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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel — Chapter 174 Are You Polite?

You Yong took a look at the cards in his hand.

There are currently four cards left in his hand.

The game originally had seven cards in the hand, but three were discarded by the game using the “balance of power” effect.

And the corresponding game also uses the “balance of power” effect to draw three cards.

With this throw and draw, the game lost 6 cards in disguise, and You Yong felt like he was going to lose money.

“My combat phase is over,” You Yong announced, “but my turn is not over yet.”

Then You Yong drew a card from his hand and inserted it into the duel plate and shouted:

“Activate the magic card, Miracle Fusion! This card can remove monsters from the graveyard to fuse and summon “Elemental Hero” monsters!”

“Fusion Summoning…” Yugi’s expression became more solemn.

Because his “Fusion Prohibited Area” was destroyed by You Yong using “Black, Explosion, Break, Break, Magic, Guide” last round, so now You Yong can perform fusion summons again.

Opposite the game, You Yong continued to speak:

“The fusion condition is, Elemental Hero·Phoenix Man+Elemental Hero·Electric Man!”

With that said, two cards were withdrawn from the graveyard area of ​​the duel disk. You Yong picked up these two cards and displayed them and said:

“I sent the “Elemental Hero Electro” to the graveyard through “Angel’s Alms”, and the “Elemental Hero – Phoenix Man” that I threw into the graveyard due to your “Power Balance” and was used as “Elemental Hero Phoenix Man”. Demon King” except for Fusion Summoning!”

After sending the two cards into the excluded area of ​​the duel plate, You Yong waved his hand and shouted:

“Come out! Elemental Hero Flash Phoenix!!”

On the field, the changing “Phoenix Man” of “Electric Man” and “Demon King of the Swamp” staggered and merged into the fusion vortex. A brand new hero wearing green tight underwear and silver-white outer armor waved a pair of huge silver-white steel weapons. Wings appeared on You Yong’s field.

[Elemental Hero·Flash Phoenix Man, attack power: 2500]

This hero is the “Elemental Hero” used by Ed in the GX animation, which is the counterpart of the tenth generation classmate “Flash Flame Winged Man”.

This hero is not as offensive as “Flash Flame Winged Man”, but it has the resistance of “not being destroyed by battle”, which is more suitable for you who have finished the battle phase and need monsters to stand on the field.

That’s why You Yong chose to summon “Flash Phoenix Man” instead of “Flash Flame Winged Man” here.

Then You Yong continued:

“The effect of “Flash Phoenix Man”, for every card with “Elemental Hero” in its name in your graveyard, the attack power of this card increases by 300!”

“It actually has the effect of increasing attack power…” Yugi frowned slightly.

“Now the cards with “Elemental Hero” in the card name in my graveyard include one “Elemental Hero·Fireman” and two “Elemental Hero·Shadowmist Lady”, the total is three, so the attack of “Flash Phoenix Man” Strength increased by 900!”

As You Yong spoke, the phantoms of the cards on the field merged into the body of “Flash Phoenix Man”, causing his momentum to suddenly rise.

[Elemental Hero·Flash Phoenix, attack power: 2500→3400]

“Attack power 3400…” Yugi gritted his teeth.

Then You Yong drew another card from his hand and inserted it into the duel plate and said:

“One last card is covered and my turn is over.”

As You Yong announced the end of the round, it was now the game’s turn.

“My turn, draw a card!” Yugi quickly drew a card from the deck.

After taking a look at the drawn cards, Yugi directly inserted it into the duel plate and said:

“Activate the magic card, Pot of Desire, and draw two cards from the deck!”

I drew two cards quickly, looked at the cards in my hand, and after thinking for a while, Yugi quickly played a card in my hand:

“Launch quick-attack magic, burial from another dimension! You can return up to three monsters excepted to the graveyard!

I return the two monsters “Queen Knight” and “Chaos Warrior” in the exclusion zone to my own graveyard! “

(Excluding the “Great Shield Guardian” in the area: What about me?°(°ˊДˋ°)°)

The emerald green magic card was opened on the field. Under the effect of the magic, the cards of “Queen Knight” and “Chaos Warrior” that were originally sent to another dimension by You Yong using “Buried Sacrifice” were withdrawn from the excluded area of ​​the game duel disk. .

The game also picked up these two cards and sent them to the graveyard.

Seeing this operation, You Yong on the other side secretly became more vigilant.

