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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel — Chapter 135 A blow that breaks fate!

When Isis heard this, she didn’t think much about it. She stretched out her hand and gently touched the “thousand-year jewelry” on her neck and said:

“Mr. You Yong, in the next card draw, the card you will draw is Elemental Hero Solid State Man.”

“Huh? Is this really the case?” You Yong said with a chuckle.

Isis closed her eyes lightly, then opened her eyes and looked at You Yong, and said firmly:

“This is the future.”

You Yong smiled, and then said to Isis seriously:

“There was only one kind of past, but the future is full of infinite possibilities!”

You Yong put his right hand on the top of the deck, touched the cards and said:

“If you don’t believe it, I’ll use this card draw to prove it to you.”

As he spoke, You Yong’s right hand on the top of the card deck was pulled back hard, and the card drew a perfect arc in the air.

You Yong then inserted the drawn card directly into the duel plate without even looking at it, which shocked everyone in the audience.

“Hey, the woman just now seemed to have said that the monster card that Yu Yong would draw was “Elemental Hero Solid State Man”, right?” Honda couldn’t help but ask, “It seems to be a foul to cover the monster card in the magic trap area. Bar?”

“This…maybe what You Yong drew was not a monster card?” Jonouchi couldn’t help but scratch his head and tried to explain.

“But what Miss Isis said so far has come true.” Kyoko reminded her carefully.

Even Uncle Isono, who acted as the referee in the duel, turned to You Yong and said:

“Player You Yong, the risk for you to do this is very high. If that card is really a monster card, according to the rules…”

“Wait, Isono!”

However, before Isono finished speaking, Kaiba in the audience interrupted him.

How interesting, Kaiba crossed his arms and thought as he looked at Yu Yong on the duel field. Then he looked at Isono and continued:

“Don’t worry about him, just let them continue fighting like this.”

“Yes! Lord Kaiba!” Isono agreed and then said nothing.

“Hmph, it’s obvious that the woman just now didn’t look at the card, why did she just talk about my family, You Yong?” Yuna in the audience thought a little unconvinced, with unhappiness written all over her face.

Based on her understanding of You Yong, You Yong has never done any meaningless act of being cool. Now that he has done this, he must be quite confident.

However, Yuuna misunderstood Isono this time.

Our Comrade Isono judged the situation based on the situation and concluded that the boss of his group, President Kaiba, was biased in favor of player Yuei in this duel, and instead dismissed the future mentioned by player Isis.

So Isis can do whatever she wants without looking at the card. If she makes a mistake, she will lose immediately.

As for Yu Yong, because Isis just said what happened next many times, it seemed as if she could really see the future, which left a deep impression on Isono.

So when Isis said that Yu Yong would draw a monster card, but Yu Yong still covered it without looking at the card, Isono reminded him. Later, he also wanted to see if he could take the opportunity to give Yu Yong a look at the card and choose to cover it again. With no chance of cover.

After all, based on his observations during the group and the conference, he knew that although Lord Kaiba didn’t say it, he thought highly of the Yue player, just like the previous Muto game.

But now that Lord Kaiba has clearly spoken, he can’t say much more and can only let You Yong wish for himself.

On the duel field, Isis was also quite surprised when she saw that the card that You Yong had drawn directly covered her without even looking at it, and she couldn’t help but say:

“Mr. You Yong, do you want to admit defeat?”

In the future she saw through the “Millennium Jewelry”, no matter what the situation was, You Yongke never gave up.

“Of course not,” You Yong denied, looking at Isis with a faint smile and said, “You seem to be sure that my card will be the “Elemental Hero Solid State Man” you just mentioned?”

“This is inevitable.” Isis said softly.

“Then let’s see what this Gaifuka is and let’s speak with the facts!” You Yong said with a chuckle.

Then You Yong pressed a button on the duel disk and activated the cover card on the field.

Under Isis’ surprised gaze, the Gaifuka on the chanting field slowly turned over.

When the card was completely displayed, Isis looked at the card picture above, her pupils suddenly shrank, and her face was in disbelief:

“This…this card is…”

“Activate the magic card, Big Storm!” You Yong said with a faint smile, “Destroy all the magic and traps on both sides!”

