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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel — Chapter 109 Super Rare Card

Finally, after You Yong’s “physical” and “spiritual” persuasion, Pandora finally plucked up the courage to go to Katrin in person and express her feelings. (Mainly, he has no other choice.)

Of course, You Yong didn’t forget to talk to Pandora about money.

In the end, Pandora delivered 900 million “life money” to You Yong, which surprised You Yong. He had always thought that “several hundred million” meant two to three hundred million.

You Yong was so happy that this harvest was much higher than expected, and even came up with the idea of ​​returning part of the money to Pandora to support his future life with Katrin.

But who would have thought that Pandora said that as the world’s top magician, he had more than this, so You Yong killed this idea.

You Yong also asked Pandora if she was interested in taking revenge on Malik in the duel city during these two days and making him pay for his fraud.

But Pandora said that he just wanted to find Katrin now. It didn’t matter what Malik deceived her about. If he couldn’t call Katrin’s love back, revenge would be meaningless.

Then Pandora said goodbye to You Yong and prepared to take a plane to France to find his Catherine.

But before leaving, Pandora left a small note for You Yong filled with a map of the Gurus Group’s strongholds in Tongshiye City and the location of its branches…

Tsk tsk, as expected of the former senior executive of the Gurus Group, he knows a lot, You Yong thought as he looked at the note in his hand, now that he knows what he is going to do next.

While it was still dark, You Yong picked a few key locations marked on the note and went to them one by one. As soon as he saw the guy in black robes who wanted to escape, he directly initiated a dark duel to force the other party to a duel.

Well, You Yong now has dozens of points of dark power, so it is not a problem to initiate several low-level dark duels.

The intensity of punishment in Dark Duel is not the point. The point is that you can force the opponent to duel.

The strange thing is that after beating many people in succession, a cowardly Grus member threw away the duel plate and ran away, leaving You Yong at a loss for a moment.

Then You Yong suddenly came up with an idea. This guy was no longer stuck. What would happen if he launched a dark duel against him?

Thinking in his mind, You Yong also acted like this, directly targeting the guy who was trying to escape and launching a dark duel…

The result was very interesting. The opponent had no deck. You Yong directly won the duel, while the opponent also directly suffered the penalty of failure in the dark duel. He rushed to the street and kept shouting “I am a gangster, I am stupid… I am…”

This made You Yong sigh. Sure enough, in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh, the deck is the most important weapon. Losing the deck means you have disarmed yourself and can only be slaughtered…

Of course, you have to be as awesome as a certain great evil god who has lost n number of top-notch dark duels and is still not completely cool, and can jump out and continue jumping around after recuperating for a while, then just pretend that I didn’t tell you.

In addition, during the on-site operation, You Yong unexpectedly discovered that the elf power of “Wandering Magister” can also be used to initiate a dark duel.

That was when You Yong’s dark power was temporarily used up and he could not force others to duel. Another Gurus member ran away without dueling…

You Yong didn’t pay much attention to it, so he planned to let the guy go and find a tough guy to duel with, but he didn’t expect that “You Mage” used dark duel to temporarily restrain the opponent.

Then the master You Yong took over the duel, and the Dark Duel was officially established… So You Yong picked up another head.

And You Yong also discovered a new use for this elf power during this sniper attack on Gurus’ stronghold.

In this operation, although You Yong can let the “Wandering Magician” directly defeat the enemy, as long as they are willing to play cards honestly and not engage in small tricks, You Yong will not do this.

After all, you can still get crystals by playing cards, but there is no point in using strength.

After buying a lot of crystals from Gurus and collecting a lot of rare cards, it was already getting late, so You Yong went home by himself.

As for Yuna, since her father did not allow her to wander around at night, Youyong called her before and asked her to go back first without waiting for him.

Well, the elimination match in Duel City in the anime was held for two days, and I don’t know why it was so slow to collect six puzzle cards.

You Yong estimated that it might be because local duelists are used to the rhythm of “you shoot one, I shoot one” duel, and a duel takes a lot of time.

Moreover, the duel also requires the consent of both parties. Unlike You Yong, if you catch the Grus members, you can fight directly. If you don’t agree, you can force the dark duel to agree.

And as long as You Yong doesn’t encounter any named characters, he can usually kill the opponent with two consecutive rounds of “Electronic Twin Dragons” that double the attack power in one or two rounds.

In addition, others may win or lose in duels, and the number of puzzle cards increases and decreases, but You Yong can only win but never lose.

To sum up, it is because of the three advantages of being able to force a duel, the duel speed is fast, and the duel can only be won but not defeated, that You Yong is far ahead in collecting puzzle cards.

After returning home, You Yong looked at the time and saw that it was already past eleven o’clock in the evening, so he called Yuna.

It’s not that You Yong wants to talk to Yuna about something, it’s just Yuna’s own intention.

Now that she knows about the existence of extraordinary power, Yuna is worried that something unexpected might happen to You Yong while playing cards at night.

So in the previous phone call where You Yong asked Yu Nai to go back first, Yu Nai asked You Yong to call her after returning home from the duel to report that she was safe.

According to Yunai, she would not take the initiative to call and affect You Yong’s duel, but if she did not receive a call from You Yong before 12 o’clock, she would assume that something had happened to You Yong and ask the police to launch a city-wide search and rescue.

At that time, You Yong rolled his eyes when he heard these words, and his first reaction was disbelief.

But then Yu Yong considered that this was not the past life, but the Yu-Gi-Oh world, and then thought that Yuna’s father was actually a strong dark duelist.

Maybe in Yuna’s mind, this kind of thing can really be done.

So in order to avoid the police looking for him everywhere tomorrow, You Yong still called Yuna to make sure he was safe. There was nothing important right now anyway.

At Yuuna’s house.

“Yuna, it’s almost eleven o’clock, are you still studying the deck?” Asano Hiro came to Yuna and asked with a smile.

“Yes, Dad.” Yuna responded while sitting on the blanket, looking through the card deck in her hand, with various rare cards placed around her.

Asano Hiro sat down next to Yuna and said with a smile:

“But you have to have a good rest. Otherwise, where will Yuuna have the energy to duel tomorrow?”

“Wait a moment.” Yuna glanced at the mobile phone next to her and said.

“Okay.” Asano Hiro smiled helplessly.

Then Asano Hiroshi took out his deck, pulled out one of the cards and handed it to Yuna and said:

“Yuna, please bring this card.”

After hearing this, Yuna looked at the card handed over by her father, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on her face:

“Dad, isn’t this the super rare card that you spent a huge amount of money on some time ago and finally managed to get it?”

“Yes, that’s the one.” Asano Hiro smiled and nodded.

“If Yuuna doesn’t accept this card, I will not allow you to participate in the Duel City finals tomorrow.”


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Status: Completed Author:


When you travel to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, what deck should you play? You Yong said, don’t worry about the deck, just add three strong desires and three days of pressure to suppress the shock first. Nani? Jijiang's Blue Eyes White Dragon was torn apart by the president? You Yong said, let me avenge him... Well, well, he is not the president's opponent yet, and he cannot punish the president's domestic violence. Forget it, the game will go anyway. So You Yong, who chose to be a transparent person, picked up the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was torn in half by Du Chang. Then, the next day, Jijiang, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was pleasantly surprised to see that the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that had been torn in half appeared intact in his hand. You Yong, on the other hand, looked at the other system-rewarded Blue Eyes White Dragon card in the card library.


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