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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel — Chapter 115 Well prepared (two in one)

“Since your “Elemental Hero – Golden Blade” was resurrected from the graveyard by me, the “Surviving Treasure” effect is activated again, and I draw three more cards from the deck!” Malik said.

Malik controlled the puppet and drew three cards from the deck.

“My hand now has 7 cards, so…”

[Sky Dragon of Osiris, attack power: 7000]

But Malik’s movements still did not stop. He once again drew a card from his hand and inserted it into the duel plate and said:

“Magic card, Pot of Desire, draw two cards from the deck.”

With that said, Malik added two new cards to his hand, and the attack power of “Osiris Sky Dragon” on the field was further improved.

[Sky Dragon of Osiris, attack power: 7000→6000→8000]

In mid-air, the “Sky Dragon of Osiris”, whose attack power was greatly increased, roared in the direction of You Yong as if in demonstration.

The “Ionization Clamp Man” and “Blaze Man” on the You Yong field raised their arms one after another, trying their best to resist the pressure from the top of the duel monsters, the phantom beast. At the same time, the You Yong behind also felt the pressure increase greatly.

“You’re done. Facing the 8,000-point attack power of “Sky Dragon of Osiris”, your 4,000 health points are no different than a candle in the wind.” Malik smiled confidently.

Then Malik waved his arm and entered the battle stage directly and shouted:

“Feel the wrath of God, and then go to the dark abyss to repent!”

“Sky Dragon of Osiris, completely crush the “Elemental Hero Ionization Clamp” for me, superelectric guided wave!”

[Sky Dragon of Osiris, attack power: 8000]

[Elemental Hero·Ionization Clamp, attack power: 2600]

【You Yong, LP: 4000】

The dragon’s mouth below the “Sky Dragon of Osiris” in mid-air opened, and surging and dazzling golden current quickly gathered in it.

“Under the attack of the Sky Dragon of Osiris, not only your monster, but also you yourself will be completely shattered.” Malik said with a smile.

“Sky Dragon of Osiris” has condensed its energy, and the terrifying electric energy turned into a golden dazzling energy beam and shot towards the “Elemental Hero·Ionization Clamp” on the chanting field.

“The battle is over…” Malik on the ship crossed his arms and smiled.

In Malik’s view, the overflowing attack power of “Sky Dragon of Osiris” was enough to clear You Yong in one breath, and You Yong’s backcourt was also empty, so it was obviously impossible for him to have a counterattack.

This battle must be won!

But when You Yong on the opposite side faced the God of the Underworld’s seemingly world-destroying blow, he didn’t panic at all. Instead, he smiled lightly and said:

“Tired of Wadokana.”

Although Malik’s “treasure dropped from the sky” successfully brought him back to life, it also brought more possibilities to You Yong.

You Yong quickly drew a card from his hand, then threw it into the graveyard area of ​​the duel plate and said:

“Discard “Chestnut Ball” from your hand to activate the effect of “Chestnut Ball”.”

“Only one battle damage to yourself becomes 0.”

The heaven-destroying blow of “Sky Dragon of Osiris” easily penetrated the “Ionization Clamp Man” on the Youyong field, and seemed to run towards Youyong without any hindrance…

Seeing You Yong about to receive the full blow of the Phantom God in the face, but then the small figure of “Chestnut Ball” suddenly appeared in front of You Yong and met the roaring “Super Electric Wave”.

After the terrifying blow of the “Sky Dragon of Osiris” hit the “chestnut ball”, it suddenly turned into nothingness amid the cute cries of “Coolie, coolie…”.

Standing behind the “chestnut ball”, You Yong, who was protected, did not suffer any damage, and his health was not reduced at all.

This is the power of Li Shenlong, the legendary originator of hand pits.

Coolie wave, always drop God!

On the ship in the distance, Malik saw that the “Sky Dragon of Osiris” failed to kill You Yong with one blow, his face was full of displeasure, and he gritted his teeth and said bitterly:

“Tch, you actually escaped with the effect of the fish monster?”