“Beautiful, Yu Yong!” Jonouchi clenched his fists excitedly and said.

“Well done, You Yong!” Yuna said happily.

“Hmph~” Kaiba crossed his arms and chuckled.

After the emerald green magic card was opened, a terrifying tornado quickly formed on the field, and the storm of destruction began to sweep through the backfield of You Yong and Isis without distinguishing between friend and foe.

The storm swept through Isis’s backfield, and the floating city in the sky suddenly disintegrated and collapsed to the ground under the terrible tornado attack.

At the same time, the two cover cards on Isis’s field were also blown away by the strong wind and completely shattered into pieces.

One of them is the animated version of “The Bomb of Destiny’s Embrace”, which is also the key card to defeat President Kaiba in the future observed by Isis in the original animation.

The other card is “Piercing Hole”, which can destroy the opponent’s monster when the monster summoned or specially summoned this turn attacks, and inflict damage equal to half of the opponent’s monster’s attack power.

The effects of these two traps are quite good, but unfortunately they have been blown away by the wind now.

“The future…has been changed!?” Isis looked at the raging storm on the field in shock and muttered to herself.

Isis’s backcourt was cleared by “Big Storm”, but Youyong’s side did not suffer any losses because there was no jam in the backcourt.

“Hehehehe…ah hahaha!”

However, after the effect of the “big storm” passed, before You Yong could say anything, President Kaiba in the audience couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

Kaiba then turned his attention to Isis on the duel field and said proudly:

“What? Didn’t You Yong draw “Big Storm” in the future you saw? Didn’t you say he would draw “Elemental Hero Solid State Man”?”

Then, without waiting for Isis to reply, Kaiba waved his hand and shouted sternly:

“I’ve said it before, your supernatural gadgets are of no use to real duelists! Real duelists will use the cards in their hands to open up their future!”

On the duel field, Isis lowered her head and fell silent, while You Yong couldn’t help but look sideways at President Kaiba in the audience.

I said, President, why are you so excited? You stole all the lines, what should I say next?

So You Yong decided not to talk nonsense. After formulating a strategy in his mind, he directly drew a card from his hand and inserted it into the duel plate and said:

“Activate the magic card, fuse and recycle!”

“Based on the effect of this card, I can add 1 “Fusion” and 1 Fusion Material Monster used in Fusion Summoning from my graveyard to my hand.”

Gently lifting the duel disk, two cards were withdrawn from the graveyard. You Yong showed it in his hand and said:

“I add the magic cards “Fusion” and “Elemental Hero Liquid Man” from the graveyard to my hand!”

Then, You Yong immediately played the “fusion” that had just been added to his hand:

“Activate the magic card and fuse!”

“The fusion condition is, ‘Hero’ monster x2

I will fuse and summon the “Elemental Hero – Liquid Man” and “Elemental Hero – Skyman” in my hand!

Come out! A real hero born from a thousand layers of phantoms!

Fusion summon, phantom hero·admirer! ! “

After the figures of “Sky Man” and “Liquid Man” alternately merged into the merging vortex, a hero wearing a dark phantom costume appeared on the field, with two black strips behind his shoulders fluttering in the windless back.

[Phantom Hero·Admiring People, Attack Power: 2800]

After the fusion summoned the “Worship Man”, You Yong continued to speak:

“Then there’s the “Liquid Man” effect that’s sent to the graveyard as a fusion material. I draw two cards from the deck and then discard one card from my hand.”

You Yong quickly drew two cards from the deck, and then discarded one of them.

Then, You Yong drew the “Fusion Release” he drew last round and inserted it into the duel disk and said:

“Next, activate the magic card to release the fusion!”

“Cancel the Fusion Summon of “Phantom Hero·Worshipman” on my field, and then Special Summon “Elemental Hero·Liquid Man” and “Elemental Hero·Skyman” in the graveyard as fusion materials!”

Under the magical effect of “Fusion Release”, the “worshipper” on the chanting field turned into a white light and split. The two white lights fell to the ground and condensed into the two heroes “Liquid Man” and “Sky Man”.

“The effect of “Elemental Hero Skyman”, when this card is specially summoned successfully, I can add 1 “hero” monster from the deck to my hand.” You Yong said.

