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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel — Chapter 196 Monster Elf

The girl’s red eyes flickered, and then she followed them with bare feet, but she always kept a long distance from You Yong and Yuna.

However, not long after, a car parked next to You Yong and Yuna in the distance. Then the girl saw You Yong and Yuna get into the car, and then the car slowly accelerated and drove away in the distance.

The girl paused for a moment, her red eyes stared at the passing vehicle, and her body began to gradually fade away…

Due to the incident of duel monsters going out of control, You Yong and Yuna did not go to the duel hall anymore.

But You Yong and the others went to the exhibition hall in the morning. Although there were some unexpected twists and turns, it was only around noon now.

Since there is still such a long period of time, it is absolutely impossible for You Yong to take some time off.

After a brief discussion and Yuna’s consent, You Yong decided to go to Yuna’s house and use the venue there to duel with Yuna or Asano Hiro.

After all, the rewards for dueling with Yuna or Hiro Asano are much higher than those of passers-by in the duel hall. One fight can defeat at least twenty or thirty passers-by.

In the vehicle, You Yong chatted with Yuna while checking the results of the duel with Raphael.

The first is the special mission in that chapter. Raphael’s part of the mission shows a “completed” status.

Then there are the characters’ special mission rewards. In this regard, the system unsurprisingly rewards a real card version of “Guardian Aitos”, which is the card that best represents Raphael.

As a reward for winning a duel, the system rewards one million crystals, and the hidden achievement reward is also one hundred source energy, which is almost equivalent to one million crystals.

Although Raphael defeated Yami Yugi in the original drama, the reward Yu Yong received after this duel was still far less than the duel with Yami Yugi.

Maybe this is the difference between having the protagonist’s halo and not having the protagonist’s halo.

However, this reward is not low. It is almost on the same level as Dark Malik, the boss of the original Duel City chapter, and much higher than the clone of a certain evil god.

After getting new income, You Yong stayed still as usual and took half of the crystals to smash into the card pool.

Since the “first single draw” and “first ten-consecutive draw” of all card pools have been taken, You Yong dropped these crystals evenly into each card pool, and everything was left to chance. The probability of shipment was almost the same anyway, scattered. Points can also reduce repeat shipment rates.

With the addition of these 400,000 crystals, the types of cards in Youyong’s card library have expanded a bit, but no ace-level cards have been drawn.

You Yong is not discouraged by this situation. Instead, it is expected. After all, he used nearly two million crystals to smash the “Magnet Warrior” card pack before and failed to draw the “Super Conductive Fighter-Emperor Railgun King”. Woolen cloth.

But in addition to “Super Conductive Fighter·Emperor Railgun King”, Yu Yong almost has all the other cards in “Magnet Warrior”, and they already have a series of combat effectiveness, so now “Magnet Warrior” is also in Yu Yong’s deck One of the main combat forces.

However, although this time the card drawing pack did not draw any rare and top-level cards, there was a card in the entire card pool that caught You Yong’s attention.

Saint Ecclesia who teaches!

Although such a card alone is of little use to the current You Yong, this card does have a “teaching” slot.

Glancing at Yuna beside him, You Yong smiled faintly, and then opened the “Soul Card Training” function and added the “Eklisia” card.

[The cost of this training: 100 energy]

After glancing at the cost, You Yong clicked the “Yes” option without hesitation, and the interface suddenly lit up with a golden light.

Looking at “Alexia” who reappeared, You Yong smiled slightly.

Although the cultivation and strengthening of “Eklisia” cannot enhance the effect like “Wandering Magician” and “Three Illusion Gods”, it still has the effect of promoting the birth of elves.

Of course, You Yong doesn’t expect the elves to print cards for him. After all, the three fantasy gods, especially the “Sky Dragon of Osiris” that has been strengthened twice, have not printed cards for themselves until now. They have gathered great power. All in one dick.

Putting his hand into the card box, You Yong took out the “Aklisia” card from the system, and at the same time smiled at Yuna:

“Yuna, I have a gift for you.”

“A gift?” Yuna tilted her head slightly, a little surprised, but soon asked with a curious smile, “Okay, what kind of gift is it?”

You Yong took the card out of the card box, handed it to Yuna with a smile and said:

“A nice rare card, the Saint Ecclesia of Teaching.”

“Is it a rare card?” Yuna glanced at it, but did not take it immediately. Instead, she asked, “Will this card be helpful to You Yong?”

