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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel — Chapter 164 Pharaoh playing cards

Under the effect of the trap card “Clone Copy”, a monster identical to the “Shield Guardian” on the game field also appeared on the Kaiba Field.

[Giant shield guardian derivative, defense power: 2600]

“You actually used a trap to copy the “Giant Shield Guardian”?” Yugi gritted his teeth.

Although the “Clone Copy” summons a copy of the “Great Shield Guardian”, this copy is definitely better than the original one, because the “Great Shield Guardian” itself has the ability to automatically change into attack mode after being attacked. Effect.

The attack power of “Giant Shield Guardian” is only 100. It is precisely because of the balance of this effect that “Giant Shield Guardian” can have a defense power of 2600 points at 4 stars.

However, the copy of the “Colossal Guardian” summoned by “Clone Copy” is just a blank slate with no effect. After being attacked, it will not change to attack mode due to the effect. It is a real barrier monster.

However, Kaiba obviously didn’t copy this monster to build a defense line. That’s not the president’s style.

Sure enough, the next second Kaiba waved his hand and shouted:

“Game, because of the effect of “Magic Sanctuary”, my magic cards can also be used during the opponent’s turn.

Now let me show you the magic cards I added to my hand using the effect of “Magic Sanctuary”!

Open the cover card, magic card, soul intertwining, activate! “

Kaiba slowly pulled out a card and shouted:

“Due to the effect of “Soul Interlace”, I offer a total of three monsters, the two monsters on my field and the “Giant Guardian” on your field, as sacrifices…”

As he spoke, Kaiba raised the card he had just drawn high and shouted:

“Come out! Obe…”

“I won’t let you succeed, activate the quick-attack magic, Sealing Sword of Light!” (animated version)

The game spoke at an astonishing speed, and before Kaiba could knock down the monster, he launched his speed attack magic.

A green magic card was opened on the game field, and a sharp sword flew out from the card, rushed straight towards Kaiba, and accurately hit the card held by the president, nailing it firmly to the ground. On the floor behind Kaiba.

Kaiba, who was unable to react in time from this sudden change, still maintained his posture to summon the “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon”. At this moment, he turned his head with difficulty and glanced at the person who was nailed behind. Card of God.

The game also explained aloud at this time:

“Due to the effect of “Sealing Sword of Light”, “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon” will be sealed within three rounds, and will not return to your hand until the preparation phase of your fourth turn!”

Then he looked at Kaiba and smiled lightly:

“Don’t worry, the game has just begun, Kaiba.”

“Tch.” Kaiba gritted his teeth, then quickly regained his composure and smiled, “Have you been seen through? As expected of you, Yugi, you are really good at it.”

You Yong in the audience also nodded in agreement. The game’s operation of waiting for the president to take the initiative to lift “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon” before activating the effect is very beautiful. Most people would never imagine that it can be done like this. You Yong said that he learned from arrive.

And You Yong praised not only the game’s operations, but also his ability to print cards.

If I remember correctly, the “Sealing Sword of Light” in the game in the anime was still a trap card when I first acquired it and fought Duel City for the first time, right?

As a result, it has become a magic card now, and it is also a noble quick-attack magic. Is it really reprinted?

It can directly print trap cards into magic cards according to the needs. It can only be said that it is truly worthy of the Pharaoh. This card printing skill is truly unmatched. (Not counting someone who changed the card on the spot.)

“Yoshi, Yugi successfully prevented Kaiba from summoning the “Obelisk’s Titan Weapon”.” Jonouchi said excitedly, clenching his fists.

After Kaiba on the field praised the game a little, he changed the topic again:

“Although you escaped the fate of being killed instantly, your fate of defeat will not change!”

Yugi said no more, looked at his hand, took out two cards and inserted them into the duel plate and said:

“One last two cards to cover and my turn is over.”

The game’s round is over and it’s Kaiba’s turn again.

“Hmph, my turn is to draw a card!”

Glancing at the drawn card, Kaiba hummed lightly, inserted it directly into the duel disk and said:

“Activate the magic card, Pot of Desire, and draw two cards from the deck.”

After swiping the land and drawing two cards from the deck, Kaiba took one look at it, looked up at Yugi and said with a smile:

“Game, I’ll show you how stupid it is to be defensive in front of me.”

After saying that, he slapped a card in his hand on the monster area of ​​the duel plate and said:

“My next card is “Y-Dragon Head” and I summon it in attack position.”

After Kaiba finished speaking, a mechanical pterosaur with a red steel body appeared on his field.

[Y-Dragon head, attack power: 1500]

“X-Leader Cannon…Y-Dragon Head…” Yugi frowned slightly, and then said with a slight surprise, “X and Y, could it be said that they are magnet monsters with the ability to combine?”