“Based on the effect of this card, I added “Destiny Hero·Determinator” from the deck to my hand!”

Saying that, You Yong dug out the “Destiny Hero·Determinator” from the deck, displayed it and added it to his hand.

Then You Yong slowly drew a card from his hand and shouted in a deep voice:

“Then, take the two monsters “Liquid Man” and “Sky Man” I have on the field as sacrifices…”

“The superior summons, my soul, the wandering magician!”

Well, that’s right, here You Yong is going to recreate a wave of famous scenes, swap five for one to summon his ace monster “Wandering Magister”!

As You Yong slapped the card down, the “Liquid Man” and “Sky Man” on the field turned into white light and disappeared. The aqua blue magic array opened on the field, and a blue and white figure jumped out from it, holding a blue staff. Arriving at You Yong’s venue.

[Wandering Mage, Level: 7, Attack Power: 2800]

“Interesting, you actually summoned the ace monster by gathering enough sacrifices in this way?” Kaiba in the audience narrowed his eyes, thinking about when to arrange for his “Blue Eyes White Dragon”.

After summoning the soul monster “Wandering Magister” in a five-for-one exchange, You Yong quickly drew a card from his hand and inserted it into the duel plate and said:

“Activate the magic card, Angel’s Alms, draw three cards from the deck, and then discard two cards!”

“At the same time, the effect of the Wandering Mage, every time a magic card is activated, the level of this card increases by one star!”

[Wandering Mage, level: 7→8, attack power: 2800→3200]

“Very good, the attack power of “Wandering Magister” exceeds that of “Archangel Geralt” on the opponent’s field!” Jonouchi said excitedly in the audience.

After drawing three cards from the deck, You Yong threw two cards including “Destiny Hero·Determinator” into the graveyard.

Then You Yong showed another card:

“Activate the Equip Magic Card, Power of Unity, and equip this card to the “Wandering Mage” on my field!”

[Wandering Mage, level: 8→9, attack power: 3200→3600]

“This card can increase the attack power and defense power of the equipped monster by the number of face-up monsters on your field x 800.”

“I have a “Wandering Magister” monster on the field, so the “Wandering Magister”‘s attack power increases by 800!”

[Wandering Mage, Level: 9, Attack Power: 3600 → 4400]

After everything was ready, You Yong looked up at Isis.

Now Isis only has one monster left on the field, “Archangel Geralt”. The backfield is empty, there is no card left in her hand, and there are no unknown cards or usable cards in the graveyard.

The cards in hand, field, and graveyard are all clear. It can be said that Isis now has no means to block You Yong’s operation.

It is precisely because of this that You Yong just dared to do a wave of five-for-one summoning of “Wandering Magister”.

Of course, it is said to be five for one, but during this operation, “Fusion Recycling” + “Liquid Man” + “Sky Man” each earned one card, for a total of three.

Five minus three equals two. In other words, essentially just consuming two cards including “Wandering Magister” itself to summon an ace monster like “Wandering Magister” is actually very profitable.

After confirming the situation on the field again, You Yong waved his hand and shouted sternly:

“Activate the effect of “Wandering Magician” once per round to destroy a card on the field! According to this effect, destroy the “Archangel Geralt” on your field!”

“Come on, the wandering wizard, the wandering wizard explodes!”

As You Yong finished speaking, the “Wandering Magician” on the field raised the blue staff in his hand, and the aqua blue magic energy quickly gathered at the top of the staff, condensing into a huge aqua magic missile.

Then the “Wandering Magister” waved the staff in his hand in the direction of “Archangel Geralt” on the opposite side, and the water-blue demon missile suddenly struck at “Archangel Geralt”.

Without any ability to resist, the moment he was hit by the Aqua Blue Demon’s missile, “Archangel Geralt” screamed, his burly body exploded, and he disappeared from the duel field.

“And due to the side effects of this effect, after destroying the ‘Archangel Geralt’, the level of the ‘Wandering Mage’ will drop by one star.” You Yong said.

[Wandering Mage, level: 9→8, attack power: 4400→4000]

“But this is enough.” You Yong smiled, then waved his arm forward and directly announced that he had entered the battle stage and shouted:

“Wandering Demon Master, attack Isis directly with Wandering Demon Missile!”

