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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel — Chapter 181 The King’s Privileges

Sitting in Yuna’s private car, You Yong turned on the system and began to review the gains from the battle with Yugi.

Although the title of Duel King sounds very bluffing, for You Yong, the rewards from the system are more substantial.

The first thing to bear the brunt was naturally the reward for winning the duel with Yugi, which was a total of 6.66 million crystal stones, beating all the other opponents that You Yong had dueled with so far.

The next training cost of “Wandering Magister” is 500 source energy, which is approximately equivalent to five million crystal stones.

Originally, You Yong was a little worried about this number of crystals, but he didn’t expect that the game would be delivered directly in this wave.

Then there is the special mission reward for defeating Yami Yugi, which rewards a purple-robed version of “Black Magician”…

Um, how should I say it? I feel like this reward is a bit shabby.

Well, in fact, this reward is good in nature, but Pandora’s deck gift package allows You Yong’s “Black Magician” to be fully populated, so now this reward seems a bit useless.

After receiving the “Black Magician” and sending it to the system card library, You Yong turned his attention to the next reward.

That’s the hidden achievement reward for defeating Yami Yugi! Based on past experience, this kind of reward is often very powerful.

You Yong held it in his hands excitedly, and then clicked on the reward with… his thoughts.

First of all, the system politely rewarded you with 666 points of energy, allowing You Yong’s assets to exceed tens of millions for the first time.

Although he has not yet reached a small goal, You Yong said that he is quite satisfied.

In addition to source energy, this hidden achievement also rewards a random skill, which surprised You Yong a little.

After all, this is also the first time that skill rewards are revealed in the hidden achievements of defeating the original animated characters, and they are still random.

Is the game special? Or are others not good enough?

Although he didn’t know the reason, You Yong still mastered this skill first.

What is the skill that makes me Kangkang?

After a burst of golden light appeared on the system interface… You Yong saw the skill that came with it.

The name of this skill is… wait, King’s Seal Card! ?

The skill name that appeared after receiving it gave You Yong a shock.

Isn’t this skill name a sneak peek at someone’s card-printing behavior?

(Dark Game: I feel offended.)

After complaining in his mind, You Yong carefully checked the specific content of this skill. After all, it was not simple when he heard the name.

King’s Seal Card: Only once in a duel, it can be activated when the health value is less than 1000 or the hand card is 0. As an alternative to the usual card drawing, add a card you own from the deck or outside the deck to the hand. . (Note: When you feel the situation is critical, you can activate this skill regardless of the activation conditions.)

You Yong: “…”

What the hell is that note at the back? Are you still practicing idealism?

And you can still draw cards that are not in the deck? Isn’t this a printed card? Uh… this skill seems to be called “King’s Seal Card”.

How should I put it, this skill is good, but it always has a weird feeling, a dark game style…

Ahem, but since it is a skill given by the hidden achievement of defeating Yami Yugi, it seems that there is nothing strange about Yami Yugi’s style.

No matter what you say, it can’t change the fact that this is a top-notch skill, especially the note at the end is amazing, giving off the aura of a true duelist.

After getting satisfactory results from the hidden achievement of defeating An Yuxi, You Yong clicked on the next reward.

That is the hidden achievement of defeating the “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon” in a duel and winning the duel.

The result was naturally and unsurprisingly, You Yong was rewarded with a real card version of “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon”.

At this point, You Yong has finally assembled the real card version of the Three Illusion Gods.

If you want to cultivate them, there are three top gold-swallowing beasts.

But thinking that these were the Three Illusion Gods that belonged to him alone, You Yong was instantly filled with energy.

Mere resources, liver is ruined!

Isn’t it also for the sake of better liver health that I prioritize improving my physical fitness?

But after You Yong received the real-card version of “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon”, she discovered that there was another reward underneath the system prompt.

Huh? besides? You Yong thought there were only four rewards: “Duel Victory Reward” for defeating Yami Yugi, “Special Reward”, “Hidden Achievement” and “Hidden Achievement” for defeating “Obelisk’s Titan Weapon”.

Without hesitation, You Yong clicked on the fifth reward.

[Hidden Achievement: Duel King, meet the requirements: achieve the final victory in Duel City and obtain the title of Duel King. Reward: 1,000 points of source energy, all the next training costs for the divine attribute monster card you own are free, and the skill “Name of the King”. 】

You Yong was silent for a moment. He didn’t expect that becoming a duel king would have such benefits. He was the one who was abrupt before.

After a small confession in his heart, You Yong immediately prepared to receive the reward.

But suddenly, You Yong thought of something and stopped again.

