


Walking to Mu Qiye’s side, Fei Mi sighed a little, but more relaxed.

I have never felt more relaxed in so many years.The decision has been made, and when I go back tomorrow, I will divorce Kogoro Mouri.At most, because of Xiaolan’s lawsuit, she will get custody of Xiaolan.The next step is to make up for Xiaolan as much as possible, improve her status in Mu Qiye’s heart, and prove her worth!

It seemed a little troublesome, but for her lawyer, with Mu Qiye’s support, it wasn’t that troublesome, and her thinking was very clear.

“Leave now and tell you, how about you?”

Ask them to see the project Mu Qiye.

“I should stay for another night.”

Mu Qiye looked at Kobayashi Rentan and Toda Takako.

Qiong doesn’t have to go to school, just keep it in the car every day, no need to ask

“It doesn’t matter, it’s not a big deal to go back.”

Xiaolin Gentian took the potato chips he bought and ate it, the most important thing was that he didn’t get fat, and he was a little greedy when he saw it.

Taking a peek at Mu Qiye, Toda Gui and Zi said, “I have asked for a few days off, so I don’t need to go back.”

That matter is decided.

Seeing Toda Takako who had changed her dress, Fei Mi knew that Mu Qiye had had a relationship with her, and she would probably be obsessed a few times in the past few days.

There is nothing to say, but I don’t feel that I care, but I don’t speak.

Nodding his head, he handed a piece of paper in his hand to Mu Qiye: “This is a lawyer’s letter to sue Conan, if you need…”

“Just be responsible.” Mu Qiye smiled and shook his head.

I don’t trust Conan Miles too much, but Conan’s guardian is Kogoro Mouri.

If Fei Mile really wants to get the custody of Ma Lilan, she will definitely try her best in this case.After all, proving that Conan violated his rights represented Kogoro Mouri’s dereliction of duty. It was not conducive to Mourilan’s growth in terms of parenting, and the better it would be for her!

“Baga, bastard, really… The special code sue me again!”

Conan, who heard this in the distance, couldn’t see his face, but his eyes twitched.She was obviously beaten by Mu Qiye, and she was also accused of infringement by Mu Qiye. Mu Qiye’s lawyer is also Xiao Lan’s mother, Fei Mi… It’s a day… No, it’s a dog day!

“‘ ‖ Senior Mu, Conan is still young, can you…”

Hearing this, Mao Lilan suddenly wanted to ease up and let Mu Qiye dismiss the lawsuit against Conan.

But before he finished speaking, Mu Qiye directly denied: “No, one yardage is one yardstick. If I let him go this time, what should I do if others violate my reputation and frame me later?”

“Let me go again? Then what business do I do? Philanthropists don’t do that. Tolerating him is just telling others that I am easy to bully and let others infringe on my rights again and again. There is no discussion on this matter!”

“Is it that serious?” Mao Lilan’s face darkened.

Mu Qiye’s words were eloquent and well-founded. Although Mao Lilan felt unbearable, he also felt that Mu Qiye was right, but it was related to his father, Maori Kogoro, so he still wanted to find other solutions.

“Isn’t there…”

“Enough, Xiaolan!” Fei Mi looked at Mao Lilan seriously: “The law is the law, there is nothing to say.”

“But Dad…”

Mu Qiye was not in the mood to take care of the Maori family’s housework, and waved his hand: “This matter is not negotiable. Even if the concubine lawyer doesn’t do it, I will hand it over to others. I must strictly abide by the law and protect my legitimate rights and interests!”

Hearing this, Xiaolin Longdan wanted to laugh a little. Even Qiong and Guihezi looked at Mu Qiye strangely. Are you the only one who strictly abides by the law?


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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