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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel — Chapter 187 Online fight

“The “Charging Captain” and “Command Knight” on my field are both warrior-type monsters.” Gulimo waved his hand, “So the attack power of these two monsters has been increased by 400 points each!”

[Charging captain, attack power: 2100 → 2500]

[Command knight, attack power: 2100 → 2500]

“There are two monsters with an attack power of 2500…” Ryuzaki couldn’t help but gritted his teeth.

In this way, the attack power of the opponent’s two monsters exceeds that of his own “Darwin Pterosaur” and is already approaching the “Frost Brachiosaurus”.

After using sustainable magic to increase the attack power of the two warriors, Guglimo glanced at the “Frost Brachiosaurus” on Ryuzaki’s field and sneered:

“It seems like it’s still a little bit worse.”

As he said that, he drew another card from his hand and said: “Then let me bet with this card. The power of “Oliha Gang” will allow me to achieve my goal!”

Immediately afterwards, Guglimo inserted the card in his hand into the duel plate and shouted:

“Activate the magic card, Angel’s Alms! I can draw three cards from the deck and discard two cards from my hand!”

Then he put his hand on the deck and shouted:

“Great “Oliha Gang”, give me strength!!”

He forcefully pulled the three cards out of the deck, took a look at them, and laughed enthusiastically:

“Successful! This is the power of “Oliha Gang”! God always favors us!”

Ever since I got “Oliha Gang’s Barrier”, especially after activating it in a duel, I can often draw the cards I want, so I have defeated many strong players in the duel world.

Then Guglimo sent two cards from his hand to the graveyard, and immediately played a card and shouted:

“Activate the magic card and revive the dead! Send the “Angel’s Alms” just now to the “Warrior of the Dark Demon Realm – Sword of Darkness” in the graveyard and Special Summon it in attack power mode!”

The resurrected life symbol lit up on the field, and a warrior wearing pitch black armor and holding two swords appeared on Gulimo’s side.

[Warrior of the Dark Demon Realm·Sword of Darkness, attack power: 1800→2300→2700]

“In addition, the “Warrior of the Dark Demon Realm – Sword of Darkness” is also a warrior-type monster.” Gulimo waved his hand, “So due to the effect of the sustainable magic “United Army”, the attack power of the three monsters has been increased again!”

[Charging captain, attack power: 2500 → 2700]

[Command knight, attack power: 2500 → 2700]

[Warrior of the Dark Demon Realm·Sword of Darkness, attack power: 2700→3300]

“N… Nani!? All the monsters’ attack power exceeds that of the “Frost Brachiosaurus”? Is it fake!?” Ryuzaki looked shocked and unbelievable.

Especially the “Dark Sword” among them, with the triple blessing of “Oliha Gang’s Barrier”, “Command Knight” and “Union Army”, its attack power quickly exceeded 3000, making even the president invincible. The “Blue Eyes White Dragon” is no match, it’s simply terrifying!

No wonder Ryuzaki was so surprised.

“Hmph, this is the power of “Oliha Gang”, a power that you mortals can only look up to.” Gulimo chuckled, “Sir Ryuzaki, I will accept your Tamaki without any courtesy. Down.”

Then he waved his hand and announced that he had entered the battle stage:

“Go, Sword of Darkness! Completely crush the “Frost Brachiosaurus”!”

[Warrior of the Dark Demon Realm·Sword of Darkness, attack power: 3300]

[Frost Brachiosaurus, attack power: 2600]

The “Dark Sword” with scarlet eyes roared, then gripped the hammer and stepped towards the “Frost Brachiosaurus” on the opposite side.

Arriving in front of the “Frost Brachiosaurus”, the warrior wearing pitch-black armor swung out the sword blade in his hand and slashed hard on the Brachiosaurus’ body that seemed to be made of ice, directly cutting it in half. .

[Dinosaur Ryuzaki, LP: 4000→3300]

The reduction in health brought obvious pain to Ryuzaki, who couldn’t help but groan in pain.

“It’s not over yet, next is the attack of the “Charging Captain”!” Guglimo shouted, “Attack the remaining “Darwin Pterosaurs”!”

[Charging captain, attack power: 2700]

[Evolutionary Dragon Darwin Pterosaur, attack power: 2200]

Under Gulimo’s order, the warrior captain in silver armor shouted and charged towards the opposite side with two swords in his hands.

When approaching the “Darwin Pterosaur”, the captain jumped up, swung the long sword in his hand towards the pterosaur’s neck, and cut off the pterosaur’s head in mid-air.

【Dinosaur Ryuzaki, LP:3300→2800】

“Damn it…” Ryuzaki gritted his teeth bitterly.

