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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel — Chapter 184 Red Eyes Killing

“Then my round ends like this.” You Yong smiled, “Uncle, it’s your turn.”

“Then it’s my turn, draw a card!” Hiroshi Asano drew a card from the deck.

After looking at the drawn card, Asano Hiroshi directly patted the magic trap area and said:

“Activate the magic card, Pot of Desire! Draw two cards from the deck!”

He drew two more cards from the deck and added them to his hand, then Asano Hiroshi waved his hand and said:

“Then open Gaifuka and activate the true red-eyed soul!”

“This card can Special Summon 1 “Red-Eyes” monster in your graveyard! Come to my field again, Red-Eyes Black Dragon!”

The black dragon’s soul emerged on the field, and then under the effect of the trap, it gradually condensed into a physical entity and was completely resurrected from the cemetery.

[True red-eyed black dragon, attack power: 2400]

“But because uncle, you have a monster on the field, the attack power of “Light Fang” has increased again.” You Yong said with a faint smile.

[Masked Hero·Light Fang, attack power: 2500→3000]

“What a troublesome hero.” Asano Hiro smiled, then drew a card from his hand and slapped it on the magic trap area, “Then I activate the magic card, Black Flame Bullet!”

“Huh? Black flame bullet?” You Yong suddenly became interested.

There were “Child of the Black Dragon” and “Soul of the True Red Eyes” in the front, and now there is a “Black Flame Bullet”. It seems that Yuna’s father has a lot of supporting cards for the “Red-Eyed Black Dragon”.

“This card can only be activated when there is a “Red-Eyes Black Dragon” on your field. It will give the opponent’s “Red-Eyes Black Dragon” its original attack power value, which is 2400 points of damage!” Asano Hiro explained with a smile.

Yuna’s pupils in the audience dilated, with a look of surprise on her face:

“You can actually give 2400 points of damage to You Yong!?”

When I was dueling with my father, I never saw him using this card. Could it be a new card collected in the past few days?

“Go! True red-eyed black dragon, black flame bullet!” Asano Hiroshi waved his hand.

The black dragon opened its mouth, dark red flames brewing in its mouth, and then spewed out a blazing dark red fireball towards You Yong.

The black flame bullet bypassed the monsters on You Yong’s field and landed directly on You Yong, taking away a large amount of You Yong’s health in one breath.

【You Yong, LP: 4000→1600】

Although more than half of his health was reduced, because this was just an ordinary duel and his physique was strong enough, You Yong did not suffer any real damage.

“It’s amazing, uncle, you reversed the life value in one go.” You Yong looked up at Asano Hiro and said with a smile.

Although You Yong doesn’t care about this and doesn’t know what the use of life reversal is, it is definitely right to praise him first.

As expected, Asano Hiro smiled even brighter after being praised by You Yong, and then said with a smile:

“Thank you, Yu Yong. Such a powerful effect comes at a price. During the turn this card is activated, the “Red-Eyes Black Dragon” on my field cannot attack.”

Then he changed the subject and said:

“However, I didn’t originally intend to let the “Red-Eyed Black Dragon” attack.”

Immediately afterwards, Asano Hiroshi drew a card from his hand and showed it:

“Red-Eyes Dark Dragon, this card can only be specially summoned when you release 1 “Red-Eyes Black Dragon” on your field.”

You even have the “True Red Eyes” vest? You Yong was slightly surprised.

“I release the “Red-Eyes Black Dragon” on the field and special summon the “Red-Eyes Dark Dragon” in my hand!” Asano Hiro shouted.

The “True Red-Eyed Black Dragon” on the field let out a high-pitched roar, and the blazing flames enveloped the dragon’s body.

The flames dissipated, and a flying dragon with a dark red body and lava lines on its body and wings appeared on Asano Hiroshi’s field, making a loud roar.

[True red-eyed dark dragon, attack power: 2400]

“The effect of “Red-Eyes Dark Dragon”, for every dragon-type monster in your graveyard, the attack power of this card increases by 300.” Hiro Asano waved his hand.

“Now there are two dragon-type monsters in my graveyard, “Black Dragon’s Hatch” and “Red-Eyes Dark Dragon”, so the attack power of “Red-Eyes Dark Dragon” has increased by 600 points!”

As if in response to Asano Hiroshi’s words, the “True Red-Eyed Dark Dragon” on the field roared again, and his aura also lifted a bit.

[True red-eyed dark dragon, attack power: 2400→3000]

“Attack power 3000…It’s the same as Yu Yong’s “Masked Hero: Light Fang”.” Yuna murmured.

“But this alone is not enough. I will activate the monster effect of “Black Steel Dragon” from my hand!” Asano Hiro said, showing the last card in his hand.

“This card can be used as an equipment card from your hand to increase the attack power by 600 to equip a “Red Eye” monster on your field!