What? You just said that Chestnut Ball is a fish monster, right? He is worthy of being the leader of the Gurus Group, and he is good enough in terms of courage, You Yong thought to himself.

“Since you managed to survive, the battle will continue.” Malik said disdainfully.

Then Malik issued an order to the Golden Blade Man on the field and said:

“Elemental Hero: Golden Blade Man, go attack the “Elemental Hero: Flame Man” on your original owner’s field.”

[Elemental Hero·Golden Blade Man, attack power: 2600]

[Elemental Hero: Flame Man, Defense: 1800]

After hearing Malik’s order, the “Golden Blade Man” intentionally refused to execute it, but under the constraints of the rules of the dark duel, the guillotine in both hands opened involuntarily and rushed towards the “Flame Man” on the chanting field.

Seeing the Golden Blade Man rushing toward him fiercely, the “Flame Man” quickly took a defensive posture as if he was going to put himself to death.

However, the power of “Blaze Man” was still a little fragile in front of “Golden Blade Man”, and he was quickly split in half by the sharp alloy guillotine of “Golden Blade Man”.

(Flame Man: Golden Blade Man, you idiot, you betrayed the organization, you are really hurting your brothers, right?)

(Golden Blade Man: Misunderstanding, brother, I really don’t want to chop you off, but my body is disobedient and I act on my own initiative.)

The “Golden Blade Man” also has the ability to penetrate defense power, and then You Yong was also damaged by the overflowing attack power value.

【You Yong, LP:4000→3200】

His health points were reduced, and a sudden pain hit him. You Yong, who was not prepared enough, couldn’t help but groan.

In this high-level dark duel, his health points were reduced, and even with You Yong’s current physique, he felt obvious pain.

But it was still within the range that You Yong could bear, it was just that it was relatively sudden, and it was the first time he had received such a strong impact, so he was a little uncomfortable.

Seeing You Yong’s reaction, Malik smiled with satisfaction:

“Do you feel the pain? This is the power of the Dark Duel.”

“But it’s a pity that in this duel, only you will feel the pain. I can’t feel the damage to the doll.”

Listening, You Yong couldn’t help but look up at Malik.

Well, to be honest, You Yong is a little envious of the ability of the “Thousand-Year Tin Staff”.

You can control the puppet to start a dark duel and play cards. The opponent will suffer corresponding pain when he is injured, and all your own pain will be borne by the puppet. Even if you lose, you will not be completely disappointed. It is simply not too satisfying.

“My fighting phase is over,” Malik said.

Then, Malik drew a card from his hand and inserted it into the duel plate.

“In order to maintain the attack power of “Sky Dragon of Osiris”, I will activate this card now.”

“Sustainable magic, unlimited treasures, as long as this card exists face-up on the field, there is no limit on the number of cards in both sides’ hands.”

Due to the reduction in the number of cards in hand, the attack power of “Sky Dragon of Osiris” has also declined a bit.

[Sky Dragon of Osiris, attack power: 8000→7000]

“With the existence of “Infinite Treasures”, there is no limit to only keeping six cards in the hand at the end of the round.” Malik said with a smile.

Although the attack power dropped a bit after activating “Infinite Treasures”, it was still higher than waiting for the end of the round and only having six cards in hand to become 6,000.

“My round is over and it’s your turn. You have to struggle in front of God so that it won’t be too boring.”

“Kaiba, fight me!” Jonouchi, who had just been called a mediocre person by Kaiba, said unconvinced, “Let you see the strength of the mediocre person you call me!”

“Jounouchi, are you serious?” Kyoko said unexpectedly.

“Really or not? Jonouchi, you are not Kaiba’s opponent, right?” Honda, a good friend, questioned.

“Well, let me let you, a mediocre person, see the magic.” Kaiba, who was just addicted to playing cards, sneered and inserted the deck of cards into the card slot of the duel disk.

“We’re going to do it, Kaiba!” Jonouchi said, holding up the duel plate, ready to start the duel with Kaiba.

