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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel — Chapter 20 Card Drawing Plan

After picking and choosing, You Yong finally selected six cards and reduced the deck back to 40 cards.

This made You Yong sigh. It would be great if his duelist level was not level 0. Then he wouldn’t have to be as careful as he is now about the number of cards in the deck.

Unfortunately, the improvement of duelist level seems to be a bit “metaphysical” and “idealistic”. Even You Yong could not find a specific way to improve it in the “System Usage Query”.

Forget it, I don’t want to think about this anymore, I still have 2390 crystals, and I can do two more ten draws.

After thinking about it, You Yong decided to draw ten consecutive cards from the “Elemental Heroes” themed card pool first.

The main reason is that the full card pool and the “hero” theme card pool are relatively wide in scope. Although there are more possibilities, the possibility of drawing currently applicable cards is also smaller.

As soon as the 900 crystals were consumed, thirty new cards appeared in front of You Yong.

[Normal monster, elemental hero·Electric Man*2]

[Normal monsters, elemental heroes·Wingman*3]

[Equip Magic Card, Legendary Sword*3]

[Equip Magic Card, Bubble Launcher*1]

[Normal magic card, hot return *2]

[Normal magic card, Wing Scatter*2]

You Yong: “…”

They are all repeated mortal bones, or some cards with unknown meanings, so this wave… is considered sinking? Not a single useful card is available.

Isn’t the shipment rate without the “first draw” bonus so impressive?

Looking at the remaining 1490 crystals, You Yong did not rush to draw the next ten consecutive rounds, but opened the “System Usage Query” again. He wanted to know the specific bonus of the “first draw”.

Soon, You Yong got the answer he wanted.

The probability of getting a high-quality card in the “first single draw” will increase by about 1000 times, and the probability of getting a high-quality card in the “first ten-draw” will increase by about 100 times.

so much? You Yong was a little surprised. The bonus of the first draw was obviously much higher than You Yong’s expectation.

You Yong originally thought that the so-called probability bonus for the first draw was just an increase of a few percent or something, or at most a doubling, but he didn’t expect that the bonus would be thousands or hundreds of times.

No wonder the quality of the three cards drawn each time for the first time is very good, especially in the single draw of the “Elemental Heroes” themed card pool, a Sky Brother was revealed. It turned out to be because the probability of high quality in the first single draw increased by 1000 About times.

This is like the original card pool only has one “Sky Man” and a thousand “Wing Man”. The probability of you drawing “Sky Man” is very slim.

But after the thousand-fold bonus, the card pool will consist of one thousand “Sky Man” and one thousand “Wing Man”, so the probability of drawing “Sky Man” will reach a considerable 50%.

After understanding the bonus rules for the first draw, the system does not give the specific shipping probability of the card.

So You Yong made some calculations in his mind, and concluded that the first single draw with a bonus of 1,000 times would almost certainly produce good items, while the first ten draws with a bonus of 100 times would only result in some good items.

In other words, the probability range of drawing a good-quality card is about 01% to 1%.

Hiss…this probability is too low, right? No wonder the ten consecutive draws just now didn’t even create a wave, You Yong thought to himself after calculating the approximate shipping rate.

Of course, not all high-quality cards have a probability of being drawn within the approximate range calculated by You Yong. For example, the probability of drawing Sky Man and some banned cards, You Yong estimates, should be lower.

For cards of relatively low quality like “Wall of Disintegration”, the probability of being drawn may exceed the probability range calculated by You Yong.

Alas, I have used all the “first single draw” and “first ten consecutive draws” in the card pool. I still miss drawing cards when there are bonuses.

However, You Yong has nothing to be dissatisfied about, after using up all the “First Single Draw” and “First Ten Consecutive” cards in the current card pool.

Coupled with the cards he collected in real life, his deck was already quite strong at this period.

What’s more, although all the “first single draw” and “first ten consecutive draws” in the current card pool have been used up, you can definitely open up a new card pool.

Thinking of this, You Yong next focused on the “hero” theme card pool.

In You Yong’s view, this “hero” themed card pool is a good entry point.

Although the “First Single Draw” and “First Ten-Connect” from the “Hero” card pool have also been used, you can draw cards with “Evil Heart Hero”, “Masked Hero”, “Phantom Hero”, Cards in the “Hero of Destiny” and other slots.

As long as three identical cards or five cards with the same slot are collected, the system will open the corresponding theme card pool. By that time, won’t there be “First Single Draw” and “First Ten Consecutive” corresponding to the card pool?

Anyway, there are no quality requirements for the cards that open the theme card pool. As long as five low-quality cards of the new series of heroes with the same slot can be opened in the “Hero” theme card pool, the theme card pool of the corresponding series can be opened.

You Yong carefully checked the card library and found that he already had three cards in the “Hero of Destiny” slot.

There is only one “Evil Hero” and “Phantom Hero” slot (Dark Call belongs to the Evil Hero series, but there is no slot), and there is not even one for Masked Hero.

If you think about it carefully, the Masked Heroes cards in previous lives seem to be high-quality cards…

It seems that the idea of ​​opening the “Masked Hero” themed card pool by collecting 5 cards in the same slot through the “Hero” themed card pool is not very practical.

It seems that Yu Jin Xia’s appearance is far away, sad~~

After a moment of silence, You Yong no longer hesitated and directly used the last chance of ten consecutive rounds on the “Hero” theme card pool.

[Normal monster, elemental hero·Wingman*2]

[Equip Magic Card, Wind Fan*1]

[Normal magic card, petal*1]

[Normal magic card, whirlwind sword*1]

[Normal Monster, Elemental Hero·Hot Girl*1]

[Effect Monster, Destiny Hero·Tough Man*1]

[Equip Magic Card, Legendary Sword*3]

It seems that in terms of the number of low-quality cards among heroes, my big element still dominates, followed by destiny, and other things can only shrink into a corner. Seeing the newly drawn 30 cards, You Yong sighed in his heart.

Most of the thirty cards are from the “Elemental Hero” series, and there are also two from the “Destiny Hero” series, but only “Destiny Hero – Tenacious” has the “Destiny Hero” column.

Although “Tornado Sword” is also a card in the “Hero of Destiny” series, it does not have a “Hero of Destiny” slot.

Another card in the “Hero of Destiny” column was collected, so there were four cards in the “Hero of Destiny” column. It was only one step away from opening the “Hero of Destiny” themed card pool, You Yong thought to himself.


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Status: Completed Author:


When you travel to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, what deck should you play? You Yong said, don’t worry about the deck, just add three strong desires and three days of pressure to suppress the shock first. Nani? Jijiang's Blue Eyes White Dragon was torn apart by the president? You Yong said, let me avenge him... Well, well, he is not the president's opponent yet, and he cannot punish the president's domestic violence. Forget it, the game will go anyway. So You Yong, who chose to be a transparent person, picked up the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was torn in half by Du Chang. Then, the next day, Jijiang, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was pleasantly surprised to see that the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that had been torn in half appeared intact in his hand. You Yong, on the other hand, looked at the other system-rewarded Blue Eyes White Dragon card in the card library.


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