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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel — Chapter 154 The six-year-old collapsed

“Hmph, I see. You got away with it because your HP increased when Osiris attacked.” Kaiba said, hugging his arms.

Although “Osiris Sky Dragon” is a phantom, it will not be affected by the effects of traps.

However, the effect of “Stamina Enhancer Super Z” does not affect “Osiris Sky Dragon”, but only restores the HP of Dark Malik himself, so it can be used normally.

“What a pity, Yuuto almost won.” Yuna said regretfully.

“Indeed.” Peacock Dance on the side nodded and said, “But the situation is still very favorable for Yuuto now.”

After all, Yuuto now has the phantom “Osiris Sky Dragon” on the field, and Dark Malik only has two Gefukas on the field, not even half a monster.

“No, Malik is a very dangerous opponent. Even if the situation is favorable now, you can’t be careless.” Yugi said.

On the duel field, Dark Malik, who was directly hit by a “Super Conductive Wave Thunder Cannon”, picked up the hand card that had just fallen to the ground in a panic.

Well, because the special effects of the “Super Conductive Wave Thunder Cannon” were too gorgeous and dazzling, and the card was facing up when it landed, You Yong did not see clearly what the card was.

After picking up his own card, Dark Malik stood up shakily, his legs trembling constantly, and he looked like he had kidney deficiency.

After barely standing steady, Dark Malik said with a painful expression:

“That attack just now was really effective, it hurts so much.”

But then Dark Malik suddenly made a face expression, with one eye wide open and one small, and stuck out his tongue exaggeratedly and laughed:

“Hehe, I was kidding you, hahahaha!”

Dark Malik’s sudden facial expression scared everyone in the audience.

“Is this guy a pervert? He can still laugh after being attacked by Yu Yong’s phantom god?” Honda looked incredulous.

“So disgusting.” Yuna frowned and said.

“Malik can actually laugh at this time? Could it be that he has hidden some tactics?” Yugi’s attention was on the duel itself.

Kaiba snorted, narrowed his eyes slightly, and his thoughts were similar to Yugi’s.

Not only were the people in the audience affected, but the impact of Dark Malik’s facial expressions on You Yong on the duel field was also quite shocking.

Although he had seen a lot of Dark Malik’s facial expressions in animations in his previous life, watching them in person now gave You Yong a greater sense of shock.

This visual explosion of facial expressions almost made him laugh out loud.

Calm down, this is a dark duel of life and death, be serious.

After repeated psychological hints, You Yong, who was almost injured, barely controlled the urge to laugh directly, but the corners of his mouth still couldn’t help but rise a little arc.

After Dark Malik had laughed enough, he looked at You Yong and said:

“You Yong, although your “Osiris” attack caused me a lot of damage, at this moment, another trap card of mine was also triggered.”

“Trap cards should be ineffective against gods.” Kaiba frowned slightly, “Could it be another trap card like the one just now?”

Dark Malik waved his arm, and a Gefu card on the back field opened immediately.

“Look carefully, a terrifying trap, metal reflective slime!” (animated version)

A slime derivative with a body like liquid metal gushed out from the trap card and flowed viscously to Dark Malik’s field. This slime was covered with sharp metal barbs.

“This card is a trap that can only be activated when my life value is damaged by a monster’s attack.” (Animation effect)

After “Metal Reflection Slime” appeared on his field, Dark Malik explained:

“Then this trap monster, Metal Reflection Slime, will use its reflection ability to become a copy of the attacking monster.

And it will also have 3/4 of the attack power and defense of the attacking monster.” (Animation effect)

“That’s right, because of your “Osiris” attack just now, it will become a copy of God.” Dark Malik laughed.

As Dark Malik’s voice fell, the group of “Metal Reflection Slime” on the field suddenly pulled and grew rapidly and began to deform, and finally gradually turned into the appearance of “Osiris Sky Dragon”.

However, unlike the genuine “Osiris Sky Dragon”, the skin of this “Osiris Sky Dragon” copied by “Metal Reflection Slime” is silver-white.

This is obviously the silver-white metal liquid of “Metal Reflection Slime” that solidified into the appearance of “Osiris Sky Dragon”.

“That monster actually turned into the appearance of the phantom god “Osiris Sky Dragon”?” Kongquewu in the audience was surprised.

“A copy of God?” Kaiba frowned.

“It’s just a fake.” Yuna said sullenly, “Yu Yong can definitely deal with it.”

