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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel — Chapter 130 The card skills of the Great Evil God’s clone!

“Really? Thank you, Lord Godzilla!” Ryuzaki said in surprise.

Then, Ryuzaki raised his head to look at Anabaru opposite him, raised the duel disk in his hand, and said confidently:

“Let’s start, let you see the power of my dinosaur army!”

“Humph, I will let you experience the true terror.” An Tapirang sneered twice, raised the duel disk in his hand and said, “Come on! The dark game is about to begin!”

“Duel!” Ⅹ2

【Lyuzaki, LP:4000】

[Dark Tapiron, LP: 4000]

“Haha, it belongs to me to go first, draw a card!” Anbailiang, who went to go first, drew a card from the deck.

After adding the drawn card to his hand, Anzai Liang drew another card and played it on the monster area of ​​the duel board and said:

“Attack Position Summons, Headless Horseman!”

A knight wearing a torn red cape, silver armor, and holding a sword and shield suddenly emerged from the ground and arrived at An Tapirang’s field.

The strange thing is that this knight has lost his head, and blood can still be seen faintly flowing out of his neck, which looks weird and gloomy in the dark duel and cemetery environment.

[Headless Horseman, attack power: 1450]

“Summoning the “Headless Horseman” in attack mode?” Ryuzaki was a little confused.

He remembered that the defense power of the “Hellless Horseman” card seemed to be 1700. Why was it summoned in attack position? You can’t attack in the first round.

There must be some kind of strategy. The opponent looks so fierce. It can’t be because of his poor card skills, right?

However, You Yong, who was secretly observing, felt a little relieved when he saw that An Baixiang’s card skills were still as bad as in the animation.

He remembered that in the anime, Yami Tapiryo did this to lure others to attack, and then pile up monsters in the graveyard.

But You Yong feels that this operation is quite stupid. You have to attack in attack position, which makes it seem like people won’t bother you in defense position. It’s a waste of health points. If you encounter an aggressive deck, you may even be directly killed.

“Cover one more card,” Anzai Liang said, drawing a card from his hand and inserting it into the duel plate, “My turn is over.”

“My turn, draw a card!” Seeing the end of Yami Tapiryo’s turn, Ryuzaki drew a card from the deck.

After adding the drawn card to his hand, Ryuzaki immediately drew one of the cards from his hand and inserted it into the duel plate and said:

“Activate the magic card, Pot of Desire, and draw two cards from the deck!”

After saying that, Ryuzaki drew two new cards from the deck.

You Yong, who was watching the battle on the duel boat, nodded secretly, noting that he had just added some anti-cards, and at the same time, he also removed the cards such as “Strong Desire”, “Tianshi”, and “Heavenly Fall” from Ryuzaki’s deck. One card was filled to three.

After looking at the cards in his current hand and thinking for a while, Ryuzaki took out one of the cards and played:

“”Double-Headed Dragon Dinosaur King”, special summon in attack position!”

A dinosaur with two heads, blue-purple skin, and a pair of mini wings on its back appeared on the field.

[Two-headed dragon·Dinosaur King, attack power: 1600]

“”Two-Headed Dragon Dinosaur King”, this card can be specially summoned from your hand when there are no monsters on your field.” Ryuzaki explained.

“In addition, “Double-Headed Dragon Dinosaur King” also has a hidden effect, that is, when this card is summoned or special summoned, it can destroy a monster on the field with an attack power lower than the total attack power of the dinosaur-type monsters on the field. The monster!”

“The total attack power of the dinosaur-type monsters on my field is 1600, and your “Headless Horseman” only has 1,400 attack power, so now activate the effect of “Double-Headed Dragon Dinosaur King” to destroy the “Headless Horseman”! “

The “Double-Headed Dragon Dinosaur King” on Ryuzaki Field opened his mouth and roared, and the fiery energy gathered in his mouth. Then two high-temperature fireballs were sprayed towards the “Headless Horseman” on Dark Tapiron Field, blowing it into pieces. fragments.

