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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel — Chapter 166 Illegal speech (increased amount)

After using the effect of “Command Silencer” to draw a card from the deck, Kaiba looked at Yugi and said with a smile:

“The attack of “Magnet Warrior Electromagnetic Valkyrie” has been cancelled. Your remaining “Dark Magician Girl” cannot defeat my “XYZ-Dragon Cannon”.

And in the next round, the sealed god card “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon” will return to my hand. “

Yugi gritted his teeth and continued:

“Since I can’t defeat the “XYZ-Dragon Cannon”, I’ll use the “Dark Magician Girl” to attack the “Bloody Warcraft”!

Dark Magic Girl, go ahead, Black Magic Burst! “

[Dark Magician Girl, Attack Power: 2000]

[Bloody Warcraft, attack power: 1900]

The blond magic girl gave a sweet shout, raised the small magic wand in her hand, quickly condensed a magic missile, and then threw it towards the strong orc opposite.

Although the “Bloody Beast Man” was tall and strong, his actual combat power was still slightly weaker than that of the magical girl. He exploded under the bombardment of the magic missile and disappeared into fragments.

His monster was destroyed by the battle, and Kaiba was damaged by the difference in attack power between the two.

【Seto Kaiba, LP:4000→3900】

“Hmph, it doesn’t hurt. It won’t stop me from summoning the “Obelisk’s Titan Soldier” next turn. “” Kaiba chuckled.

After letting the last “Dark Magician Girl” attack, Yugi drew a card from his hand and inserted it into the duel plate and said:

“Set a cover card and my turn is over.”

As the game declares the end of the round, the duel plate is automatically cut to Kaiba’s turn.

“My turn, draw a card!” Kaiba quickly drew a card from the deck and added it to his hand.

Then Kaiba ignored the card he just drew, looked up at Yugi and said:

“Then at this moment, the seal of the “Sealing Sword of Light” will be unlocked, and the card of “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon” will return to my hand!”

After Kaiba finished speaking, the lightsaber behind him that pinned the “Obelisk’s Titan Weapon” to the ground slowly disappeared.

Then the card “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon” was also withdrawn from the exclusion zone of the duel board Kaiba.

“Damn it! That guy Kaiba is about to summon the divine card “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon”.” Jonouchi said anxiously in the audience.

Kyoko also looked at the field worriedly: “Game…”

Since Yu Yong was not on the scene, and it was not a dark duel, Yuna, who was almost completely on the sidelines, said to herself curiously:

“Is the last God Card also going to appear?”

Two of the legendary three fantasy god cards, “Sky Dragon of Osiris” and “Wings of the Sun God Dragon”, had appeared in the previous duel between You Yong and Dark Malik.

Now there is the remaining “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon” that she has not seen yet.

In the duel field, Kaiba also laughed:

“Hahaha!! God will always come to the strongest duelist and choose the right master! Yugi, let you worship the figure of God now!”

As he said that, Kaiba raised the “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon” card high. He didn’t believe there was a second “Light Sealing Sword” in the game.

Raising the God Card high, Kaiba looked excited and shouted loudly:

“Because “XYZ-Dragon Cannon” is a combined monster, it can be used as a sacrifice for the number of combined monsters, that is, three sacrifices.

Therefore, I offer “XYZ-Shenlong Cannon” as three sacrifices, come out! God of Destruction, Obe…”

But at this moment, Yugi interrupted him again with a wave of his hand:

“Open Gaifuka!”

“Nani!?” Kaiba’s pupils shrank and his expression suddenly changed.

Pa kana! ? Could it be that the game really has a second “Sealing Sword of Light”! ?

However, as we all know, the cards in the Pharaoh’s deck are basically non-duplicate. The “Sealing Sword of Light” has been used previously, so it is impossible to take it out again, otherwise the printed card will be too obvious. .

So what the game uses here is…

“Quick attack magic card, dimensional magic, activate!” Yugi shouted.

A magic card with the Lightning Rush symbol opens in the backfield of the game, revealing a card that looks like a golden coffin containing a mummy.