If anything, she didn’t want to accept this card to avoid lowering You Yong’s strength.

“So-so.” You Yong said with a faint smile, “But this card can easily give birth to an elf. Once an elf is born, it will be absolutely loyal to its master.”

This card has been cultivated with source energy. As long as Yuna uses this card to duel a few times, a real elf will be born soon.

“A card containing elves?” Yuna showed a surprised look.

Wouldn’t that be too precious?

Yuna subconsciously wanted to refuse it politely. She didn’t believe that a card that might give birth to an elf would be useless.

But just when she was about to say the words of rejection, her eyes inadvertently glanced at the card picture of “Aklisia” and she was slightly stunned.

If an elf is born, it will be able to materialize like the “Wandering Magister”, and then be by Yu Yong’s side every moment, right?

Looking at the blond girl on the card, a trace of vigilance gradually rose in Yuna’s blue eyes, but she did not say any words of refusal.

“What, Yuna, don’t you like it?” You Yong asked with some confusion.

“It’s okay, Yuna likes the gift from You Yong.” Yuna took the card with a smile and said, “Not to mention a card like this that may give birth to an elf?”

It’s safer to keep such dangerous things by yourself.

“As long as you like it, Yuna.” You Yong said with a smile.

Although the birth elf “Eklisia” will be a cute girl, some players with evil intentions may have wild ideas and have some unhealthy and quite punishing thoughts.

But You Yong said that he is a real duelist! There is no need for girl elves or anything like that! All he needs is Yuna!

[Wandering Magister: You are amazing, you are noble. (error)】

Of course, You Yong also had other thoughts in giving “Aklisia” to Yuna.

As mentioned before, every time a person is bound to a sub-system, an exclusive card pool for that character will be created, which contains related series of cards in the corresponding bound object deck.

In other words, as long as Yuna adds “Eklisia” to the deck, You Yong may draw cards from the “Eklisia” and “Teaching” series.

This is much higher than the probability of drawing from the entire card pool.

After gathering three identical cards or five cards with a “teaching” slot, You Yong can unlock the corresponding theme card pool.

As for why it is necessary to cultivate it once and then send it away? There is no other meaning, You Yong simply wants to give Yuna an elf who is absolutely loyal to her, can protect her well, and has potential.

Although the strength of a single card of “Eklisia” may be limited, it is quite powerful when combined with the “Teaching” series of cards, and “Eklisia” also has another series of possibilities hidden there.

You Yong never thought about asking Yuna to pay for him unilaterally. He has a stable moral bottom line when it comes to his own people.

Whether it was repairing the “Blue Eyes White Dragon” card for Mr. Sugoroku and giving Jonouchi the Duel Kingdom qualification, or not long ago, Duel City returned the “Red Eyes Black Dragon” to Jonouchi and lent three God cards to Yugi unconditionally.

So You Yong thinks that he should be considered a principled person.

Of course, if it is an enemy, the moral bottom line has to be a little bit more flexible.

For specific examples, you can refer to Malik, Pandora, and other Grus members. You Yong picked up the deck without any hesitation, and there was no psychological burden at all.

The vehicle was driving, and soon You Yong came to Yuna’s home again, but the two did not find Asano Hiro here.

After inquiring with the housekeeper and servant in the manor villa, the two learned that Asano Hiroshi had gone out for something not long ago.

“Really, it’s quite chaotic outside now. Why does dad run outside at this time?” Yuna couldn’t help but frowned slightly.

“It’s okay, it’s just some duel monsters that got out of control.” You Yong comforted, “Uncle is not as simple as you think. Just think about the “Chaos Emperor Dragon” that uncle gave you to Yuna. Just a little chaos can’t affect uncle.”

Of course, the premise is that he didn’t meet anyone from Doma, You Yong thought to himself, but he didn’t say this, lest Yuna worry in vain.

“It seems so.” Yuna felt relieved, but still took out her cell phone and called her father to remind him to come back early.

After hanging up the phone, Yuna looked at You Yong and smiled:

“It’s just because the duel monster out-of-control incident happened suddenly. Dad went to the company to deal with some things. He said he would be back soon. Let me entertain you first, You Yong.”

You Yong nodded slightly and thought of some more things.

Since Asano Hiro is a dark duelist, it is impossible not to realize that it is not a three-dimensional projection that is out of control, but a real monster spirit materialized.