The “Queen’s Knight” has returned to the graveyard, and there is a high probability that there will be a way to pull out the JQK Poker Three Musketeers in the next game.

But what’s the point? Could it be that he wanted to use the “Blow of Courage” to attack the “Flash Phoenix Man” again?

Having said that, the game doesn’t seem to know that “Flash Phoenix Man” can’t be destroyed by battle, right?

Thinking about this, You Yong was still a little excited. I really wanted to see the three swordsmen exploded on the spot after the game used the three swordsmen to attack with their lives, only to find that the “Flash Phoenix Man” had nothing wrong with his expression.

After returning “Queen Knight” and “Chaos Warrior” to the graveyard, Yugi drew two more cards from his hand and inserted them into the duel plate and said:

“First cover two cards.”

After two cover cards appeared at his feet, Yugi showed another card in his hand and shouted:

“Then activate the magic card and exchange the notes!”

A green magic card appears on the game field, which is a “note exchange” as the game says.

You Yong raised his eyebrows, and at this time activated the “note exchange”! ?

Then he took a look at the two remaining cards in his hand.

“Skyman” and “Sky Man”!

It seems that if any one of them is taken away, it will feel drained.

But there is no other way, You Yong still has to abide by the duel rules.

When Yugi walked to the center of the duel field, You Yong also came to him.

“Sa, You Yong, let me see your hand.” Yu Yu smiled.

You Yong was speechless, but still showed the cards in his hand.

“”Elemental Hero·Skyman” and “Phantom Hero·Dushanren”?” Yugi said while looking at You Yong’s hand.

After thinking for a moment, Yugi reached out and took the “Sky Man” from You Yong’s hand.

This is a very simple multiple-choice question. According to the game, “Sky Man” only has 4 stars, but it has 1800 attack points and powerful effects.

On the other hand, “Du Shan Ren”, as a 5-star superior monster, only has 1,600 attack points, and its effect is not yet clear.

After choosing the cards, Yugi handed the only card in his hand to You Yong and said with a smile:

“You Yong, this is the card in my hand in exchange. You can take it.”

That’s a green magic card.

Since there was only one card in the game, You Yong had no choice but to take that card.

After exchanging cards, both sides turned around and began to return to their dueling positions.

During this process, You Yong carefully read the hand card given by the game.

Necromancy, the usual magic card.


① Special summon four random monsters from the opponent’s graveyard to the opponent’s field in defense position.

② Each time a monster specially summoned by the effect of this card is destroyed, the remaining monsters on the opponent’s field will have their attack power reduced by 600.

You Yong: “…”

Specially summon four monsters for your opponent! ?

What kind of card is this that has no meaning? ? What do I need it for? !

Trading “Brother Sky” for this card is a huge loss!

However, after returning to his position, You Yong calmed down a little, thinking about what the game meant by using “note exchange” to exchange this card for himself.

If you want to use this card yourself, it is really a daydream and a wrong calculation.

You Yong said that even if I lose this card in my hand, I will never use this card!

While You Yong was thinking in his mind, Yugi returned to his station and immediately waved his hand and said loudly:

“Next, open the cover card. The magic card is “in your hand” and activate!” (Animation card)

A covered card on the game field was opened, revealing the green card surface. The picture on the card showed a big hand holding five cards.

“The effect of this card is that I announce the name of a magic card, and if the opponent has that card in his hand, he is forced to activate it!” Yugi explained.

Then he looked at You Yong and smiled:

“You Yong, you must have guessed it. Yes, the magic card I want to declare is the “Necromancer” that was just delivered to you! So you must use that card immediately!”

You Yong: “…”

You just took away my invincible “Sky Brother” and gave me a card with unknown meaning. Now you are forcing me to activate it? Are you polite?

“Okay, You Yong, start it quickly.” Yu Yu urged.

You Yong resisted the urge to summon his fist in direct attack mode, inserted the “Necromancer” mentioned in the game into the duel disk and activated it.

Upon seeing this, Yugi immediately spoke:

“Necromancer, this card will randomly special summon four monsters from the opponent’s graveyard to the opponent’s field in defense position.

You are dealing this card now, so according to the effect of “Necromancer”, four monsters will be randomly revived from my graveyard. “

Under the magical effect of “Necromancer”, cards are withdrawn from the game’s duel disk one after another.

“Let me see which monsters have been resurrected.” Yugi smiled, picked up the cards and began to slap them horizontally on the monster area of ​​the duel plate one by one.