“Who is this card?” Kaiba frowned. Even though he had read countless cards, this was the first time he saw this card.

Yugi also knew that it was impossible for Kaiba to recognize his newly printed card, so he took the initiative to explain:

“Dimensional magic, this card can only be activated by liberating two monsters on the field, including one monster on your field, as sacrifices when there is a Magician-type monster on your field…” (Animation conditions)

“Magician monster…” Kaiba glanced at the “Dark Magician Girl” on the game field and understood that the game had no tongue.

Different from the president’s focus, You Yong in the audience noticed something more critical and fell into shock.

I’ll go and release the monsters on the field as cost to activate! ?

According to the game description, this is not the effect liberation of magic cards, but the cost liberation activated as a card.

In other words, even monsters that are not affected by magic effects will be released by this card.

Because this liberation is not the effect of the card at all, but the cost of activating the card, which is the same nature as using a monster to advance summon.

Even the three phantom gods with animation resistance can still be solved with this card.

“Winged Dragon of the Sun God” is a bit difficult to say, but “Sky Dragon of Osiris” and “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon” are definitely acceptable.

(In the original animation, the game used “dimension magic” to liberate the “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon” on his field, causing the attack of “Wings of the Sun God” to fail.

However, the game did not choose to liberate the “Sun God’s Winged Dragon”, and in addition to the case of the “Soul Captor”, it is inferred that the “Sun God’s Winged Dragon” as the supreme illusion god has rules that will not be released by the opponent or Effect. )

In this regard, the animated version of “Dimensional Magic” is more than one level better than the real card version.

While You Yong’s thoughts were changing rapidly, the game on the duel field continued to explain:

“The one I released on the field is the “Dark Magician Girl”, and the one released on the other field is…”

“…Kaiba, your “XYZ-Dragon Cannon”!” Yugi raised his hand and pointed at the mechanical fusion monster on Kaiba’s field and shouted.

“Na…Nani?” Kaiba was shocked.

But no matter how reluctant the president is, he can’t take out the second “subspace material transmission device” now. (Although in theory it would be useless if you take it out.)

So the president could only watch helplessly as the “XYZ-Dragon Cannon” on his field was swept up by the sacrificial wind together with the “Dark Magician Girl” on the game field.

The last two monsters turned into white light and disappeared, and a golden ancient Egyptian coffin appeared firmly on the game field.

“What is that?” Kaiba frowned.

“Just now it was the activation condition of “Dimension Magic”. Now it is the effect of “Dimension Magic”. I can special summon a magician monster from my hand.” Yugi laughed.

Then, he picked up the last card in his hand and slapped it on the duel plate and said:

“Using the effect of “Dimension Magic”, I summon my trump card from my hand, the top magician – the Black Magician!!!”

The golden coffin erected on the game field was opened, and the purple-robed “black magician” jumped out and came to the front of the game, holding a green staff and staring at the seahorse opposite.

[Black Magician, attack power: 2500]

Seeing the familiar figure of the “Black Magician”, Kaiba’s face darkened instantly.

This abominable game not only solved my “XYZ-Dragon Cannon” and blocked the arrival of God, but also used it to further summon its own ace “Black Magician”.

Kaiba was trembling all over because of Yugi’s wave of stimulation, which made people wonder whether he would start a real-person duel in the next second.

“Hmph, hahaha! Yes, it’s just the feeling.” Kaiba suddenly laughed excitedly, his whole body trembling violently, his eyes fixed on Yugi motionlessly, and his fists clenched in front:

“I’m so excited… I’m so excited all over! Yugi, I have the same feeling every time I fight you.

Full of wisdom and spirit, this kind of duel on the verge of the limit, this kind of battle can always push me to my limit.

Your presence can make adrenaline surge through my body and make my blood boil! Hahaha! “

The president laughed like crazy, and kept uttering some sarcastic words in his mouth, which made the opposite Yugi feel a chill in his body.