“How about it? This is the power of my “Double-Headed Dinosaur King” evolution posture “Double-Headed Dinosaur King”.” Ryuzaki said with a proud smile.

“Tch, if you have some strength, you can help me relieve my boredom.” An Tapirang said with some displeasure.

The opponent’s summon point was blown up before his monsters were used, and then the opponent could summon monsters to attack. His health points would probably be reduced much more than expected.

As expected, Ryuzaki drew a card from his hand and said:

“Take the “Double-Headed Dragon-Dinosaur King” on my field as a sacrifice to summon… Frost Brachiosaurus!”

Saying that, Ryuzaki sent the “Double-Headed Dragon Dinosaur King” to the cemetery and slapped the “Frost Brachiosaurus” in his hand on the duel plate.

As the card fell, the “Double-Headed Dragon Dinosaur King” on the field turned into a white light and disappeared. Frost began to float on the field, and a Brachiosaurus with ice cubes all over its body appeared on Ryuzaki’s side of the field. superior.

[Frost Brachiosaurus, attack power: 2600]

“Nani… he actually summoned a monster with an attack power of 2,600 in one turn!?” Anzai Liang said in surprise.

Is this speed faster? I just piled up one monster. Could it be that the environment is accelerating and I am behind the version? ?

Ryuzaki didn’t care what Anzai Liang was feeling. He waved his arm and announced that he had entered the battle stage and said:

“Frost Brachiosaurus, attacks the player directly, breathes frost!”

[Frost Brachiosaurus, attack power: 2600]

The “Frost Brachiosaurus” on the field stretched its neck and opened its mouth towards An Tapirang on the opposite side. A stream of frost breath spurted out from its mouth and accurately hit An Tapirang’s body.

[Dark Tapiron, LP: 4000→1400]

In the top dark game, the health value was greatly reduced, but Dark Tapirang just grunted in pain and did not react too much.

“Tch, it looks like there’s a little trouble.” An Taixiang said while looking at the “Frost Brachiosaurus” on the Ryuzaki field.

On the opposite side, Ryuzaki drew a card from his hand and inserted it into the duel plate and said:

“One last card is covered and my turn is over.”

“It’s my turn, uncle, draw a card!”

Glancing at the drawn card, An Zhongliang sneered. That look made An Zhong Youyong know that it was a divine draw.

After all, although Yami Tairyo’s card skills may not be very good, as a clone of the great evil god Zoke, with the blessing of dark power, the duelist level will definitely not be too low.

I saw him immediately playing the card he drew and saying:

“Activate the magic card, Angel’s Alms, I draw three cards from the deck, and then discard two cards!”

With that said, Anzai Liang drew three new cards from the deck, then picked out two cards and sent them to the graveyard.

After changing the cards in his hand, Anzai Liang looked up at Ryuzaki and said with a sneer:

“The two cards I just sent to the graveyard are both Demon-type monster cards. Plus the “Headless Horseman” that was destroyed by you, there are now three Demon-type monsters in my graveyard!”

“So what?” Ryuzaki said loudly.

“Humph, there is a super scary card hidden in my supernatural deck, but to summon that monster, I have to use a special method.” An Tapiliang explained with a smile.

“To summon this monster, you need to send three monsters to the cemetery as sacrifices to it.”

As he said this, Anbailiang slowly drew out a card from his hand, then slapped it heavily on the duel plate and said loudly:

“Except the three demon-type monsters in the cemetery, wake up, the ruler of the dead world – Dark Doll Nicolofia!!”

A ray of ghostly purple light floated out from the field, circled around and then landed on the field on the other side of An Tapirang, condensing and forming.

Then a blue-skinned, bald, evil-looking puppet demon appeared on the field, holding a puppet baby with a broken head in his hand.

Suddenly, the baby screamed “嘤嘤嘤嘤”, its closed eyes suddenly opened, and the weird green eyes stared at Ryuzaki opposite, and his hair went numb.

