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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel — Chapter 182 Meeting the Parents

After strengthening all three of his phantoms for free, You Yong was ready to strengthen and cultivate his soul card “You Mage”.

Although there were no free times, the system rewarded so much source energy and crystals, which was definitely more than enough to complete the second strengthening of “You Mage”.

Add the card of “You Mage” to “Soul Card Cultivation”. At the moment when the system prompt popped up, You Yong did not hesitate to click the “Yes” option, consuming 500 source energy to strengthen the cultivation of “You Mage”.

After a burst of golden light, the card of “You Mage” reappeared in front of You Yong.

You Yong was about to click on the card information to check, but suddenly felt his left shoulder sink slightly.


You Yong subconsciously turned his head and saw that it was Yuna leaning on his shoulder, breathing shallowly, and seemed to have fallen asleep.

Yuna, she fell asleep? You Yong was slightly stunned.

You Yong was a little surprised at first, but soon understood it. After all, too many things happened during this period of time.

Last night, Jonouchi was burned to death by the “Winged Dragon of the Sun God”, and this morning he experienced the crisis of the virtual world of Noa. (Although it was not a big deal in Yu Yong’s opinion.)

And then he had a dark duel with An Malik, which inevitably made Yuna a little worried.

If it weren’t for his strong physique and the stimulation of the system reward, he might have felt very tired.

But what Yu Yong didn’t know was that Yuna fell asleep partly because he had been accepting the system reward since he got on the car and hadn’t talked to Yuna.

Yu Na saw Yu Yong so focused and thought he was recalling today’s duel and summarizing his experience, so he didn’t want to disturb him.

In addition, he was already mentally exhausted, and he fell asleep unconsciously after a while of relaxation.

After thinking about it, Yu Yong felt that it didn’t seem appropriate for a girl like Yuna to sleep on his shoulder.

Although he didn’t care, if the driver in front saw it, it would inevitably cause some unnecessary misunderstandings.

So Yu Yong carefully straightened Yuna’s body and let her sleep against the back seat.

Seeing that his behavior did not wake up Yuna, You Yong nodded slightly.

As expected of me

Then You Yong took off his coat and carefully put it on Yuna to prevent her from catching a cold.

After doing all this, You Yong couldn’t help but look at Yuna’s sleeping profile again, and smiled slightly before retracting his gaze.

Let me see how “Master You” has developed.

But at this time, the car suddenly bumped slightly, and Yuna, who had been straightened by You Yong, slipped and leaned on You Yong’s shoulder again.

Before You Yong could react, the driver in front whispered:

“Sorry, Mr. You Yong, the car shook just now.”

“Huh? Miss Yuna fell asleep? Then I’m sorry to trouble you, Mr. You Yong, don’t move around, so as not to wake Miss Yuna up.” The driver looked at the rearview mirror inside the car, as if he had just discovered that Yuna had fallen asleep.

You Yong frowned slightly, then relaxed, and gave up the idea of ​​straightening Yuna again.

The driver told me not to move, not that I had any random thoughts.

After calming down and skipping this episode, You Yong clicked on the card details of “You Mage”.

Name: You Mage

Level: 8

Attribute: Water

Race: Magician



Rule text:

This card can only be Special Summoned by its own effect, cannot be released, cannot be used as any form of material, and the control of this card on the field can only belong to the original holder.

Effect text:

① Pay half of the life value, this card can be reduced to 1 star and Special Summoned from the hand.

② As long as this card exists in the Monster Zone, each time a Magic Card is activated, the level of this card increases by 1 star.

③ The original attack power and defense power of this card become the level of this card Ⅹ400.

④ All of the following effects can also be activated during the opponent’s turn when this card is Advanced Summoned.

● Once per turn, you can activate to destroy a card on the field, and then the level of this card decreases by 1 star.

●Once per turn, you can activate it. Choose a card on your field. That card will not be destroyed by effects until the end of the turn. After that, the level of this card will be reduced by 1 star.

●Once per turn, you have to pay half of your life points to activate it. You draw a card from your deck. After that, the level of this card will be reduced by 1 star.

After seeing the effect of “You Mage” after strengthening, You Yong nodded with satisfaction.

Compared with before strengthening, there is an additional effect of drawing cards after strengthening, but it requires the “expensive” price of half of the life points, the same price as the old man, and if the subsequent card is successfully drawn, it will also need to be reduced by 1 star.