Even everyone in the audience was shocked by Kaiba’s outrageous speech. If they hadn’t been watching the game at the scene, they couldn’t help but suspect that Kaiba was doing something that would have violated the rules.

But then Kaiba changed the topic and said loudly:

“But there is no need for two tyrants on the same tyrant! Yugi! I will defeat you with my own hands! Use this as a stepping stone to ascend to the throne of Duel King!!”

Looking at Kaiba’s confident and determined look, Yugi’s expression gradually became serious.

“Nani?” Jonouchi in the audience was also surprised when he heard Kaiba’s words, and then became confused.

Kaiba now only has a copy of the game’s “Giant Shield Guardian” on the field, and the god is stuck in his hand and can’t get out. However, there are “Magnet Warrior·Electromagnetic God of War” and “Black Magic” on the game field. “Master” two powerful monsters.

No matter how you look at Kaiba, he looks like he’s about to kneel down, right?

“Yi Yu, if you were a mortal, you might be helpless in the face of this situation.” Kaiba chuckled.

“Nani?” A clever man in the city almost lost control again.

“But, you are facing the strongest duelist on the surface now, me, Seto Kaiba!” Kaiba shouted.

Immediately afterwards, Kaiba drew a card from his hand and inserted it into the duel plate and shouted:

“Launch quick-attack magic, the enemy controls it!” (animated version)

A green magic card opened on Kaiba’s field, and then a white-handed game controller emerged from the card and came to Kaiba’s field.

“What? This card…” Yugi was surprised.

Could it be that Kaiba also printed a card?

Kaiba waved his arm and continued to speak:

“The effect of “Enemy Controller”, after paying 1000 life points, I can control a monster on your field by inputting the correct command!”

Kaiba looked up at the game controller in mid-air and entered the command:

“Pay 1000 health points, left, right, A, B!”

【Seto Kaiba, LP:3900→2900】

“Because of this command, I gain control of the “Magnet Warrior·Electromagnetic Valkyrie” on your field before the end of this round!” Kaiba said, pointing to the magnet monster on the game field.

As soon as Kaiba finished speaking, the game controller in mid-air pulled out a long white line and connected it to the “Magnet Warrior Electromagnetic Valkyrie” on the game field.

Then on the game controller, the commands Kaiba had just entered moved in sequence.

Affected by the effect of the “Enemy Controller”, the “Magnet Warrior Electromagnetic Valkyrie” on the game field was manipulated like a puppet on the Kaiba field.

“No, the “Magnet Warrior and Electromagnetic Valkyrie” with the highest attack power in the game was snatched away by that guy from Kaiba.” Jonouchi said anxiously.

“Since “Magnet Warrior Electromagnetic Valkyrie” is also a three-body hybrid monster like “XYZ-Dragon Cannon”, wouldn’t Kaiba be able to use it to summon the god card “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon”?” Yu Jialong’er asked.

As if he had thought of this problem, Yugi in the duel field quickly spoke:

“Kaiba, although “Magnet Warrior Electromagnetic Valkyrie” is also a fusion monster, it cannot be used as three sacrifices like your “XYZ-Dragon Cannon”.”

It seemed that such nonsense was too obvious, so the game added another reason:

“Although one monster of “Magnet Warrior·Electromagnetic God of War” cannot be used as three sacrifices.

However, it can be defused and the three magnet monsters in its graveyard can be specially summoned as sacrifices.

But it’s a pity that in your graveyard, Kaiba, you don’t have the three magnet monsters that merged into “Magnet Warrior and Electromagnetic Valkyrie”! “

Although it looks like the game is forcing nonsense, in fact, if the real card rules are followed, the game is really right.

“Wulu Sai (long-winded)!” Kaiba waved his hand impatiently, “Of course I know this kind of thing!”

Although the suspicion of talking nonsense in the game is not small, the president still expressed his acceptance.

Then he drew a card from his hand, inserted it into the duel plate and shouted:

“Then I activate quick-attack magic and dissolve it through fusion!” (animated version)

“Cancel the combination of “Magnet Warrior and Electromagnetic Valkyrie” and Special Summon those three magnet monsters on my field!” (animation effect)

“Nani!?” Yugi was shocked.