“That’s right, as long as two of X, Y, and Z are summoned to the field, they can use their combined abilities!” Kaiba said loudly.

“Go, “X-Boss Cannon” and “Y-Dragon Head”, merge and transform!”

After the “X-Leader Cannon” and “Y-Dragon Head” on the field received the order, “Y-Dragon Head” straightened its body and fell, “X-Leader Cannon” floated, and then the spherical body below was embedded in “Y “-Dragon Head” slot, the two monsters merge into one.

[XY-Dragon Cannon, attack power: 2200]

“However, even if the attack power of “X-Boss Cannon” and “Y-Dragon Head” has been improved, it still does not exceed the defensive power of “Giant Shield Guardian”.” The game said.

In fact, he still wanted to say that if they were not combined, on the surface, if he used “X-Leader Cannon” and “Y-Dragon Head” to attack together, he would be able to attack the “Giant Shield Guardian” first and then attack Break.

Now the two monsters “X-Boss Cannon” and “Y-Dragon Head” are unable to defeat the “Giant Shield Guardian” after being combined.

Therefore, the game believes that Kaiba should have a backup plan next.

And Kaiba did not disappoint the game. After merging the two monsters, he played another card and said:

“Next, activate the magic card and double summon. I can perform normal summons up to 2 times this round!”

“Additional summons?” Yugi’s eyes narrowed, and he probably guessed what would happen next.

Sure enough, Kaiba then played another card on the monster area of ​​the duel plate and said:

“Using the opportunity of the second normal summon, I will summon “Z-Metal Crawler” again in attack mode!”

A white stream of light passed by, and a mechanical monster with a yellow body and a crab-like appearance appeared on the seahorse’s field.

[Z-Metal Tracks, Attack Power: 1500]

“The third magnet monster, X, Y, Z are all gathered, Masaka…” Yugi said with a surprised look.

“Yes, Yugi, when the three monsters X, Y, and Z are summoned to the field, their special effects will be activated!” Kaiba said loudly, “Come together, XYZ-Dragon Cannon!”

After Kaiba finished speaking, the “XY-Dragon Cannon” and “Z-Metal Crawler” on the field flew into the air. The pterosaur legs of the “XY-Dragon Cannon” retracted, the chassis changed slightly, and the “Z-Metal Crawler” A groove was also deformed on the back.

Finally, due to the magnetic connection, the two monsters were assembled together, and a majestic mechanical hybrid monster appeared in front of everyone.

[XYZ-Shenlong Cannon, attack power: 2800]

Seeing the combined appearance of “XYZ-Shenlong Cannon”, You Yong in the audience was slightly moved.

This is not to say that he thinks it is great that the president combines “Y-Dragon Head” and “Z-Metal Crawler” to complete “XYZ-Dragon Cannon” in one round.

From You Yong’s point of view, the president’s loss of cards through this series of operations was like a Muggle, and it was really not worth it to switch to the “XYZ-Dragon Cannon” in the end.

But it feels really cool! This wave of X, Y, and Z mecha fusion really makes You Yong feel excited. Who doesn’t have a mecha dream?

You Yong’s obvious mood swings also attracted the attention of Yuna beside him.

Seeing You Yong’s agitated look, Yuna blinked, her sapphire eyes revealing a clear look.

It turns out that You Yong likes this kind of card. You Yong’s known hobby +1!

“Hahaha, Yugi, then your “Giant Shield Guardian” will no longer be able to protect you.” Kaiba laughed.

In fact, Kaiba can completely disjoint the three monsters. Attacking them separately can also destroy the game’s “Giant Shield Guardian”, and it can also inflict a large amount of health damage to the game.

But maybe the president thinks that he will be hurt when the first monster attacks the “Giant Shield Guardian”, and the attack power of the “XYZ-Dragon Cannon” will be more domineering and more in line with his own style, so he We didn’t attack them one by one.

Seeing Yugi’s surprised expression and his face as if facing a formidable enemy, Kaiba felt very happy, waved his hand and shouted:

“I will use this offensive to completely crush the “Giant Shield Guardian” from the front!

Go ahead, XYZ-Dragon Cannon, attack the “Giant Shield Guardian” for me! XYZ Super Cannon! “

[XYZ-Shenlong Cannon, attack power: 2800]

[Giant Shield Guardian, defense power: 2600]

After receiving Kaiba’s attack command, you opened your mouth and gathered energy from the four barrels of the “XYZ-Dragon Cannon” and the head of the “Y-Dragon Head” located in a subtle position on your lower body.