He first adjusted the system interface to “Soul Card Cultivation”, and then put the card of “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon” on it…

[This training cost: 0 (original 1000 source energy)]

You Yong: “…”

Yes, the little calculation failed.

Originally, he was thinking about not receiving the reward, but using source energy to cultivate a wave of God cards, and then use the system’s free opportunities when it becomes more expensive next time.

It seems that the system is not going to give itself the opportunity to have this stuck bug.

Exiting the “Soul Card Training” interface, You Yong received the hidden achievement of “Duel King”. One thousand sources were available, and the skill “Name of the King” was also obtained.

You Yong clicked on the “Name of the King” skill.

The name of the king (incomplete).

Passive: You will not be punished by God when using the Phantom God Card in a duel.

Active: There is only one time in a duel. When the health value is less than 1000, instead of drawing a normal card, add a divine monster card from the deck or outside the deck to the hand.

Uh, why is it still an incomplete skill? You Yong noticed the mark in the brackets of the skill name and was speechless.

Forget it’s incomplete, at least tell me how to complete it!

Looking at this “King’s Name” skill, You Yong gradually fell into thinking.

The current passive of this “King’s Name” allows you to pilot the Three Fantasy Gods.

Although You Yong feels that even if he does not have this skill now, he should be able to control the two illusory gods “Sky Dragon of Osiris” and “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon”, but after all, there is no way to control it. If he has this skill, he will be able to control it. Much more stable.

And active skills can retrieve divine cards? It feels like it’s not as useful as An Yugi’s “King’s Seal Card”, after all, they don’t limit the number of divine cards.

Uh, wait…

You Yong suddenly noticed a detail. “King’s Seal Card” seemed to mean “a card you own outside the deck”, while “King’s Name” seemed to just say “you can add a divine card from outside the deck.” “Hand card”… Uh, could it be a floor printing card?

But no matter what, this involved the Three Illusion Gods after all. You Yong couldn’t help but start to wonder whether this “name of the king” was the “name of the Duel King” or the “name of the Pharaoh King”.

Or maybe both? Because now I am only the “Duel King”, so this skill is incomplete?

The way to complete it…well, shouldn’t it be to defeat the Great Evil God Zoke yourself?

As for the possibility of becoming a “Pharaoh”, You Yong said that he would not consider it. After all, ancient Egypt in the era of the Pharaohs had long since died, and now is the era of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

In this case, after thinking about it, it seems that the way to complete it is more likely to be in the hidden mission of destroying Zouk.

Isn’t the difficulty too high? Although his current strength is “fair”, he may not be able to defeat the Great Evil God himself with one hand.

And the most important thing is that I don’t know if the evil god will play cards with me. If ten of me fight Pokémon together, it won’t be enough.

In short, no matter what, it should be related to the “Memory of the King” chapter. Let’s see what happens when the time comes.

If you have a chance, just fight for it. If you don’t have a chance, forget it. Anyway, you don’t lack this skill. It doesn’t mean that you have to fight the evil god.

After making up his mind, You Yong closed the skill interface and came to the “Soul Card Training” interface.

I won’t worry too much about the “Name of the King”, let’s strengthen my three phantom gods first. This is a real improvement.

It is said that the target of the enhancement this time is the God card. Unlike the Naia chapter, other cards can also be used.

Maybe it’s because the Duel City chapter revolves around three God Cards.

Thinking about it, You Yong first put up the “Sky Dragon of Osiris” that had been strengthened once.

The system also immediately popped up a prompt:

[This enhancement cost: 0 (original 5000 source energy)]

There are two options below: “Yes” and “No”.

You Yong clicked “Yes” without hesitation.

The “Soul Card Training” interface suddenly burst out with a dazzling red light, covering the entire “Sky Dragon of Osiris” card.

Soon after, the red light gradually dissipated, and the “Sky Dragon of Osiris” card reappeared in You Yong’s eyes.

Upon seeing this, You Yong clicked on the detailed information of the “Sky Dragon of Osiris” card and began to check it.

Well, as expected, there is no change in the effect text. It is still the same as last time. After all, except that there is no substitute death effect, the previous effect text is no different from the real God Card.

This enhancement has caused some changes in the rule text.

Rule text:

When this card is Normal Summoned, 3 Liberated cards must be summoned, and the summons of this card will not be invalidated.

The control of this card on the field cannot be changed.

This card on the field is not affected by the effects of trap cards, cannot be destroyed by magic or the effects of the opponent’s monsters other than those with ten stars or above, and will not be the target of the opponent’s monster effects except those with ten stars or above.

