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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel — Chapter 142 Kuso, sinking to the bottom! ?

Looking at the “King’s Magic Library” on the field of defense, Naia couldn’t help but laugh:

“Haha, didn’t you just say you wanted to defeat me this round? Why did you let the monster take defense position?”

“You’ll find out later.” You Yong smiled mysteriously, drew a card from his hand and played it, “Activate the magic card, Goblin Upstart, and draw 1 card from the deck. After that, the opponent will recover 1000 basic points.”

This is the last “Goblin Upstart” in the Youyong deck.

Taking advantage of the effect of “Goblin Upstart”, You Yong drew a card from the deck and added it to his hand.

Nineteen minus one, there are still eighteen cards left in the deck!

“Then I restore 1,000 health points.” Naia said.

【Naiya, LP:4000→5000】

“My health has increased, and you seem to be further away from defeating me.” Naia smiled.

You Yong ignored him and explained to himself:

“The effect of “King’s Magic Library”, as long as this card exists in the monster area, every time you or your opponent activates a magic card, place a magic counter on this card!”

“Since I just activated “Goblin Upstart”, I now place a magic counter on “Wangli Magic Library”.”

[Wangli Magic Library, magic counters: 0→1]

You Yong kept operating and soon revealed the next card:

“Activate the magic card, and there will be a temporary truce. Players on both sides will each draw a card from the deck. After that, until the end of the next opponent’s turn, all damage received by both sides will become 0!”

Eighteen minus one, there are seventeen cards left in the deck!

[Wangli Magic Library, magic counters: 1→2]

Under Naia’s confused gaze, You Yong inserted another card into the duel disk and said:

“Magic card, treasure from heaven, activate!”

“Until there are six cards in hand, both sides draw cards from the deck!”

Saying that, Yu Yong drew three cards from the deck in a row, while Naia drew two cards from the deck.

Seventeen minus three, there are fourteen cards left in the deck!

[Wangli Magic Library, magic counters: 2→3]

“Activate the effect of “King’s Magic Library”, remove 3 magic counters from this card, and draw 1 card from your deck.”

[Wangli Magic Library, magic counters: 3→0]

Fourteen minus one, there are thirteen cards left in the deck!

“Then, activate the second “Bitter Choice”!” You Yong said as he played a card.

[Wangli Magic Library, magic counters: 0→1]

Immediately afterwards, two “Life-Destroying Treasures”, two “Heaven-Destroying Treasures” and one “Erasement” appeared in front of Naia.

Well, that’s right, because even if you don’t count the “Bitter Choice” you just activated, You Yong now has six cards in his hand, and there are four cards in the magic trap area. There are no extra vacancies, so there are no We need “life-killing treasures” and “heaven-dropped treasures”.

“Just the “Treasure Letter from Heaven”.” Naiya said with a stern face. At this time, he could no longer laugh, as if he had already foreseen that something terrible would happen.

Thirteen minus five, there are eight cards left in the deck!

After adding the card designated by Naia to his hand, You Yong looked at his hand helplessly.

Good guy, my card library is almost exhausted, and now I only have three parts. I don’t know if it’s because I owe money on my bonds, or because it’s just so difficult for Lao Ai to draw in the Yu-Gi-Oh animation world.

But it doesn’t matter!

Until now, I have not used even one “Pot of Desire” or “Angel’s Alms”, just to let them play their role in this time when “Life Cut” and “Skyfall” have become stuck and useless cards in my hand. effect!

Now I have a large number of “Strong Desire” and “Tianshi” in my hands and in the magic trap area.

As her mind raced, You Yong immediately took out one of the cards and typed:

“Activate the magic card, Angel’s Alms, draw three cards from the deck, and then discard two!”

Eight minus three, there are five cards left in the deck!

[Wangli Magic Library, magic counters: 1→2]

“Then there is the magic card, Pot of Desire, draw two cards from the deck!” You Yong said as he showed a card in his hand.

Five minus two, there are three cards left in the deck!

[Wangli Magic Library, magic counters: 2→3]

“Then activate the effect of “Wangli Magic Library” again, remove three magic counters, and draw a card from the deck!”

Three minus one, there are two cards left in the deck!

“Then activate the equipment magic card “Magic Wand” and equip “Wangli Magic Library”.” You Yong said.