[Dark Doll Nicolofia, Attack Power: 2200]

Although the sight of the monster opposite gave Ryuzaki goosebumps all over his body, Ryuzaki still did not forget to press a button on the duel disk, activate the Gaevka and said:

“Activate the trap card, hunting instinct!”

“This card can only be activated when a monster on the opponent’s field is Special Summoned. Special Summon 1 Dinosaur-type monster from your hand!”

As he spoke, Ryuzaki drew a card from his hand and slapped it on the monster area of ​​the duel board and shouted:

“The dinosaur monster I want to specially summon is the Dark Triceratops Birdsaurus!”

As the card fell, the projected light flow rolled up, and a dinosaur monster with green skin, a sharp beak, and an overall appearance similar to a triceratops appeared on Ryuzaki’s side of the field.

[Dark Triangle Monster Bird Dragon, attack power: 2400]

“Did you summon another good monster?” An Zhiliang said indifferently, and then burst out laughing, “But that’s just a convenience for me!”

“Nani!?” Ryuzaki was shocked.

Immediately afterwards, Anzai Liang raised his hand and pointed at the “Dark Triangle Monster Bird Dragon” that had just appeared on the Ryuzaki field. He entered the battle stage and attacked and declared:

“I’m going to use “Dark Doll Nicolofia” to attack your “Dark Triangle Bird Dragon”!”

[Dark Doll Nicolofia, Attack Power: 2200]

[Dark Triangle Monster Bird Dragon, attack power: 2400]

“What!?” Ryuzaki was shocked again.

Why does the opponent use a monster with low attack power to attack my monster with high attack power! ?

Although Ryuzaki hoped that this was because the other party had a brain convulsion, from a practical point of view this was obviously unlikely.

Soon, the “Dark Doll Nicolofia” on the Dark Tapir field launched an attack on the “Dark Triangle Bird Dragon” on Ryuzaki Field, but due to its lack of strength, it was defeated by the “Dark Triangle Bird Dragon” instead. Torn to pieces with sharp claws.

Dark Doll Nicolofia, defeated!

[Dark Tapiron, LP: 1400→1200]

“It took a lot of effort to summon a powerful monster, but it just disappeared. You guy, your brain is really broken, right?” Ryuzaki asked doubtfully.

“Hahaha, what do you know, now my supernatural deck’s terror chain has been triggered!” An Tapirang laughed wildly.

“When “Dark Doll Nicolofia” is destroyed, I can activate a field spell “Dark Sanctuary” from my hand or deck!” (animation effect)

Saying that, Anzai Liang pulled out the card deck, dug out the “Dark Sanctuary”, popped out the field magic area of ​​the duel plate, and punched it in.

As the card slot came up, an evil dark red substance surrounded the duel like a curtain. Horrible and weird laughter suddenly sounded from all around. Strange eyes or mouths appeared around, staring at the duel. of two people.

“Ah, what the hell is this!?” Ryuzaki looked at the changes in the surrounding environment and became a little scared for a moment.

Doesn’t the white-haired guy opposite have any special quirks? How could you come up with such a disgusting-looking card! ?

On the duel boat, You Yong, who was watching the scene through the sub-system in the lounge, also frowned when he saw this.

The animated version of “Dark Doll Nicolofia” does not have the minotaur effect of the real card version in destroying the tomb, but it can activate the “Dark Sanctuary” three-dimensional projection to produce extremely scary field magic.

Although he is not afraid of this thing now, when he first watched the animation, it felt very scary, like a shadow of his childhood.

This avatar of the great evil god always does things to scare the future of the motherland, and he has a plan to kill him!

On the cemetery duel field, Anzai Liang played another card on the monster area of ​​the duel plate and said:

“I haven’t used my normal summon this turn yet, so now I’m summoning in defense position, the lurker in the painting!”

An oil painting appeared on the field of An Tapirang. A green-skinned demon stretched out its head and claws from the painting, like a ghost inhabiting the painting.