“First comes the “Queen’s Knight”… then the “Chaos Warrior”… and then the “Obelisk’s Titan Soldier”!!!”

Dark clouds gathered in the sky again, and the tall blue figure of the “God of Destruction” appeared behind Yugi again, his scarlet eyes staring at You Yong opposite with a strong sense of oppression.

“It turned out to be the “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon”!?” Honda in the audience was surprised at first, and then said in surprise, “Great, the game has resurrected its own phantom god.”

The other friends had similar expressions of surprise, but Yuna’s face was full of worry.

Is there really nothing wrong with You Yong?

On the duel field, after resurrecting “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon”, the game slapped the last monster card on the duel disk and said:

“The last one is…King Knight!”

You Yong was stunned, when did the “King’s Knight” end up in the game cemetery?

However, You Yong quickly reacted and remembered that the last round of the game used the effect of “Holy Life Shield” to discard a card from his hand… It should have been sent in at that time.

Is the powerful starfish head so terrifying? ! You Yong couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air, contributing her own part to global warming.

After the “King’s Knight” wearing orange and gold armor appeared on his field, Yugi waved and shouted:

“The effect of “King Knight” is activated, this card is Special Summoned successfully, and if there is “Queen Knight” on the field, “Guard Knight” can be Special Summoned from the deck!” (animation effect)

Yugi pulled out the deck, dug out a card and slapped it on the monster area of ​​the duel plate:

“Special summon in attack position, Guard Knight!”

A white stream of light swept by, and a “Guard Knight” wearing blue armor appeared on the game field.

[Guard Knight, attack power: 1900]

You Yong was not surprised that the game used the effect of the “King Knight” to be specially summoned from the graveyard to summon the “Guard Knight”.

Because in the original animation, the game and the president’s battle, the game uses the effect of “Soul Link” to specially summon the “King Knight”.

Then he used the special summoned “King’s Knight” effect to summon “Guard Knight”, and collected the three sacrifices needed to summon “Osiris Sky Dragon”.

It can be seen that the animated version of “King Knight” can activate effects even when specially summoned, which is much stronger than the real card version.

At this time, on the game side, after specially recruiting “Guard Knights”, the venue was already packed to the brim.

[Queen’s Knight, defense: 1600]

[King’s Knight, defense: 1400]

[Guard Knight, attack power: 1900]

[Chaos warrior, defense: 2500]

[Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon, defense power: 4000]

Everyone in the audience also noticed some different situations.

“Well, most of the monsters on the game field, including “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Soldier”, seem to be in defense position.” Jonouchi scratched his head and said, “Only one monster, “Guard Knight”, is in attack position. …”

Peacock Dance on the side also frowned:

“But the attack power of the “Guard Knight” is not enough to defeat the “Flash Phoenix Man” on the Yongchang Field.”

Yuna also discovered this problem and focused on the “Guard Knight” on the game field to confirm that it was really an attack.

After confirming it several times, Yuna felt happy.

The attack power of “Guard Knight” is only 1900, while the attack power of “Flash Phoenix Man” on the Yongchang Field is 3400, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

And there are only 2,000 health points left in the game!

If You Yong seizes the opportunity next turn, he might be able to use the “Guard Knight” as a breakthrough point to win the duel without having to defeat other monsters.

While everyone was having various thoughts, Kaiba remained silent and stared at the duel field with burning eyes.

Unlike others, as the former owner of the “Obelisk’s Titan Weapon”, Kaiba knew very well what terrible effects this “God of Destruction” concealed.

It is an absolutely invincible terrifying ability that can instantly obliterate everything, completely destroy the opponent with one blow!

Moreover, the conditions for the effect to be activated are now met on the game field!


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Status: Completed Author:


When you travel to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, what deck should you play? You Yong said, don’t worry about the deck, just add three strong desires and three days of pressure to suppress the shock first. Nani? Jijiang's Blue Eyes White Dragon was torn apart by the president? You Yong said, let me avenge him... Well, well, he is not the president's opponent yet, and he cannot punish the president's domestic violence. Forget it, the game will go anyway. So You Yong, who chose to be a transparent person, picked up the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was torn in half by Du Chang. Then, the next day, Jijiang, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was pleasantly surprised to see that the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that had been torn in half appeared intact in his hand. You Yong, on the other hand, looked at the other system-rewarded Blue Eyes White Dragon card in the card library.


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