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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel — Chapter 118 The Perfect Note

Without too much delay, You Yong, Kaiba, and Keihei walked onto the Kaiba Group’s helicopter that was waiting aside.

Taking the helicopter, You Yong and Kaiba saved themselves the time of traveling and quickly arrived at the top of the building designated by the two Gurus hunters.

With the help of the thrown rope ladder, Yu Yong and Kaiba stepped off the helicopter and came to the glass top of the building, while Keppei stayed on the helicopter to watch.

The two Gurus hunters were naturally waiting for You Yong and Kaiba on the opposite side of the glass top of the building.

Seeing You Yong and Kaiba arriving at the duel venue as promised, the short Gurus hunter took off the hood of his black robe first, revealing a round face wearing a white funny mask on the right half, and his cunning eyes were looking at Yu on the opposite side. Yong and Kaiba introduced themselves with a smile:

“I am the Mask of Light.”

The tall Gurus hunter then also took off the hood of his black robe, revealing a square face wearing a black evil ghost mask on the left half. He stared at You Yong and Kaiba and introduced himself:

“I am the Mask of Darkness.”

Finally the two said in unison:

“We are the top Gurus hunters under Lord Malik, a duo of Gurus formed to hunt for the God Card!”

“Hmph, it doesn’t matter what happens to this kind of thing. I have no interest in the identity of the miscellaneous fish!” Kaiba waved his hand and said domineeringly, and at the same time opened the duel disk in his hand.

“If you have a duel, hurry up. If you lose, immediately release You Yong’s friends safely!”

You Yong: “???”

What’s happening here? President, what are you talking about?

After Kaiba finished speaking, he glanced sideways at You Yong, snorted and said:

“Don’t get me wrong, this is just to repay your favor for saving Keiping just now, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t worry about your affairs.”

You Yong: “…”

Uh, the president of Emotions thought my friend was also caught? But in fact Yuuna was not arrested.

How should I explain to the president now that my friend was not arrested like his brother Keppei?

Just say that they are fine, but I just learned about the situation through the sub-system, and didn’t even make a symbolic phone call.

It was a bit embarrassing now. Who knew that the president would take this matter to heart? I thought the president was addicted to cards, so he insisted on playing cards.

You Yong felt a little pain in his brain at this moment.

In desperation, You Yong had no choice but to smile and said to Kaiba:

“That friend of mine is very skilled and will be fine.”

After a pause, in order to enhance his persuasiveness, You Yong added another sentence:

“That friend of mine also has a card elf, just like the “Wandering Magician” I just had.”

Anyway, the sub-system can basically change the external form at will, and can also transform into the appearance of a monster. This means that the president will not be afraid of You Yong when he investigates him in the future.

The tall “Mask of Darkness” on the opposite side, I don’t know if it was because of a lack of brains, but he also sent an assist to You Yong and said:

“That’s right, the only one we captured was your brother, President Kaiba, and the other one escaped by chance.”

“Partner, why did you tell them honestly?” Mask of Light on the other side said slightly dissatisfied.

“Ah? But don’t they already know it, partner.” Mask of Darkness said in confusion.

“Forget it, it doesn’t matter.” Mask of Light sighed in his heart, but still pretended to be okay and smiled.

After all, he would have to form a team with the “Dark Mask” for a duel later, and it would be bad if the fight accidentally caused a conflict.

Originally, after Kaiba heard You Yong say that his friends also had strange three-dimensional projections like You Yong’s “Wandering Magician”, he basically believed what You Yong said.

Now that the “Mask of Darkness”, who was now a member of Grus, admitted this, Kaiba was already convinced that there was nothing wrong with Yu Yong’s friend.

Come on, why don’t you show favors to that guy You Yong now? Kaiba thought to himself.

But on the surface, he still pretended not to care, snorted softly and said:

“Hmph, it doesn’t matter. Originally, this was just a casual thing.”

Then, Kaiba’s tone became more serious, and he snorted heavily and said:

“The main reason for this duel is to let you who dare to kidnap Keppei feel the anger of me, Seto Kaiba. I will use absolute power to completely crush you, the worms of the tournament!”

Sure enough, the onset of card addiction is also an important part of the reason? You Yong thought on the side.

“Hahaha, it’s really in line with the president’s usual style.” Mask of Light said with a sinister smile, “Then before the duel begins, let’s explain the rules.”

“The battle method is a two-on-two team duel. Each person has an independent 4,000 health points. The duelist who loses all health points will be expelled from the game. The team that defeats the other two first wins.”

“But be careful…” Mask of Light smiled sadly.

“Expulsion from the game means death.”

“We are standing on the top of a 130-meter-high building, and under the glass at our feet is the stairwell leading to the first floor.”

“In other words, it is only this layer of glass that maintains our lives.”

As he spoke, Mask of Light gently stepped on the glass under his feet, making a crisp sound.

“The areas where the duelists are located are each equipped with explosive devices.”

“When the health computer on the explosive device returns to zero, the explosive device corresponding to the player will be activated, the glass under the soles of the feet will be blown off, and the player will fall from the roof of the building.”

