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Winery? Nothing — Page 94


After looking at the expressions of the two, the female staff member shook her head gently: They are all celebrities, but unfortunately, they are divorced.He picked up the official seal and dipped it in the ink pad, raised his hand and clicked twice, and simply stamped the two’s application documents.

“It’s done, take a picture with the document over there, just do it justice, next!”

After the procedure, Fei Mi put the documents into the briefcase, and the two walked out one after another.


Fei Miles sighed a little, but also a little bit reluctant.

After all, after being married to Kogoro Maori for so many years, there is no love, but there are still feelings.

Maori Kogoro was okay with him before, except for being lecherous, arrogant, and drinking… However, with the daughter of Xiaolan, there is also a bit of friendship. Maori Kogoro is not a person who cares about him, and he simply signed the agreement. word.

Of course, it is also beneficial to Mouri Kogoro.Regarding the debt Xiaolan owed Mu Qiye, the two shared equally, and the other property and debts were repaid separately. The detective office still belonged to Mouri Kogoro, and the law firm belonged to her.

“Congratulations, you are relieved~”~” Looking at Concubine Miles, Kogoro Mori smiled.

Thinking of how Didan’s concubine Miles looked after she married him and the current Queen of Law after the two separated.I have to admit that without him, perhaps Fei Miles would have a better life, because he was the one who delayed Fei Miles.

Fei Mile smiled: “The same, congratulations to you.”

Maori Kogoro is a strong man, and it can also be said to be macho.But in front of her, whether it was before marriage, when she got married, or even separated, it is estimated that Kogoro Maori was watching her secretly. Isn’t her achievement a kind of depression for Kogoro Maori?

“Oh, yes.”

Scratching his head in embarrassment, Kogoro Mauri thought of his personality of flirting with girls everywhere, and when he sees beautiful women, he goes to strike up a conversation.

Fei mile didn’t care either.

Divorced, she is not qualified, and there is no need to care about Maori Kogoro.

The two walked down the stairs one after another and left.

They all tacitly did not mention the matter of Xiaolan’s custody.

Divorced, this last special meeting, let’s maintain harmony!

However, we all know that the next meeting may be in court!


Lazy yawned, the car parked in the mountains behind Yuanyue.

“I’m still happy, let’s go, next time you have this kind of thing, remember to find me!”

Smiling, he patted Mu Qiye on the shoulder, and Xiaolin Gentian simply got out of the car with his backpack on.

Mu Qiye opened the car window and said with a smile, “Why don’t you say goodbye? It’s too unceremonious, right?”


Xiaolin Longdan couldn’t help but smiled, touched his chin and looked at Mu Qiye a few times, nodded, and shook his head again: “It’s not up to that, maybe next time.”

She had to admit that after spending more than two days together, she was a little attracted to Mu Qiye.

Anyway, I don’t plan to get married, and it’s okay to be with Mu Qiye.Moreover, doing that kind of thing should also be interesting and comfortable.Mu Qiye also looks strong enough.

However, it is always looking for a man, not for ingredients. If you come across a good one, you can just take it. You still have to calm down and think about it carefully.

“Well, it’s you who suffers anyway!”

Mu Qiye shrugged, and without even thinking about it, he took Xiaolin gentian down at once, and then took it out from under the table.

“What are you looking for?” Xiaolin Rentan and Qiong both looked over curiously.


Mu Qiye took out a book and handed it to Xiaolin Gentian: “The gift I promised you, don’t say I’m stingy or forget it.”

“‘ ‖ This is not stingy?” Xiaolin Rentan couldn’t help but smile,

But she was also a little curious. She didn’t think that when Mu Qiye said that he was giving a gift, he gave an ordinary broken book, and at first glance, he tore the front part of the book, and also tore the back part of the book.

“This is……”

After turning a few pages, Xiaolin Rentan was stunned for a moment.

“The martial arts secret book, as I said, I met the mysterious old man and got it from him!”

Mu Qiye smiled and blinked, then started the car and waved goodbye: “Of course, this is only one-third of it, the other two parts are used for family heirlooms, and I will give them to you in the future!”

After saying that, he drove the car away.

“This guy…” Looking at the place where the car left, Kobayashi Rindan smiled and shook his head.But when I saw the content and moves recorded in the book, my face also became a little dignified: “Yi Dao Liu, Mingxin Wisdom… How does it seem to be true? Did you really encounter some mysterious old man?” (Nuo’s )


on the way back.

Haruhi Ye Qiong was a little jealous, staring at Mu Qiye and reaching out: “I want too.”

“Do not worry.”

Mu Qiye hugged the dome and let her lie down on the big retreat, probing her hand in skillfully, “If you want to learn, go back to Yami and ask for it, but don’t be too reluctant, your physique is a little weak, I’ll think about it later. See if there is a better way.”

“Hmm~ oh~ Ming”

Haruhi Ye Qiong blushed, nodded obediently, and lay on Mu Qiye’s body.

