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Winery? Nothing — Page 97

There was a somewhat excited expression in Mu Qiye’s eyes.

It’s very interesting to bring chaos to the world with one person’s power!

After all, she is a girl, big,

I have never experienced any setbacks since I was a child, let alone being treated like this?

Tears welled up in the purple eyes.

Mu Qiye’s figure seemed to start to fit in with someone in his memory.Equally dark, powerful, unscrupulous for a purpose, seemingly irresistible.

The pre-developed body began to tremble slightly in Mu Qiye’s arms, and he didn’t know if he was afraid or felt wronged.

“Okay, why are you crying? Haven’t I treated you yet?”

Letting go of Erina, who was somewhat collapsed, Mu Qiye raised his hand, and the napkin on the opposite table flew into his hand.

After tearing open the package, Mu Qiye handed it over with a smile.


After all, there is only some overlap, and it is not enough to make Nakiri Erina completely fear.Tears continued to flow out, and he turned his head to one side, not to look at Mu Qiye.

What she didn’t realize was that the plane had already set off, and no one around here noticed anything strange!

“What, want me to help you?”

Putting the napkin on the canyon, Mu Qiye took out one with a smirk.

“Go away!”

Nakiri Erina immediately pushed it away, looked at Mu Qiye with an aggrieved expression, and scolded, “You… bastard, you don’t deserve to be Feishazi’s brother!”

After all, it is big, there are not many tricks to scold people, and the voice is consciously lowered, and I don’t want others to hear it.

“Okay, I’m a bastard, I don’t deserve it, so what?”

Mu Qiye smiled and handed over the napkin.

“You… shameless!”

Nakiri Erina was so angry that she could only use two words shameless to describe it.

“what’s next?”

Mu Qiye looked at Erina narrowly, shook the napkin in his hand, and moved the other hand on her big fade.


Nakiri Erina was speechless and wanted to ignore the bastard, but she looked at the napkin, and Mu Qiye took it in fear, wiping away the tears.

“As expected of a natural beauty, rubbed and unrubbed are the same, and there is a natural Naixiang on the body.”

Squeezed into the place where the napkins were placed, Mu Qiye exclaimed in admiration.Nakiri Erina blushed and shivered with anger, she pushed his head away and kept talking.

“Okay, I won’t let you have a baby on the plane. Sleep with me for a while.”

Put the recliner down, stretch out your hand, and the blanket falls into your hand.

Although the space is a little smaller, it is still possible to squeeze two people to lie down.

Covering the blanket, Mu Qiye hugged Erina and changed into a comfortable position, asked before going to bed, and closed his eyes.


Looking at Mu Qiye, who was close at hand, and even said that there was a negative distance contact, Nakiri Erina felt uncomfortable and hot.

Especially with the dishonest movement and position, I wish I could bite him directly in the face, but thinking about Mu Qiye’s rumored force, he had to give up this idea.

Asshole, how can there be such a person in this world, who is not worthy of being Feishazi’s brother!


“Ladies and gentlemen: The plane has landed at Sasebo Airport. The temperature outside is 26 degrees Celsius. The plane is taxiing. For the safety of you and others, please do not stand up or open the luggage rack…”

The sound of the aircraft echoed in the cabin, and the beautiful female flight attendants reminded the passengers in the first class one by one.


Seeing that there was no strangeness at all, she just walked over to the stewardess. Although Nakiri Erina had expected it, her face was still full of shock.

how can that be! ! ! !

“Well, here we are!”

Mu Qiye rubbed his eyes and moved his body out of habit.

This action suddenly made Erina, who was in close contact with 900, blushed again, and cursed inwardly.

“Get up!”

Covering the somewhat poisonous mouth again, Nakiri Erina’s eyes widened, looking at Mu Qiye in front of him, and then she had to close it sullenly.

Letting go of Nakiri Erina, Mu Qiye squeezed her chin with one hand and teased, “It seems you’ve gotten used to it!”

“No, no~”

Nakiri Erina turned her head arrogantly.

Mu Qiye smiled again, patted her butt, and motioned her to tidy up.