“It’s called “The Explosive Duo Match where you’ll be dead if you fall.”” Mask of Light Chuuji laughed, “Imagine it…isn’t it scary? Hehehe…”

You Yong, who had already known it in advance through the original animation, had no reaction.

Not to mention that there is basically no possibility of losing when he and the president join forces. Anyway, even if he does lose, he will let the “Wandering Magister” save him the moment he falls.

Thinking about it, You Yong glanced at the president with his peripheral vision.

As for the president, hehe, for a president who often jumps out of airplanes, he probably won’t even suffer any fractures if he falls from such a height, right?

“Hahaha…are you so scared that you can’t speak?” Seeing that You Yong and Kaiba were silent, Mask of Light thought they were scared and laughed even more unscrupulously.

“Hmph, is that all you want to say?” Kaiba couldn’t help but laugh, raised his hands and said, “Now that the last words have been given, let’s start the duel quickly.”

Do you think you can beat us? Facing our deck that seals all abilities, even the God Card is useless, Mask of Light thought sadly.

You have no chance of winning against our light and dark duo, just wait to fall into endless darkness. The Mask of Darkness has a similar idea.

Their deck was specially adjusted by Lord Malik to target You Yong and Kaiba.

“Are you ready, partner?” Mask of Light looked sideways at his teammates and smiled.

“You can start at any time, partner.” Mask of Darkness chuckled.

“Duel!” X4

“I’m the first to attack, draw a card!” Mask of Light quickly drew a card from the deck.

The order of playing cards in team duels is also randomly determined by the duel plates of both sides, and the two teams alternate playing cards.

The current random order of playing cards in this team duel is: Mask of Light → Kaiba → Mask of Darkness → Yu Yong.

“Hahaha… perfect hand!” After adding the drawn card to his hand, the Mask of Light laughed wildly, “We will definitely win this duel, partner.”

“A perfect hand?” Kaiba frowned slightly.

Is it really “perfect”? You Yong couldn’t help but think of the scene in the previous life of the Yu-Gi-Oh animation V6 where a certain fat man fought against the Knight of Hanno, starting with thirty-five stars, pretending to be calm and calling it a “perfect hand”.

Because of this famous animation scene, You Yong can no longer face the words “perfect hand”.

The Mask of Darkness, who grew up in DM, obviously did not understand this ambiguity. He smiled and said to the Mask of Light:

“Hurry up and play your cards, partner, let them see how powerful we both are.”

“Okay, partner, I played my cards.” Mask of Light responded with a smile, inserted a card from his hand into the duel plate and said:

“Activate the magic card, Angel’s Alms, draw three cards from the deck, and then discard two.”

oh? Should I start by banning cards directly? It seems to be a “perfect hand” in the literal sense, You Yong thought to himself.

Mask of Light drew three new cards from his hand, then took out the predetermined hand card, picked another one, and sent these two cards to the graveyard.

Then, Mask of Light drew another card from his hand and inserted it into the duel disk and said:

“Activate the magic card and the dead will come back to life!”

The emerald green magic card was opened, and the ancient Egyptian resurrection cross made of light appeared on the field.

“So, how about using “Angel’s Alms” to discard the cards in your hand to send a powerful monster to the graveyard, and then use “Resurrection of the Dead” to resurrect that monster?” Kaiba said, crossing his arms, thinking that he had seen through the opponent’s intention.

“Haha, although I really want to be like what you said, president, but we don’t have such a high-level monster in our deck.” Mask of Light said with a smile.

“The one I want to resurrect is this guy, the Four-faced Beast Melchido!”

The light of resurrection dissipated, and a monster with no body and four masks appeared on the field of Mask of Light. The front part of his face was a green-yellow grin like the “Pot of Desire”. mask.

[Melkido Four-faced Beast, attack power: 1500]

“Is it this kind of trash fish?” Kaiba crossed his arms and said somewhat unhappily.

Seeing the straight face of “Melkido Tetramon” as if mocking his wrong guess, Kaiba couldn’t help but feel even more depressed.

He actually wasted a precious “Resurrection of the Dead” for this kind of monster. What difference does this make to mediocrity?

“Then, I summon “Masked Spellcaster: Throat of the Curse” in attack position!” Mask of Light said as he played a card on the duel disk.

This time, a ghost monster appeared suspended in mid-air, wearing a mask and a string of green beads, resembling a magician.

[Masked Spellcaster·Throat of Curse, attack power: 1500]

“Still such a bastard?” Kaiba said dissatisfied. How could a duel of this level bring him satisfaction?

“Hehehe, Mr. President, you don’t seem to take these two monsters seriously.” Mask of Light said strangely, “Then I’ll summon a decent monster.”

“Can you summon the ace monster in the first round, partner?” Mask of Darkness looked sideways at his teammates and smiled.

“Of course, a perfect hand.” Mask of Light responded with a smile.

With that said, Mask of Light drew a card from his hand and shouted:

“Take the “Melkido Four-faced Beast” and “Masked Spellcaster: Maw of the Curse” that I have on the field as sacrifices!”

“Special summons, the ace monster of our Masked Duo, Masked Monster Death Guardian!!!”