Paying such a “high” price for a chance to draw a card must be very reasonable and in line with the principle of equivalent exchange.

After seeing the effect, You Yong put the card of “You Mage” back into the deck, and officially announced the end of this acceptance result.

After doing all this, You Yong suddenly became idle.

Turning his head to look at Yuna who was sleeping, You Yong blinked.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen Yuna sleeping. I was so anxious to see the effect of “Wandering Mage” that I didn’t pay much attention.

She looks a little cute now. I want to touch her… ah, no, what am I thinking!

You Yong suddenly woke up and quickly turned his head away.

My will as a duelist is indestructible, how can I have some unreasonable thoughts.

The car was driving on the road, and the buildings on both sides kept passing behind. In You Yong’s complicated thoughts, the car finally began to slow down and stopped in front of a villa.

Got home? You Yong came back to her senses and glanced outside through the car window.

This is where? Are there any places like this near my rental?

When You Yong was confused, the driver in front of the car said:

“Mr. You Yong, we have arrived at Miss Yuna’s residence.”

You Yong was slightly startled, why did he come to Yuna’s house?

At this time, the door suddenly opened slowly, and the driver drove the car in. At the same time, he did not forget to say to You Yong:

“My master, Miss Younai’s father, said that if you have nothing urgent to do, Mr. Youyong, he hopes to have the honor of inviting you as a guest.

Of course, if it is inconvenient for you, Mr. You Yong, I will send you back to your residence after sending Miss You Nai to you. “

The driver’s words made You Yong understand the current situation.

He asked why he suddenly arrived at Yuna’s house. It turned out to be Yuna’s father who invited him.

In this case, You Yong immediately agreed:

“No problem, there’s nothing I can do at the moment anyway.”

Saying that, You Yong gently shook Yuna on her shoulder.

“Yuna, Yuuna, it’s time to get up, we’re home.”

As You Yong swayed, You Nai opened her eyes slightly and said vaguely: “Are you… home?”

Yuuna was about to raise her hand to rub her eyes, but she lifted up a black coat with her arm.

“This…is this?” Yuna looked confused at the black coat covering her body.

“Oh, those are my clothes.” You Yong said, taking back the coat and smiling, “Because I was worried that you would catch a cold while sleeping, Yuna, so I covered you without permission. Don’t mind.”

“Ah?” You Yong’s words made Yuna sober up immediately, and she quickly said, “You Yong, don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind at all, thank you for your concern. By the way, now that you are at my house, You Would you like to come in and take a look?”

Although she was a little confused as to why she returned home first, Yuna immediately invited You Yong.

“Okay, Yuna.” You Yong nodded and smiled. Anyway, she just accepted her father’s invitation.

Soon You Yong and Yuna got out of the car.

You Yong glanced around. There were lawns, fountains, and several buildings in the wide field of vision… It felt like a small enclosed park, and he didn’t know how much it would cost.

“Come this way, You Yong, I’ll take you in and have a look. There’s also a duel venue inside.” Yuna said with a smile.

You Yongxin said that I don’t really want to go to the duel venue right now. To be honest, I’m a little hungry.

But when You Yong was still hesitant to suggest having dinner first, Yuna enthusiastically pulled You Yong into one of the buildings.

When they came inside, the first thing they saw was a conspicuous dueling platform with three-dimensional projection, and… a burly man with his hands behind his back and his back to them.

“Sure enough, I knew a duelist like you would get here first. I have been waiting for you for a long time, the duelist king You Yong!”

The man spoke calmly, then turned around slowly and saw You Yong and Yuna at the door… holding hands together!

Asano Hiroshi’s face froze slightly, but soon returned to normal.

“Dad…” Yuna was stunned for a moment, then let go of You Yong’s hand without leaving a trace, and said with an awkward smile, “Dad, are you here too? What a coincidence.”

“Unfortunately, as I said just now, I waited here on purpose, Yuna.” Asano Hiro said while maintaining a smile.

Then he looked at You Yong and smiled:

“It’s the second time we meet. My name is Asano Hiro, and I’m Yuna’s father. It’s an honor to meet you, Duel King Youyong.”

You Yong was slightly stunned, but he immediately responded and answered:

“Yuna is my best friend, and I am very happy to see you, uncle, today.”

Although the two had known each other since the national competition, Yuna did not know about this. Yuna in the audience thought that they had only met in the duel and did not know each other.

Therefore, the play still needs to be performed a little bit.