I equipped the “Black Steel Dragon” in my hand to the “Red-Eyes Dark Dragon” on the field! The attack power of “Red Eyes Dark Dragon” increases by 600 points! “

As Asano Hiroshi slapped the “Black Steel Dragon” card on the magic trap area of ​​the duel stage, the dragon body of the “Red-Eyed Dark Dragon” on the field gradually began to become steel, and its attack power also increased.

[True red-eyed dark dragon, attack power: 3000→3600]

“In this way, the attack power of the “Red-Eyes Dark Dragon” will exceed that of your “Masked Hero: Light Fang”.” Asano Hiro said with a smile.

Then he waved his hand and entered the combat stage and said:

“Defeat the “Masked Hero: Light Fang”, the attack of the “Red-Eyed Dark Dragon”, the dark flame!”

[True red-eyed dark dragon, attack power: 3600]

[Masked Hero·Light Fang, attack power: 3000]

Under Asano Hiroshi’s attack command, the “Red-Eyed Dark Dragon” opened its mouth wide, and the blazing flames quickly gathered in it, and then turned into a flame beam and sprayed out towards the “Light Fang” on the opposite side.

Under the rapid flames of the black dragon, “Light Fang” gritted his teeth and persisted for a while, then his body shattered and disappeared in the chanting field.

【You Yong, LP:1600→1000】

“The attack of “Red-Eyed Dark Dragon” is completed, and my turn is over.”

Asano Hiroshi declared the end of the round, then looked at You Yong and smiled:

“The current situation is very unfavorable to you, You Yong. You don’t have a single card in your hand, and you only have one thousand health points left. There is only one “Demon King of the Swamp” on the field.

If I don’t draw any cards that can be reversed in the next card draw, I will win this duel. “

“Don’t worry, uncle, I won’t lose.” You Yong smiled lightly, then put his hand on the top of the deck, “I believe in my deck.”

King’s Seal Card, activate!

When your life points are less than 1,000 or your hand has zero cards, add a card you own from the deck or outside the deck to your hand!

Add a card from outside the deck to your hand!

With a sudden force, You Yong pulled up a card from the top of the deck.

After taking a closer look, You Yong raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

A card that was not in the deck appeared!

“Looking at you like this, you seem to have drawn some good cards?” Asano Hiro said with a smile.

“It is indeed a good card, and the formula for victory has been completed.” You Yong smiled confidently.

“What?” Asano Hiroshi frowned slightly, “You mean you can win with just this card?”

He also has a “Red-Eyed Dark Dragon” with an attack power of 3600 and a health value of 1800, so he cannot be killed by a fireball.

But according to You Yong, which card can be used to win the duel this round?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Just when Asano Hiro was wondering if You Yong was bragging, You Yong reached out and turned the “Demon King of the Swamp” around on the duel stage and said:

“First, I change the “Demon King of the Swamp” on my field to attack position.”

[Demon King of the Swamp, attack power: 500]

“Changing a weak monster into an attack position?” Asano Hiro’s brows could not help but frown even more.

What is this operation? It’s impossible to let the “Demon King of the Swamp” fight the “Red-Eyed Dark Dragon”, right?

“Soon, uncle, you will understand why.” You Yong smiled slightly, then played the card he just drew and shouted, “Activate the magic card and force the transfer!”

“The effect of this card is that each player selects 1 monster on their field, and the control of those 2 monsters is exchanged!!”

“What!? Exchange control!?” Asano was shocked.

“The one I chose is naturally the only ‘Demon King of the Swamp’ on my field.” You Yong said with a faint smile.

Then he looked at the field on Asano Hiro’s side and continued with a smile:

“Of course, uncle, you only have one monster on the field, “Red-Eyed Dark Dragon”, so uncle, you have no other choice but to hand this monster to me.”

As soon as You Yong finished speaking, the “Demon King of the Swamp” on the field crawled towards Asano Hiroshi’s field, and the “True Red Eyes Dark Dragon” on the field flapped his wings and flew to You Yong’s side. on the field.

[True red-eyed dark dragon, attack power: 3600 → 3000]

“Because there are no dragon monsters in my graveyard, the bonus effect of “Red-Eyed Dark Dragon” itself has disappeared.” You Yong said with a faint smile, “But it is enough.”

Asano Hiroshi looked at the mighty flying dragon that defected to the Yongchang Field, and then at the “Demon King of the Swamp” who had just slowly crawled onto his field, and couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

Although he guessed that he would lose this duel with a high probability, he did not expect that he would lose this way.

“Are you ready? I’m going, uncle.” You Yong smiled.

Then he entered the combat stage and waved:

“The final blow, the “True Red-Eyed Dark Dragon” attacks the “Demon King of the Swamp”, Dark Flame!”