In the duel field, An Malik continued to speak:

“The attack power of “Osiris” is 4000, so “Metal Reflection Slime” will have 3/4 of it, that is, 3000 points of attack and defense.”

[Metal Reflection Slime, attack power: 3000]

“Haha, look, this is a copy of God, God Mud Slime!” An Malik laughed.

It seems that the real card version of “Metal Reflection Slime” is very different from the animated version, Yu Yong thought.

The real-card version of “Metal Reflection Slime” will only turn into a trap monster with a defense of 3,000 and an attack of 0, and nothing else.

Compared with the animated version, the biggest advantage of the real card version of “Metal Reflection Slime” is that the timing is relatively free, and it can be activated at any time, without having to be beaten before it can be activated.

Um? Thinking about it, this animated version of “Metal Reflection Slime” seems to be more suitable for someone like Dark Malick.

As his thoughts whirled, You Yong waved his arm and said loudly:

“But when you summon “Metal Reflection Slime”, the special ability of “Osiris Sky Dragon” is also activated.

It will reduce the attack power of “Metal Reflection Slime” by two thousand points, so go for it! Osiris, summon thunderbolts! “

The dragon’s mouth above the “Sky Dragon of Osiris” opened in mid-air and quickly sprayed out a lightning bullet containing terrifying thunder and lightning power towards the counterfeit opposite.

The thunder bomb bombarded the “Metal Reflection Slime” and exploded a large ball of metal liquid. The silver-white metal liquid splashed out in all directions. The “Metal Reflection Slime” turned into the “Sky Dragon of Osiris” “It also started to get out of shape.

[Metal reflection slime, attack power: 3000→1000]

“Very good, this way the impostor will be no different from an ordinary fish monster.” Honda said excitedly in the audience.

“Hey, even though he is only a second-rate god, Osiris’s special ability is still a little troublesome.” Dark Malik crossed his arms and said.

After expressing a little emotion about the “Sky Dragon of Osiris” (what he thought) given to You Yong by his personality, An Malik raised his arm and shouted:

“But at the moment when the attack power of “Sacred Mud Slime” dropped, my last cover card also met the conditions for activation!

The trap card is activated, the treasure of the last words! ” (animation card)

You Yong frowned. He didn’t have much impression of this card, but the word “Baozha” made him subconsciously feel that the situation might not be good.

“Hey, this card can only be activated when the attack power of your monster is reduced.” Dark Marley explained with a smile.

“As for its effect… it allows me to draw cards from the deck until the number of cards in my hand reaches five.” (Animation effect)

You Yong: “!!!”

What did you say? Draw cards from the deck until the number of cards in your hand reaches five! ? Why don’t you listen to what you are saying? This effect is fake. Why don’t you go to heaven?

This is simply a trap version of the “Life-Destroying Treasure Note”!

This was the only time since the duel began that You Yong had the urge to summon his fists in attack mode.

Dark Malik smiled and drew four cards from the deck, increasing his hand to five cards.

Then he looked up at You Yong, smiled strangely and said:

“Although I drew four cards, you also reduced the attack power of my “Divine Mud Slime” by 2,000 points.”

It looked like it was a fair exchange of equal value, and it seemed that he wanted to hide the fact that he was using a “fake card”.

You Yong was speechless for a while. How about you throw away the four cards you just drew and let your “Metal Reflection Slime” recover its attack power to 3,000 points.

Thinking about it, You Yong couldn’t help but look up and glance at the “Sky Dragon of Osiris” in mid-air on his field.

Could it be that after strengthening, my “Sky Dragon of Osiris” will gradually turn into the shape of “Sinkhole Dragon” and “Traitor Dragon”? Why did something happen when I used the thunder bomb for the first time?

As if feeling You Yong’s gaze, the mid-air “Sky Dragon of Osiris” lowered its head slightly. What’s even more exaggerated is that You Yong even felt aggrieved and apologetic emotions from it.

You Yong: “…”

Well, although the thunder bombs of “Osiris Sky Dragon” are bound to be fired, he also ordered “Osiris” to fire the thunder bombs just now, so it can be regarded as the same crime.

Well, since they are all guilty of the same crime, let’s assume that everyone is not guilty, and blame that guy Dark Malik for making random stamps. Yes, this is all the six-year-old’s fault.

Finally, You Yong drew two cards from his hand, inserted them into the duel plate one by one and announced:

“Set two cover cards and my turn is over.”