But at this moment, a strong wind suddenly blew around, and at the same time, the buzzing sound of flapping wings came from the air.

Everyone looked up and saw that a helicopter with the “KC” logo of the Haima Group appeared in the air at some point.

The “KC” icon communicator on Kaiba’s collar lit up white.

“Nisana, the surveillance department has detected traces of a rare card hunter who owns the God Card. He is in the eastern area 666. Get on the plane quickly.” Keppei’s voice came from the “KC” icon on his collar.

At the top of a floor, Keihei, who was monitoring the irregularities in the conference, sent a message to Kaiba.

At this time, a rope ladder was thrown out of the plane, and it landed right in front of the seahorse.

“Humph, the duel is aborted.”

With that said, Kaiba grabbed the rope ladder and the helicopter began to rise.

As for why you didn’t wait until Kaiba actually climbed into the helicopter before flying? Of course that’s because the president specifically ordered it… The reason is, maybe it’s more fashionable this way?

“You saved a life, you mediocre person.” Kaiba, who was holding the rope ladder in the air, looked down at Jonouchi below and said.

“What did you say? Come back quickly! You coward.” Jonouchi shouted with a furious look, but he was quietly relieved in his heart.

After the helicopter flew away completely, Jonouchi looked back at his friends around him, touched his nose and said with a smile:

“Ah, it’s such a pity that he ran away…”

“What are you talking about Jonouchi?” Honda, a good friend, saw through it at a glance, “You were obviously relieved just now.”

At this time, the God Card scene in the eastern 666 area.

“Now it’s my turn, draw a card!”

You Yong quickly drew a card from the deck and added it to his hand. He looked up, showed it and said:

“The effect of “Hero of Destiny·Sprinter” in the graveyard is activated!”

“This card can only be in the graveyard once. When you draw a card during the card draw phase, if that card is a monster, confirm that monster to both parties, and the confirmed monster will be Special Summoned.”

“What? When did you get this card in your graveyard?” Malik frowned.

But then Malik seemed to have thought of something, and said to himself:

“I see… was it the “hand erasure” of that time?”

“That’s right, and the card I drew now is a monster card, “Evil Heart Hero·Evil Blade Demon”!” You Yong said with a smile.

With that said, You Yong placed the card of “Evil Blade Demon” on the monster area of ​​the duel plate.

“Special summon, Evil Heart Hero·Evil Blade Demon, attack position!”

The evil-hearted heroic version of the “Golden Blade Man”, the “Evil Blade Demon” with claws on his hands, appeared on the chanting field, his dark body exuding a cold aura.

[Evil Hero·Evil Blade Demon, attack power: 2600]

“But at this time, another effect of ‘Sky Dragon of Osiris’ also activated.” Malik said.

“The Sky Dragon of Osiris, when the opponent summons, reverse summons, or special summons a monster, its ability value will be reduced by 2,000 points according to its representation, and will be destroyed if it becomes 0.”

“Come on, Osiris, summon thunder bombs!”

The mouth that had been closed on the “Sky Dragon of Osiris” opened at this time, and quickly sprayed out a missile made of thunder, which hit the “Evil Blade Demon”.

Like a divine strike, the “Evil Blade Demon” hit by the summoned thunderbolt immediately succumbed, and the evil energy around him was swept away.

[Evil Hero·Evil Blade Demon, attack power: 2600→600]

“Now the heroes you summon are no different from trash fish.” Malik crossed his arms and smiled.

“Oh, really?” You Yong looked up at Malik.

From the beginning to now, Malik has already given himself three debuffs: “Attack first at any time”, “Candle in the wind”, and “Shouting chestnut balls and miscellaneous fish”. You Yong estimates that he is a sure winner in this duel. .

After looking at the cards in his hand, You Yong began to consider whether to recreate the original famous scene and use the infinite resurrection feature of “Regenerating Slime” to allow Malik to draw unlimited cards until he loses.

