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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel — Chapter 101 Pandora

But when You Yong was about to walk into the circus tent uninvited, a hand stretched out from the tent and slowly lifted the curtain.

This is a Gurus hunter disguised as a clown. Just now he was ordered by his master Pandora to go out and lure the duelist named Yu Yong into the ground.

Then the owner Pandora defeated him in a duel, collected his deck, and completely eliminated him from this duel city competition to prevent other Gurus hunters in Tongshiye City from continuing to be persecuted by him.

But now that he was walking out of the circus tent, he was stunned when he saw You Yong outside the circus tent.

Clown Gurus Hunter rubbed his eyes in disbelief, then confirmed again and found that the man not far away was indeed the national champion You Yong he was going to find.

What’s going on? I was just about to go out and seduce him. Why did he appear here? Clown Gurus Hunter was puzzled.

But after the doubts passed, the Clown Gurus Hunter relaxed his mind again. This was good, I didn’t have to go out to find him myself, which saved a lot of effort.

Then You Yong outside saw the clown who appeared from the circus tent twitching his fingers at him, as if to indicate that he should follow him, then he lowered the curtain and returned to the circus tent.

Seeing this scene, You Yong asked the “Wandering Magister” who was floating in a spiritual state to be on guard, and then followed him.

It’s not that You Yong doesn’t worry about ambushes, but in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, the biggest ambush for villains is playing cards.

You Yong is not just bragging, but when it comes to playing cards, even if he meets Malik, the leader of Gurus, he will not be intimidated at all, let alone Pandora, who is Malik’s subordinate?

As for ambushes other than playing cards, with the elf power of the “Wandering Magister” today, it is more than enough to deal with them.

After such a long time and such a duel, the Wandering Magister now has level six elf power. Coupled with the previous strengthening, the “Wandering Magister” at this time can also be regarded as the brightest among the elves.

In addition, You Yong now has an almost inhuman physique and has a certain amount of dark power, so he can also deal with some unexpected situations.

Another important reason is that You Yong has understood the plot of the animation and knows that there is not much danger in this trip.

In the animation, in Pandora’s basement, the biggest danger for You Yong is the “death show” specially prepared by Pandora.

As he was thinking about it in his mind, You Yong didn’t stop moving.

Now You Yong has walked to the circus tent and reached out to lift the tent curtain.

Then You Yong saw the clown Guru Hunter again. At this time, he was standing in a magic box on the circus stage that looked the same as the “Magic Box of Death”, one of the matching cards of the black magician.

Clown Gurus Hunter saw You Yong coming to the tent as he expected, so he reached out and hooked him again, then closed the “door” of the “Magic Box of Death” and disappeared from You Yong’s sight.

Through the animation plot, You Yong knew that the “Magic Box of Death” on the stage was the key to the circus tent leading to the basement where the magician Pandora was.

After asking “Wandering Magister” to be on guard again, You Yong walked onto the stage and came to the “Magic Box of Death”.

Looking at the “Magic Box of Death” in front of him, You Yong didn’t hesitate much. He reached out and opened the door of the “Magic Box of Death” that was full of question marks.

Opening the door of the box, You Yong saw that it was empty, and the Clown Gurus Hunter who was inside just now was nowhere to be seen.

Seeing that there was no one inside, You Yong stepped in and then closed the door.

After a “bang” sound, like a magic show, the “Magic Box of Death” on the stage broke along the edge, but Yu Yong inside the box had disappeared.

Inside the “box”, You Yong felt that there seemed to be a slight weightlessness on the ground.

It’s probably starting to sink into the basement where Pandora is, You Yong thought in her heart.

Thinking about it, You Yong glanced at “Wandering Magister” who was still floating beside him. Seeing that “Wandering Magister” didn’t have any overreaction, You Yong felt less worried.

Soon, the feeling of weightlessness began to disappear, and then returned to the normal feeling, and the “box door” also opened at this time.

Seeing the “box door” open, You Yong walked out of the box.

After casually looking around, You Yong’s attention was attracted by the desktop computer in front of him that shone with snowflakes.

Soon, the snowflake-like screen on the computer began to change vaguely, and finally turned into the duelist information registered for You Yong in the Kaiba Group.

“Yong Yong 7, represents the rare card: Wandering Magician…”

Seeing this scene, You Yong, who was familiar with the plot, was not too surprised. It was just a show of force from Pandora.

Then the screen on the computer flickered again, and when it froze, a “Black Magician” in a red robe appeared on the screen.

Before You Yong could react, a burst of red light flashed, and the “Black Magician” in the computer screen seemed to materialize and emerged from the computer.

Wearing a red robe, with dark skin and white hair, the “Black Magician” appeared vividly in front of you.

The red-robed “Black Magician” looked at You Yong in front of him with cold eyes, and actually spoke:

“I’ve finally waited for you, You Yong.”

It is as if this is not a three-dimensional projection, but a truly intelligent life form.

But facing this slightly weird scene, instead of feeling scared, You Yong couldn’t help but smile.

If not for anything else, just because this “black magician” is the biggest goal of his trip.

The “True Red Eye” column has been unlocked, and as one of the “Red Father” fusion materials, “Black Magician”, You Yong is determined to win it.

In the animation, apart from the Black Magician in the game, the only way that You Yong knows to stably obtain the “Black Magician” is the three “Black Magicians” in Pandora’s hand.

Suddenly, a voice came from the side of You Yong.

“Welcome, this is the top rare card hunter in the Grus Group, the magician Pandora.”

You Yong heard the sound and turned around to look over, and saw Pandora wearing a bright red suit and a black and blue half mask appearing there, holding a “Black Magician” in her hand.

At this time, Pandora was holding up the duel plate on her left arm and looking at You Yong in front of her.

And on his duel disk, there was also a “Black Magician”…


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Status: Completed Author:


When you travel to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, what deck should you play? You Yong said, don’t worry about the deck, just add three strong desires and three days of pressure to suppress the shock first. Nani? Jijiang's Blue Eyes White Dragon was torn apart by the president? You Yong said, let me avenge him... Well, well, he is not the president's opponent yet, and he cannot punish the president's domestic violence. Forget it, the game will go anyway. So You Yong, who chose to be a transparent person, picked up the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was torn in half by Du Chang. Then, the next day, Jijiang, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was pleasantly surprised to see that the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that had been torn in half appeared intact in his hand. You Yong, on the other hand, looked at the other system-rewarded Blue Eyes White Dragon card in the card library.


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