At this time, due to the decrease in the number of cards in Yu Yong’s hand, the attack power of “Osiris Sky Dragon” also declined.

[Sky Dragon of Osiris, attack power: 4000→2000]

Although the attack power of “Sky Dragon of Osiris” is currently only two thousand, due to the existence of the special ability “Summon Thunder Bullet”, if Dark Malik wants to defeat “Sky Dragon of Osiris”, he must summon an attack power of four thousand. Only a thousand or more monsters will do.

And such a monster cannot be summoned just by talking about it, and in the face of the thunder bomb of “Osiris Sky Dragon”, it is difficult to use the miscellaneous fish monster as a springboard to summon a powerful monster.

“Hmph, why don’t you set up a cover card even if it reduces the attack power of “Osiris”?” Dark Malik said with a snort, “The next step is my turn, draw the card.”

After taking a glance at the drawn card, Dark Malik suddenly laughed:

“Hahaha, although I don’t know why you, a mere mortal, can control “Osiris”, it doesn’t matter. Just go to hell with this secret.”

Dark Malik did not add the drawn card to his hand, but raised his head and looked at the Youyong Monster and said with a smile:

“You may not know what card I threw into the graveyard with “Fast Attack Vampire Maggot” last turn, right?”

Before You Yong could answer, An Malik laughed and said:

“Yes, it’s a god! The Supreme Illusionary God “Wings of the Sun God Dragon”!!

You should understand how terrifying the “Wings of the Sun God Dragon” sleeping in the cemetery is, right? Think about the mortal bones that were burned to death last time! “

“Moreover, I have now drawn “Resurrection of the Dead”!” Dark Malik showed the card he had just drawn.

Green magic card!

That is exactly the picture of “The Dead Comes to Life”!

“It’s “Resurrection of the Dead”, Malik is going to summon the “Wings of the Sun God Dragon”, what should we do?” Honda shouted.

Yuna stared nervously at Yu Yong on the duel field, thinking of the previous scenes where Yu Yong was temporarily comatose under the divine punishment of the “Wings of the Sun God Dragon” and Jonouchi was burned to death, her fists clenched tightly unconsciously.

You Yong, please don’t let your guard down at this time!

Even Kaiba’s brows frowned, and he lowered his arms and looked at the “Resurrection of the Dead” card in Dark Malik’s hand.

When the “Wings of the Sun God Dragon” is sleeping in the cemetery and there is “Resurrection of the Dead” in hand, a one-kill combo can be achieved.

This is the information he “parsed” from the aerial photography of the “Wings of the Sun God Dragon” effect text.

Faced with this situation, what are you going to do, You Yong?

“Hahaha, prepare to face the wrath of the “Winged Dragon of the Sun God”, You Yong!” Dark Malik shouted with a laugh, and immediately inserted the “Resurrection of the Dead” in his hand into the duel disk.

“Activate the magic card to resurrect the dead and resurrect the “Wings of the Sun God Dragon” in the cemetery!!!”

Dark Malik folded his hands on his chest and was about to recite the spell to summon the “Wings of the Sun God Dragon”.

But before he could speak, You Yong’s expression suddenly condensed, and he waved his big hand and shouted:

“The moment you activate “Resurrection of the Dead”, I will activate the trap card, Lost!”

After You Yong finished speaking, a cover card on the field was opened. On the card was a giant dragon that looked lost and seemed to be disappearing into the sand.

“This card can select 1 card from your opponent’s graveyard and remove it from the game.”

You Yong shook his arm, pointed at Dark Malik’s duel plate and shouted:

“And the card I want to banish is the “Wings of the Sun God Dragon” sleeping in your graveyard!!!”

“Na…Nani!?” Dark Malik’s face instantly became horrified.


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Status: Completed Author:


When you travel to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, what deck should you play? You Yong said, don’t worry about the deck, just add three strong desires and three days of pressure to suppress the shock first. Nani? Jijiang's Blue Eyes White Dragon was torn apart by the president? You Yong said, let me avenge him... Well, well, he is not the president's opponent yet, and he cannot punish the president's domestic violence. Forget it, the game will go anyway. So You Yong, who chose to be a transparent person, picked up the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was torn in half by Du Chang. Then, the next day, Jijiang, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was pleasantly surprised to see that the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that had been torn in half appeared intact in his hand. You Yong, on the other hand, looked at the other system-rewarded Blue Eyes White Dragon card in the card library.


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