After this enhancement, compared to before, there is an additional rule text that states “the control of this card on the field cannot be changed”.

In addition, full magic damage resistance and partial monster effect resistance are obtained.

In general, the training and strengthening this time is still possible. In the future, you don’t have to worry about the opponent suddenly taking out a “Black Hole” and directly knocking down the “Sky Dragon”.

After putting away the “Sky Dragon of Osiris”, You Yong put the “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon” in and started the first training and strengthening.

After a burst of blue light, You Yong clicked on the card details of “Obelisk’s Titan Weapon”.

Name:Obelisk’s Titan Weapon


Attribute: God

Race: Phantom Beast Tribe

Attack power:4000

Defense: 4000

Rule text:

When this card is Normal Summoned, 3 Liberated cards must be summoned, and the summons of this card will not be invalidated.

This card on the field is not affected by trap card effects, and will not be the target of magic or monster effects.

Effect text:

① It can only be activated by liberating two monsters on your field as sacrifices. It destroys all monsters on the opponent’s field and inflicts 4000 points of effect damage to the opponent. The turn this effect is activated, this card cannot attack.

②When this card is Special Summoned, it is activated at the end of the phase. Send this card to the graveyard.

The rule text for this enhancement of “Obelisk’s Titan Weapon” is the same as the last enhancement of “Osiris’ Sky Dragon”.

In terms of effect text, the core ability of being the “God of Destruction” has also been strengthened. From the original monster that can only destroy the opponent’s monster to the current one that can destroy the monster while also inflicting effect damage on the opponent.

After carefully viewing the effects of “Obelisk’s Giant Divine Weapon”, You Yong further strengthened the training of the last “Wings of the Sun God”.

After the screen was filled with golden light, the strengthening of “Wings of the Sun God Dragon” was completed.

You Yong clicked on its detailed information and checked it.

Name:Wings of the Sun God Dragon


Attribute: God

Race: Phantom Beast Tribe

Attack power:?


Rule text:

When this card is Normal Summoned, 3 Liberated cards must be summoned, and the summons of this card will not be invalidated.

This card on the field cannot be released by the opponent.

This card on the field is not affected by trap card effects, and will not be the target of magic or monster effects.

Effect text:

① If this card is successfully advanced summoned, its original attack power and defense power become the total original attack power and defense power of the monster released by the advance summoning.

②: When this card is successfully summoned, you can only activate it by paying the life points until it reaches 100 points. This card’s attack power and defense power increase by the amount paid.

③ Pay 1000 health points and target 1 monster on the field to activate. That monster destroys.

④When this card is Special Summoned, it is activated at the end of the phase. Send this card to the graveyard.

After checking the detailed information of the enhanced “Wings of the Sun God Dragon”, You Yong nodded with satisfaction.

This wave of enhancements can be said to have reborn the real card version of “Winged Dragon” and reborn from the ashes.

After becoming a real card in the previous life, the one that suffered the most damage was the “Wings of the Sun God Dragon”.

In the animation, he often jumps repeatedly in the cemetery and on the field, and is invincible vertically and horizontally. The “Wings of the Sun God Dragon”, which was nicknamed “Corpse Bird”, can no longer be specially summoned after being turned into a real card.

That’s okay, but is it too much to cut off even the standard basic ability to absorb the attack and defense of sacrifices?

Originally, after restricting special summons, you can only summon sacrifices, but you tell me that after gathering three sacrifices, you can only summon a god with 0 attack?

If you want to gain attack power, do you have to pay your own health points? Even after paying the life points, you can’t even use the card explosion effect, just a blank slate.

Can this thing even be called a god? Their “Sky Dragon” and “Giant Divine Weapon” are just low cost-effective, which is too much. They exchange four for one “Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon” and they can show off their bonded souls.

But fortunately, my “Wings of the Sun God Dragon” has become completely different after being strengthened. It truly looks like a god, and the effect is completely worthy of the price of using three monsters as sacrifices.


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Status: Completed Author:


When you travel to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, what deck should you play? You Yong said, don’t worry about the deck, just add three strong desires and three days of pressure to suppress the shock first. Nani? Jijiang's Blue Eyes White Dragon was torn apart by the president? You Yong said, let me avenge him... Well, well, he is not the president's opponent yet, and he cannot punish the president's domestic violence. Forget it, the game will go anyway. So You Yong, who chose to be a transparent person, picked up the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was torn in half by Du Chang. Then, the next day, Jijiang, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was pleasantly surprised to see that the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that had been torn in half appeared intact in his hand. You Yong, on the other hand, looked at the other system-rewarded Blue Eyes White Dragon card in the card library.


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