[True red-eyed dark dragon, attack power: 3000]

[Demon King of the Swamp, attack power: 500]

【Hiro Asano, LP:1800】

The “Red-Eyed Dark Dragon” on the field opened its dragon’s mouth. After brewing for a while, a raging wave of flames spurted out and shot towards the “Demon King of the Swamp” on Asano Hiroba.

The “Demon King of the Swamp” showed no resistance at all, and his figure was instantly engulfed by the raging flames.

After the flames dissipated, there was no trace of the “Demon King of the Swamp” on the field, and at the same time, Asano Hiro’s last health points were also taken away.

【Hiro Asano, LP:1800→0】

As Asano Hiro’s health returned to zero, You Yong successfully won the duel, and the system’s pleasant prompt sounded in his ears.

Seeing the “True Red Eyes Dark Dragon” gradually disappearing on the opposite field, Asano smiled bitterly, then looked at You Yong and sighed:

“I lost to you again, You Yong, you truly deserve to be the king of duels.”

“Uncle is joking, I just got lucky by drawing the last card.” You Yong said modestly.

“That’s not the case.” Asano Hiroshi shook his head and smiled, “Everything for a true duelist is inevitable. The card you can draw is your strength, not luck.”

You Yong: “…”

Ah, yes, yes, that was drawn (seal) by my strength.

When You Yong and Asano Hiro came down from the duel stage, Yuna in the audience also came up to look at You Yong and smiled:

“You Yong, you are so awesome, you defeated dad again.”

Just when Asano Hiro felt a little uncomfortable, Yuna turned to look at him and smiled:

“Of course, dad is also very powerful. He almost defeated the Duel King, but he was just one step behind.”

Hearing his daughter’s words, Asano Hiroshi couldn’t help but smile, held his head high and smiled:

“That’s right, if this kid You Yong hadn’t been lucky enough to draw the key card in the end, Dad, I would have won just now.”

You Yong: “…”

Uncle, that’s not what you just said.

Yuuna did not refute his father’s words, but took out his deck, then took out a card from it and handed it to his father with a smile:

“Dad, this is your “Chaos Emperor Dragon”, and I will give it back to you now.”

Asano Hiro was stunned for a moment, then smiled and waved his hand:

“What about my “Chaos Emperor Dragon”? This is yours, Yuna. It’s a gift given to you by dad for self-defense.”

But soon he suddenly reacted, looked at his daughter with a strange expression and said:

“But Yuna, if you want to return it, why don’t you return it to dad before the duel? You’re not deliberately favoring that boy Yu Yong, are you?”

Yunai’s heart tightened when she heard this, and she smiled awkwardly and said: “What’s the matter? Dad, you are joking. It’s all your fault for suddenly proposing a duel with You Yong. I didn’t think of it for a moment.”

“Is this really the case?” Asano Hiroshi looked at Yuna with a half-smile.

“Of course!” Yuna nodded affirmatively.

“I also think it should be like this. After all, Yuna is also a little tired. It’s normal to forget for a moment.” You Yong helped.

Well, You Yong really feels that way.

“Oh?” Asano Hiroshi turned his attention to You Yong, walked slowly towards You Yong, patted his shoulder, and said meaningfully, “I think it is more likely that my daughter’s arm has been turned in this direction.”

You Yong’s heart trembled slightly, feeling that things were not simple.

My daughter’s arm is turned outward? Uncle, are you using the word in the wrong context?

This can easily cause misunderstanding, right?

Before You Yong could say anything, Asano Hiroshi laughed and continued:

“But it doesn’t matter. I’m very happy to see you like this.”

After Asano Hiro finished speaking, he consciously walked out alone, leaving only a few words for the two people in the room:

“You haven’t eaten yet, right? I’ve asked the kitchen to prepare dinner. If you’re hungry, come over and eat together. Of course, if you’ve already eaten, that’s up to you.”

Yuna inside the room looked at You Yong to see what You Yong meant.

You Yong turned to look at Yuna, touched his belly and said with a smile:

“I feel a little hungry. Why don’t you eat first, Yuna?”


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Status: Completed Author:


When you travel to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, what deck should you play? You Yong said, don’t worry about the deck, just add three strong desires and three days of pressure to suppress the shock first. Nani? Jijiang's Blue Eyes White Dragon was torn apart by the president? You Yong said, let me avenge him... Well, well, he is not the president's opponent yet, and he cannot punish the president's domestic violence. Forget it, the game will go anyway. So You Yong, who chose to be a transparent person, picked up the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was torn in half by Du Chang. Then, the next day, Jijiang, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was pleasantly surprised to see that the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that had been torn in half appeared intact in his hand. You Yong, on the other hand, looked at the other system-rewarded Blue Eyes White Dragon card in the card library.


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