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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel — Chapter 26 Alternation of offense and defense

“Power of the Magister, this card can increase the equipped monster’s attack power and defense power by the number of magic and trap cards on your field x 500.”

“I cover another card. Now I have two magic and traps on the field. Therefore, the Skyman equipped with the power of the magician increases the attack power and defense power by 1000!”

Brother Tian on the field began to glow with some orange-red magical light.

With the blessing of magic power, Sky Man felt that his whole body was full of power, and even the turbine wings behind him sped much faster.

[Elemental Hero Skyman, attack power: 1800→2800]

After increasing Sky Brother’s attack power, You Yong waved his hand and entered the battle stage directly:

“Here we go, Elemental Hero Skyman, crush the Harpy!”

[Elemental Hero Skyman, attack power: 2800]

[Harpy girl, attack power: 2100]

Then Sky Brother and the Harpy Girl had a fierce aerial competition. In the end, Sky Brother was superior and shot down the Harpy Girl from the air, occupying the air supremacy.

Harpy girl, defeat!

【Peacock Dance, LP:2000→1300】

“That’s the end of my turn.”

Seeing Brother Sky defeat the Harpy Girl, You Yong ended the round.

“My turn, draw a card!” Peacock Dance drew a card without checking it as usual.

“It seems quite capable. Under such circumstances, she was able to defeat my Harpy Girl.” Peacock Dance unexpectedly praised, and then played the cover card she just drew:

“Activating the magic card, Angel’s Alms, I can draw 3 cards from the deck, and then select 2 cards from my hand and discard them.”

It seems that he knew that You Yong was not afraid of his perfume tactics, so Peacock Wu did not say the card name before playing the card this time, but played the card while saying the card name.

After drawing three cards and discarding two cards, Peacock Wu carefully identified it and played another card:

“Activate the magic card, Harpy’s Feather Sweep, to destroy all magic and traps on your field.”

A feather appeared on the field, and then it fanned automatically. The green whirlwind swept through You Yong’s backcourt, blowing away the “Magician’s Power” equipped to Sky Man and another cover card. into pieces.

The orange-red light on his body dissipated, and Brother Tian’s attack power, which had lost the blessing of magic power, returned to its original state.

[Elemental Hero Skyman, attack power: 2800→1800]

Seeing that the backcourt was cleared, You Yong secretly thought it was a pity. Needless to say, the power of the magister was natural. The other cover card was a trap card – “Clay Crash”.

It is used with the elemental hero Clayman on the field. It can not only destroy an opponent’s monster, but also cause 700 points of damage. Unfortunately, it has been blown away by Feather Sweep.

Peacock Wu, who blew away Yu Yong’s backcourt, then played another card on the monster area of ​​the duel platform:

“Summon in attack mode, Harpy’s pet dragon!”

As Peacock Dance finished speaking, a giant vermilion western dragon with a pet collar around its neck appeared on the field. The dragon’s arms had wings on both sides like the harpy girl, and its mouth exuded a burning breath.

[Harpy’s pet dragon, attack power: 2000]

Peacock Wu, who successfully summoned the “Harpy’s Pet Dragon”, spoke to You Yong:

“The Harpy’s pet dragon is the Harpy Girl’s most loyal pet dragon. You defeated the Harpy Girl and made her very angry.”

The pet dragon on the field also stared at Brother Tian with vicious eyes, as if he wanted to eat Brother Tian alive.

After hearing what Peacock Wu said, I believed what You Yongxin said. After all, when I watched the animation, when the pet dragon was “brainwashed” by Yami Yumi to make Niu go away, the pet dragon did not attack Peacock Wu’s harpy girl. attack.

According to Peacock Dance at that time, the “harpy’s pet dragon” was absolutely loyal to the harpy girl and would not attack the “harpy girl” even if it was brainwashed.

Therefore, You Yong guesses that the animated version of “Harpy’s Pet Dragon” should also have an effect text or non-effect text (card rule) that “will not attack the Harpy”.

Just as You Yong was thinking about it, Peacock Dance also started attacking:

“Come on, Harpy’s pet dragon, and get rid of the elemental hero Skyman who defeated the Harpy, Holy Flame!”

[Harpy’s pet dragon, attack power: 2000]

[Elemental hero Skyman, attack power: 1800]

As soon as the pet dragon, which had long wanted to kill Sky Man to avenge his master, received Peacock Dance’s order, it quickly condensed flames in its mouth, and then opened its mouth wide and turned the flame into a pillar of flame and sprayed it at Sky Man on the opposite side.

Sky Man’s turbine wings rotated rapidly, trying to blow away the flames, but the energy of the flame pillar was too high, and Sky Man, who had lost the blessing of magic power, had no ability to compete with it. The flame pillar soon hit it and turned into powder and dissipated.

【You Yong, LP:950→750】

Sky Man was defeated, and You Yong was also hurt by the difference in attack power between the two sides.

“Elemental Hero Skyman, break it!” Peacock Dance said with a smile, and then covered the last card in the hand on the magic trap area and said, “Cover one card, my turn is over.”

“My turn, draw a card!” You Yong quickly drew a card from the deck, took a look at it, and played it without thinking, “Activate the magic card, Pot of Desire, draw two cards from the deck Card.”

You Yong drew two more cards from the deck, looked at the cards in his hand, and after thinking for a moment, You Yong played a newly drawn card:

“Activate the magic card, E-Emergency Call, and add 1 “Elemental Hero” monster from the deck to your hand.”

“Based on the effect of this card, I added ‘Elemental Hero Electro’ from the deck to my hand.”

You Yong picked up the deck, rummaged through it and found Electro, then shuffled the deck and put it back in place.

After retrieving Electro, You Yong played the other card drawn from the “Pot of Desire” just now in the magic trap area:

“Activate the magic card, Angel’s Alms, and draw three cards from the deck. After that, discard two cards from your hand.”

When lust comes to an end, it’s a word of relief.

He drew three more cards from the deck, and then sent the two already expected cards to the graveyard. Then You Yong said:

“I just sent the ‘Elemental Hero Shadowmist Girl’ to the graveyard.”

“When this card is sent to the graveyard, I can add 1 “hero” monster from the deck to my hand, except “Elemental Hero Shadow Mist Girl”.”

“Based on this effect, I added the second ‘Elemental Hero – Golden Blade Man’ from the deck to my hand.”

The dark figure of the Shadow Mist girl flashed past the scene.

Nani? Does this guy have a second Golden Blade in his deck? Peacock Wu’s face changed slightly.

Not knowing what Peacock Wu was thinking, You Yong explained and found the Golden Blade Man from the deck and added it to his hand. Then he shuffled the deck again and put it back to its original position.


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Status: Completed Author:


When you travel to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, what deck should you play? You Yong said, don’t worry about the deck, just add three strong desires and three days of pressure to suppress the shock first. Nani? Jijiang's Blue Eyes White Dragon was torn apart by the president? You Yong said, let me avenge him... Well, well, he is not the president's opponent yet, and he cannot punish the president's domestic violence. Forget it, the game will go anyway. So You Yong, who chose to be a transparent person, picked up the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was torn in half by Du Chang. Then, the next day, Jijiang, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was pleasantly surprised to see that the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that had been torn in half appeared intact in his hand. You Yong, on the other hand, looked at the other system-rewarded Blue Eyes White Dragon card in the card library.


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