The two masks on the Mask of Light field turned into a white light and disappeared, and a new monster card appeared on the field. Thick black mist filled the card picture, obscuring everyone’s sight.

The fog dissipated, and a monster with a blue mask on its head and shoulders appeared. Under the mask were scarlet eyes and sharp claws, exuding the aura of death.

[Masked Monster·Death Guardian, attack power: 3300]

“Na…Nani? Summoned a monster with an attack power of over 3,000 in the first round!?” Kaiba said in shock.

The attack power of the Blue Eyes White Dragon exceeds that of mine? You Yong on the side silently added something to the president in her heart.

“Haha, how about it, President, is this kind of monster okay?”

Mask of Light smiled, then explained:

“Masked Monster Death Warder cannot be normally summoned. You can only release 2 monsters of any type on your field including “Masked Magician – Maw of the Curse” and “Melkido Tetramon”. , the monster can be specially summoned.”

“Hmph, I see, that’s why I didn’t send him to the graveyard just now to be specially summoned by the “Resurrection of the Dead” effect.” Kaiba understood.

“Well done, partner.” Mask of Darkness praised.

“Thank you, partner.” Mask of Light smiled, and then took out two cards from his hand and inserted them into the duel plate.

“Finally cover two more cards. My turn is over and it’s your turn, Mr. President.”

“Hmph, my turn is to draw a card!”

After glancing at the card, Kaiba couldn’t help but chuckle.

That’s a “Blue Eyes White Dragon”!

After adding the drawn card to his hand, Kaiba immediately drew another card from his hand and inserted it into the duel plate and said:

“Magic card, Pot of Desire, draw two cards from the deck!”

After drawing two more cards from the deck, Kaiba played another card and said:

“Then there’s this, the magic card. The rough guy predicts it and activates it!”

“The effect of this card is that if there are no monsters on your field, you can Special Summon 1 normal monster with level 4 or lower from your deck.”

“I special summon from the deck, Bloody Warcraft!”

As he spoke, Kaiba pulled out his card deck, found “Bloody Beastman” and slapped it on the monster area of ​​the duel plate.

As the card fell, the “Bloody Warcraft Man”, who was strong and armed with a sharp giant ax, appeared on Kaiba’s field with a loud shout.

[Bloody Warcraft, attack power: 1900]

“As expected of the president, even lower-level monsters have such high attack power.” Mask of Light first pretended to praise.

Then he mocked in a sinister way:

“It’s a pity that in front of my “Masked Monster Death Guardian” with an attack power of 3300, President, this monster of yours is no different from the trash fish you talked about before, right?”

Kaiba snorted lightly, ignored Mask of Light, then played another card and said:

“Activate a magic card, the cost is reduced, and you discard 1 card in your hand. This turn, the level of the monster in your hand is reduced by 2 stars.”

With that said, Kaiba sent a card from his hand to the graveyard, and the “cost reduction” effect successfully took effect.

In this way, in this round, the 7- to 8-star monsters in Kaiba’s hand will drop by 2 stars and become 5 or 6 stars, and they can be summoned with only one sacrifice.

Of course, everyone present knew exactly what the president was going to summon next.

Kaiba looked at the cards in his hand, took out the “Blue Eyes White Dragon” that he had just “happened” to draw, and shouted loudly:

“Take the “bloody Warcraft” on my field as a sacrifice…”

But before Kaiba finished speaking, Mask of Light quickly interrupted him and said:

“President, you probably want to summon the “Blue Eyes White Dragon”, right? That won’t work. Activate Gaifuka, Perpetual Trap, Mask of Sacrifice Seal, activate!”

The red trap card was opened on the field, and then a mask with a big “sealing” written on its forehead appeared on the field of Mask of Light.

After activating the trap card, the Mask of Light continued to explain to Kaiba with a smile.

“The Mask of the Sacrifice Seal, as long as this card exists in the magic and trap area, both parties cannot release the card.”

“In other words, President, you can no longer liberate the “Bloody Beastman” as a sacrifice and summon the “Blue Eyes White Dragon”.”

“I’m so sorry, Mr. President, so you can only keep your “Blue Eyes White Dragon” in your hand and look at it.” Mask of Light said with a sinister smile.

Nani? ! How did he know that I was going to summon the “Blue Eyes White Dragon” next? Kaiba looked at the “Blue Eyes White Dragon” he had just drawn out of his hand, his expression changing.


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Status: Completed Author:


When you travel to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, what deck should you play? You Yong said, don’t worry about the deck, just add three strong desires and three days of pressure to suppress the shock first. Nani? Jijiang's Blue Eyes White Dragon was torn apart by the president? You Yong said, let me avenge him... Well, well, he is not the president's opponent yet, and he cannot punish the president's domestic violence. Forget it, the game will go anyway. So You Yong, who chose to be a transparent person, picked up the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was torn in half by Du Chang. Then, the next day, Jijiang, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was pleasantly surprised to see that the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that had been torn in half appeared intact in his hand. You Yong, on the other hand, looked at the other system-rewarded Blue Eyes White Dragon card in the card library.


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