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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel — Chapter 138 Having enough confidence is different

“What’s going on?” Kaiba asked, “Since there’s something wrong with the automatic navigation system, let me correct the route manually!”

The black suit quickly started to switch to manual mode, but then the whole duel boat trembled again.

“What are you doing!?” Kaiba shouted angrily, waving his hands.

“Master Kaiba, there is no way to switch to manual mode now. I can’t control the duel boat.” The black suit pilot said, “Someone has illegally invaded our system, and there is no induction signal from the island. We cannot land on Alcatraz Island. ”

At this time, other people who sensed the abnormal situation in the duel boat also felt the control room one after another and asked President Kaiba about the specific situation.

Before everyone could say a few words, the duel boat suddenly trembled and dived rapidly toward the sea below, knocking most of the people present to the ground.

It wasn’t until it crashed into the sea that the duel boat completely recovered from the dive and returned to parallel flight, almost flying close to the sea surface.

After the airship stabilized, You Yong let go of his left hand holding the edge of the console and his right hand holding Yuna, who almost fell down.

President Kaiba, who was barely able to stand still, frowned, and a terrible thought came to his mind——

——How could such a thing be possible? Could it be that Gosaburo’s ghost is preventing us from landing on that island?

But before everyone could figure out the situation, a child about ten years old appeared on the screen after a burst of blurry snowflakes on the large electronic screen hanging in the control room.

The child looked somewhat similar to President Kaiba, except that his hair was a very healthy green.

“Who are you?” Kaiba raised his head and asked.

From Kaiba’s point of view, the failure of the duel boat this time was definitely related to the child on the screen.

The child on the screen did not answer the president’s question. Instead, he chuckled and greeted everyone:

“I have been waiting for you for a long time, Seto, and all duelists, you are also welcome.”

The next development was similar to the original animation. Everyone else focused on listening to what the child on the screen said. Only You Yong listened absently and briefly recalled the next plot in his mind.

The child with healthy hair on the screen is named Kaiba Naia. Although he looks very similar to President Kaiba, don’t get me wrong. There is no blood relationship between the two of them.

Unlike President Kaiba, who is an adopted son, Noa Kaiba is Gozaburo Kaiba’s true son, well, biological son.

Kaiba Naia has received the best elite education since she was a child, and is the original successor of Kaiba Gozaburo Kaiba Group.

Unfortunately, Kaiba Naia later encountered a sudden car accident, and died after rescue efforts failed.

Kaiba Gozaburo could not accept the fact that his only heir had passed away, so he went to great lengths to use the Kaiba Group’s black technology to save Naia’s consciousness and memory into the Kaiba Group’s military computer.

So now the Kaiba Naia on the screen is actually just a computer AI, and the real Kaiba Naia has died long ago.

Of course, because it has Kaiba Noa’s complete consciousness and memory, this computer AI has always believed that it is Kaiba Gosaburo’s son, Kaiba Noa himself.

The purpose of controlling the duel boat this time is to compete with President Seto Kaiba who has usurped the Kaiba Group, to prove that he is better than the opponent, and then to seize a body that can move in the real world from President Seto Kaiba. Take back the Haima Group.

As for the method of proof, it was naturally to defeat President Seto Kaiba “honestly” (meaning using fake cards) in the area of ​​dueling monsters that President Kaiba is best at.

Well, thinking about it this way, Naia Kaiba, as the chapter’s mini-boss, also abides by the basic rules of the Yu-Gi-Oh World.

Even though he could forcibly take away the opponent’s body, he still insisted on going through the card-playing process. He was different from the ordinary fish who wanted to skip the card-playing process and do it directly.

While You Yong was thinking, a huge mobile fortress suddenly appeared on the sea in front of the duel boat. Compared with that fortress, the airship everyone was riding on looked like ants.

On the open deck of the duel boat, An Malik looked at the fortress emerging from the sea. He couldn’t help but licked the “thousand-year tin staff” in his hand and became excited:

“Hey, I don’t know what happened, but things seem to be getting interesting.”

As for why the six-year-old has not been thrown into the sea until now, looking at the golden “Eye of Horus” on his forehead and the “Millennium Tin Staff” in his hand, we know that he has borrowed the power of the Millennium Artifact.

Soon, under Naia’s system invasion, the duel boat everyone was on was ushered in by the mobile fortress.

After the duel boat stopped in the hangar inside the fortress, Naia on the screen smiled:

“Can I invite you to disembark, Seto? Of course, the same goes for other duelists.”