[The lurker in the painting, defense: 1500]

Anzai Liang looked at Ryuzaki and added:

“To maintain the effect of “Dark Sanctuary”, I have to offer a monster as a sacrifice every my turn.” (animation effect)

Then, Anbailiang raised his hand and pointed at the “lurker in the painting” on his field and said:

“This turn, I will use the “lurker in the painting” I just summoned as a sacrifice to maintain the “Dark Sanctuary”!”

Suddenly, the “lurker in the painting” in the dark tapir field turned into red light and disappeared into the surrounding dark red environment, apparently being liberated.

Seeing this, Ryuzaki couldn’t help but said:

“But this way you don’t even have monsters on the field that can act as walls. Once I launch an attack next turn, you will definitely lose!”

“Hmph, really?” An Taixiang sneered, pulled out a card from his hand and played it, “Activate the sustainable magic, the Door of Darkness!”

“As long as this card remains face-up on the field, both players can only attack with 1 monster during the battle phase!”

Then, Anbailiang inserted another card from his hand into the duel plate and said:

“Hidden a card, my turn is over.”

“Then it’s my turn, draw a card!” Ryuzaki quickly drew a card from the deck.

After adding the drawn card to his hand, Ryuzaki raised his head and glanced at Anzaira.

The opponent’s life points are only 1200 points, and there are two powerful dinosaur monsters on the field given by “Godzilla”.

Even the “Dark Triangle Monster Bird Dragon” with low attack power has an attack power of 2400 points. In other words, now just letting any monster attack can defeat the opponent.

“Okay, it’s time to attack.” Ryuzaki pointed at Anzai Liang with one hand and directly entered the battle stage and shouted, “Frost Brachiosaurus, attack directly…”

But before Ryuzaki finished speaking, You Yong’s voice appeared in his mind, interrupting his attack command:

“Don’t attack. If you want to attack, use “Dark Triangle Bird Dragon” to attack, don’t use “Frost Brachiosaurus”!”

Faced with Lord “Godzilla”‘s sudden interruption, Ryuzaki was a little confused.

Doesn’t the attack power of “Frost Brachiosaurus” be higher? Why use “Dark Triangle Bird Dragon” to attack?

Now, under the blockade of the opponent’s permanent magic “Dark Door”, I can only attack with one monster in one turn. Shouldn’t I let the stronger “Frost Brachiosaurus” attack?

However, Lord “Godzilla” gave the order, and Ryuzaki didn’t worry too much. Anyway, he could win with any successful attack, so he directly changed the attack command and said:

“Then the Dark Triangle Monster Bird Dragon will attack the opponent player directly!”

[Dark Triangle Monster Bird Dragon, attack power: 2400]

[Dark Tapiron, LP: 1200]

If this attack is carried out, Anbaixiang’s health will be cleared instantly.

“Tch, did you suddenly switch to attacking with the “Dark Triangle Monster Bird Dragon”? What a lucky guy.” An Tapirang said unhappily, and then activated the cover card that was set in the first round.

“Activate the trap card, the silent evil spirit!”

“This card can only be activated when the opponent declares an attack. The attack of that attacking monster is negated, and another face-up monster of the opponent attacks instead.”

“I will invalidate the attack of your “Dark Triceratops Bird Dragon” and let the “Frost Brachiosaurus” on your field attack instead!”

“What? You actually took the initiative to use a trap to let me attack the “Frost Brachiosaurus” with high attack power?” Ryuzaki was confused for a moment.

Could it be that the opponent is a masochist and wants to withstand a heavier virtual impact?

However, after Yami Taira activated the trap card, the “Frost Brachiosaurus” on Ryuzaki’s field did not launch an attack. Instead, a group of white ghosts suddenly rushed out from it and hit Ryuzaki behind the “Frost Brachiosaurus” .

Ryuzaki, who was hit by the white ghost, half-knelt on the ground holding his stomach as if he had been hit hard.

“It hurts. What…what’s going on?” Ryuzaki gasped, cold sweat forming on his forehead.

“Hahaha!” An Tapirang laughed arrogantly, and then explained, “This is the effect of the “Dark Sanctuary”!”

