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Winery? Nothing — Page 92

They are not bad!

Another young man also said, with tears in his eyes: “Yes, boss, my wife even called me to go home for dinner!”

He is better than both of their families. In fact, he does this to a large extent for fun and to stimulate a different life.

The family is not short of money, on the contrary, there is a certain amount of power. There have been several incidents in the past, and his family helped to fish them out.But looking at it like this now, it seems that he has lost his mind. He doesn’t want to continue, he wants to go home!

“What should I do? How does Waterma know what to do? Who knew Mu Qiye made such a big fuss?”

The middle-aged man got angry at once, and when he went up, he spewed indiscriminately. .They were obviously the ones who suffered, they were just the kid who had to beat them, but now it’s all up to them, who is he going to talk to?

Maybe Mu Qiye was also staring at him, what could he do?Does he have a fart way?

Seeing that the younger brother with a good family was still crying, the middle-aged man was even more angry.He got up and kicked a few times. If he had his house, would he still be a jerk?Stupid!

“Cry, cry, cry! Going home? I should have fucked your wife too, it’s really bad luck! Don’t think that your father who is the little boss is awesome, now we are being watched by Mu Qiye, It’s useless for your father, don’t you believe it, go out and try it? Your father knows, maybe he has to take the initiative to send you to prison!”

The young man with a good family didn’t dare to say a word when he was scolded, sobbing secretly.

“Damn, cry, cry you are paralyzed!”

The middle-aged man kicked a few more kicks, just about to stand up and go there to smoke, another one, slowly.

Maori Kogoro suddenly appeared in front of him, holding a pistol with a silencer in his hand and then pointing at his forehead. Maori Kogoro smiled softly: “When you go to hell, remember to walk slowly, your family will arrive later.”

Before the middle-aged man could speak, with a sound of piu, the bullet shot out of the gun chamber and into the middle-aged man’s forehead through the silencer.Blood gurgled out from the wound, and the middle-aged man widened his eyes and fell to the ground with a bang.

“Murder, I…”

The two young men looked up at Maori Kogoro and were blinded!

What’s with this special code?Isn’t Mori Kogoro a detective?How did you kill the boss?”


At the moment when they hesitated, the muzzle of the gun was aimed at them, and two bullets were shot in succession, harvesting their lives without hesitation. “Similarly, walk slowly when you go to hell, and remember not to provoke people you shouldn’t, especially in public!”

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

After collecting their souls, Mu Qiye thought about the memories of the three people’s homes that he had checked at noon today, chose the right target, and disappeared without a trace again in the blink of an eye.

If you do, you will be responsible for your own affairs.

Therefore, if you don’t have enough ability, at least don’t do bad things, or you will harm others and yourself!

“Don’t, don’t come here, I…”

“Well, I still want to run, piu, piu…”

In the villa, after solving a family of seven, after collecting their souls.

Mu Qiye turned on all the gas in the villa, his figure appeared in the distance again, took a few sips of juice, and waited for a while where he could see the villa.Feeling almost done, I concentrated on watching the villa light a match and throw it into a bottle…

……… 0 0


There was an explosion in the villa, and flames spewed out.Broken glass everywhere!

“It’s a pity, that woman is still pretty good-looking, men are afraid of going into the wrong profession, and women are marrying the wrong man! Forget it, there are so many beautiful women, what is a dead one? I’m gone, I’m done, I’ll have to go back. Hold the dome and rest~”

Mu Qiye sighed and shook his head gently, turned around and walked a few steps, and disappeared without a trace again.

The broken monitor above is still emitting electric sparks!


The bodies of the trio who molested Qiong and Xiaolin Rentan have not yet been found, but the three bombings immediately caught the attention of the Tiaozi Bureau.

Especially after checking the information, it was found that the deceased were all molesting Qiong and Xiaolin Rentan’s family, which caused an uproar. Mu Qiye once again became the key suspect. , and reported to the Headquarters of the Note Bureau!

result?Is there any evidence?


(Thanks to the monthly passes of 183, 783, 983, 09, thank you for the monthly pass of Gongzi Shi Wushuang~, thank Bai Xiaoyu for the monthly pass, thank you for the three monthly passes of 102, 499, 8373, thank Mo Liubian for the monthly pass, thank you for your support, very grateful!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly tickets, for rewards, for support, for comments…) For a long time.

Chapter 130: All parties react

Suzuki Villa.

After receiving the news from the Tiaozi Bureau, Tomoko Suzuki made a cup of coffee herself with a headache.

this matter?

Honestly, it’s not a big deal.

The big community revenge, silence, much more than this scene.It’s not surprising that some messy forces fly planes, shoot machine guns, and blow up bombs. It’s not too much for individuals, let alone foreign countries. According to Mu Qiye’s current forces, it’s not a big problem.

If you think about it carefully, there are many advantages.

Now that this is happening, anyone who dares to have a relationship with Mu Qiye, whether it is overt or secret, should be carefully weighed.

After all, no one can say whether Mu Qiye will “go crazy” again, slaughter a whole family of you, and then set fire to it, even the corpse will be burnt.

It can be said that it is definitely a good thing for Mu Qiye, a fast-growing chaebol, and it will be a little troublesome for “Nine Zero Zero”.But those who dared to cooperate with Mu Qiye would undoubtedly lose a large part of them. Reputation, documents, government… all had a certain influence.

Of course, that’s not the most important thing either.

As long as Mu Qiye’s forces develop well, it will be of great benefit to the development of the R-Ben. Even if there is evidence, in the end, if you want to come here, you will pay a price, take it lightly, and then clean it up, it won’t affect anything.

The biggest question she cares about is who actually moved the hand!

According to the time and address of the case, there were at least three people who acted.