He didn’t expect that the two powerful dinosaurs he summoned would disappear like this.

“Finally, the “Command Knight”!” Gulimo waved his hand and shouted, “Go and attack Lord Ryuzaki directly!”

[Command knight, attack power: 2700]

The blond female knight wearing a commander’s uniform on the field drew out the sword at her waist, shouted loudly, then charged in front of Ryuzaki with the sword, and slashed Ryuzaki without mercy.

[Dinosaur Ryuzaki, LP: 2800→100]


The severe pain made Ryuzaki couldn’t help but scream, and he knelt down on the ground holding his stomach.

“What a pity, it was just a little bit close.” Gulimo chuckled, “You barely managed to save a life.”

After looking at the last card in his hand, Guglimo inserted it into the duel plate and said:

“Finally set a cover card and my turn is over.”

After a cover card appeared at his feet, Gulimo looked at Ryuzaki opposite and smiled:

“Looking at you, Ryuzaki-dono, it’s hard to continue fighting, isn’t it? It’s better to just surrender and avoid suffering any more.”


Ryuzaki, who was half-kneeling, reluctantly glanced sideways at Yu Moth outside the barrier, and saw Yu Mo’s intelligent look with his eyes rolling and his mouth seemingly drooling…

What a joke! I don’t want to look like that!

Not knowing where the strength came from, Ryuzaki gritted his teeth and gradually stood up unsteadily.

“Huh? Aren’t you giving up?” Gulimo was a little surprised, but then he sneered, “But your health is already like a candle in the wind, and your dying struggle will only make you more painful and desperate.”

After hearing this, Ryuzaki glanced at the life value display on the duel plate. It was indeed as the opponent said there was very little left, only 100 points.

This level of health would probably be wiped out immediately with just a slight scratch.

On the opposite side, there are three powerful monsters with an attack power of about 3,000, which is roughly equivalent to three “Blue-Eyed White Dragons”. Their health points are also at full 4,000.

How to win?

As he thought about it, Ryuzaki gradually began to feel desperate again, and he half-knelt on the ground after losing his momentum.

“Damn it, you can’t win at all!”

Ryuzaki couldn’t help but hit the ground with his fist, feeling a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

“If you’re not sure, why not let me try?”

You Yong’s voice suddenly sounded in Ryuzaki’s heart.

“Brother…Lord Godzilla?” Ryuzaki was stunned for a moment, then said dejectedly, “Sorry, I can’t win this duel.”

“It doesn’t matter, I will take action.” You Yong said calmly, “If you agree.”

“Can this situation be reversed?” Ryuzaki said unexpectedly.

No matter how you look at it, this is a rhythm that requires kneeling, right?

“You don’t have to worry about it now.” You Yong became a little impatient, “I’m just asking you if you want to accept my help.”

Seeing Lord Godzilla’s urging, Ryuzaki quickly replied: “I want… I want it!”

Godzilla-sama is his last life-saving straw. He doesn’t want to become like Feather Moth.

The moment he agreed, Ryuzaki suddenly felt as if some power surged into his body, and then his body stood up uncontrollably, and then he put his hand on the top of the deck.

“What…what’s going on?” Ryuzaki was about to exclaim, but found that he couldn’t make a sound at all, so he could only ask in his heart.

“It’s nothing, I just manipulated your body temporarily. Leave this duel to me.” You Yong said with a faint smile.

Although he has had this spiritual system behind him for a long time, this is the first time he has taken over someone else’s body to play cards.

But this is not the old man’s upper body mode, it is just remotely controlled by consciousness through the connection of sub-systems.

It’s like playing a game on a computer. You Yong can control Ryuzaki to make any movements, but there is no immersive feeling like the old man’s upper body, nor does he share any senses.

Even the field of view is still provided by the system’s video link, which is different from Ryuzaki’s naked eye field of view.

After hearing this, you may want to ask what use this has for playing cards? Could it be that he just changed his consciousness to play cards?

Of course that’s not the case. If it’s just a simple substitution of players to play cards, then You Yongda doesn’t have to work so hard. He just needs to let Ryuzaki play the cards according to his own wishes.

The most important reason why he chose to take over his body was…because he could activate his skills! !

That’s right, as long as You Yong goes online to fight for you, he can use his skills on the objects bound to the sub-system!

Ryuzaki’s health now only has 100 points, which has met all of Yu Yong’s skill activation conditions!

You Yong looked at the deck of cards on Ryuzaki’s duel board and his eyes flashed suddenly.

King’s Seal Card, activate! ! !

When your life points are less than 1,000, instead of drawing a card normally, add a card you own from the deck or outside the deck to your hand!