As Naia said, rows of machine gun barrels appeared on the walls on both sides of the hangar and were aimed at the duel boats. Obviously, the so-called “invitation” was just polite.

Kaiba snorted, turned around and started walking outside.

“Kaiba-kun, do you really want to go?” Yugi, who was in Xiaobiao’s state, was a little worried and hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

“His target is me and has nothing to do with you.” Kaiba looked sideways at Yugi and said calmly.

However, as soon as Kaiba finished speaking, the machine guns on the walls on both sides of the hangar began a round of fire on the duel boats, and it took about three seconds for them to shut down.

“Okay, just get some useless things.” Dark Malik, who was covered by a light gold shield, said disdainfully, and the bullet casings lost their power and fell at the six-year-old’s feet.

In the duel boat, everyone was just a little frightened because of the duel boat as a shell protection.

Naia on the screen sneered and said:

“I should have told you that I also invited other duelists to come too, right?”

So, in the control room, except for a few people in black suits who were obviously bodyguards, everyone was forced to get off the duel boat by Naia as a duelist.

I don’t know if it was because there were no cameras in the hangar. Naia could only see everyone through the electronic screen. He ignored the six-year-old child on the open deck of the duel boat who did not get off the airship.

And Isis, who was guarding the two patients in the ward, also did not leave the duel boat.

In fact, if You Yong, who knew the plot in advance, didn’t want to leave the duel boat, he could take Yuna and huddle up in the room together and ignore what was going on outside.

With the game hanging on the wall, even if You Yong opens the game directly, there is a high probability that Naiya will be able to pass the dungeon.

But I don’t know if it was because Naiya didn’t have much card-related oil and water to fish for, so the moment the duel boat was attacked, the system issued a special task to You Yong.

The reward for this special mission is a full 1 million crystals. The condition for receiving it is that Yu Yong defeats one of “Kaiba Naia” and “Kaiba Gozaburo” in the virtual world.

If you can defeat both of them, there will be additional hidden rewards.

As soon as You Yong saw this mission, he immediately became energetic and immediately put away his arrogant thoughts.

As half an employee of Haima Group, You Yong believes that it is her duty to assist President Haima in settling these old accounts left over from Haima Group.

This is why You Yong ran into the control room where the target was obvious even though he knew the plot.

After leaving the duel boat, under Naia’s instructions, everyone came to an empty room, where they met the “Big Five” of the Kaiba Group who were trapped in the virtual world.

These “Big Five” once wanted to unite with Becas to completely dominate the Kaiba Group when President Kaiba lost to Yugi.

Unfortunately, Bekas was defeated by the game, and the plan of the “Big Five” came to nothing.

President Kaiba, who has safely returned to Kaiba Group, is naturally ready to deal with the “Big Five” who are trying to steal everything from others.

In order to completely take back the shares of Haima Group from the hands of the “Big Five”, Haima made a bet with the “Big Five” and participated in a game designed by the “Big Five”.

Speaking of which, the president was really bold, daring to enter the virtual game world designed by the other party without taking any precautions.

But everyone knows that being stubborn has to pay a price. As expected, the “Big Five” did not respect martial ethics and backhandedly invaded the virtual world where President Kaiba was.

Fortunately, the game later came to the rescue, and the seal card bound to Kaiba printed an “Ultimate Dragon Knight”, defeated the “Five Emperor Dragons” of the five giants, brought Kaiba back from the virtual game world, and brought Kaiba back to the virtual game world. The “Big Five” are locked in there.

It’s just that except for the part where he witnessed the president being defeated by Yugi, none of the other characters participated in these plots. It can be regarded as a shared memory between the president and Yugi.

As for why the system did not provide tasks related to the Big Five, You Yong was not sure. It was probably because their value was not high enough.

The so-called enemies were extremely jealous when they met. As soon as the Big Five saw Yugi and Kaiba, they immediately started beeping. I won’t go into details here.

Finally, the “Big Five” summarized:

“In short, if you want to leave here safely, you must defeat us in a duel!”

“Let us entertain you all to our duel world!”

After saying that, Kaiba, Yugi and others suddenly fell to the ground and passed out, leaving only Yu Yong standing conspicuously.

You Yong: “!!??”

Big Five: “!!??”

Soon, a message came from the soul-bound “Wandering Magister”, which meant that a strange force was invading, but that was it, it was completely blocked now, so don’t worry.

You Yong: “…”

Good guy, this surprise was something I didn’t expect.

Naia was also slightly startled in the dark, and then increased the hypnotic dose.