He kind of wanted to say that although “Magnet Warrior Electromagnetic Valkyrie” is a fusion of three magnet monsters, it looks very much like a fusion monster.

But in fact, it is an effect monster, the kind that can be put into the main deck, not a fusion monster.

After all, you are using “Fusion Cancellation” to cancel the fusion of “Magnet Warrior and Electromagnetic Valkyrie”! ?

But considering that he seemed to be talking nonsense just now, Yugi was embarrassed to speak out again at this time.

Under the action of the omnipotent “Fusion Release” in the animated version, the “Magnet Warrior Electromagnetic Valkyrie” that Kaiba brought to his field immediately began to dismantle, and finally turned into the three magnet monsters and appeared on Kaiba’s field.

After using “Fusion Release” to cancel the fusion of “Magnet Warrior and Electromagnetic God”, Kaiba has three more “Magnet Monsters” on the field.

[Magnet Warrior α, attack power: 1400]

[Magnet Warrior β, attack power: 1700]

[Magnet Warrior γ, attack power: 1500]

Although it was a seemingly unreasonable operation, You Yong in the audience did not feel that the president was talking nonsense.

Because in the original animation, when Yugi and Kaiba fought against the Masked Duo, Yugi also used “Fusion Release” to cancel the fusion of the “Magnet Warrior and Electromagnetic Valkyrie” that the Masked Duo was so awesome on the field.

Then, the three magnet monsters that were clearly in the game graveyard were specially summoned to the Masked Duo’s field.

Then Kaiba printed a “Soul Interlace” on the spot, offering the three magnet monsters on the Masked Duo’s field as sacrifices and directly “Obelisk’s Giant God Soldier” to make his face miserable.

Therefore, the animated version of “Fusion Release” is really versatile. It can not only release the fusion of “Sun God’s Winged Dragon” and the duelist, but also remove the fusion of monsters like “Magnet Warrior and Electromagnetic Valkyrie”.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that it is not the effect of “Fusion Release”, but the “Wings of the Sun God Dragon” and “Magnet Warrior Electromagnetic Martial God” themselves have corresponding effects.

For example, “Magnet Warrior·Electromagnetic Martial God” may be designated as an effect object by “Fusion Release”, and when designated as an effect object, the fusion will be automatically released, and the fusion materials will be specially summoned from the graveyards of both parties…

Damn, I can’t edit it anymore, so let’s leave it like this.

In short, don’t always use real card common sense to speculate on animations, just treat them as animation special effects. It is troublesome to use real card rules to standardize explanations.

“Damn it, that guy Kaiba gathered together another sacrifice to summon the gods, and he used a monster from a game.” Jonouchi in the audience couldn’t help scratching his head.

“Maybe this is the real duelist.” Peacock Dance said.

“Indeed.” You Yong on the side also nodded in agreement.

The president originally only had three cards in his hand, one was the known “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon”, and the remaining two happened to be “Fusion Release” and “Enemy Controller”.

This just solves the current predicament, and it seems to be fake. Maybe this is a high-star boss.

Of course, from the beginning to the present, the game has not given up too much, and the three major skills of Yinka God and Hu Hu have not fallen behind.

“Yugi, although it’s amazing that you’ve made it this far, you can’t stop God from coming now.” Kaiba smiled.

Yugi gritted his teeth. It was true as Kaiba said. Now he had no cards in his hand, and there wasn’t even a cover card in the backcourt. He had no energy left to stop Kaiba from summoning “Obelisk’s Titan Soldier”.

“Hmph, then I will give you permission to worship the God of Destruction now, Yugi.” Kaiba chuckled.

Immediately after the president scored three times, he raised the “Obelisk Giant Divine Weapon” high with both hands and shouted passionately:

“Present the three monsters on the field, “Magnet Warrior α”, “Magnet Warrior γ”, and “Shield Guardian Token” as sacrifices…

…come! The God of Destruction, the Giant Divine Weapon of Obelisk! ! “

This time it was really coming. As Kaiba slapped the card of “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon” heavily on the duel plate, the three designated monsters on his field turned into white and disappeared into the sky.