“”Dark Sanctuary” will give birth to a vengeful spirit, and that vengeful spirit will possess the opponent’s monster in the form of an equipment card!”

“The possessed monster’s attack command will be executed by the resentful spirit in its body. You will receive damage equal to half of the possessed monster’s attack power, and I will restore that amount of health!” (animation effect)

“The possessed monster now is the “Frost Brachiosaurus” on your field, so you will suffer half of its attack power, which is 1,300 points of damage, and I will restore 1,300 points of health!”

【Ryuzaki, LP:4000→2700】

[Dark Tapiron, LP: 1200→2500]

“This way our health points will be almost at the same level.” An Tapirang said with a smile.

“Damn it…” Ryuzaki endured the pain and stood up.

After listening to the other party’s explanation, he now understood why Lord “Godzilla” would prevent him from attacking, especially from attacking with “Frost Brachiosaurus”.

“Don’t attack rashly next. The resentful spirit of the “Dark Sanctuary” can change the object it possesses.” You Yong warned.

Ryuzaki was horrified when he heard this. Just now, he was thinking that since the “Frost Brachiosaurus” was possessed by the evil spirit, he would continue to attack with the “Dark Triangle Bird Dragon” in the next round.

The white-haired guy opposite was so sinister, and his explanation was only half-sounding. Fortunately, Godzilla was there to remind him.

“Then Godzilla-sama, what should I do next?” Ryuzaki asked silently in his heart.

Yong Yong, who was on the duel boat, smiled when he heard this.

To be honest, the combined blocking ability of An Tapirang’s “Dark Sanctuary” + “Dark Door” + “Silent Evil Spirit” is actually quite strong.

“Chamber of Darkness” limits the number of attacking monsters, “Silent Evil Spirit” specifies the target, and “Dark Sanctuary” possesses the target to recover blood from damage, which can block the opponent’s attack very well.

In addition, the animated version of “Dark Sanctuary” can also use the monster area as a magic trap area, allowing the “Ouija Board” to collect five “Death Message Cards” to achieve a special victory.

In this way, even if the opponent does not allow the monster to attack, it will only be a slow death. And if nothing unexpected happens, the remaining cover card of Anbailiang will be the final “Ouija board”.

In the animation, the combination of “Dark Sanctuary” + “Dark Door” + “Silent Evil Spirit” + “Ouija Board” by An Ziliang once forced Wang Xiang into a desperate situation.

It’s a pity that Wang Yiang’s “Sky Dragon of Osiris” was used to make a comeback.

It’s a pity that the clone of our great evil god worked so hard, spent many rounds, and used a bunch of cards to create such a blockade combination, but in the end we lost to a divine draw.

Now, although Ryuzaki does not have the “Sky Dragon of Osiris”, he cannot use the resistance of God to withstand the blockade and kill hard like Wang Xiang.

But it doesn’t matter. As we all know, this kind of combination built with multiple magic traps is more afraid of wind.

Because he knew the deck used by Anbaixi Liang during this period, he also worked hard in this aspect to help Ryuzaki strengthen the deck. The lust and other things were just standard enhancements, and targeting them was the real enhancement.

“Don’t worry, I put a lot of cards in your deck that can cope with this situation.” You Yong’s slightly smiling voice sounded in Ryuzaki’s mind.


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Status: Completed Author:


When you travel to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, what deck should you play? You Yong said, don’t worry about the deck, just add three strong desires and three days of pressure to suppress the shock first. Nani? Jijiang's Blue Eyes White Dragon was torn apart by the president? You Yong said, let me avenge him... Well, well, he is not the president's opponent yet, and he cannot punish the president's domestic violence. Forget it, the game will go anyway. So You Yong, who chose to be a transparent person, picked up the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was torn in half by Du Chang. Then, the next day, Jijiang, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was pleasantly surprised to see that the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that had been torn in half appeared intact in his hand. You Yong, on the other hand, looked at the other system-rewarded Blue Eyes White Dragon card in the card library.


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