(Thanks to the monthly passes of 183, 783, 983, 09, thank you for the monthly pass of Gongzi Shi Wushuang~, thank Bai Xiaoyu for the monthly pass, thank you for the three monthly passes of 102, 499, 8373, thank Mo Liubian for the monthly pass, thank you for your support, very grateful!!)

Chapter 133: Akai Shuichi, three generations of blood relatives

The ten-minute journey took half an hour.

Just after getting off the car at the villa, Kasugano Saki and Hirota Masami walked out of the door and greeted him.

“Master… dome~”


Seeing Qiong’s pretty face still blushing, and the look of the two of them getting close.Kasugano Saki knew that the two were having a relationship, and he was probably getting closer in the car just now.

Reassurance, embarrassment, shame… probably everything.

“Saki, Yami~”

After meeting Wen, Kasugano Saki suddenly blushed and his head was completely empty.It has already happened, what’s the use of thinking about it?Besides, it’s also expected, think about it, maybe, it’s not bad.

“Master, let me come!” Hirota Masami took the luggage.Although she is also shy, she is also mostly joyful. After all, they have not been in a relationship for a long time, and she still misses them very much. Mu Qiye is also the closest person in her consciousness.

Entering the villa one after another, Zauki talked about the recent events.

In fact, it’s not a big deal. It’s just that Hideki Shinto and Hideki Shinto came to visit once.But he was not there, and he also said that he would refuse anyone to visit, and the two could only leave.Then there are Gui Xin and Gui Yanye. They have been here a few times, but they are just a little disappointed.

“That… young master.”

Hirota Masami hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, “Yesterday morning at 900, when I was going out to take out the trash, a man with a hood stopped me and called me Mingmei, saying that his name was Dajun or something. Yes, but I really don’t…”

Your Majesty, Mingmei!

Mu Qiye’s pupils shrank, with such a vague statement, he could easily think of what the other party said when he saw it.Then he smiled, patted Dafa and said, “I trust you, don’t worry, I will investigate.”

“Thank you sir!”

Hirota Masami breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on her face.Then he came over obediently, blushing red and put it on Mu Qiye’s lap.

Mu Qiye raised her chin and asked.

Hirota Masami closed his eyes, but Mu Qiye narrowed his eyes slightly.

Hood, Majesty, Akimi… It should be Shuichi Akai.

I didn’t expect it to come so soon, should I leak it to Jinjiu, or should I take it directly?

Sadly, he doesn’t have his hair.

He and Mingmei are related by blood, but the distance is a little far, so it may not be possible, let’s try it!


Bright red blood flows on the map of Tokyo.

Just like a seed begins to germinate, spreads out three branches, and gradually grows.

One formed a thin line, the blood bead stopped exactly on the left side of the middle (ajei) of Itabashi District, the other two stayed in the Minato District and turned into a pool of blood, and the other directly flowed out of the Tokyo map.

“It’s still in the port area, but unfortunately I can’t accurately locate it.”

Shaking his head helplessly, Mu Qiye stretched out his hand and waved, the blood on the map disappeared without a trace, and the map automatically rolled up onto the bookshelf.

Also expected.

Hirota Masami’s mother Miyano Elena and Akai Marie are sisters, and their parents are considered first-generation blood relatives. Their sisters can only be regarded as second-generation blood relatives. The descendants of Hirota Masami and Akai Shuichi are the third-generation blood relatives.

It didn’t take long for me to learn bloodline positioning, and it would be good to be able to locate the second-generation blood.The distance between the three generations is still far away, let alone the far distance.Of course, there are other ways, such as divination, prophecy… or the pool of blood flowing out of the map, Akai Shuichi’s younger brother, Haneda Hideyoshi!

“Forget it, it’s just Shuichi Akai, his main target is still the winery. He’s looking for trouble for the winery, and the winery doesn’t have that much effort to put on me, and it can also divert some of the notes and the attention of other government forces, as long as they don’t look for trouble. , just let it go, and kill it later.”

Stretching and leaning on the sofa.

Mu Qiye stretched out his right hand, and magic balls of various colors appeared one after another in his hand.

The magic ball can be said to be the primary form of any magic, followed by blades, spears, swords…

Don’t worry about the meeting with Yukiko, it’ll be almost evening.

At four o’clock, the phone rang.

I thought it was Yukiko who couldn’t wait and came to urge, but I didn’t expect it to be Sakai Taro.

Mu Qiye answered the phone: “What’s the matter, Sakai?”

“That’s the boss, the owner of a glass workshop in Sasebo City wants to loan 1000 million yen from our company, you see…” Over there, Taro Sakai asked.

This vague statement, but also the glass workshop…

The corner of Mu Qiye’s mouth smiled, and a little interest came: “Who is it?”

On the other side, Taro Sakai hurriedly said, “This time it’s the daughter of the boss of the other party named Kato Akane. I want to ask if I can meet you at any time.”


Mu Qiye couldn’t help but smile, and his face showed some seriousness: “How about the glass workshop?” 1000 million yen is not a small amount, and it is still not worth throwing out for a woman.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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