Although there is a certain degree of nonsense in the way Wang performed this operation in the original work. For example, it is outrageous to brainwash the “regenerated slime” in the opposite cemetery.

Hey, wait, maybe the animated version of “brainwashing” can defeat the monsters in the opposite cemetery? Forget it, I don’t want to think about this now.

But it is not impossible to complete this set of operations in compliance with the rules.

Now You Yong has a way to fuse “Jagged Wilderness”, and then use its continuous attack effect to infinitely resurrect “Regenerating Slime”, and “Survival Treasure” allows Malik to empty his card library by drawing infinite cards.

But after thinking about it, You Yong still didn’t plan to do that for the time being.

Because Malik has a cover card in the backfield, although it is probably a permanent trap “Defense Slime” used in conjunction with “Regeneration Slime”.

But as we all know, the cover cards of high-star duelists are all “Schrödinger’s cards” and can be determined according to the situation.

In addition, it is too dangerous to let the opponent draw unlimited cards. Who knows what weird cards the opponent will draw?

You Yong said that he is not like a king and does not have the aura of a protagonist, so he cannot guarantee that this kind of thing will be successful.

To take an extreme example, if Malik brought five corpses in his deck, wouldn’t You Yong dig a hole and bury himself?

Of course, this example is unlikely, but similar things must be prevented. In any case, it is really dangerous to let a high-star duelist draw cards.

So You Yong slowly pulled out a card from his hand and said:

“Use the “Evil Heart Hero·Evil Blade Demon” on the field as a sacrifice, and summon my soul, the Wandering Mage, from a higher level!”

Saying that, You Yong gently placed the “Wandering Magister” card on the duel plate.

The “Evil Blade Demon” on the field suddenly turned into a white light and disappeared. A blue magic circle unfolded on the field. The “Wandering Magician” wearing a white and blue robe jumped out from it, holding the azure magic, and came to You Yong’s venue. He looked up at the “Sky Dragon of Osiris” in the sky.

[Wandering Mage, Level: 6, Attack Power: 2400]

“Have you summoned a higher-level monster again? But no matter how many times you come, it’s useless.” Malik shouted.

“I don’t need to explain the effect again, right? Osiris, summon thunder bullets!”

The dragon’s mouth above the “Sky Dragon of Osiris” opened again, rewarding the “Wandering Magister” who dared to look directly at him with a fresh thunder bomb.

[Wandering Mage, attack power: 2400→400]

The “Wandering Magister” was hit by the summoned thunder bomb, and his momentum suddenly weakened a lot, but he did not lower his head and still looked directly at the “Sky Dragon of Osiris”.

You Yong looked at the “Sky Dragon of Osiris” in the sky and thought of things that he had not tried on Kaiba’s “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon” before.

According to the animation, the resistance of the Phantom God to monsters can be divided into two categories: “only affected by the effects of the Phantom God” and “not affected by the effects of monsters other than level 10 or above”.

So now You Yong plans to try again. This is also a strategy You Yong has prepared to defeat the Phantom God.

Of course, it doesn’t matter even if you fail, You Yong thought as he looked at the “Wu Nian’s Notes” in his hand.

(Wu Nian’s Notes, as long as this card exists in the magic and trap area, the limit number of cards in both sides’ hands becomes 3.)

For this duel, You Yong had already made full preparations and focused on one target.


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Status: Completed Author:


When you travel to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, what deck should you play? You Yong said, don’t worry about the deck, just add three strong desires and three days of pressure to suppress the shock first. Nani? Jijiang's Blue Eyes White Dragon was torn apart by the president? You Yong said, let me avenge him... Well, well, he is not the president's opponent yet, and he cannot punish the president's domestic violence. Forget it, the game will go anyway. So You Yong, who chose to be a transparent person, picked up the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was torn in half by Du Chang. Then, the next day, Jijiang, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was pleasantly surprised to see that the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that had been torn in half appeared intact in his hand. You Yong, on the other hand, looked at the other system-rewarded Blue Eyes White Dragon card in the card library.


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