After saying hello to You Yong, Asano Hiroshi looked at Yuna and smiled:

“Yunai, since I took the initiative to invite your friends to your home, can you let me take up some of your private time?”

Yuna frowned slightly and immediately retorted: “What do you mean, dad, you invited me? I obviously invited you, okay?”

Asano Hiroshi was slightly stunned. Could it be that Yuna had already invited You Yong before he invited him?

You actually took the initiative to bring your boyfriend home to meet your parents. You have grown up so much, Yuna.

You Yong pulled Yuna, coughed and said with a smile:

“Yunai, actually, when you fell asleep in the car, your uncle invited me over.”

“Is that so?” Yuna asked suspiciously, but after thinking about it, she felt that it should be true.

Otherwise, as usual, the driver would take You Yong home first, and his father would not say that he invited You Yong for no reason.

After realizing that she seemed to have misunderstood, Yuna stuck out her tongue in embarrassment and said with a smile: “I’m sorry, dad, it was Yuna who was wrong.”

Asano Hiro was in a good mood instantly and smiled casually: “It’s okay, Yuna.”

Then he continued: “Then Dad wants to ask your friend for a favor. You should be okay with it, Yuna, right?”

“That won’t work.” Yuna instantly dismissed, “It depends on what You Yong means.”

“Ahem… Yuna, as long as you don’t object.” Asano Hiro smiled, then looked at You Yong and said seriously, “You Yong, I don’t know if I am lucky enough to have another duel with you.”

What, it turned out to be just a duel. Yuna breathed a sigh of relief, she thought her father was going to embarrass You Yong.

In a duel, Dad would definitely not be You Yong’s opponent.

And You Yong immediately agreed:

“No problem, uncle. If there is a duel, I will accompany you at any time!”

Yuuna’s father is also a rare high-quality duelist. Yuei will naturally not refuse such a duel. After all, he still wants to continue to earn crystal stones.

Seeing You Yong readily agreeing, Asano Hiro smiled and asked:

“So Yuyong, do you want to duel on the duel table inside? Or do you want to use the new duel disk released by Kaiba Group outdoors?”

You Yong thought for a while and replied: “Just here, uncle.”

“Okay.” Asano Hiro nodded.

Afterwards, Yu Yong and Asano Hiro each left the duel stage, while Yuna was in the audience ready to watch their duel.

Arriving at the duel stage, Asano Hiroshi looked at You Yong opposite and said with a smile:

“The duel should still be based on the latest Duel City rules promulgated by the Kaiba Group.”

“Okay, no problem.” You Yong nodded.

If you use the duel city rules, you can become more accustomed to fighting.

Both sides put their decks on the duel table and quickly got ready for the duel.

“Duel!” X2

【You Yong, LP: 4000】

【Hiro Asano, LP: 4000】

“I’m sorry, the first strike is mine.” Asano Hiro smiled and then drew a card from the deck.

After taking a look at the cards in his hand, Asano Hiroshi drew one of them, hit it on the monster area of ​​the duel platform and said:

“Summon the “Black Dragon’s Hatchling” and assume a defensive position!”

Asano Hiroshi finished speaking, and a bright red dragon egg appeared on his field. The eggshell above gradually cracked, and a black baby dragon poked its head out of the egg, spitting out a small ball of dark red sparks.

[Child of the Black Dragon, defense power: 500]

You Yong frowned slightly. Is this the matching card of “Red Eyes Black Dragon”? Did this happen during the DM period? Shouldn’t it?

After summoning the “Black Dragon’s Young”, Asano Hiro looked at You Yong and smiled lightly:

“You Yong, don’t be careless. I will use my full strength this time. It is different from last time. I am now fighting this duel as the challenger of the Duel King, so I will not show any mercy.”

I suddenly had to attend evening classes today and almost didn’t finish writing.


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Status: Completed Author:


When you travel to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, what deck should you play? You Yong said, don’t worry about the deck, just add three strong desires and three days of pressure to suppress the shock first. Nani? Jijiang's Blue Eyes White Dragon was torn apart by the president? You Yong said, let me avenge him... Well, well, he is not the president's opponent yet, and he cannot punish the president's domestic violence. Forget it, the game will go anyway. So You Yong, who chose to be a transparent person, picked up the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was torn in half by Du Chang. Then, the next day, Jijiang, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was pleasantly surprised to see that the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that had been torn in half appeared intact in his hand. You Yong, on the other hand, looked at the other system-rewarded Blue Eyes White Dragon card in the card library.


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