Black clouds quickly condensed in the sky of the Duel Tower. The sun’s rays were blocked by the clouds again, and shadows once again enveloped the people at the top of the Duel Tower.

Suddenly, a dazzling light beam flashing with a blue arc of light crashed from the sky onto the steel ground behind the seahorse, making a heavy roar.

Then a tall blue giant, like the Optimus Pillar, gradually emerged from the light. Blue lightning was beating all over his body. His scarlet eyes were staring at the game opposite, and his whole body exuded unparalleled pressure.

[Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon, attack power: 4000]

“Huh huh huh huh hahaha!!”

After going through many difficulties and dangers, he finally successfully summoned the God of Destruction “Obelisk’s Titan Weapon”. The president couldn’t help but burst into a classic three-part laugh.

Feeling the terrifying pressure of the Phantom God head-on for the first time, Yugi couldn’t help but grit his teeth and thought to himself:

“It turns out that You Yong and Malik were still under such terrible pressure during the duel… No, what is more terrible than this is the pressure from the supreme illusion god “Wings of the Sun God Dragon”?”

But You Yong was able to continue the duel without changing his face despite the pressure (I was used to it), and finally succeeded in defeating Malik.

At this moment, Yugi couldn’t help but secretly admire You Yong.

Everyone in the audience had different reactions to the arrival of the God of Destruction.

“Is this the last phantom god, the Giant Divine Weapon of Obelisk? It feels just as scary.” Yuna said to herself.

“The Phantom God actually has the power to change the color of the world?” Peacock Dance looked at the dark clouds in the sky and said in surprise.

Previously, when You Yong dueled with Lishid or Malik, it was either in the dark night or in a dark duel.

But now it was broad daylight, and it was not a dark duel, just a normal virtual projection. But when the “Obelisk Giant Divine Weapon” came, everyone’s eyes were covered by black clouds.

The range is really too large, far beyond the scope of the duel field, and it is definitely not a distance that virtual projection can affect.

In the past, due to the environmental interference caused by the dark atmosphere of the night and the dark duel itself, everyone has always been surprised by the powerful power and oppression of the Phantom God itself. Never before has it been so obvious to realize the power of the Phantom God to change the environment.

“Yi Yu, you only have “Black Magician” monster on the field, and your hand and backfield are empty.” Kaiba smiled excitedly, “But I have “Obelisk” and “Magnet Warrior β” on the field. Two monsters.”

[Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon, attack power: 4000]

[Magnet Warrior β, attack power: 1700]

[Black Magician, attack power: 2500]

【Muto Game, LP: 3000】

“You are helpless, Yugi, this time it will definitely be your death! Hahaha!” Kaiba laughed, and then announced that it had entered the battle stage.

“First of all, the “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon”, crush the “Black Magician” for me!

The attack of “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon”, Divine Fist Crushing Strike! “

[Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon, attack power: 4000]

[Black Magician, attack power: 2500]

The blue giant, whose body was as huge as a mountain, roared loudly, clenched its huge fists, and smashed towards the “Black Magician” on the game field with terrifying power.

For those who have taken leave before, they will replenish half of their allowance today, and the remaining half will be replenished during the holiday.


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Status: Completed Author:


When you travel to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, what deck should you play? You Yong said, don’t worry about the deck, just add three strong desires and three days of pressure to suppress the shock first. Nani? Jijiang's Blue Eyes White Dragon was torn apart by the president? You Yong said, let me avenge him... Well, well, he is not the president's opponent yet, and he cannot punish the president's domestic violence. Forget it, the game will go anyway. So You Yong, who chose to be a transparent person, picked up the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was torn in half by Du Chang. Then, the next day, Jijiang, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was pleasantly surprised to see that the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that had been torn in half appeared intact in his hand. You Yong, on the other hand, looked at the other system-rewarded Blue Eyes White Dragon card in the card library.


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