“Hey, if you want to draw a card, hurry up. Why are you waiting so long?” Guglimo urged, “Hurry up and draw the last card in your life!”

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the deck on Ryuzaki’s duel plate suddenly glowing with golden light.

“Na…Nani? What is going on!?” Gulimo was dumbfounded, wondering if he was hallucinating.

“My turn, draw a card!”

You Yong controlled Ryuzaki to draw a card from the deck, and the card drew a golden arc in mid-air.


After confirming that it was the card he wanted, You Yong added it to his hand.

“Just…what happened just now?” Gulimo still didn’t react.

“Hmph, after all, he is just a borrowed fish. How can he possibly understand what a true duelist is?”

Across the “screen”, You Yong gradually let herself go.

The golden special effect just now was actually added by him. Anyway, he was not there, so it didn’t matter if it was high-profile.

Guglimo, who didn’t know why he felt something might be amiss, immediately pressed a button on the duel disk and activated his Gafuka:

“I’m going to activate the trap card, Cry of the Living Dead! Special summon a monster from my graveyard to the field in attack position!

I resurrect another “Charging Captain” that was sent to the graveyard by “Angel’s Alms” last turn! “

Under the influence of the trap, the second captain came to Guglimo’s field and stood shoulder to shoulder with the first captain.

[Charging captain, attack power: 1200→1700→2100]

“Because there are more warrior-type monsters on the field, the growth rate of the sustainable magic “United Army” has increased again!” Gulimo shouted.

[Warrior of the Dark Demon Realm·Sword of Darkness, attack power: 3300 → 3500]

[Command knight, attack power: 2700 → 2900]

[Charging captain, attack power: 2700 → 2900] (No. 1)

[Charging captain, attack power: 2100 → 2900] (No. 2)

Four high-attack monsters stood in front of him, giving Gulimo an endless sense of security. He immediately smiled confidently:

“Although I don’t know what happened, there is no doubt that I have an absolute advantage now! Because two “Charging Captains” are present at the same time, your attack has been completely blocked. Even if you try to summon a powerful monster, it will be useless. ”

“Charging Captain” has the taunting skill “As long as this card exists in the monster area, the opponent cannot select other Warrior-type monsters as attack targets.”

But now, because there are two captains on Gulimo’s field, a double taunt is formed, so You Yong cannot attack any monster on Gulimo’s field.

“Huh, it doesn’t matter what happens to this kind of thing.” You Yong said with a smile.

“What?” Gulimo frowned slightly.

You Yong did not explain, but directly drew a card and hit it on the duel plate and said:

“The first is “Double-Headed Dragon Dinosaur King”. If there are no monsters on your field, this card can be Special Summoned from your hand.”

After You Yong finished speaking, a winged dinosaur with two heads appeared on the field.

[Two-headed dragon·Dinosaur King, attack power: 1600]

“It’s just a monster of this level.” Gulimo said.

“What’s coming next is this…” You Yong placed another card in his hand on the duel plate, “Summon “Little Horned Dragon”, defense position!”

The white light flow rolled by, and a cute triceratops baby dragon appeared on the field wearing eggshell pants, with green as the main body, and a scarf tied around its neck. Its big eyes blinked, as if innocent. Like evil children.

[Little Horned Dragon, defense power: 500]

“Hahaha, you really laughed me to death.” Gulimo suddenly laughed and said, “Sir Ryuzaki, I think you are really confused. I thought you were going to use the specially summoned “double-headed weapon” just now. “Dragon” as a sacrifice to summon a superior monster.

I didn’t expect that you wasted your precious normal summoning opportunity to summon such a fish monster. It’s really disappointing. It’s better to just admit defeat. “

“Huh? Really?” You Yong raised his eyebrows, then said with a mysterious smile, “Then I’ll show you something exciting.”

Saying that, You Yong inserted the last card in his hand into the duel plate and shouted:

“Activate the magic card, black hole!!!”


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Status: Completed Author:


When you travel to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, what deck should you play? You Yong said, don’t worry about the deck, just add three strong desires and three days of pressure to suppress the shock first. Nani? Jijiang's Blue Eyes White Dragon was torn apart by the president? You Yong said, let me avenge him... Well, well, he is not the president's opponent yet, and he cannot punish the president's domestic violence. Forget it, the game will go anyway. So You Yong, who chose to be a transparent person, picked up the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was torn in half by Du Chang. Then, the next day, Jijiang, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was pleasantly surprised to see that the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that had been torn in half appeared intact in his hand. You Yong, on the other hand, looked at the other system-rewarded Blue Eyes White Dragon card in the card library.


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