“Finally, activate the effect of “Magical Wand”, send this card and “King’s Magic Library” to the graveyard, and then I draw two cards from the deck!”

You Yong drew the last two cards in one breath, which were “Sealed Exodia” and “Sealed One’s Left Foot”.

Kuso! It really sank to the bottom!

Fortunately, the card drawing engine is powerful enough.

“You lose, Naiya.” You Yong chuckled.

“What?” Naiya’s heart skipped a beat.

You Yong didn’t show off, pulled out five cards from his hand, showed them and shouted:

“Now, the five parts of the Dark Master “Exodia” have been assembled in my hands. At this moment, the seal of the Egyptian Messenger will be opened!”

“Nani!?” Naia’s pupils shrank and she looked at the five monster cards displayed in You Yong’s hand in horror.

“The sealed Exodia”, “the sealed left arm”, “the sealed right arm”, “the sealed left foot”, “the sealed right foot”!

The virtual world suddenly changed color. A huge vortex black hole appeared on the field, and a green five-pointed star array appeared in front of the hole.

Suddenly, two yellow wrists appeared from the black hole, passing through the green pentagram array in front of the hole, followed by the head, legs…

In the end, the ultimate sealed god and dark archmage “Exodia” appeared completely on the duel field, overlooking the “Giant Spinosaurus” and Naia in front of him.

“Pak…Pakana…” Naia’s face became horrified and distorted, “…he actually summoned the legendary “Exodia” in one turn!?”

“It’s “Exodia”! Youyong gathered all the parts in one round!” Yuna said in surprise.

“It’s about to happen.” You Yong waved his hand and shouted sternly, “”Exodia”, the angry fire of karma – Exodo flame!”

“Exodia” put his chained hands in front of him, and quickly condensed a ball of yellow flame containing terrifying energy, and then threw the flame containing infinite energy to the opposite side with one hand.

The “King Spinosaurus” seemed extremely small in front of the Ultimate Mage’s special move. It was passed through by the flames without any hindrance, and instantly turned into ashes and returned to nature.

Then the yellow karma fire washed over Naiya with unabated momentum.


When the flames dissipated, Naia was covered in black smoke, her eyes were lifeless and she knelt down on the ground, with a face full of doubts about life, and she tremblingly muttered to herself:

“How… how is it possible… I actually lost? Just like Seto, I was defeated by “Exodia”…”

He clearly wanted to surpass Seto and take back the Kaiba Group, but he ended up falling in the same place as Seto in the past.

How can we talk about transcendence like this! ?

Unlike Naiya who was devastated, You Yong happily opened the system’s rewards.

Special rewards were given to a real card version of “Ark of Miracles” and “King of Heaven: Shinato”, but they were ignored by You Yong.

After all, these two cards are just like that in You Yong’s opinion. Apart from filling the entire card file, they have no other function.

At the same time, I don’t know if Naiya’s “Deck Leader” effect on her was too fake. The reward for winning this duel was as high as 100,000 crystals, which really gave You Yong a surprise.

In addition, there is a hidden achievement “Defeat Naia Kaiba”, which also rewards 100,000 crystal stones.

Finally, there is the dungeon mission that Yu Yong received before. You only need to defeat one of “Kaiba Naia” and “Kaiba Gozaburo” to complete it.

And now that You Yong defeated “Kaiba Naia”, he was naturally judged by the system to have completed the task and received the reward of 1 million crystal stones.

The rest are things like “source energy exchange points” and “personal level experience”.

Overall, You Yong was very satisfied with this duel.

Not only did he play “Exodia” for the first time in a long time (the last time was in his previous life), but he also earned 1.2 million crystal stones almost while lying down.

“Yu Yong, you are so amazing. You can actually collect all the parts of “Exodia” in one round!” Yuna trotted up to You Yong and smiled with admiration.

“What the hell…” You Yong smiled unconsciously and was about to say a few words of modesty.

But at this moment, a majestic voice echoed throughout the entire virtual space as if it penetrated the heaven and earth:

“Naia, you let me down so much.”

The originally bright sky suddenly darkened, purple black clouds blocked the sunlight in the virtual world, and boundless shadows enveloped the three people on the ground.

Dark clouds slowly rotated in the sky, and a huge human face gradually emerged from the center of the whirlpool of black clouds, overlooking the three people on the ground.

“You Yong, what is that?” Yuna looked up at the face in the sky in surprise.

