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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel — Chapter 40 Daily Duel

Although I didn’t draw any rare quality cards, nor did I draw cards with “Evil Hero” or “Phantom Hero” slots, I did draw some useful “Elemental Hero” supplementary cards.

After looking at the remaining 790 crystals, it was no longer enough for another “ten consecutive draws”, so with a thought, You Yong closed the system interface, took off his shoes, lay on the bed, and began to fall asleep.

It was still six o’clock the next day, and there was no alarm clock. You Yong woke up naturally. After getting up and washing up, he went to the breakfast shop to solve the breakfast problem.

After having a good breakfast at the breakfast shop, the satisfied You Yong walked towards the duel hall at a leisurely pace…

Arriving not far from the entrance of the duel hall, I found that the duel hall had just opened. Well, the time is just right. I will come at this time in the morning from now on, You Yong thought to himself.

“You Yong!”

You Yong suddenly heard a familiar voice calling him, turned his head to the side and in front of the source of the sound, and saw Yuna Asano waving towards him not far away.

Well, it seems that Asano Yuuna came earlier than him today, You Yong thought to himself, while smiling and nodding in response.

Then Yu Yong walked towards the duel hall, and Asano Yuna in front seemed to be intentionally waiting for Yu Yong to come with him. He did not enter the duel hall immediately after it opened, but waited for You Yong to approach before joining his colleagues. You Yong walked into the duel hall together.

Seeing Asano Yuuna with him, it seemed that he was going to be his first opponent today, and You Yong didn’t have any objections.

After all, the reward for winning a duel with Asano Yuna is much richer than just finding a passerby.

Although Yuna Asano is a beautiful girl, Yu Yong has no intention of letting her off in the duel.

After all, the opponent’s deck is quite strong and has a certain duelist level. If he lets it go, he might overturn.

Therefore, for the reward of winning the duel, Yu Yong will not show any mercy in the duel with Asano Yuna.

“Wandering Demon Master, attack the divine Valkyrie, Wandering Demon Missile!”

[Wandering Mage, Level: 7, Attack Power: 2800]

[Divine Valkyrie, attack power: 1800]

The young magician on the field waved the blue staff in his hand, and a large number of blue and white magic missiles appeared around him.

Then he controlled these magic missiles to bombard the “Divine Valkyrie” on Asano Yuna’s field.

The “Divine Valkyrie” played by Asano Yuuna was unable to resist the group of blue and white magic missiles flying towards her, and she soon fell under the fierce bombardment of the magic missiles.

As the “Divine Valkyrie” on her field was defeated by the Wandering Magister, Asano Yuna also suffered 1,000 points of damage equal to the difference in attack power between the two sides, and this also took away her last bit of health, ushering in defeat.

On the opposite side, Yu Yong saw that he had defeated Asano Yuuna again and received a good duel victory reward again, and he couldn’t help but feel a little happier.

This is already the fifth time that You Yong has defeated Asano Yuuna today, and it is also the 30th consecutive victory for You Yong today.

It was getting late, so You Yong put away the decks on the duel stage, ended the challenge, got back the fees paid, and received a bonus of eighteen thousand.

After getting off the duel stage, You Yong and Asano Yuuna got together again.

You Yong, who was in a good mood, asked Asano Yuna with concern:

“Asano Yuuna, are you coming this afternoon?”

“You Yong, just call me Yuna.” Asano Yuna said with a slight smile. After a pause, he asked You Yong again: “Then You Yong, do you want me to come?”

“Of course I hope so!” You Yong nodded affirmatively and said.

After all, the reward for defeating Asano Yuuna in a duel can be worth more than a dozen passers-by, accounting for more than half of You Yong’s income. If she doesn’t come, You Yong’s income in the afternoon will be greatly reduced.

Yuna Asano was obviously very happy when she heard Yu Yong’s affirmative answer, and responded with a chuckle:

“Since You Yong wants me to come, I think I will probably come in the afternoon.”

Then, You Yong and Yuna Asano walked out of the duel hall together, and there was already a car waiting for Yuna Asano outside.

After getting in the car, Asano Yuna waved gently to You Yong outside the car through the car window and smiled:

“Well, You Yong, see you in the afternoon.”

“Yeah.” You Yong smiled lightly and nodded.

After seeing Asano Yuuna’s car driving away, You Yong left the duel hall on foot and went to a nearby restaurant to solve the problem of lunch.

After a hearty meal, You Yong began to think, should he return the “Blue Eyes White Dragon” card that was repaired last night to Jijiang, or should he go back to the rental house and take a nap?

You Yong glanced at his watch, it was already past 12:40.

After weighing it up, You Yong decided to go back to the rented house to sleep now. It would be better to have a regular schedule.

And maybe Renjijijiang has started to take a nap now.

After all, he was frightened at the Haima Group yesterday. The old man still needs to rest a lot just after being discharged from the hospital, so it is better not to go at this time.

So after You Yong paid the bill, he began to return to his rental house.

As for Jijiang’s “Blue Eyes White Dragon”, You Yong planned to go to the dueling hall in the afternoon to finish playing cards and then go to the “Turtle Game Shop” (Chickenjiang’s shop) to return it to Jijiang.

Back at the rental house, it was already one o’clock. You Yong did not go to take stock of this morning’s harvest, but went to the bedroom and took a nap on the bed.

When it was almost half past two, You Yong woke up from his sleep.

Then he went to the bathroom to wash his face and clear his mind. After that, You Yong left the rental house, locked the door and started heading towards the dueling hall.

Soon, You Yong arrived in front of the duel hall and saw Yuna Asano standing not far away.

You Yong took the initiative to walk over and greeted Asano Yuna with a smile:

“Yuna, why are you here so early? Why don’t you go into the dueling hall?”

Asano Yuna came up and responded with a chuckle:

“Actually, it’s not that early. I just arrived. Just as I was about to go in, I saw You Yongqi coming, so I just waited for you to go with me.”

In fact, Asano Yuuna arrived more than ten minutes ago, but after arriving, he did not find Yu Yong in the duel hall.

I thought that I might have arrived a little early, but I expected that You Yong would be arriving soon, so instead of rushing to find someone to play cards in the dueling hall, I walked out again, preparing to duel again when You Yong arrived.

However, Asano Yuna felt that there was no need to let Yu Yong know about this, so she just told You Yong that she had just arrived.

After greeting each other, You Yong and Yuuna Asano walked into the duel hall and started their duel this afternoon…


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Status: Completed Author:


When you travel to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, what deck should you play? You Yong said, don’t worry about the deck, just add three strong desires and three days of pressure to suppress the shock first. Nani? Jijiang's Blue Eyes White Dragon was torn apart by the president? You Yong said, let me avenge him... Well, well, he is not the president's opponent yet, and he cannot punish the president's domestic violence. Forget it, the game will go anyway. So You Yong, who chose to be a transparent person, picked up the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was torn in half by Du Chang. Then, the next day, Jijiang, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was pleasantly surprised to see that the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that had been torn in half appeared intact in his hand. You Yong, on the other hand, looked at the other system-rewarded Blue Eyes White Dragon card in the card library.


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