If Asano Hiroshi was not a lone dark duelist, he would most likely have gone out to discuss related matters with other colleagues.

“Let’s duel, You Yong.” Younai raised the duel plate in her hand and smiled, “Before dad comes back, I will accompany you to have fun with you.”

“Okay.” You Yong chuckled and opened the duel disk in his hand.

Just take advantage of this time to use a duel to help Yuna make the “Aklisia” card actually give birth to an elf.

On a small island unknown to the outside world, a spiral stone tower stands tall, with a pilgrimage temple built on the top of the tower.

Inside the temple.

Raphael, Amaluda, and Baron knelt on one knee at the foot of the golden steps.

“Lord Dazi, I’m very sorry, the operation to seize the God Card failed.” Raphael lowered his head and said.

On the steps, kneeling in front of the tall snake god statue was a green-haired man wearing a gray wizard’s robe with a young face. He was facing the statue with his eyes closed as if praying.

This man is undoubtedly the supreme leader of Doma, the king of Atlantis thousands of years ago.

After hearing Raphael’s report, Dazi gradually opened his eyes, revealing a pair of heterochromatic pupils with gold on the left and blue on the right.

The heterochromatic pupils flickered, and Dazi stood up, turned to look at the three people at the foot of the steps, and said lightly:

“I understand. Before you figure out the duel king’s information, you should be conservative and not conflict with him in a duel.”

“No, Lord Dazi, my subordinate has already fought against the Duel King.” Raphael said again.

“Oh? Already fighting?” Dazi was slightly surprised, and then asked, “You didn’t use “Oliha Gang’s Barrier”?”

If Raphael fights against that duel king and uses “Olihagun’s Barrier” in the duel, then no matter who wins or loses in the end, “Olihagun’s Barrier” should capture a soul. .

But at this moment, the Three Musketeers are all standing here intact, and the duel king’s captured soul does not appear on the mural.

“Yes.” Raphael raised his head and replied, “Because before the duel, the “Fragments of Oliha Gang” of the three of us had been consumed by the attacks of the three phantom gods. What we are wearing now is the back supplement. of.”

Da Zi frowned slightly when he heard this:

“We had a duel, but we didn’t get the God Card. So, even you, Raphael, lost to that duel king without using “Oliha Gang’s Barrier”?”

“Yes.” Raphael admitted frankly, “Although his subordinates did not use the “Oliha Gang’s Barrier”, the duel king did not call out the phantom god during the duel.”

Da Zi snorted softly after hearing this:

“He’s just a god of duel monsters, how can he compare to our great god of Olihagun!”

“Yes!” Raphael lowered his head and agreed.

“Well, since we haven’t got the God Card, we still lack a lot of energy before our God awakens,” Dazi turned around and looked at the snake god statue enshrined on the main seat of the temple and said, “Although there is no Fantasy God Card, the Elf The world, as well as the elves lost in our world, are also excellent supplements, so I will handle this aspect personally.”

“Hurry up and hunt for the souls of powerful duelists. Next, let’s start with the so-called father of duelist monsters. I have been following him for some time. He is a high-quality duelist soul.”

“Yes, Lord Dazi.” Raphael said, “In order to make up for my mistake, I will personally hunt for Becas’s soul, and I will definitely offer his soul to our gods.”

“Yes.” Dazi nodded slightly, and then continued, “There are also the unknown Pharaohs and those who achieved outstanding results in the conference held by Seto.”

“The souls of Malik, Seto, Jonouchi, Isis, Yuuna Asano, and Mai Miyako are all indispensable… As for the Duel King…”

Dazi paused, then continued:

“You don’t need to worry about him for the time being, deal with the others first.”

I had evening classes again, a little late.


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Status: Completed Author:


When you travel to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, what deck should you play? You Yong said, don’t worry about the deck, just add three strong desires and three days of pressure to suppress the shock first. Nani? Jijiang's Blue Eyes White Dragon was torn apart by the president? You Yong said, let me avenge him... Well, well, he is not the president's opponent yet, and he cannot punish the president's domestic violence. Forget it, the game will go anyway. So You Yong, who chose to be a transparent person, picked up the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was torn in half by Du Chang. Then, the next day, Jijiang, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was pleasantly surprised to see that the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that had been torn in half appeared intact in his hand. You Yong, on the other hand, looked at the other system-rewarded Blue Eyes White Dragon card in the card library.


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