Erina is an arrogant girl and loves face.

If you pursue her by ordinary means, you will not only have to endure her venomous ridicule, but also spend a huge amount of time, why bother?

So thorough!

She quickly got up wearing the blanket, and Erina Nakiri hurriedly went to the seat inside, facing Mu Qiye and tidying up her clothes.

“Cut, it’s not like I haven’t seen it.”

Hearing Mu Qiye’s disapproving tone, Nakiri Erina froze again, with black lines on her forehead.

“Here, change it~” Then a piece of clothes was handed over.


Looking at the bear pattern on it… Erina Nakiri blushed and was about to bleed, but in the end she grabbed it and replaced it with a rustling rustling.

(Thanks to fenghui922 for the three monthly passes, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 137: Love at first sight, Dahe Zhenzai!

The plane finally came to a stop, and the passengers disembarked one after another.

Seeing Nakiri Erina tidying up her clothes, Mu Qiye stretched, lifted the shields around him, and expelled magic.

Xiao Erina is too charming, so she didn’t go to Katori Akana.

However, Akane Katori is not alone.

“Katori, Katori, today there is a penguin show in the aquarium, can I invite you to come and see it?”

A tall and gentle young man in an expensive white suit took a few steps to catch up with Kato Akane.

Katori Qian immediately ducked, her expression did not change much, but there was obvious disgust and rejection in her eyes: “Sorry, Mr. Dahe, I already have a companion, and I don’t have time.”

It’s not because the other party’s character or behavior is not decent enough, but because of the other party’s name: Dahe Mazai!

The big congratulations of the big he chaebol!

Katori Qian hurriedly trotted to Mu Qiye’s side, watching vigilantly at the heir of the chaebol who almost drove her father to the end.

Oga Maya frowned slightly.

I haven’t met a few people who mentioned his surname and treated him like this.

Mu Qiye moved and stood up.

Seeing Mu Qiye, Dahe Zhenzai suddenly shrank his pupils: “Mu Qiye?”

Mu Qiye is too famous.

Not to mention the entire r book, even abroad, many people know about it.

Then he smiled reluctantly, stretched out his hand, and introduced himself: “I am Dahe Zhenzai. I have seen Yuanzi and Lingzi when I was a child, and I have long admired their names.”

“Yuanzi and Lingzi?”

Mu Qiye was a little surprised. Usually, he wouldn’t say that when they met each other. He reached out and shook hands with Dahe Zhenzai, and said with a smile, “I’m usually in Tokyo. I’m sorry I haven’t heard of you.”

Seeing that Mu Qiye seemed to be easier to get along with than expected, the expression on Dahe Zhenya’s face softened a bit.Especially when he saw that there was still a person sitting inside, his eyes lit up: “This is…”

“Cough cough~”

Seeing that Nakiri Erina couldn’t hide, she had to stand up. Her arrogance and confidence in the Nakiri family made her feel that it was fierce to hold her head up!

“Nakiri Erina?!!~”! “

Oga Maiya looked at Nakiri Erina in shock.

I had long heard that the Nakiri family had an ambiguous relationship with Mu Qiye, second only to the Suzuki family.

But why wouldn’t Nakiri Erina come out with Mu Qiye, who has a bad reputation?And it seems to be alone… come out?

A decent suit should be customized, Patek Philippe…

Although he is not very proficient in luxury goods, Nakiri Erina can also see that the other party is worth a lot, and then think of the mention of Sonoko, Lingzi, and the surname just now…

“Da He Family?”

There’s not much respect in Nakiri Erina’s language, but it’s polite.

The Nakiri family was originally the most special chaebol. The core businesses of the Dahe family were banking, transportation, construction, etc. The impact on the Nakiri family was basically zero.

Of course, other big chaebols have little influence.


After Dahe Zhenya confirmed Nakiri Erina’s thoughts, before he could speak, Mu Qiye said, “People are almost gone, are you still going?”

Look left and right, there is almost no one there.

The group got off the plane one after another, but Mu Qiye smiled at the two tall middle-aged men who appeared last.

“Mr. Mu came to Nagasaki this time…”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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