Even Naia’s expression suddenly changed, and she looked up at the familiar face in the sky in shock:


There is no doubt that the face in the sky is Kaiba Seto’s adoptive father and Kaiba Noa’s biological father, Kaiba Gozaburo!

“Why is dad here? Dad should be dead?” Naia, who was kept in the dark and had no idea, asked in surprise.

“Kaiba Gozaburo” in the sky looked sideways at Naia and said calmly:

“Am I dead? Yes, my body is indeed dead, but my spirit is not dead.

When I was dying, I also used the device I tried on you at that time to transfer all my memories to the computer, became a virtual existence, and was resurrected. “

Naia quickly stood up, looked at Kaiba Gozaburo in the sky with surprise and said with a smile:

“I really want to see you, Dad. I have been alone all these years, but I have always worked hard to fulfill your expectations…”

However, before Naia could finish speaking, Kaiba Gozaburo interrupted him with a cold tone:

“You are no longer of use to me, Naia.”

“What?” Naia’s smile froze instantly.

“I really wanted you to inherit my will and realize the dream of letting the Kaiba Group dominate the world. It would be very nerve-wracking for me to die so simply. That’s why I worked so hard to save you.” Kaiba just said Saburo said coldly.

“But now I don’t need you anymore. Now I am free from the shackles of the flesh and can freely invade the Kaiba Group network. In a few seconds, I can make the world my own!”

“How can this be? Am I just a tool that you, Dad, use to rule the world and can discard at will once you don’t need it?” Noya said in disbelief.

“The situation has changed.” Kaiba Gosaburo said in a deep voice, “This is all Seto’s fault. If you want to hate, hate him.”

“Tsk, scum.” Yuna muttered in a low voice.

As if hearing Yuna’s muttering, Kaiba Gosaburo looked sideways at You Yong and said in a deep voice:

“Don’t gloat over the misfortune. I have just rewritten the program of this world. The entrance and exit connecting the virtual world and the real world have been sealed by me. You can no longer leave this virtual world.”

“What?” Yuna panicked when she heard it.

But You Yong’s expression did not change, and he was not panicked at all.

At this time, Kaiba Gosaburo changed the subject and said:

“However, I am a little interested in you, or more precisely, the secret of the man named Yu Yong.

I think we can talk about it. If you can satisfy me, I can consider letting you go.”

As he spoke, a wooden door for teleportation suddenly appeared beside Yu Yong.

“You can come in through this door.” Kaiba Gosaburo said lightly.

As soon as Kaiba Gosaburo finished speaking, Yu Yong, who was thinking about the hidden reward, did not hesitate at all, opened the door and invited Yuna to go in together.

After Yu Yong and Yuna walked into the door, the door quickly disappeared, and the face of Kaiba Gosaburo in the sky also disappeared immediately, the black clouds also dissipated, and the sunlight of the virtual world was scattered again.

But Noa’s heart was still shrouded in haze.

I have always thought that sooner or later I will get a physical body, turn around and return to the real world, and replace Seto to rule the Kaiba Group.

This is also what my father has been teaching me… But, my father doesn’t need me anymore…

Noa felt like he had lost the meaning of life, and he lowered his head and remained silent.

Suddenly, he raised his head and said to himself in hatred:

“Yes, just as my father said, this is all Seto’s fault. He changed everything. I want to defeat him and prove that I am the most suitable successor to Kaiba Group!”

Noa gritted his teeth, stood up, and his fighting spirit rekindled in his eyes. He was determined to deprive Kaiba Seto of everything and take revenge on him.

After Yu Yong and Yuna passed through the door, the map in front of them changed instantly and they came to the president’s office in the Kaiba Group Building.


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Status: Completed Author:


When you travel to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, what deck should you play? You Yong said, don’t worry about the deck, just add three strong desires and three days of pressure to suppress the shock first. Nani? Jijiang's Blue Eyes White Dragon was torn apart by the president? You Yong said, let me avenge him... Well, well, he is not the president's opponent yet, and he cannot punish the president's domestic violence. Forget it, the game will go anyway. So You Yong, who chose to be a transparent person, picked up the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was torn in half by Du Chang. Then, the next day, Jijiang, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was pleasantly surprised to see that the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that had been torn in half appeared intact in his hand. You Yong, on the other hand, looked at the other system-rewarded Blue Eyes White Dragon card in the card library.


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