And there is still organized crime, the surrounding surveillance has been destroyed, and Tiaozi has not found any clues to the murderer for the time being.

With such an efficient speed of action, it was just because the woman Mu Qiye brought was molested, and there was no specific action, it was removed so neatly.Obviously this force is not weak, it can even be said to be strong and well-trained.In the same way, Mu Qiye’s position in the opponent’s forces is not low, even at the core, controlling the power.

The three societies?It shouldn’t be, they can’t cooperate with Mu Qiye, and they have never heard of such a thing, a foreign terrorist organization?Killer group or something? . . .

Tomoko Suzuki rubbed his brows, thinking about it and giving him a headache.

Of course, the most important thing is what to do next?

No one can guarantee that Mu Qiye will not take other actions in the future. It can even be said that as long as Mu Qiye’s forces continue to develop, there must be a next move.

And what impact will the next actions have on the Suzuki family and Lingzi…

keep away?

We have cooperated now, and the income is not bad.Mu Qiye is a smart person, Ling Zi still likes him…

Forget it, that’s it for now.

“Drag first, don’t approach or stay away.”

Tomoko Suzuki made this decision.

Similarly, I also pay attention to Mu Qiye, but because Mu Qiye refused to follow Erina, Suzuki’s family, Xinhu’s family, Mu Qiye’s own reputation when he was a child… Nakiri Senzaemon, who has been unresponsive, is uncharacteristically and intends to befriend Mu Qiye. .

Go to Erina’s kitchen.

Erina Nakiri and Hishako Nito are both busy studying cooking.

Although most of Erina said it and Feishazi listened, it is undeniable that Feishazi’s medicated dishes are also beneficial to the improvement of Erina’s cooking skills.

The most important thing is that because the two have grown up together since childhood, even if Feishako doesn’t say contradictory advice, some questions and ideas are of certain value to Erina, so she will seriously consider it and want the best answer.

Feishazi also lived up to expectations.

After Mu Qiye reminded him, he also began to study cooking seriously.

Her talent itself is not weak. Although medicated cuisine is not the type of cuisine that is good at eating halberds, in the eyes of some important people, health care is more important than most star-level cuisines. The Feisha Zi specializes in medicated dishes.

Recently, Feishazi’s cooking skills have progressed rapidly. Although she still doesn’t understand the heart of cooking, cooking has a bit of the heart of cooking. As long as her cooking skills progress one step further, even if it is a medicinal meal, it is estimated that it is far from Eizan Zhijin. For a long time, I will follow the rules, that is, one step away.

As for Feishako’s cooking heart, it’s probably either Erina or Mu Qiye’s body… It doesn’t matter, anyway, as long as Feishako is loyal to Erina, it will be good for the Nakiri family.

“Grandpa, why are you here?”

Seeing Nakiri Senzaemon, Nakiri Erina was stunned, but she didn’t delay cooking.Hishako Shinto was taken aback. Even though he had received the guidance of Nakiri Senzaemon, he still had some fear and respect for Nakiri Senzaemon in his heart, so he quickly called out the commander-in-chief.

“No, you and Erina were both grown up by me. In my eyes, you are similar to my granddaughter.”

Nakiri Senzaemon smiled and waved his hand, which was partly true.

After the expulsion of Nakamura and Alice’s departure, Feishako came. ……Also accompanied Erina all the time. If it weren’t for Feishako, Erina would not have been separated from Nakamura’s influence, of course. , can also be said to be pseudo-detachment.

Nakamura’s education is still affecting Erina to this day, and his fear of Nakamura has not been eliminated, but there is definitely a large part of the reason why Erina can grow up to the present.

He also watched Feishazi grow up, and he also trusted Feishazi… As for the other part, a small part of it was because of the new family, and now it’s more because of Mu Qiye.

“Ah? Feishako doesn’t dare, Feishako is Erina-sama’s entourage, always!” Shinto Feishako was so frightened that she hurriedly made a promise.

Nakiri Erina’s mouth was flat.

She doesn’t agree with Feishazi’s statement, and she hopes to be her best friend and friend.But part of it is because of the poor expression of personality, and the other part is that it is useless to say it, so it has to give up speaking.


Nakiri Senzaemon shook his head with a wry smile, and in his heart, he was probably relaxed and mostly relieved.

Shinto Hishako bowed his head again.

“By the way, Grandpa, what’s the matter?” Erina asked curiously.

“It’s okay, can’t you take a look at my granddaughter?”


Nakiri Erina looked at Nakiri Senzaemon suspiciously.Came here when she was studying cooking, didn’t say anything about cooking, and there was so much nonsense, no matter how she thought about it, it was impossible.

“Cough cough~”

4.8 Nakiri Xianzaemon was a little embarrassed by the granddaughter’s eyes, so he hurriedly coughed a few times to correct his attitude, and his face showed a bit of seriousness: “Well, that’s it, that kid at Qiye didn’t become the ingredients of our Togetsu College. The biggest supplier.”

“I heard that I also bought the Tajima cattle farm. There are more than [*] adult Kobe cattle. I want you to discuss cooperation with him as the Totsuki Group. Your future will not only be Totsuki Shijie, but also If you want to take over the Nakiri family and the Nakiri group, you still need to get in touch with these things, it is best to go to Bingku County with him to see.”

(Thanks to the monthly passes of 183, 783, 983, 09, thank you for the monthly pass of Gongzi Shi Wushuang~, thank Bai Xiaoyu for the monthly pass, thank you for the three monthly passes of 102, 499, 8373, thank Mo Liubian for the monthly pass, thank you for your support, very grateful!!)

131: Shameless

“My brother?” Shinto Feishako raised her head and widened her eyes.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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