You Yong, who was aware of it through the perception of “Wandering Magister”, remained silent and let go of some obstacles in “Wandering Magister” from the bottom of his heart, and then passed out.

The Big Five: “…”

“It’s okay, I just increased the intensity, and his consciousness has already fallen asleep.” Naia’s voice echoed in the room, letting the Big Five understand the situation.

Then a series of military robots entered the room, lifted You Yong and the others one by one, and placed them one by one in the hidden sleeping cabins, connecting their brains and nerves, allowing their consciousness to enter the virtual world.

Well, all of this was seen by the “Wandering Magician” in the ghost state next to him.

Because of the special soul connection with “Wandering Magister”, You Yong also “saw” this scene, but in the form of a dream from the perspective of “Wandering Magister”.

After placing everyone in the dormant cabin, Naia pulled them all into the virtual world.

In the virtual world, the comatose people woke up and curiously looked at the surrounding primeval forest-like scene.

You Yong also had two perspectives, one was the environment he saw with his own eyes in the virtual world, and the other was the real picture presented in his mind through the perspective of “Wandering Magister”.

Then You Yong made some small attempts to see if he could let “You Mage” enter the virtual world.

The virtual figure of “Wandering Magister” soon appeared next to You Yong.

The “Wandering Magister” also told You Yong that through the soul connection with You Yong, as long as You Yong’s consciousness is in the virtual world, he can freely enter and exit the reality and virtual world.

As long as You Yong needs it, he can now take everyone out of this virtual world.

Of course, if You Yong’s consciousness also leaves the virtual world, then “You Mage” will have no contact with this virtual world at all and will no longer be able to enter here.

After all, in essence, “Wandering Magister” can only enter this virtual world because he is bound to You Yong’s soul.

Seeing that the situation was similar to what he had guessed, You Yong felt relieved.

That is to say, thinking that the “Magic Master” bound to his soul might also be able to enter the virtual world with him, You Yong decided to join in and get some rewards.

In the original animation, Kaiba Naia tried to forcefully obliterate the king’s consciousness and seize Yugi’s body, but was automatically protected by the “Millennium Brick” and bounced back.

It can be seen that even the virtual online world is within the influence of dark forces and other supernatural forces.

The dark power and the “Wandering Magister” he has mastered are the greatest confidence for You Yong’s trip.

It can very well prevent the other party from overturning the table and… yourself from overturning the table at critical moments.

Well, of course, You Yong said that he has a moral bottom line. As long as the other party is willing to play cards well, he will not do something as shameless as flipping the table unless necessary.

After everyone briefly adapted to the virtual world, Naia asked the “Big Five” to introduce the village rules of their virtual world to everyone.

To put it simply, there is an additional “deck leader” rule. In a duel, everyone can choose a monster card as their “deck leader”.

“Deck Leader” can be summoned directly to the field and does not occupy the normal summons.

After the “Deck Leader” is destroyed, even if the player still has health points left, he will still be sentenced to loss.

Each “Deck Leader” has its own special effects, which are different from the original monster effects. (Even if the monster selected as “Deck Leader” was originally a mortal bone, it will still have special effects.)

Of course, monsters such as “Blue-Eyed White Dragon” (for example), ritual monsters, fusion monsters and other monsters that need to meet special conditions to be summoned cannot be used as “deck leaders”.

For example, in the original animation, Kaiba did not use “Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon” as the deck leader.

Otherwise, according to the rules that the deck leader can directly summon the deck, Kaiba would have already started the game with “Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon” to ride in the face.

In the animation, the Big Five also did not choose the “Five Emperor Dragons” as their “deck leader.”

In the end, the “Five Emperor Dragons” were specially summoned as sacrifices by using ritual magic to control the decks of the five of them with different attributes.

Well, that’s right, in this virtual world, the “Five Emperor Dragons” were transformed into ritual monsters by Naia who abused her authority and underwent surgery.


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Status: Completed Author:


When you travel to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, what deck should you play? You Yong said, don’t worry about the deck, just add three strong desires and three days of pressure to suppress the shock first. Nani? Jijiang's Blue Eyes White Dragon was torn apart by the president? You Yong said, let me avenge him... Well, well, he is not the president's opponent yet, and he cannot punish the president's domestic violence. Forget it, the game will go anyway. So You Yong, who chose to be a transparent person, picked up the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was torn in half by Du Chang. Then, the next day, Jijiang, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was pleasantly surprised to see that the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that had been torn in half appeared intact in his hand. You Yong, on the other hand, looked at the other system-rewarded Blue Eyes White Dragon card in the card library.


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