“Oh no, if this continues, the only defensive monster on the game field will be destroyed by Kaiba.” Jonouchi said nervously.

On the duel field, the “XYZ-Dragon Cannon” quickly gathered energy, and five beam bombardments spurted out, rushing towards the “Giant Shield Guardian” on the game field with a breath of destruction. It was about to kill ” Shield Guardian” was destroyed.

However, at this time, Yugi, who was still looking panicked, suddenly showed a smile, then waved and shouted:

“I have been waiting for this moment! At the moment of “XYZ-Dragon Cannon”, I activated the trap card, Holy Shield-Reflector Power!!!”

A cover card on the field at the end of the game opened in response. It was all red and had a picture of the “Reflector Power” card painted on it.

“Na…Nani!?” Kaiba was shocked when he saw this, gritted his teeth and said: “Damn game, did he expect this situation a long time ago?”

Under the effect of the trap, the dazzling mirror quickly spread out on the game field, shrouding the “Giant Shield Guardian” on the field.

The five destructive beams of the “XYZ-Dragon Cannon” hit the seemingly fragile mirror, but could not shake it half. On the contrary, under the reflection of the mirror, the beams quickly turned back and shot at “XYZ-” on the seahorse field. “Dragon Cannon”.

“Tsk, it’s just some tricks.” Kaiba said unhappily.

Then he quickly inserted the last card in his hand into the duel plate and shouted:

“Launch quick-attack magic, subspace material transmission device!” (animated version)

“This card can banish one monster on your field until the end of this turn’s battle phase!” (animation effect)

“With this effect, I will teleport the “XYZ-Dragon Cannon” to the subspace until the battle phase!”

The green magic card was opened on the field, and a mechanical device with obviously high-tech content appeared from the card picture on Kaiba’s field.

The teleportation device quickly fired circles of colorful light towards the “XYZ-Dragon Cannon”, shrouding it in it.

Finally, when the reflected attack was about to fall on the “XYZ-Dragon Cannon”, the “XYZ-Dragon Cannon” suddenly disappeared, causing all the reflected attacks to fail.

“Hmph, this way the “XYZ-Dragon Cannon” will not be destroyed.” Kaiba looked at Yugi and snorted coldly.

He didn’t expect Yugi to look shocked when he summoned the “XYZ-Dragon Cannon”, but in the end he pulled out a dangerous card like “Sacred Shield” with his backhand.

As expected, I really can’t let up in the battle with you, game↑↓.

Seeing Kaiba use the “subspace material transmission device” to let the “XYZ-Shenlong Cannon” escape, Jonouchi in the audience suddenly became a little angry:

“How despicable, Kaiba, that you still have this secret.”

However, the God of Gamblers forgot that it was Kaiba who was using the “sacred protective shield” Yugi first used.

On the duel field, Yugi was a little surprised to see that his “reflector power” could not defeat Kaiba’s “XYZ-Dragon Cannon”, but then he smiled and said:

“You’re quite capable, Kaiba.”

“Hmph, Yugi, I knew you weren’t as incompetent as some mortal bones and would be defeated by such a simple attack.” Kaiba chuckled.

Jonouchi in the audience was instantly furious:

“Kaiba, you’d better speak clearly! Who are you talking about mortal bones!?”

As he spoke, Jonouchi rolled up his sleeves and looked ready to fight.

His good friend Honda quickly grabbed him from behind and kept saying: “Forget it, Jonouchi.”

Even Kyoko on the side covered her mouth and smiled: “Jounouchi, isn’t your reaction just right?”

“That’s right, Nisana didn’t say it was you Jonouchi by name.” Keppei on the side said with a smile.

On the duel field, Kaiba announced:

“My turn is over. At this moment, “XYZ-Dragon Cannon” will return to my field.”

When the round ends, the combat phase naturally ends. The effect of the “subspace material transmission device” ends, and the majestic combined monster “XYZ-Dragon Cannon” returns from the subspace and returns to Kaiba’s field.


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Status: Completed Author:


When you travel to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, what deck should you play? You Yong said, don’t worry about the deck, just add three strong desires and three days of pressure to suppress the shock first. Nani? Jijiang's Blue Eyes White Dragon was torn apart by the president? You Yong said, let me avenge him... Well, well, he is not the president's opponent yet, and he cannot punish the president's domestic violence. Forget it, the game will go anyway. So You Yong, who chose to be a transparent person, picked up the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was torn in half by Du Chang. Then, the next day, Jijiang, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was pleasantly surprised to see that the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that had been torn in half appeared intact in his hand. You Yong, on the other hand, looked at the other system-rewarded Blue Eyes White Dragon card in the card library.


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