[Wandering Mage, attack power: 4000]

【Isis, LP: 4000】

After receiving Yu Yong’s order, the “Wandering Magister” who had just destroyed “Archangel Geralt” waved his staff again, condensing a large number of small water-blue magic missiles around him, and then blasted them towards Isis on the opposite side splashed a lot of smoke and dust on the field…

When You Yong saw this, his heart suddenly trembled. Please don’t tell me the law of “no harm if there is smoke” at this time.

After the smoke and dust dissipated, Isis’ health value…

【Isis, LP:0】

Isis put down the arm wearing the duel plate, looked at You Yong, and said softly:

“I lost this duel.”

Uncle Isono, who also served as the referee, also officially announced Yu Yong’s victory.

After the duel ended, You Yong put away the duel plate and walked up to Isis.

But You Yong did not mention taking the rare card, but asked with a smile:

“Miss Isis, I would like to know how the outcome of this duel will be in the future you observe?”

Faced with You Yong’s question, Isis did not answer immediately. Instead, she took out a card and handed it to You Yong and said:

“In every future observed by the Millennium Jewelry, you will take this “reversal between the present world and the underworld” from me.”

You Yong was not polite, took the card handed over by Isis and said with a smile:

“You mean, even if the duel just went on as you observed, the final winner would be me?”

Isis nodded and admitted:

“That’s true, but if that’s the case, the battle won’t end in the round just now, and in the future you saw, you would finally summon a terrifying monster and defeat it with an overwhelming advantage. I.”

“Is this a monster…” You Yong pondered for a moment.

Isis looked at You Yong and continued to add:

“But I can see that Mr. Youyong, you don’t seem to want to use that monster in this duel.”

After a pause, Isis reached out and touched the “thousand-year jewelry” on her neck.

“In the countless futures I have seen, you obviously had many opportunities to summon this monster, but most of the time you used other means to win. You only summoned the monster once.”

You Yong nodded slightly when he heard the words. Indeed, as Isis said, that monster is his trump card. Unless the risk on the field is too high, otherwise

You Yong will never be easily exposed here.

“But I never thought, Mr. You Yong, that you could break the future observed by the “Millennium Jewelry”.” Isis exclaimed, “You are much more powerful than what I saw.”

“Miss Isis, you are exaggerating.” You Yong said with a smile.

In the duel just now, the reason why You Yong was able to draw the “Great Storm” card was not the “Solid State Man” Isis mentioned.

That’s because You Yong’s health was only 2,000 at the time, which just met the activation conditions for the skill “Bond Drawing Cards.”

No matter which card Isis is talking about, You Yong can change the card on the spot. Although it may be a bit disdainful to do so, he is really handsome. This is the power of plug-ins.

The future observed by the “Millennium Jewelry” definitely does not include factors affected by the system. After all, in the animation “The Millennium Jewelry” did not see that the “Millennium Tin Stick” in Malick’s hand would temporarily turn against the enemy to help Kaiba. President.

Therefore, in the future that Isis saw, You Yong definitely did not use skills. This was beyond the observation scope of “Millennium Jewelry”.

“In addition, Mr. You Yong, I have something to ask you, or a request.” Isis looked at You Yong and said seriously.

As soon as Isis opened her mouth, You Yong roughly guessed what was going on and asked directly:

“Is it about your brother Malik?”

“Yes.” Isis nodded, lowering her head and saying with some disappointment, “In the future that I have observed, almost all endings lead to the destruction of the tomb guard clan.”


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Status: Completed Author:


When you travel to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, what deck should you play? You Yong said, don’t worry about the deck, just add three strong desires and three days of pressure to suppress the shock first. Nani? Jijiang's Blue Eyes White Dragon was torn apart by the president? You Yong said, let me avenge him... Well, well, he is not the president's opponent yet, and he cannot punish the president's domestic violence. Forget it, the game will go anyway. So You Yong, who chose to be a transparent person, picked up the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was torn in half by Du Chang. Then, the next day, Jijiang, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was pleasantly surprised to see that the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that had been torn in half appeared intact in his hand. You Yong, on the other hand, looked at the other system-rewarded Blue Eyes White Dragon card in the card library.


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